A Russian Bear (23 page)

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Authors: CB Conwy

Tags: #Gay Romance

BOOK: A Russian Bear
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Tom snorted; Mischa never giggled, and Tom made a note to himself not to give him any reason to do so ever again. It just didn’t bode well. He closed his eyes and tried to relax. It was no good. He was in Mischa’s bed, waiting for Mischa, spread out for Mischa. It was so hot, punishment or not.

Mischa came back into the room, carrying a bundle in each hand. The man put one down on the side table out of Tom’s sight. Before Tom could ask Mischa what it was, Mischa was over him, lying heavily on him. “What are you...” Then Tom felt the cold, wet sensation on his groin, and he squealed. Fuck! So cold. The feeling took his breath away, and then it came back, and he was babbling.

“Fuck. So cold. It’s too cold, Mischa, please, take it away!” Mischa held Tom down, using his weight to hold the boy still and the wet ice pack in place while Tom bucked, desperately trying to escape. Mischa was way too heavy, though; Tom gave up fighting and just whimpered. Mischa kissed Tom’s shoulder.

“Good boy.” Mischa didn’t move the ice. “You managed to keep your hands where I told you to. Such a good boy.” Tom hadn’t even noticed. Mischa pushed the ice a little closer, making Tom grunt and writhe. “Yes, it’s cold, isn’t it?” Tom frantically nodded. “Do you think you’re soft now?”

Tom was so close to giving him a sarcastic answer. Mischa moved the ice so it touched even more of the sensitive flesh between Tom’s legs. “Yes, sir!” Tom gasped. It wasn’t dignified, and he didn’t care. “I’m soft now, sir.”

Mischa chuckled and finally moved the ice pack. Before Tom registered what happened, Mischa had taken a couple of things from the side table and did something to Tom’s almost numb dick.

“There. Now you won’t get hard.” Mischa looked very satisfied. Tom could only stare at the plastic thing surrounding his cock.

“What’s... Sir?” He swallowed. It looked... alien.

“It’s a cock cage.” Tom looked at him, uncomprehending. “A chastity device? It’ll keep your dick from getting hard.” Mischa took a towel and wiped away the water from the ice pack. It felt so strange to feel the fabric on his stomach and legs and then there wasn’t any feeling at all to his dick. Tom was still staring when Mischa bent down over him, taking his lips in a kiss.

“This way, you’re going to obey me even in your sleep.” Tom stared at Mischa in wonder while Mischa kept kissing his lips, his neck, his chest.

“I’m yours.” Tom had no idea where it came from. “I mean, it’s out of my hands now. I can’t do anything but obey you.” Mischa smiled, but didn’t stop the gentle kisses. “I’m yours.”

Mischa kissed his lips. “You are. My obedient, rebellious, beautiful man.” Tom made a little sound and let go of the headboard to wrap his arms tightly around Mischa. The plastic was between them, keeping him submissive even if his self-control failed.

Mischa put his arms around Tom and rolled them onto their sides. He held on tightly for a long time. Then Mischa reached for the covers and turned off the lights, pulling Tom back into his embrace.


Wearing the cock cage was the strangest feeling Tom had ever had. It was impossible to get hard; he had woken up a couple of times during the night when his cock had tried to harden and the discomfort from the cage made it go soft again.

Mischa woke him up early, kissing him gently. They spent what felt like hours that way, just kissing, slow and lingering kisses not meant to arouse. Of course, Tom did get aroused, but the cage didn’t allow for his cock to go hard. It felt... safe. He couldn’t not do what Mischa wanted him to do. Tom just floated, taking the soft kisses and relishing the feeling. Accepted it.

Mischa stroked his cheek. “I’d love to keep you this way, but the builders are arriving in half an hour; you have to get up.” Tom nodded, but pushed closer, wanting to get as much out of this as he could. Mischa smiled. “I promise it won’t be the last time we do this.”

“I love you.”

Mischa kissed him again. “I know. And I love you. Now, get out of bed.”

Tom laughed and got up. Walking felt strange. It wasn’t so much the chastity thing as the fact that he was floating. The physical world felt a little distant and deeply unimportant. Even the fact that he had to sit down to pee didn’t disturb his peace.

“Does it show?” Tom picked up a pair of sweats. He didn’t even mind, just wanted to know if he should avoid the carpenters or not.

“No, you can’t see it if you wear normal pants. Even with thin sweats you have to know what you’re looking for. You’re fine.”

Tom kept close to Mischa while they made breakfast and sat down to eat it. He needed to be close.

“Do you want to sit with me today?” Tom looked inquiringly at Mischa to see what he meant.

