A SEAL's Oath (SEALs of Chance Creek Book 1) (32 page)

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Authors: Cora Seton

Tags: #Military, #Romance

BOOK: A SEAL's Oath (SEALs of Chance Creek Book 1)
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“That would be tantamount to announcing our engagement.” She broke off, color staining her cheeks.

Boone forgot all about her breasts. “We’ll announce it soon.”

She bit her lip and Boone wanted to swoop down and kiss the lush mouth she was torturing. “You should tell your men to ask my women to dance.” But when she looked around, she said, “Never mind. I guess you won’t have to.”

The recruits had already surrounded Riley’s guests, much to the women’s evident satisfaction. Judging by the smiles and laughter, they were already enjoying the evening. The buzz of voices in the room increased to a swell and Riley grinned at Boone suddenly.

“It’s going to be a marvelous night, isn’t it?”

He took her hand as the musicians began to play a piece that he immediately recognized from Angelina’s practice sessions. “Damn straight it is.”

As Boone led
her to her place in the newly formed line of women on the dance floor, Riley’s heart beat triple time. She was at a ball. She was wearing the prettiest dress she’d ever owned. She was about to dance a quadrille with the man she’d loved since she was sixteen.

Could life get any sweeter?

When she’d told Maud she needed a ball, fast, she’d pictured a small get-together with her friends and guests and one or two men Maud might be able to assemble on short notice. This huge, sparkling gathering defied all of her expectations.

Maud and James must be her fairy godparents. They’d looked out for her every step of the way since she’d come home and they’d helped transform a drab, steadfast existence into something she’d hardly dared dream of. They’d stepped into the gap left by her grandparents’ deaths—the gap her parents had never even tried to fill.

“You look happy,” Boone said when the music changed tempo to signal the start of the dance. The two lines of men and women stepped forward to meet each other, then back again.

“I am,” Riley said when they advanced again. “What about you?”

“I’m enjoying myself,” he admitted when they clasped right hands and circled each other. “This is better than the stupid jumping around I usually do in bars.”

“Our ancestors knew a thing or two.”

“They sure knew something about women’s clothing.” He nodded down at her cleavage.

“Behave yourself.” They separated again.

“Kind of hard not to look.” He did so as they crossed paths and separated again.

Riley laughed. She thought their ancestors understood something about flirting, too. The pace of the song and the steps that led them together and apart again provided the perfect pace for a romantic flirtation. The happy buzz of chatter around them added to the mix.

“You will marry me, won’t you? You haven’t changed your mind?” Boone asked the next time they were close.

“I don’t go back on my word, Boone.”

“I know,” he said when the music brought them together again. “That’s part of what I love so much about you.”

“What else do you love?” She circled him and stepped back.

“I love your eyes. I love the way you care so passionately about people and places.” They separated and came together again. “I love the way you move when I’m inside you.”

Her whole body flooded with warmth and she nearly stumbled in the steps of the dance before she recovered and hurried to catch up to the beat.

“Is there anything you love about me?” Boone asked in a low voice when they were near again.

She realized she’d never given him any clue, except for allowing him access to her body. And yet he’d stood firm in his desire to marry her. With a rush of shame, she said, “Of course.”

Boone smiled and Riley wondered why she’d never expressed her feelings clearly before. God knew she found it easy enough to tell him when she was angry. “I love your courage,” she said when they met again. “I love the way you defend your ideas and the way you want to make the world a better place. I love that you learned to dance in order to make this a special night for me and my guests.” Maud had told her all about the way Boone and his men had thrown themselves into their dancing lessons. That meant more to her more than she could say. Riley lost the beat again as an inspiration for his wedding gift hit her. She’d have to work fast to pull it off, but it would be worth it.

“My pleasure.”

This time the dance separated them for a longer span, as they each paired up with another partner for a series of steps. When she was faced with Boone again, she added. “I love the way you touch me.”

“I could touch you forever.” Boone snatched a kiss and spun away again. Heady with desire, Riley moved through the steps until they brought her to him again.

“I miss you at night.”

“I miss you all the time,” he growled. “Can we leave yet?”

“Not yet, Lieutenant.” She moved away from him and circled back. “But we’ll be together soon.”

