A Lover's Mask (15 page)

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Authors: Altonya Washington

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County had hoped a hot shower would soothe her nerves. It relaxed her body, but her mind was still a mess. She was finger-combing her short damp locks into place when a knock fell upon her door. Thinking it was Mick, she didn't hesitate to fling it open.

Fernando walked in before she could even think to close it.

“Does ‘I need time' mean anything to you other than ‘just come barging over when you feel like it'?”

“You knew I couldn't let it end that way,” he said, his crystal clear brown gaze hard and probing.

County folded her arms across the bodice of the tie-dyed smock dress she wore.

Fernando took in her guarded stance. “I wouldn't be surprised to know you're thinking of hopping the first plane back to Chicago,” he guessed.

County confirmed that he'd guessed correctly with a guilty look that was easy to spot. “Say what you came to say, and then let me be,” she pleaded, turning her back toward him.

Bowing his head, Fernando slipped his hands inside the deep pockets of his light clay trousers. “You have to know I didn't do this to hurt you?”

“Do I?” County snapped, turning to face him then. “Do I Fernando? After all, it was me who practically said ‘come home to bed with me.'”

“Dammit, can't you get over that?”

“I thought I could, until this.”


“What was it? Were you playing me or, as your partner said,
me, all along?” she asked, coming to stand right before him. “Did you want to see how much fun we could have before you tried again to persuade me to sell my business? Or maybe you thought after such good sex, I'd just give it to you? I'd sure as hell given you everything else.”

“Dammit, Contessa, all right, I admit that when Stef approached me about the House, I was interested.” He said, about to step even closer and then changing his mind. “I was also a little pissed that I hadn't thought of it myself. After all, acquiring Contessa House would be the perfect way to stifle Mick's book or
book on the family. Then, I met you and—”

“You just couldn't bear to take it and telling me the truth would've just hurt my little 'ol feelings?”

“No,” he swore, this time taking the last step toward her, “No, after I met you, I wanted your House even more,” he confided, squeezing her upper arms and urging her to sit at the foot where he knelt before her.

“I wanted to bring it under Dark Squires wing, offer it more financial freedom.”

“Financial freedom?” County spat haughtily. “My business is one of the top-grossing independent houses in the country.”

“Bringing in what? Two, three million a year?”


“And Dark Squires could help you gross five times that much.”

“So then, all of a sudden you changed your mind?” County asked, refusing to be moved by his warm, enveloping voice and eyes.

Fernando's hands dropped from her arms to rest on either side of her on the bed. “I knew you better. We were…closer and I got scared that I'd lose you if you found out I was involved with the company. Besides, I knew you were happy with your business the way it was.”

County straightened, her frown clearing somewhat. “Why would that matter to you?” she asked finally.

“Because taking a woman's dream isn't a good way to show you love her.”

“Oh, why didn't you just tell me?” County sighed, remorse filling her voice. “Especially after I told you about the ship?”

“I had every intention of doing that very thing,” he swore, “but then we found out about Houston and…everything just went off in another direction. But Contessa I meant everything I ever said to you. Everything. My feelings are real and I pray you can forgive me.”

County stared helplessly at the ceiling. “I knew what we had was too wonderful. It takes time to craft something like that.”

“Not always,” he argued softly, his fingers brushing across her thighs bared by the hem of her dress.

Shaking her head, County reached out to toy with the gorgeous dark brown curls covering his head. “I constantly cursed myself for thinking there was something going on—something that would change things, but it was true. I don't blame you,” she added, when he looked up. Her fingers fell to his jaw and she stroked his light shadow of his beard. “I enjoyed every bit of what happened between us, but all along I knew it would fizzle. I guess that's why I never let go of the mask,” she said, flashing him a brief, sorrowful smile.

Fernando felt his jaw clench, knowing his temper was beginning its slow simmer. It was easy to read between the lines of her soft-spoken, sweetly painful words. They were telling him that she was about to end it and he couldn't listen to her say that.