“You can sit on the floor next to me if you’d like. You can bring a book and work, or you can just be.” Mischa sounded as if it was the most natural thing in the world -- and Tom decided that it was. It was what he wanted, so why worry about what it looked like, what it made him? Tom wanted what it made him, at least right now. He nodded.

“I’d like that.” He stepped close. “Thank you, Mischa.” Tom didn’t just mean the invitation to sit with him.

“You’re welcome.” Mischa hugged him.

They passed the builders on their way to Mischa’s office. They were as noisy as the day before, but Tom didn’t pay much attention to them, just pushed himself closer to Mischa. He saw Andy stare at him, but he didn’t care.

In the office, Mischa switched his swivel chair for a normal chair, putting a large pillow on the floor next to him. “You can sit here. Don’t kneel; it’s not good for your knees for a long period of time.” Tom obediently sat down, putting a book on the floor next to him while Mischa started up his computer. Tom reached out to touch Mischa’s leg, but hesitated.

“You can touch me.” Tom gratefully leaned his head on Mischa’s thigh, holding on to his Dom’s leg. He let himself relax, sinking into the feeling of Mischa’s thigh under his head and the plastic surrounding his cock.

Tom sat like that all morning, his mind empty. Mischa absentmindedly caressed his head when the man wasn’t typing. At one time, Tom dozed off, waking up a little later to the same quiet as before. When he drowsily moved around, his neck was a little stiff.

“Are you getting sore?” Mischa’s voice was low so as not to disturb him. Tom nodded, unwilling to speak.

Mischa gently rubbed Tom’s shoulders, moving his head around a little bit until the crick in his neck had subsided. “Good boy.” Mischa started typing again.

At lunchtime, Tom was reluctant to move and ruin the peace. Like the rest of that day, Mischa seemed to be completely in tune with Tom’s needs. He gently helped Tom up, keeping his hands on Tom all the time. Tom leaned on him, sighing. Mischa chuckled.

“Come on, let’s go eat. I want you to make a salad.” Tom pulled himself together and followed Mischa out of the room.

He got to work, chopping vegetables and making a dressing. Mischa kept touching him every time the man passed, keeping Tom grounded and in his headspace. Andy came in to get something to drink at one point. Tom could feel the carpenter’s eyes on him while he leaned on Mischa, waiting for the chicken to be done. Mischa held Tom close.

“Is your work coming along?”

Andy made a visible effort to take his eyes off Tom. “Yes, sir. I mean, Mr. Richter.” He looked a little embarrassed by his slip of tongue. “We’re going to finish up this afternoon, and the painters will come in on Monday. Then you’ll have a very nice library.” He nodded to them both and hurried out of the kitchen. Tom couldn’t help but laugh.

“Have you two got a history or is he just having a crush on you?”

Mischa looked at Tom in consternation. “Andy? No, we’ve never... I mean, he’s at the club, but we’ve never even talked before. What do you mean, crush?”

Tom smiled and put his arm around Mischa. “He’s dying to get what we have.”

Mischa blinked. Tom just patted his arm and started setting the table.


Their afternoon was just as peaceful, even though Tom started to get hard more often. Of course, the hard plastic didn’t give, and he squirmed until his dick went soft again. He’d never thought about how often he got off with Mischa; going without for an entire day seemed a lot harder than it should.

Thinking about their sex had the obvious result, and this time it made Tom gasp.

“Getting hard?” Mischa never moved his hand from Tom’s neck.

“Yeah. Thinking about you was plain stupid.”

Mischa chuckled. “Poor Tom.”

There was a knock on the door, and Andy entered after Mischa told him to. His eyes widened when he saw Tom on the floor.

“I, ah. I just wanted to let you know that we’re finished, sir. We’ll leave now unless you need anything else. I mean...” The carpenter looked flustered. Tom tried to hide his smile.

“Thank you, Andy. I’m sure it’s fine. I’ll see you and Jeff at the club.” Mischa didn’t get up, just nodded. Andy stood there for a moment, then he abruptly turned around and left.

“You’ve got to set that man up with someone who can take care of him.” Tom caressed Mischa’s thigh.

“I’ve tried -- it’s a long story.” Mischa’s leg pushed just a fraction of an inch into Tom’s touch. Tom took it as a sign to go on. He kept his touches light, unwilling to break out of his submission. Outside, he heard the sound of the cars driving away, letting the silence come back. Mischa sighed.