“Never thought I’d
see you dancing, Walker.” Boone lifted his glass of whiskey and polished it off in one shot.

“I’m a good dancer.” Walker leaned against the archway leading from the hallway into the ballroom and surveyed the scene. It was an amazing sight, Boone thought. Beautiful, really, although frivolous as hell. Still, was it unsustainable? If the gowns and uniforms were worn again and again, and the candles were made from natural substances, and the food served would be eaten anyhow… he wasn’t sure where the harm was.

On the other hand, if the ladies demanded a new gown for each ball and the gentlemen wiped out the beaver population as they’d nearly done once in their desire for fresh top hats made from beaver skin, then it would definitely not be environmentally friendly.

Still, Boone thought they had something to learn from their ancestors about homegrown fun. He liked the live music from local musicians and was glad Maud had employed local purveyors for the food and decorations. A dance didn’t need to be anywhere near this fancy, either. Maybe most men would prefer the rough and rowdy atmosphere of a bar like the Dancing Boot in town, but to his surprise he was enjoying the gentility of this far more formal affair.

He spotted Clay partnering with Nora in the latest dance. Jericho stood near Savannah, chatting with her.

He was proud to see his recruits dancing gamely with Riley’s guests. The tall, proud woman she’d mentioned once or twice—Win something—was laughing boisterously as she executed a complicated set of steps with Angus.

“Success,” he said to Walker.

“Feels good helping her, doesn’t it?” Walker asked in reply.

Boone looked to Riley, who had just emerged from the back of the house where she’d gone to freshen up. She was so lovely, her cheeks flushed with the exertion of the dancing and her eyes bright with the triumph of the night. “Sure does. I wish Fulsom wasn’t so hard-headed. If he’d bend a little, those women would be on our side in a minute.”

“Forget Fulsom. You keep waiting for them to come down that hill. You’ve got to give them a reason.”

“Like what?”

“You’ll figure it out, Chief.” Walker moved off into the crowd.

Boone watched him go, puzzling over his words. He’d tried to get Riley interested in Base Camp, but she was too taken up with the wedding. If only her guests were interested in sustainable living—

Boone broke off that thought. Riley’s guests…

A plan bloomed in his mind like a dandelion springing up overnight after a rain. It was so devious he nearly laughed out loud.

Riley’s guests might be the key to everything.

Early the next
morning, Riley was dreaming of Boone’s arms around her, swirling her around a dance floor in time to the music of an orchestra when a rough pounding at the front door of the manor woke her up. She was alone in bed and she dimly remembered Boone leaving for Base Camp after undressing her and making love to her until she shattered in his arms. The whole night had been magical, and she wasn’t ready to get up, but there were guests in the house, so when the knocking sounded again, she leaped out of bed, grabbed a robe, and rushed from her room, meeting Avery on the stairs.

“Who could it be this early?”

“I don’t know.” Riley hurried down the rest of the steps. When she unbolted the door and flung it open, she recognized Angus. He was dressed again in the redcoat uniform he’d worn the night before. Or perhaps he’d never taken it off, she thought. It had been very late when they’d trundled home from the festivities.

“An invitation, miss.”

“To what?” She peered into the early morning mist, looking for some sort of explanation, but saw nothing other than the pale shapes of the outbuildings far in the distance.

“To breakfast. We figured you ladies would be hungry after all that exercise last night.” Angus bowed. “We await you down at Base Camp.”

“Breakfast?” Riley repeated, but Angus was already striding down the hill.

“Who was it?” Avery called down to her.

“Angus with an invitation to eat down at Base Camp. He didn’t wait for an answer. I’ll have to walk down there with our apologies; our guests won’t be up for hours.”

She hurried up the staircase to change into clothes, but on the second floor, guests stuck their heads out of their doors.

“What is it?” Andrea asked sleepily.

“No cause for concern. The men invited us to breakfast but it’s far too early.”

“Breakfast sounds good, actually.”

“I’m hungry,” Win said from her room.

“We’ll bring you up a tray,” Riley said over her shoulder as she hurried to the next flight of stairs. “Go back to sleep. We’ll have something for you before you know it.”

