A Night to Remember (22 page)

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Authors: Walter Lord

BOOK: A Night to Remember
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Ridsdale, Miss Lucy

Rogers, Mr. Harry

Rogers, Miss Selina

Rugg, Miss Emily

Sedgwick, Mr. C. F. W.

Sharp, Mr. Percival

Shelley, Mrs. Imanita

Silven, Miss Lyyli

Sincook, Miss Maude

Sinkkenen, Miss Anna

Sjostedt, Mr. Ernest À.

Slayter, Miss H. M.

Slemen, Mr. Richard J.

Smith, Mr. Augustus

Smith, Miss Marion

Sobey, Mr. Hayden

Stanton, Mr. S. Ward

Stokes, Mr. Phillip J.

Swane, Mr. George

Sweet, Mr. George

Toomey, Miss Ellen

Trant, Miss Jessie

Tronpiansky, Mr. Moses A.

Troutt, Miss E. Celia

Turpin, Mrs. Dorothy

Turpin, Mr. William J.

Veale, Mr. James

Walcroft, Miss Nellie

Ware, Mrs. Florence L.

Ware, Mr. John James

Ware, Mr. William J.

Watt, Miss Bertha

Watt, Mrs. Bessie

Webber, Miss Susie

Weisz, Mr. Leopold

Weisz, Mrs. Matilda

Wells, Mrs. Addie

Wells, Miss J.

Wells, Master Ralph

West, Mr. E. Arthur

West, Mrs. Ada

West, Miss Barbara

West, Miss Constance

Wheadon, Mr. Edward

Wheeler, Mr. Edwin

Wilhelms, Mr. Charles

Williams, Mr. C.

Wright, Miss Marion

Yrois, Miss H.



Abbott, Eugene

Abbott, Rosa

Abbott, Rossmore

Abbing, Anthony

Adams, J.

Aks, Filly

Aks, Leah

Alexander, William

Allen, William

Allum, Owen G.

Badman, Emily

Barton, David

Beavan, W. T.

Billiard, A. van

Billiard, James (child)

Billiard, Walter (child)

Bing, Lee

Bowen, David

Braund, Lewis

Braund, Owen

Brocklebank, William

Cann, Ernest

Carver, A.

Celotti, Francesco

Chip, Chang

Christmann, Emil

Cohen, Gurshon

Cook, Jacob

Corn, Harry

Coutts, Winnie

Coutts, William

Coutts, Leslie

Coxon, Daniel

Crease, Ernest James

Cribb, John Hatfield

Cribb, Alice

Dahl, Charles

Davies, Evan

Davies, Alfred

Davies, John

Davis, Joseph

Davison, Thomas H.

Davison, Mary

Dean, Mr. Bertram F.

Dean, Mrs. Hetty

Dean, Bertram

Dean, Vera

Dennis, Samuel

Dennis, William

Derkings, Edward

Dowdell, Elizabeth

Drapkin, Jenie

Dugemin, Joseph

Elsbury, James

Emanuel, Ethel

Everett, Thomas J.

Foo, Choong

Ford, Arthur

Ford, Margaret

Ford, Miss D. M.

Ford, Mr. E. W.

Ford, M. W. T. N.

Ford, Maggie (child)

Franklin, Charles

Garfirth, John

Gilinski, Leslie

Godwin, Frederick

Goldsmith, Frank J.

Goldsmith, Emily A.

Goldsmith, Frank J. W.

Goodwin, Augusta

Goodwin, Lillian A.

Goodwin, Charles E.

Goodwin, William F. (child)

Goodwin, Jessie (child)

Goodwin, Harold (child)

Goodwin, Sidney (child)

Green, George

Guest, Robert

Harknett, Alice

Harmer, Abraham

Hee, Ling

Howard, May

Hyman, Abraham

Johnston, A. G.

Johnston, Mrs.

Johnston, William (child)

Johnston, Miss C. H. (child)

Johnson, Mr. A.

Johnson, Mr. W.

Keefe, Arthur

Kelly, James

Lam, Ali

Lam, Len

Lang, Fang

Leonard, Mr. L.

Lester, James

Ling, Lee

Lithman, Simon

Lobb, Cordelia

Lobb, William A.

