A SEAL's Pleasure (3 page)

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Authors: Tawny Weber

BOOK: A SEAL's Pleasure
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Shaking the memory away, Gabriel's easy smile faded into a frown. What was it was about Tessa Monroe that made him think of his past? Stupid, since he'd never met anyone like her before. Crazy, because the only place he had in his life for women was the present moment. And useless, since nobody knew better than Gabriel how important it was to defuse explosives before they blew up in his face. And there was nothing with more potential to detonate than the past.

And nothing more explosive than a sexy woman with an attitude.

“Yo, Romeo.”

Gabriel blinked away his unusually deep thoughts and gave his buddy an easy smile.

“Yo, Scavenger,” he drawled, watching the tall man move into the room with an air of someone escaping a torture chamber. “Had enough of the party already?”

“I'm not the one hiding in an empty room,” Scavenger laughed, humor lighting his usually intense features. A first-class medic with recon skills that were nigh on magic as far as Gabriel was concerned, Scavenger tended to be on the quiet side. But he saw everything.

Something that Gabriel valued on the SEAL team.

But not in his private life.

Not that he had anything to hide. Hell, he was an open book. As long as the book opened to the page he was on today.

“What's up?” Gabriel asked, knowing that look in his friend's eyes. Part assessing, part caution, it meant the other guy was debating whether he wanted to share his thoughts or not.

“Jackrabbit's gonna be a pain in the ass,” Scavenger finally said quietly, the words accompanied by a loose shrug.

Gabriel considered the warning. Because as casually as it was offered and as few words as it contained, if Scavenger had sought him out to say it, it was definitely a warning.

“There's always a period of adjustment when we join a new team,” Gabriel pointed out, even though they'd been assigned to the team for six months already. Until they trained together, deployed together, they wouldn't feel like a team. “He'll get used to me.”

“Don't think he'll get used to losing, though,” Scavenger offered with a quick grin. “Watch your back. He's looking for an edge.”

With a nod to acknowledge that he'd received the warning and would heed it—probably—Gabriel took aim at one of the last two balls on the table, letting it ricochet off the other to send both into different pockets.

“Thanks for missing the party out there to let me know,” Gabriel said, meaning it. He might not care that some guy had issues, but he knew Scavenger's concern was the good of the team, which meant those issues would have to be dealt with. “You have to beat the women off with a stick yet?”

It was a source of never-ending amusement to Gabriel and most of the team that Scavenger, in all his shyness, was consistently hit on wherever they went.

“They wouldn't be all over me if you were there. Isn't that part of your rating? To take point on all social excursions, engage the female predators in order to allow the team to carry out their mission unmolested?”

“Is that what this is?” Gabriel laughed as he put the cue back in its stand. “You want me out there as a shield?”

“Nah, Irish was looking for you,” Scavenger said, his cheeks a little toasty. “You were supposed to help him with something?”

Oh, yeah. He'd been on his way, then he'd gotten distracted by the vision of an angel. One look at Tessa Monroe's sweet little body curved over the pool table and his brain had straight-up fizzled. He'd been lucky he'd remembered his name when he'd stood across from her.

It was shaming for a man with his reputation to admit—even to himself—but if she'd crooked one of those sexy fingers of hers and led the way, he'd have followed her anywhere. Which meant she was dangerous. To his reputation, to his ego and to his peace of mind. All three of which Gabriel protected fiercely.

Gabriel had learned young to recognize trouble, a talent honed to perfection by his years in the military. But recognizing or not, he never ran from a fight, and he didn't back down from trouble.

But trouble like Tessa Monroe? An angel's face wrapped in a body that'd tempt the devil?

A wise man stepped carefully.

A wiser man plunged deep, reveled in the delight and found a way to walk away unscathed.

He just had to find his opening.

And he wasn't going to find it in here.

“I guess I'd better help Irish, and let you get back to the waiting ladies,” Gabriel said.

The two men moved easily through the crowd toward the far side of the room, where it looked as if an entire platoon had gathered. Seeing the groom-to-be talking to an older woman who was the spitting image of Mitch's fiancée, Gabriel tapped Shane on the shoulder before tilting his head to indicate he was gonna do his duty.

“Chief Petty Officer Thorne, reporting for duty,” Gabriel said when he reached Mitch and the woman who was apparently going to be his friend's mother-in-law.

Interest flashed in the blonde's eyes as she smiled. Mitch just shook his head in resigned amusement.

