A Patriot's History of the Modern World (86 page)

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Authors: Larry Schweikart,Dave Dougherty

BOOK: A Patriot's History of the Modern World
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U.S. bases in, 30

U.S. interventions in, 33

U.S. reform policies in, 28–30

Culin, Curtis, 381

Curtis, Lionel, 197

Curzon, George, 168

Czech Legion, 146

Czechoslovakia, 164, 219, 271, 402, 414

and appeasement of Hitler, 288–89

ethnic minorities in, 286

military defenses of, 286, 288

Munich agreement, 289, 330

Nazi occupation of, 291, 294, 295

Daladier, Édouard, 255, 289, 293–94, 324

Dales, Francis, 378

Dan, Fyodor, 143–44

Daniels, Josephus, 174

Darlan, Jean François, 325, 326, 377

Darrow, Clarence, 124

Davenport, Charles B., 179, 183, 187

David, Eduard, 188

Davies, James, 37

Dawes, Charles G., 216

Dawes Plan, 216, 217

Dawn Patrol, The
, 137, 139

D-Day invasion, 409–10

Dearborn Independent
, 187

Debs, Eugene V., 235

DeCanio, Stephen, 253

Decolonization, 201–6, 213

De Gaulle, Charles, 376, 377

De Lesseps, Ferdinand, 50–51

Democratic Party

and income tax, 48–49

and New Deal, 254

presidential election of 1896, 43, 44

southern solidarity with, 44–45

Denmark, 319

Dependency theory of undeveloped nations, 224–25

Dernburg, Bernhard, 114

Dervishes, 1–2

Dewey, George

in Caribbean, 33

naval commands of, 15–16

in Spanish-American War, 16, 17–18, 20, 25, 26, 30

Dewey, John, 117–18, 157

Digna, Osman, 39

Disney, Walt, 7, 234

Dodd, George, 107

Dodd, William, 292

Dollfus, Engelbert, 265, 271

Dominican Republic, U.S. intervention in, 33–34

Doolittle, Jimmy, 175, 366–67, 378, 391

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 73

Douhet, Giulio, 174, 357–58

Driu La Rochelle, Pierre, 78

Dulles, John Foster, 161

Dupuy, Roger-Louis, 231

Duranty, Walter, 149, 243

Eaker, Ira, 358, 381

Easter Rising, 42

Eastman, Max, 124

Eastman, “Monk,” 125

Ebert, Friedrich, 160

Economic stabilization model, 249

Eden, Anthony, 275, 277, 410

Edison, Thomas, 112, 113

Edwards, Daniel Richmond, 133–34

Edward VIII (Duke of Windsor), 291–92, 293

Egypt, in World War II, 373–74

Eichmann, Adolf, 388, 389

Eiffel, Gustave, 50

Einstein, Albert, 7

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 137, 355–56, 396

and Brooke, 378, 406, 407–8

invasion plan of, 376, 406

and MacArthur, 404, 406

military career of, 395, 404–5

on Philippines campaign, 405–6

as Supreme Commander, 377, 378, 402, 406–10, 412–13

El Alamein, 375

Ely, Richard, 117, 118

Labor market


Enigma machine, 327

Espionage, in World War II, 327, 331–32, 397

Espionage Act of 1917, 124

Ethiopian (Abyssinian) conflict, 168, 273–75

Eugenics movement

and anti-Semitism, 187, 188, 189

in Britain, 179, 188, 193

and European birth rate decline, 190–92

in European countries, 192

in Germany, 182–83, 192–96

Jews in, 188

and sterilization programs, 181–82, 183, 192–93, 195

in United States, 179–82, 183–87


aftermath of World War I, 138–39

aftermath of World War II, 310–11

American cultural influence in, 176–77, 228–30, 231–34

anti-Semitism in, 188–90

birth rate decline in, 190–92

eugenics movement in, 193–96

misunderstanding of American exceptionalism, 5–6

national boundaries redrawn by Versailles Treaty, 154, 155, 163–65, 218–19

nonaggression pacts, 173

nonnative minorities in, 219–22

political system in, 166–67, 201–2, 206

and Spanish-American War, 21–25

totalitarian movement in, 293–94

See also
Colonies; Versailles Conference; World War I; World War II;
specific countries