Lockyer, Edward

Lovell, John

MacKay, George W.

Maisner, Simon

McNamee, Eileen

McNamee, Neal

Meanwell, Marian O.

Meek, Annie L.

Meo, Alfonso

Miles, Frank

Moor, Beile

Moor, Meier

Moore, Leonard C.

Morley, William

Moutal, Rahamin

Murdlin, Joseph

Nancarrow, W. H.

Niklasen, Sander

Nosworthy, Richard C.

Peacock, Alfred (infant)

Peacock, Treasteall

Peacock, Treasteall


Pearce, Ernest

Peduzzi, Joseph

Perkin, John Henry

Peterson, Marius

Potchett, George

Rath, Sarah

Reed, James George

Reynolds, Harold

Risien, Emma

Risien, Samuel

Robins, Alexander

Robins, Charity

Rogers, William John

Rouse, Richard H.

Rush, Alfred George J.

Sadowitz, Harry

Sage, John

Sage, Annie

Sage, Stella

Sage, George

Sage, Douglas

Sage, Frederick

Sage, Dorothy

Sage, William (child)

Sage, Ada (child)

Sage, Constance (child)

Sage, Thomas (child)

Sather, Simon

Saundercock, W. H.

Sawyer, Frederick

Scrota, Maurice

Shellard, Frederick

Shorney, Charles

Simmons, John

Slocovski, Selman

Somerton, Francis W.

Spector, Woolf

Spinner, Henry

Stanley, Amy

Stanley, E. R. Mr.

Storey, T. Mr.

Sunderland, Victor

Sutehall, Henry

Theobald, Thomas


Thorneycroft, Florence

Thorneycroft, Percival

Tomlin, Ernest P.

Torber, Ernest

Trembisky, Berk

Tunquist, W.

Ware, Frederick

Warren, Charles W.

Webber, James

Wilkes, Ellen

Willey, Edward

Williams, Harry

Williams, Leslie

Windelov, Einar

Wiseman, Philip


Abelseth, Karen

Abeiseth, Olaus

Abramson, August

Adahl, Mauritz

Adolf, Humblin

Ahlin, Johanna

Ahmed, Ali

Alhomaki, Ilmari

Ali, William

Anderson, Alfreda

Anderson, Erna

Anderson, Albert

Anderson, Anders

Anderson, Samuel

Anderson, Sigrid (child)

Anderson, Thor

Anderson, Carlo

Anderson, Ingeborg (child)

Anderson, Ebba (child)

Anderson, Sigvard (child)

Anderson, Ellis

Andersson, Ida Augusta

Andreason, Paul Edvin

Angheloff, Minko

Asplund, Carl (child)

Asplund, Charles

Asplund, Felix

Asplund, Gustaf (child)

Asplund, Johan

Asplund, Lillian

Asplund, Oscar (child)

Asplund, Selma

Arnold, Joseph

Arnold, Josephine

Aronsson, Ernest

Asim, Adola

Assam, Ali

Augustsan, Albert

Backstrom, Karl

Backstrom, Marie

Balkic, Cerin

Benson, John Viktor

Berglund, Ivar

Berkeland, Hans

Bjorklund, Ernst

Bostandyeff, Guentcho

Braf, Elin Ester

Brobek, Carl R.

Cacic, Grego

Cacic, Luka

Cacic, Maria

Cacic, Manda

Calie, Peter

Carlson, Carl R.

Carlson, Julius

Carlsson, August Sigfrid

Coelho, Domingos Fernardeo

Coleff, Fotio

Coleff, Peyo

Cor, Bartol

Cor, Ivan

Cor, Ludovik

Dahl, Mauritz

Dahlberg, Gerda

Dakic, Branko

Danbom, Ernest

Danbom, Gillber (infant)

Danbom, Sigrid

Danoff, Yoto

Dantchoff, Khristo

Delalic, Regyo

Denkoff, Mito

Dimic, Jovan

Dintcheff, Valtcho

Dyker, Adolf

Dyker, Elizabeth

Ecimovic, Joso

Edwardsson, Ģustaf

Eklunz, Hans

Ekstrom, Johan

Finote, Luigi

Fischer, Eberhard

Goldsmith, Nathan

Goncalves, Manoel E.