Rising suddenly, he kissed her. County met the force of the action with her own strength. Her hands cupped his face and she gasped, allowing him deeper into her mouth.

Their tongues battled passionately—furiously thrusting, encircling amidst an onset of desire, love and desperation.

Fernando ended the kiss, breathing harshly against her neck. “Don't leave without saying goodbye to me,” he asked.

“I won't,” she promised, squeezing her eyes shut against the tears filling them. “Besides, Mick'll kill me if I leave before the party,” she said, attempting a lightness that wasn't forthcoming.

Fernando simply nodded, kissed her cheek and then he was gone. County watched the closed door for five seconds, before jumping up to beg him not to leave her.

Her cell phone chimed just as her fingers brushed the knob. Closing her eyes, she settled it within her mind that she and Fernando were too complicated, too driven by their desire for one another and all the forces that worked to make it impossible for that desire to flourish into more. Turning defeatedly, she answered the phone before it rang again.

“County?” Spivey called, at first not recognizing the lost sound in her voice.

She cleared her throat and forced the strength back into it. “What's up?”

“Your voyage on
The Wind Rage
is all set.”

Chapter 14

hatever tensions there may've been over the shower party, they fled with the arrival of the guests. Everyone seemed to be at ease and ready to enjoy the sunny afternoon weather. The party was an indoor/outdoor affair held at Quest and Michaela's home.

Classical jazz floated through the air as sweetly as the conversations that mingled throughout and focused mainly on the news that the couple would be delivering the first grandchild of the next generation—a granddaughter to the Ramsey clan. Food was plentiful and everyone was urged to feast until their hearts were content.

Surprisingly, Mick wasn't camped out by the buffet table. Instead, she stood looking over the gift table that teemed with brightly wrapped packages. She was about to give one a shake, when her hand was smacked. She gasped and looked up to see Quaysar's handsome face close to her own.

“Eek!” she squealed, hugging him tightly and then hugging Tykira. “Girl, thanks so much for getting him here.”

“Hey,” Quay complained, “it hurts me that you think I wouldn't come on my own.”

Mick smacked his cheek. “Get over it. I should be mad anyway that you missed the announcement,” she said, tugging on the sleeve of the white T-shirt he wore beneath a Supersonics jersey.

“Mick, I'm afraid that one's my fault,” Ty admitted, squeezing her husband's hand.

“Oh, Lord,” Mick drawled and waved her hand in the air. “I don't even wanna know.”

“Well, we wanna know,” Quay urged, patting his sister-in-law's growing tummy. “Spill it.”

Mick cupped his face in her hands. “You and Ty can expect a little niece in the summer.”

Quay closed his eyes and smiled before kissing Mick's palm. “A niece,” he whispered, his dark eyes sparkling with warmth. “My very own little niece. I'm gonna have to teach her to be on the lookout for all the dogs out there.” He looked as though he was making a to do list in his head.

“And I can't think of a better man to teach that subject,” Mick laughed.

Quay and Ty joined in and soon the threesome was enveloped in a tight hug.

“Hey, hey, break it up!” Quest called upon his approach. “I wanna hug too.”

The four were still hugging when Marcus and Josephine arrived. Conversation seemed to grow a smidge quieter throughout the crowded room. Quay's mood transformed as he left the hugging circle to stare down his uncle.

“Quay?” Ty called, taking her husband's hand and pressing it to the front of the deep turquoise halter blouse she wore. “Quay, please don't let this worry you. You knew we'd see him here, Quay,” she called more forcefully when he didn't seem to tune in to her words. She made him face her.

Quay's ebony stare focused in on his wife's face and his anger seemed to melt. His hands spanned her waist and he pulled her into a throaty kiss.

Quest clapped his twin's shoulder. “Let's get somethin' to eat,” he suggested and they headed for the buffet table with Mick and Ty close behind.


“What the hell are you doin' here?” Yohan demanded of Marcus.

“Han,” Josephine whispered, rubbing her son's back to calm him.

