A Reluctant Companion (3 page)

Read A Reluctant Companion Online

Authors: Kit Tunstall

Tags: #mystery, #sensual romance, #lovers, #dystopian, #political machinations, #betrayal, #postapocalyptic, #intrigue, #dark, #mf, #steamy romance, #erotic romance, #harsh future, #postapocalyptic romance, #futuristic

BOOK: A Reluctant Companion
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Still, what choice was there? She could go in like a martyr and risk angering Archer, or she could look at it as a new experience. This night could give her the opportunity to sneak a peek at a life she couldn’t ever imagine living. A small voice reminded her she’d never even dreamed of or asked for such a lifestyle, but she quashed that voice. The logical thing to do was try to enjoy what she could and endure the rest. It would be over by morning, and she could go back to her life as Madison Cole, vintner, rancher, and farmer, not alluring one-night companion to the commander of the Northwest Federation.


Chapter Two


Cleo had helped her dress in an emerald green dress that displayed an alarming amount of cleavage. It was a beautiful gown, as was the white silk slip she wore underneath. She hadn’t protested when Cleo gave her sexy lace underwear to put on before the slip and had managed not to ask about a bra, figuring she wouldn’t be wearing any of the clothes long enough to need one.


Midway through their preparations, a maid in a white uniform brought them a selection of cheeses and a bottle of local white wine. There was also a pot of tea, and Cleo poured her a cup without asking. With a doubtful sniff, she looked up at the other woman. “It smells strange.”


Cleo nodded. “It’s not the tastiest thing ever, but a little stevia makes it better.” She spooned in a bit of green powder into her cup before drinking it in one long gulp.


Shaking her head, Madison started to hand back the cup. “I’ll stick with the wine.”


“Drink it, honey.”


She regarded Cleo with mistrust. “Is it drugged?”


Her friend laughed. “No, it’s contraceptive, honey.” She patted Madison’s hand not holding the cup. “You know, to prevent babies?”


“Oh.” They thought of everything, didn’t they? She was relieved for that, because the last thing she wanted was a permanent reminder of this evening. With a grimace, she chugged the awful stuff, wondering if it would have been improved with the sweet herb the other woman used.


They resumed preparations as they worked their way through the wine and cheese. She noshed lightly on the cheese, but had two full glasses of the wine to relax her, allowing her to be more pragmatic about the evening ahead.


Unfortunately, a good bit of her wine buzz had faded by the time Cleo pronounced her ready, after trimming her hair and curling it with some kind of electronic rod Madison had never seen before. It was decadent to plug something so frivolous into the outlet, but Cleo had done so with an ease that suggested she took such toys for granted.


Cosmetics adorned her face, and she had to resist the urge to wipe at her skin to remove the unaccustomed junk. It felt heavy and unnatural, though it had given her pale cheeks a healthy-looking glow and really darkened her blue eyes.


Her stomach was a ball of nerves as she followed Cleo from the room and down the hall to another bedroom with double doors. These had intricate designs in the wood and shining knobs that looked like gold. With a discreet knock, she turned to Madison, squeezing her hand. “Just relax and have fun, honey.”


“You aren’t coming in?”


Cleo grinned. “The commander isn’t into ménages, Madison.”




With a fluttery wave, she said, “Never mind. I’ll see you in the morning.”


As the knob started to turn, she reached out blindly for her only anchor in the storm. “Where do I go after he’s done?”


Cleo whispered, “He’ll expect you to sleep with him, but he’ll be gone long before you wake. Come find me in the morning after you get up.” With that, the other woman was gone on a cloud of floral scent, leaving her to face the lion in his den alone.


The door opened a second later, and she literally forgot how to breathe for a moment. Tiernan Archer was as close to perfect as any mortal man could be. His chiseled features were even and appealing, and his just-a-hint too full lips saved him from being too flawless. His hair was somewhere between brown and blond, currently a damp mass of tumultuous short curls that softened him somehow.


Her breath returned with a harsh exhale when he smiled at her, increasing his perfection even further in a way that made her heart flutter and warmth pool in her stomach.


“Please come in, Madison.”


His voice was as smooth as her father’s favorite wine blend, with just a hint of roughness. If his voice were a wine, she’d identify it as a chardonnay aged in oak, with a hint of vanilla and spice. Would he have a smooth mouth feel? Suddenly, she couldn’t wait to find out. She crossed the threshold into another room of elegance, this one even more elaborate than the one Cleo was using.


He held out a hand, and she extended hers. Instead of shaking it, he just held it for a moment, cradled between both of his. She sighed when he brought it to his mouth to press a kiss to the back of her hand.


“Thank you for accepting my invitation.”


The smartass retort of repeating the soldier’s words that one didn’t say no to Archer didn’t spring to her tongue. Neither did she point out it had been more of a summons than an invitation. Instead, she managed an idiotic nod.


“I’m Tiernan Archer.”


“Madison Cole,” she said in a shaky tone.


Tucking her arm into his, so her palm rested at the crook of his elbow, he led her across the marble floor to a small table near a doorway. She couldn’t tell what was in the next room, but assumed a bed lurked somewhere in the suite.


“I know. I hope you don’t mind me asking about you, but I saw you this morning. When you took off your hat and all that glorious hair spilled out, I knew I had to meet you.” He took time to seat her, pushing in her chair for her before he sat in the one across from her. It was such a small table that their legs were only inches apart.


“I see.”


“Governor Blaney was happy to assist me in finding out your name.”


“I’m sure,” she said with a bit more scorn than she’d intended.


He lifted a brow. “Do you doubt his helpfulness?”