Gronnestad, Daniel D.

Gustafson, Alfred

Gustafson, Anders

Gustafson, Johan

Gustafsson, Gideon

Haas, Aloisia

Hadman, Oscar

Hagland, Ingvald O.

Hagland, Konrad R.

Hakkurainen, Pekko

Hakkurainen, Elin

Hampe, Leon

Hankonen, Eluna

Hansen, Claus

Hansen, Janny

Hansen, Henry Damgavd

Heininen, Wendla

Hendekovic, Ignaz

Henriksson, Jenny

Hervonen, Helga

Hervonen, Hildwe

Hickkinen, Laina

Hillstrom, Hilda

Holm, John F. A.

Holten, Johan

Humblin, Adolf

Ilieff, Ylio

Ilmakangas, Ida

Ilmakangas, Pista

Ivanoff, Konio

Jansen, Carl

Jardin, Jose Netto

Jensen, Carl

Jensen, Hans Peter

Jensen, Svenst L.

Jensen, Nilho R.

Johannessen, Brent

Johannessen, Elias

Johansen, Nils

Johanson, Oscar

Johanson, Oscal L.

Johansson, Erik

Johansson, Gustaf

Johnson, Jakob A.

Johnson, Alice

Johnson, Harold

Johnson, Eleanora

Johnsson, Carl

Johnsson, Malkolm

Jonkoff, Lazor

Jonsson, Nielo H.

Jusila, Katrina

Jusila, Mari

Jusila, Erik

Jutel, Henrik Hansen

Kallio, Nikolai

Kalvig, Johannes H.

Karajic, Milan

Karlson, Einar

Karlson, Nils August

Kekic, Tido

Kink, Anton

Kink, Louise

Kink, Louise

Kink, Maria

Kink, Vincenz

Klasen, Klas A.

Klasen, Hilda

Klasen, Gertrud (child)

Laitinen, Sofia

Laleff, Kristo

Landegren, Aurora

Larson, Viktor

Larsson, Bengt Edvin

Larsson, Edvard

Lefebre, Frances

Lefebre, Henry (child)

Lefebre, Ida (child)

Lefebre, Jeannie (child)

Lefebre, Mathilde (child)

Leinonen, Antti

Lindablom, August

Lindell, Edvard B.

Lindell, Elin

LindahJ, Agda

Lindqvist, Einar

Lulic, Nicola

Lundahl, John

Lundin, Olga

Lundstrom, Jan

Madsen, Fridjof

Maenpaa, Matti

Makinen, Kalle

Mampe, Leon

Marinko, Dmitri

Markoff, Marin

Melkebuk, Philemon

Messemacker, Guillaume

Messemacker, Emma

Midtsjo, Carl

Mikanen, John

Mineff, Ivan

Minkoff, Lazar

Mirko, Dika

Mitkoff, Mito

Moen, Sigurd H.

Moss, Albert

Mulder, Theo

Myhrman, Oliver

Naidenoff, Penko

Nankoff, Minko

Nedeco, Petroff

Nenkoff, Christo

Nieminen, Manta

Nilsson, August F.

Nilson, Berta

Nilson, Helmina

Nirva, Isak

Nyoven, Johan

Nyston, Anna

Odahl, Martin

Orman, Velin

Olsen, Arthur

Olsen, Carl

Olsen, Henry

Olsen, Ole M.

Olson, Elon

Olsson, John

Olsson, Elída

Oreskovic, Luka

Oreskovic, Maria

Oreskovic, Jeko

Osman, Mara

Pacruic, Mate

Pacruic, Tome

Panula, Eino

Panula, Ernesti

Panula, Juho

Panula, Maria

Panula, Sanni

Panula, Urhu (child)

Panula, William (infant)

Pasic, Jakob

Pentcho, Petroff

Paulsson, Alma C.

Paulsson, Gosta (child)

Paulsson, Paul (child)

Paulsson, Stina (child)

Paulsson, Torborg (child)

Pavlovic, Stefo

Pekonemi, E.

Pelsmaker, Alfons de

Peltomaki, Nikolai

Person, Ernest

Peterson, Johan

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