Euthanasia, 193

Exceptionalism, American.
American exceptionalism

Fabian Society, 243

Faisal bin Hussein, 162, 198

Faisal, Emir, 198, 199, 200

Falange party, 280

Falkenhayn, Erich von, 98, 104–5

Falkenhorst, Nikolaus, 317–18

Fallingwater, 65, 66

Famine, in Soviet Union, 149, 150, 242, 243, 244

Fanjul, Joaquín, 283

Farben (I.G.), 256, 385


defined, 178–79

of Franco, 278

of Hitler, 262

of Mussolini, 178, 254–55

Federal Reserve System, 8, 118, 123, 241, 247

Ferguson, Niall, 10, 114, 189, 256

Fermi, Enrico, 7

Fernández Burríel, Alvaro, 283

Fertig, Wendell W., 411–12


Finland, 317, 341

Finlay, Carlos, 54

Firebird, The
, 68

Fischer, Eugen, 194

Fisher, Irving, 183

Fisher, John, 60–61

Fitzmaurice, Edmond, 36

Fletcher, Frank Jack, 121, 367–68, 397

Flex, Walter, 78

Foch, Ferdinand, 104, 131, 136

Folsom, Burton, 252, 254

Ford, Henry, 7, 112–13, 187, 228

Ford Motor Company, 269, 353

Fourteen Points, 153–56, 159, 161


and Abyssinian (Ethiopian) conflict, 274

appeasement of Hitler, 289

–British relations, 168–69

colonies of, 196, 202, 203–4, 213, 311

D-Day invasion, 409–10

declaration of war against Hitler, 298

diplomatic response to Hitler, 271–72, 276–77

Free French forces, 336

labor problems in, 255

nationalism in, 165–66

navy of, 377

nonnative minorities in, 219, 222

at outbreak of World War I, 76–77

political instability in, 202

Ruhr occupation by, 169, 215, 265

and Spanish-American War, 21

Stavisky Crisis, 294–95

at Versailles Conference, 155, 159–61, 164, 199

Vichy, 326, 336, 348, 377

World War I aftermath, 138

in World War I combat, 81, 83–84, 90, 92–99, 104, 105, 126, 132

in World War II combat, 313, 317, 319–26

Franchet d'Espèry, Louis, 97

Franco, Francisco, 165

in Civil War, 278, 281–82, 284, 285

and fascism, 278

and Hitler, 284, 285

military career of, 281

Franco-Prussian War, 88, 161

Frank, Richard, 417

Franz Ferdinand, assassination of, 81, 82

Franz Josef, Emperor, 21

Fraser, Bruce, 357

Fredendall, Lloyd R., 377, 378

French, John, 94, 95, 96, 97

Freud, Sigmund, 62–63, 69

Friedman, Milton, 248

Full employment, 236, 239–40, 266

Funston, Frederick, 32

Gagnon, Rene, 415

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 234

Gallieni, Joseph-Simon, 96

Gallipoli, Battle of, 104

Gamble, Clarence, 185

Gamelin, Maurice, 324

Gandhi, Mahatma, 329

García de la Herrán, Miguel, 283

Garner, John Nance, 251

Gas chambers, 386, 387–88

Gaudí, Antoni, 65–67, 68

Gazala, Battle of, 375

General Motors, 353

George V, King of England, 193

George VI, King of England, 328


air power of, 258, 267, 291, 313–14, 327, 383

birth rate decline in, 191

Brest-Litovsk Treaty, 127, 154, 173

economic recovery of, 255–56, 258, 259

eugenics movement in, 182–83, 193–96

French occupation of Ruhr, 169, 215, 265

Hitler's rise to power, 168, 257–58, 260–62

hyperinflation in, 215–16

Jewish assimilation in, 188

marriage clinics in, 194

marriage law in, 193–94

naval power of, 61, 269, 272, 317, 357

Nazi regime.
Hitler, Adolf; World War II

in nonaggression pacts, 173

at outbreak of World War I, 71, 75, 76, 77–78, 79

pacifism in, 138–39

rearmament of, 169, 258–59, 266, 267–69

reparations of, 161, 169, 214–15, 216, 217, 256–57, 264

and Spanish-American War, 21, 23

sterilization programs in, 192–93, 195

in World War I.
Versailles Conference; World War I

in World War II.
World War II

Ghana, 205

Giannini, A.P., 7

Gibson, Hugh, 88

Gilbert, Parker, 216

Giraud, Henri, 376

Glaser, Ernst, 80

Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, 253

Glazebrook, Arthur, 197

Gleiwitz incident, 312

Goded, Manuel, 283

Godet, Jean Pierre, 125-26

Goebbels, Joseph, 382, 384, 389

Goedsche, Hermann, 189