She could bite her tongue off and happily would to avoid answering his question. Without knowing his relationship with Blaney, she couldn’t afford to say anything that could be construed as unflattering. “Of course not. You’re the commander of the Federation. I doubt there’s anyone in the nine hundred-plus square miles of the Northwest Federation that wouldn’t jump to provide you with assistance.”


He made an ambiguous sound as he reached for a bottle of wine and poured them both a glass. Out of habit, she sniffed and tasted it before nodding. As she looked up, she caught his glint of amusement.


“Does it meet your approval, Madison? May I call you Madison?”


“Of course, Commander Archer, and it’s very good wine.”


“I prefer my friends call me Tiernan.” His voice dropped another octave, taking on more of a smoky tint. “And I’m sure we’ll be friends.” After a second, his tone returned to the less intimate one he’d been using. “Blaney assures me it’s the best wine available in the province.”


She gave him a bland smile. “Um hmm.”


Tiernan grinned, and the boyish expression made her heart race and her hands tighten on the glass. Thank goodness she had better manners than to hold it by the stem, or she might have snapped the fragile crystal.


“You disagree?”


Madison shrugged. “I think he’s just never tried our family’s wine. My father has a unique recipe and makes some of the best chardonnay or pinot noir you’ll ever taste.” Lifting her glass slightly in semblance of a salute, she said, “And I’m including the other wineries of the Federation in that challenge, Tiernan.” His name tasted crisp on her tongue, like a Riesling with a hint of pear.


He lifted his glass in a similar manner. “I love a confident woman.”


Her confidence fled at his words, and she dropped her gaze. “I know a lot about wine.” She toyed with the stem of her glass after putting it on the table. “It’s been a valuable skill that has sustained my family since trade resumed a few years after The End.”


He nodded. “And wine is why I’m here.”


She looked at him again. “How do you mean?”


Tiernan hesitated for a brief second, as though deciding something. Perhaps her trustworthiness. “Would it shock you to learn Governor Blaney’s shipments have been light of late?”


Striving for a neutral expression, she said, “How odd.”


Tiernan managed a small smile. “Isn’t it? He insists there is a rebel group hijacking shipments. Have you heard anything about rebel activity?”


Madison blinked. “Rebels? In Graceport?”


He lifted a shoulder. “According to Blaney, it’s all throughout the Yakima-Grace region.”


“Wow. I’ve never heard anything about rebels, but I guess it’s possible.”


His smile widened a bit. “Yes, I’ll give the governor the benefit of doubt. I’m lending him a squad of soldiers to escort shipments to Seattle-Archer for a while.” He sipped the wine. “I believe Sergeant Nash is the one who brought you here. He’ll be staying in the area with nine other soldiers to monitor for this so-called rebel activity.”


She swallowed, disliking the idea of a squad of prying soldiers examining every aspect of life in their quiet province. “I think they’re wasting their time,” she said bluntly, without thought. “It’s far more likely you’re dealing with—” Abruptly, she shut her mouth with an audible click, realizing she was in danger of giving an opinion that could get her or her family killed. Just because Archer appeared to distrust Blaney didn’t mean he actually did.


After a moment, Tiernan waved a hand. “Please continue.”


She struggled to find something acceptable to say. “Incompetence,” she blurted. “It’s probably a paperwork error or something,” she finished lamely.


Tiernan had a way of looking at her that felt like he had stripped every ounce of flesh from her bones and was visually probing her skeleton, perhaps to pierce her heart and read the truth. “You’re lying.”


Nerves made her hand tremble as she lifted the glass to gulp. “This vintage does grow on you.”


His large hand engulfed hers, suddenly reminding her of Cleo’s assertion that the commander was very blessed. Heat coursed through her, scorching her cheeks, and she jerked away from his touch, spilling wine on the white tablecloth. “I’m sorry. Excuse my clumsiness.”


With an offhanded toss, he put his napkin over the spreading stain. “I don’t give a damn about the spill. What I care about is the wine I’m expecting from this province. It’s a valuable commodity for trading, and a great deal of the staples we all rely on only come about because of our wine. So, if you know something about why it’s disappearing, I order you to tell me.”


The change from lighthearted suitor to imposing commander was instantaneous and terrifying. She froze, clenching her hands into fists.


“Speak,” he barked.


Trying not to shake and visually reveal her fear, she said, “I don’t know anything, okay? I was just speculating Blaney has been skimming some of the wine from your shipments for his own purposes.”


His tone softened. “Why do you say that?”


She shrugged. “I don’t know. My p…some people say he’s as corrupt as the day is long. I don’t know why they say that.”


Tiernan’s posture changed, once more looking relaxed. “I’ve heard the same whispers. For Blaney’s sake, they should not be true.”


Madison knew better than to ask what would happen to the governor if Archer found proof he was cheating on his provincial taxes. The last thing she wanted was to feed Tiernan’s anger. Her stomach picked the perfect moment to growl.


He laughed softly. “It sounds like you’re ready for dinner?”


She nodded, eager to get metaphorically as far away from the previous topic of conversation as possible. The reminder of the power he wielded had served as a damper for the rampant attraction she’d felt for him. She didn’t need any more displays of it if she was going to get through the night.


To her surprise, he served them himself from a rolling cart nearby. Her mouth watered at the food he set before her. It was some kind of small bird stuffed with fruit. Since the wine and cheese had been all she’d consumed in hours, it took every ounce of self-possession not to dispense with the fancy cutlery and just pick up the bird to rip into it with her teeth. It tasted even better than it looked or smelled, and she closed her eyes for a moment to savor the taste.

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