Forgetting his father, Yohan turned and kissed his mother's cheek. “You've made your appearance and set everyone on edge, rest assured,” he said, keeping Josephine close to his side. “I'll make sure Ma gets home.”

Marcus's eyes filled with momentary regret while watching his youngest child stroll off.

“Does it even bother you a little that all three of your sons hate you?”

Rolling his eyes at the sound of Damon's voice, Marcus turned. “Giving parenting advice now, Damon? I hope you haven't forgotten all the headaches those twins gave you?”

“They were children, what's your excuse?”

“Dammit, I'm not gonna stand here and let you preach to me from some soapbox!” he whispered viciously.

Damon only smirked. “It wouldn't do a damn bit of good anyway.”

Marc stood clenching and unclenching his fists as his younger brother strolled away. Then he spotted Quest and Quay talking with Yohan across the room. His wicked juices rolled and coolly he strolled over to partake of the inviting buffet.


Mick found County alone on the patio enjoying the view. She rested her head against County's and dropped an arm across her shoulder. “Can I help?” she asked.

“No,” County said and kissed Mick's temple. “I just want to wallow in misery a little while longer and then I'll let it go.”

“Mmm and how much of
are you talking about?”

“Mick, I don't know what's gonna happen between me and Fernando,” County groaned, rubbing her arms through the sleeves of the coffee bean striped silk blouse she wore.

“Well, honey, is there any way you could forgive him and move past it?”

County laughed. “Mick I'm past it. It was business and I'm fine with letting go of that.”

Mick slapped her hands to the sides of her bell-bottomed stretch jeans. “So what's the problem, then?”

“Mick, I don't—”

“Uh-uh, you've got to talk to me now.”

Grimacing at being left with no choice, County pulled Mick aside. “Fernando has a strip club in Chicago—very posh, very affluent clientele. But several girls have been leaving the business. They've all gotten jobs on some cruise ship, for gentlemen only.”

Mick shook her head. “Well that's not unusual.”

“I have to know what's happening on that ship.”

“Well damn girl, can't you figure that out on your own? Gambling, prostitution, drugs…on the open seas they wouldn't have to worry about much authority.”

“Fernando says he didn't know,” County whispered, massaging her eyes. “I want to believe him. I did believe him.”

“But after Dark Squires you don't know?” Mick guessed.

County ran a hand through her hair and nodded. “I feel angry at myself for doubting him again, and I feel stupid because I'm letting my feelings blind me to what's right in front of my face. He told me his club was on the up and up, that as far as
knew, prostitution or anything illegal was nonexistent in his organization.” She closed her eyes as though it were too much of a chore to keep them open. “If that's what's going on out there and he
involved, then there's truly no hope for us.”

“Honey, you know Fernando, so you have to ask yourself if he could be involved in something like this.”

“If I ask myself then the answer would be no and I'm afraid I don't much trust my judgment these days.”

Suspicion filled Mick's amber eyes. “So how do you intend to find out? County, please tell me you're not going out to that ship?” she asked when County fixed her with a pointed look.

“Spivey was able to book me passage.”

“Are you crazy?!” Mick raged, her eyes wide as small moons. “County that's dangerous, not to mention life threatening. Hell, that's only the sort of foolishness

“Well, since you're completely not in shape to go—” County paused to pat Mick's tummy “—I have to. Besides, Mick, I have to know. I have to see for myself if there's anything

“And if there's nothing to see?” Mick asked, her eyes narrowing. “Should I plan for another addition to the Ramsey family?”

“That's the one question I can't and
answer,” County decided, and then pulled Mick's hands into hers. “But I may have to leave the party early so please don't be upset if you happen to look up and find that I'm gone.”

Michaela's gaze shifted momentarily before her arched brows rose a notch. “Leaving's going to be pretty tough since I'm sure Fernando will have his eyes on you the entire time.”

County turned as Mick nodded. There stood Fernando several feet away talking with his cousins.

“Honey, just face him,” Mick urged, with a calming smile. “Don't make any mad dashes. My secluded, romantic patio is your only escape anyway.”