Goethals, George, 56–57

Goethe, Charles M., 183

Goldberg, Jonah, 124

Gold bullion, confiscation of, 253

Gold standard, 3, 42–44, 247–48

Gompers, Samuel, 180

Gordon, Charles “Chinese,” 34–35, 36

Gorgas, William, 54–55

Göring, Herman, 261, 267, 275, 289, 313, 314

Gorky, Maxim, 144

Gosney, E.S., 182, 183

Government regulation, of trusts, 46

Grant, Madison, 179–80, 183

Grant, Ulysses S., 137

Grapes of Wrath
, 316

Graves, Robert, 78

Graziani, Rodolfo, 275, 374

Grazia, Victoria de, 229

Great Depression

and Hoover's policies, 241, 249–50

and New Deal policies, 251–54, 266

onset of, 217–18, 223

stock speculation theory of, 234–35

unemployment during, 242, 250, 253, 254

Greece, 165, 220, 334, 335, 374, 411, 414

Grew, Joseph, 349

Grey, Albert, 197

Grey, Edward, 84

Griffith, D.W., 109

Gropius, Walter, 67, 68, 69

Grossman, Vasily, 242–43

Guadalcanal, Battle of, 368–69, 392–93

Guam, 362

Guatemala, 227

Guderian, Heinz, 321, 323, 344, 346

Güell, Eusebi, 67

Guggenheim (Solomon) Museum, New York City, 65

Gurney, Ivor, 138

Haakon VII, King of Norway, 319

Haber, Fritz, 101

Hague Convention of 1907, 101

Hague Conventions of 1899, 89

Hague Declaration of 1899, 101

Hahn, Martin, 188

Haig, Douglas, 84, 94, 100, 104,105, 136

Haile Selassie, 293

Haines, Thomas, 182

Haiti, U.S. intervention in, 34, 223

Halder, Franz, 270, 323, 344, 345, 372, 373

Hale, Edward, 291

Halifax, Lord, 270, 290, 291, 330

Halsey, William “Bull,” 367, 397

Hamaguchi, Osachi, 300, 301

Hammerstein-Equord, Kurt von, 258

Hanna, Mark, 52

Hanneken, Herman, 34

Hansen, Hank, 415

Hanson, Victor Davis, 10, 92, 417

Harding, Warren, 11

cabinet of, 235, 241

and Haitian intervention, 223

and naval arms limitation, 170

tax cuts of, 215, 236

Harriman, Averell, 342

Harriman, Edward H., 52

Harriman, Mary, 187

Harris, Arthur “Bomber,” 358

Harrison, Benjamin, 17

Harrison, William Henry, 137

Hart, B. H. Liddell, 290

Hashimoto, Kingoro, 299

Hata, Shinki, 305

Hatch, F.W., 181–82

Hausen, Max von, 88

Hay, John, 210

Hayek, Friedrich, 360

Hayes, Ira, 137, 415

Hayford, J. E. Casely, 37

Hay-Pauncefote Treaty of 1901, 53

Hearst, William Randolph, 251

Heisenberg, Werner, 319

Hell's Angels
, 137

Henderson, Arthur, 168

Henderson, Neville, 267, 272, 290

Henson, Mattthew, 61, 62

Hentsch, Richard, 98

Herzl, Theodore, 200

Hess, Rudolf, 261, 388

Hesse, Hermann, 80

Heydrich, Reinhard, 388

Heye, Wilhelm, 258

Hicks, William, 36

Higgins, Andrew Jackson, 354, 355–56

Hill, Alexander, 341

Hill, George Washington, 230–31

Hill, James J., 54

Himmler, Heinrich, 275, 384, 387, 388, 389

Hindenburg, Paul von, 257, 258

Hipper, Franz, 110

Hirohito, Emperor, 302, 349, 421

Hiroshima, bombing of, 417–18

Hirsch, Max, 188

Hitler, Adolf

agricultural policy of, 266

anti-Semitism of, 260, 262–64

appeasement of, 272, 286, 288–91

arms program of.
Military production, Nazi Germany

, 286

background and early influences, 259–60

“Beer Hall” Putsch, 261, 265

Christian churches suppressed by, 264

Czechoslovakian occupation, 291, 294, 295

death of, 413–14

diplomatic response to, 271–72, 276–78

economic policy of, 255, 256, 258, 266, 269

Edward VIII's links to, 291–92

eugenics language of, 192

foreign policy of, 261–62, 266

and Franco, 284, 285

German opponents of, 270–71

and Jewish extermination, 329, 360, 383, 384, 387–90

and Jewish persecution, 269–70

Marxist language of, 262

-Mussolini pact, 273, 275, 276, 295

nuclear energy program of, 319

plots against, 288, 361, 375, 413

Polish invasion, 294–95, 312–13

popular support for, 264–66

purge of leadership, 265

race policy of, 194, 195, 298

racial cleansing concept of, 186–87

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