A Scandalous Countess: A Novel of the Malloren World

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Authors: Jo Beverley

Tags: #Romance, #General, #Contemporary, #Historical, #Fiction

BOOK: A Scandalous Countess: A Novel of the Malloren World
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Praise for the Novels
of Jo Beverley


An Unlikely Countess

“A fantastically entertaining historical romance.”

—Night Owl Romance

“Great read!”

—Fresh Fiction

“A delightful, deftly plotted exploration of social class, gender roles, and romance…charming.”

Publishers Weekly

The Secret Duke

“Known for her marvelous storytelling, Beverley sets the finale of her rakish trilogy in Georgian England. Amongst danger, secrets, and retribution, she ably places her protagonists into the era. With a sharp eye for detail, dialogue, and touches of humor, she incorporates a few characters from previous novels into the mix and keeps the reader well entertained in this captivating gem.”

Romantic Times

The Secret Wedding

“Beverley proves again that she can be counted on to come up with clever and creative ways of mixing passion and intrigue to create a beguiling love story.”


“A fabulous, intelligent tale starring two lead characters masquerading as others in order to conceal their true identity while falling in love with their spouse. [In this] comedy of manners, misconceptions, and mistakes, Jo Beverley provides an amusing historical with a touch of suspense and a hint of scandal as you like it.”

—Genre Go Round Reviews

A Lady’s Secret

“Extraordinary storyteller Beverley mixes witty repartee, danger, and simmering sensuality with her strong and engaging characters, including a fetching Papillon, in this delightful, delicious gem of a book.”

Romantic Times
(top pick)

“With wit and humor, Jo Beverley provides a wonderful eighteenth-century romance starring two amiable lead characters whose first encounter is one of the best in recent memory. The tale is filled with nonstop action.”

—The Best Reviews

Lady Beware

Beverley carries off a remarkable achievement in
Lady Beware
, the latest and possibly last in her Company of Rogues novels…. It is the unusual combination of familial comfort and risqué pleasure that makes this book a winner…. No doubt about it,
Lady Beware
is yet another jewel in Beverley’s heavily decorated crown.”

The Romance Reader

“[E]nchanting…a delightful blend of wit (with banter between Thea and Darien), intrigue (as evil lurks throughout), and emotional victories (as love prevails in the end)…. Watching Thea and Darien spar is entertaining, and watching them succumb to the simmering love and passion is satisfying.”

The State
(Columbia, SC)

To Rescue a Rogue

“Beverley brings the Regency period to life in this highly romantic story [with] vividly portrayed characters. [Readers] will be engrossed by this emotionally packed story of great love, tremendous courage, and the return of those attractive and dangerous men known as the Rogues. Her Company of Rogues series is well crafted, delicious, and wickedly captivating.”

—Joan Hammond

“With her usual beautifully nuanced characters and lyrical writing, RITA Award winner Beverley brings her popular Company of Rogues Regency historical series to a triumphant conclusion…[a] quietly powerful romance.”


The Rogue’s Return

“Beverley beautifully blends complex characters, an exquisitely sensual love story, and a refreshingly different Regency setting into one sublime romance.”


“Jo Beverley has written an excellent character study. One of the best books I’ve read this season.”

Affaire de Coeur

A Most Unsuitable Man

Beverley turns a rejected ‘other woman’ into a fiery, outspoken, sympathetic heroine; pairs her with a dashing but penniless, scandal-ridden hero; and lets the fun—and the danger—begin. Once again readers are treated to a delightful, intricately plotted, and sexy romp set in the slightly bawdy Georgian world of Beverley’s beloved Malloren Chronicles.”

Library Journal

“I found myself enjoying every minute of the relationship in this story of love, hope, and increments of witty humor. As usual, a Malloren novel is a keeper.”


More Praise for Novels by
New York Times
Bestselling Author Jo Beverley

“A well-crafted story and an ultimately very satisfying romance.”

The Romance Reader

“Jo [Beverley] has truly brought to life a fascinating, glittering, and sometimes dangerous world.”

—Mary Jo Putney

“Another triumph.”

Affaire de Coeur

“Wickedly delicious. Jo Beverley weaves a spell of sensual delight with her usual grace and flair.”

—Teresa Medeiros

“Delightful…thrilling…with a generous touch of magic…an enchanting read.”


“A stunning medieval romance of loss and redemption…sizzling.”

Publishers Weekly
(starred review)

“A fast-paced adventure with strong, vividly portrayed characters…wickedly, wonderfully sensual and gloriously romantic.”

—Mary Balogh

“Deliciously sinful…. Beverley evokes with devastating precision the decadent splendor of the English country estate in all its hellish debauchery…a crafty tale of sensuality and suspense.”


Also by Jo Beverley

Available from New American Library



Lady Beware

To Rescue a Rogue

The Rogue’s Return


St. Raven


“The Demon’s Mistress” in
In Praise of Younger Men

The Devil’s Heiress

The Dragon’s Bride

Three Heroes
(Omnibus Edition)


Forbidden Magic

Lovers and Ladies
(Omnibus Edition)

Lord Wraybourne’s Betrothed

The Stanforth Secrets

The Stolen Bride

Emily and the Dark Angel


An Unlikely Countess

The Secret Duke

The Secret Wedding

A Lady’s Secret

A Most Unsuitable Man

Winter Fire


Secrets of the Night

Something Wicked

My Lady Notorious


Lord of Midnight

Dark Champion

Lord of My Heart


“The Raven and the Rose” in

Chalice of Roses

“The Dragon and the Virgin Princess” in

Dragon Lovers

“The Trouble with Heroes” in

Irresistible Forces


Jo Beverley



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Copyright © Jo Beverley, 2012

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EISBN: 9781101574867



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