“Come on up here.” Mischa pulled at Tom until Tom was straddling his Dom’s lap. Mischa kissed him, the easy, lingering kisses from earlier that morning. This time, it wasn’t so easy for Tom to sink into it, though. The pose was so sexual, and he could feel Mischa’s hard cock against the plastic. He squirmed, trying to accept the pressure that made his dick go soft.

Mischa smiled. “It’s getting harder, isn’t it?” Tom lifted an eyebrow, and Mischa laughed when he got the double entendre. He grabbed Tom’s hair.

“But you’re still obedient. Because you’re forced to be obedient.”

Tom swallowed and grunted when the cock cage got downright painful for a moment. “Yes, Mischa. I’m obeying you.” Mischa kissed him, deeply and not at all gentle anymore.

“Get up.” Tom scrambled to find his legs.

“Now undress.” Mischa stood in front of him, enjoying every moment judging by the large bulge in the Dom’s pants. Tom did as he was told until he was only wearing the chastity device. It somehow made him feel even more exposed, and that made him excited. He bent slightly at the waist as the hard plastic bit into him.

“I think it’s time to have mercy on you. I have something to tell you, and I’d like to get this off first.” Mischa stood behind him, doing something to the cage, and suddenly Tom felt the cool air on his dick. For a moment, he was almost reluctant to let go of the peace and quiet it had given him. Then Mischa’s words registered.

“I got our results today. We’re clean.” Tom moaned as his cock filled and his knees almost buckled. Mischa laughed and turned him around, kissing him.

“See, I took it off before I told you. I’m not mean, am I?” Tom was too busy kissing to answer Mischa, climbing up Mischa’s body until his legs were around his lover’s waist. Mischa took a firm grip of Tom’s buttocks.

“I think this requires a bed, don’t you?” Tom nodded, not wasting his time with actual words. He could feel Mischa’s laugh through their kiss, the feeling making Tom giddy. He gasped when Mischa swung him around and marched to the bedroom, never letting go of him. Then he was flung on the bed, Mischa standing in front of him.

Mischa slowly started undressing, and Tom couldn’t believe how Mischa could be that patient right now. Tom started stroking himself, looking straight at Mischa. That had the desired effect; Mischa slapped Tom’s hand away with a growl and quickly got rid of the rest of his clothes. Then he was finally in the bed.

Tom pulled Mischa’s head down to take a kiss. “Wow. I can’t believe we’re going to do this. You’re going to fuck me bareback.” He kissed Mischa again.

“I’m going to fuck you, and I’m going to come inside you.” Tom made a sound between a whimper and a gasp. “You’re going to have my seed deep inside of you, and it’s going to run out of you and make you remember that you have just been fucked.” Tom bucked, desperately trying to rub on Mischa. Mischa pushed him down, laughing.

“I don’t think so. Not yet.” Mischa reached to the bedside table for the lube. He quickly poured some over his hand and pushed a finger straight into Tom’s ass. Tom gasped, the feeling exquisite. Mischa smiled, fucking his finger in and out of Tom.

“You’re still so tight. Does it hurt?”

Tom shook his head, trying to talk but only managing to gasp. Mischa laughed.

“I’ll take that as a no. What about this?” He shoved two fingers as deep as he could.

“Oh!” Tom bucked, trying to avoid the fullness. “Fuck. Burns.”

“Yeah? Do you like it?” Mischa asked conversationally, pushing his fingers in and out.

“Fuck yes!” Tom whimpered, riding the overwhelming feeling. Mischa just chuckled, opening Tom wide and making the burn go on and on. Tom was nearly incoherent, fighting to get enough air to let out the sounds that he had to make. He didn’t even notice when Mischa added a third finger, he just floated on the amazing feeling.

When Mischa pulled out his fingers, Tom cried out in protest. Mischa smiled and sat back. His dick was ruddy and dripping, and he slowly smeared more lube over it until it was glistening.

“Are you ready for me?”

“Please, Mischa! Fuck me, please.” Tom was begging, and he was totally shameless about it. Especially when he heard how it made Mischa moan.

Mischa wiped his hand on the sheet and leaned in over Tom, nestling the head of his hard dick at Tom’s ass. He suddenly got serious.

“This is it, baby. I’m going to take you, and there isn’t going to be anything between us.”

Tom looked up into his eyes. “I love you.”

Mischa groaned and pushed into Tom, forcing open his sphincter. Tom shouted from the burn and then from the knowledge that Mischa was in him, bare. This was for real. He grabbed Mischa’s ass and pulled the burn deep into his body.

Mischa gasped and froze, his eyes glazed. “Wait! Don’t move, baby.” He hid his head by Tom’s shoulder, taking deep breaths. Tom embraced him and held on tightly.

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