“How can I sleep when a bunch of handsome men have cooked me breakfast?” Win exclaimed. “I’ll be right there.”

“Me, too,” Andrea said. “I’ll get everyone ready.”

“But—” Riley hesitated on the stairs, then chuckled. “I guess we’re eating at Base Camp,” she said to Avery.

“Sounds good to me.”

Back in her room, Riley quickly pulled on her clothes, then hurried downstairs to help their guests dress in their unfamiliar gowns. There was so much giggling among the bridesmaids, she felt like she was back in high school.

“Those men have made quite an impression,” she whispered to Savannah as they passed in the hall.

“I can’t say I blame them. I’m looking forward to breakfast, too.”

“I thought you wanted to keep your distance from Jericho.”

“I never said that.” Savannah flashed her a smile. “Don’t worry about me, Riley. I’m a grown woman. You don’t have to try to keep me safe.”

Riley decided not to answer that.

They were a colorful group as they walked down the lane to the bunkhouse, their bonnets bobbing as they talked and laughed. Riley’s heart soared as she breathed in the fresh scent of a new day. She felt a rush of love for everyone—even Win—and hoped Andrea’s wedding went off without a hitch.

Boone met them near the fire, handsome in his old-fashioned uniform. “Riley. Thanks for coming.”

“Thanks for having us. We didn’t expect breakfast.”

“Can’t let you lassies go hungry,” Angus said. “Come and eat.”

Riley hung back, but gestured the others on. Avery led the way and soon there was a line of women by the cook fire. Clay and Walker labored over the flames. Jericho handed out mugs of coffee. She was surprised by how eager Andrea’s pampered friends were to stand around in the chilly dawn when they could be fast asleep, but when she took in the way they were watching the men, she understood. The old-fashioned uniforms made them look earnest and dashing at the same time. It was too bad she wouldn’t have more guests for months after this weekend. It had been fun to host them and she’d miss the extra women filling the house with chatter.

Still, she didn’t dread the next six months so much anymore. Not since her friends had promised to stick by her, and not since she’d gotten to know Boone’s recruits. They’d been such good sports at the ball. It would be fun to have such a lively group so close to hand.

Maybe it would be fun to live among them.

As Riley took her turn in the lineup, she caught snatches of conversation.

“…in charge of the hydroponics setup. We’ll use conventional gardens for most things, but hydroponics allows for more sensitive crops and the ability to extend the growing season nearly year round…” Angus was saying. Win, sitting next to him on a blanket spread on the ground, nodded her head and leaned nearer.

“…so fascinated by solar technology,” Belinda was saying to Greg. “I had an array installed on my summer cottage.”

“My great-uncle patented some of the basic solar technology,” Greg answered her.

“Can’t wait to see the rest of it,” Avery was saying to Walker.

“Happy to show you around,” Walker said.

By the time she reached Boone, who’d taken over for Clay and Walker, she had reached a state of bemusement. She rested a hand on his shoulder. “What’s there to eat?”

“Southwestern breakfast burritos.” He took a spoonful of the beans and rice and held it up for her to taste. Riley blew on it a time or two and took a mouthful.

“Yum. That’s good.”

“Your guests seem to like it.” He gestured at the crowd surrounding them and Riley had to agree the women were far happier than she’d seen them yet, despite the primitive surroundings.

She found an empty corner of a blanket, sat down, balancing her plate on her lap, and studied Win and Angus surreptitiously. She was a little worried about the transformation in the woman as she chatted and laughed with the Scot. After all, she was due to be married soon.

Choose wisely
, she willed toward Win. Marriage was a serious business.

She looked to Boone and was glad she’d found the man for her, even if they’d gotten off to a rocky start.

Savannah sat down beside her. She had a burrito on her plate, but she didn’t take a bite of it.

“Something wrong?” Riley asked her.

“I can’t believe I’ve been so silly. I acted like if we took a break from our Regency life we wouldn’t be able to start it up again. I’ve been treating it like some gift from above, as if we didn’t make it happen ourselves. That’s not the case, is it? We managed to make it happen once. We can do it again. Meanwhile, we can be part of an interesting experiment.”

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