County opened her mouth to respond, when her eyes met with Fernando's. Of course, her first instinct was to retreat, but
of course
her feet wouldn't move. Mick simply patted her shoulder and left her standing there. Contessa swallowed, watching Fernando excuse himself from his cousins and head in her direction.

“I'm glad you didn't hop that plane without saying goodbye,” he told her, once they shared the intimate patio.

County could barely make eye contact. His massive form completely blocked her view of anything going on inside the house. “I, um, was just telling Mick that I was going to have to say goodbye earlier than I expected.”

Fernando made no comment. He simply watched her closely, his translucent browns seemed as though they were searing through the fabric of her shirt and caressing every curve beneath.

“I told her not to be surprised if she looked up and found me gone,” she rambled on, focusing on the FUBU logo that was on his hunter green tee.

“Sounds important.”

County nodded.

“Back in Chicago?” he called.


Fernando tensed, his body seeming to swell to twice its size. “Will you tell me where?”

“Fernando don't do this,” she begged and shifted her weight from one foot to the other.

“So is it really business or are you just running from me?”

“It's not that,” she said, surprised by the strength in her voice. “I have questions that need answers and to find them I have to take this trip.”

Her words stoked curiosity within his striking eyes.

“Just don't ask me anymore questions,” she begged, knowing he was about to do just that.

Fernando bowed his head, taking a few moments to trail the back of his hand across his hair roughened jaw. “If I can't ask you questions then it's up to you to find a way to keep me quiet.”

County rolled her eyes and fought the urge to smile. “How?” she asked.

“Dance with me.”

A deep shiver raced through her. His simple request was about as innocent as a request to sit on his lap! Still, she nodded and accepted the hand he extended.

Lord, please don't let what I discover on that ship put an even deeper rift between us,
County prayed, breathing deep as he stepped close. No man had ever affected her mind and body the way Fernando had. It would've been easy to resist his power over her body had her mind not been so intrigued by him as well.

They remained on the patio, alone and unnoticed amidst towering plants, vines and bushes. The music wafted in the air as though it were playing just for them. Fernando kept his intense gaze focused on Contessa's lovely honey-toned face. He judged her every reaction to his touch.

Every part of her body tingled. Especially that part of her that he'd taken such complete and unparalleled possession of. His steely arms wound tightly about her waist and sealed her against him.

Contessa scarcely wanted to rest her hands against his chest. The chiseled definition of his muscular torso produced a moan that ached to drift from her throat and mingle with the seductive music surrounding them. Weak, needy and not the least bit ashamed of it, she rested her forehead upon his chest.

Fernando lowered his hands from her back to envelope the full firmness of her bottom. There he squeezed, patted and caressed while nuzzling her neck and inhaling the airiness of her perfume.

County tugged her lip between her teeth, feeling the still subtle yet noticeable extent of his male length against her belly. She chanted a prayer that the song end soon, never realizing Fernando heard the barely audible pleas. County's moan left her throat when his lips and tongue nibbled the flesh at her neck.

“Stop,” she asked, her breasts heaving fiercely against him as his fingers massaged beneath her shirt at the small of her back.

“May I ask my question?”

“No,” she refused, feeling his tongue invade her mouth a half second later. Her hands curved into fists that pounded his chest in a futile and purely phony show of resistance.

They lost themselves in the seclusion of the patio. Fernando allowed his hands and mouth free rein across her body. County arched her breasts into his palms and thrust her tongue desperately against his when his thumbs barely brushed the nipples rigid and begging for more attention.

“Mmm,” she moaned helplessly. Any thoughts of resisting were distant memories and a surge of power rushed her when she heard him utter a similarly helpless moan.

Fernando effortlessly carried her to an even more private area of the patio. Keeping her trapped against the brick wall, his big hands splayed across her thighs in a possessive fashion. Torturing her without mercy, his fingers rubbed her femininity through the crotch of her jeans. County broke the kiss to rain tiny wet pecks along his whiskered jaw and neck. Her blatant desire aroused him so, that the need to take her then and there overruled any other coherent thought.

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