“Pauline, I'd like you to meet Gabriel Thorne. Gabriel, this is Livi's mother, Pauline.” Waiting only long enough to finish the introductions, Mitch made his excuses to escape.

Leaving Gabriel alone with a cougar who looked as if she'd enjoy lapping him up for breakfast.

“Gabriel, thank you for your willingness to help make Mitchell and Olivia's wedding a beautifully memorable event. I've created a list for you,” she said, unsnapping the tiny seashell-shaped purse dangling from her wrist to pull out a slip of paper. Gabriel was encouraged by its small size until she unfolded and unfolded and unfolded it again.

“That's quite a list,” he observed, noting that the computer-generated printout had multiple bullet points and appeared to be color coded.

“Read through it carefully, please, and let me know if there are any issues with the duties or timing.” She handed it over with a smile that said she didn't care what he objected to.

“The ceremony will take place on Catalina Island in six weeks. Since it's a destination wedding, the events will span the entire first week of May. You'll need that entire week off. But if you could get time off beforehand to help with preparations, that would help, of course.”

Gabriel squinted a little to see if she was joking. Seeing she wasn't, his lips twitched.

“Of course,” he repeated, giving her the words she wanted to hear, but not the actual agreement. Because everyone knew how easygoing Uncle Sam was about letting entire SEAL teams go off the grid at the same time.

He glanced at the list, his eyes widening at the extent of duties listed. He'd executed complicated hostage rescue missions that hadn't required this many steps.

Then he gave those steps a closer look.

And saw how many of them had him paired with a certain angel-faced seductress. Gabriel's expression eased into a natural smile; that was to say, one that was filled with a whole lot of wicked.

Host beach bonfire
, he noted.

Collaborate on romantic moonlight dance

This could get interesting.

“Tessa Monroe is the—” he glanced at the top of the page, where it listed all of the players and their assigned roles “—maid of honor?”

“Mmm, yes. Tessa and Olivia have been friends for years, all the way back to college.” When Gabriel gave her his most charming, do-tell-me-more smile, her own expression softened and she started chatting about Livi's time at San Diego State. Barracuda or not, the woman had good feelings for her kid. That brought her up a few notches in Gabriel's estimation. He knew firsthand that
didn't mean

“When Livi launched her fitness videos, she brought Tessa in. I'm not sure Olivia could have achieved the level of success she did without her friend. Not only is Tessa a beautiful woman who has great camera presence, her being there made the touring and live events so much easier on Olivia.”

“So Tessa's a trainer, too?” Gabriel asked, finally voicing one of the thousands of personal questions he hadn't let himself ask before.

“A trainer? Oh, no. Tessa doesn't have the patience to teach. She's actually a writer. Journalist?” Pauline frowned, then waved the distinction away as if it didn't matter. “She writes for a very successful digital magazine. I think she's also in charge of editorial, among other things. That enabled her to work from her laptop for weeks at a time while traveling. And, of course, her travels gave her so many new article ideas and contacts. I think two of the pieces she wrote on the road went on to win national attention.”

Not sure why he felt so proud since it had nothing to do with him, Gabriel still smiled. Maybe because it proved what he'd already known. In addition to being gorgeous and sexy, Tessa was savvy and smart.

“It's a fitness magazine?”

? No, it's more of a relationship magazine for singles. A lot of emphasis on sex, the mating games, bedroom games, how to use it all to get ahead.” Pauline's voice dropped to a husky timbre as she reached out to trail her fingers along the back of his hand. “I'll be happy to share some of them, if you'd like?”

Gabriel blinked, surprised at how fast she went from businesslike to motherly to amused to cougar with barely a blink. Talented lady. But as attractive as she was, he didn't figure he'd be offering up more than his respect.

With that in mind, he lifted the list in a modified salute and suggested he find the groom and discuss the details.

“If you need anything, just call. My numbers are all there,” Pauline instructed. Then she leaned forward and whispered a creative suggestion in his ear that made Gabriel's brows arch. Before he could refuse, she patted his ass and went on her way.

Amused, Gabriel headed in the opposite direction through the crowded ballroom. Figuring he'd earned it, he grabbed another beer on his way to where Mitch was seated.

“Did I offer my congratulations yet?” he asked, grabbing a chair, then straddling it before tilting his beer bottle toward his friend in a salute.

“So far you've offered three warnings, two enigmatic stares and the suggestion that I see a counselor,” the groom-to-be mused with an easy smile. “You finally going to add a congrats to that?”

“On finding a sweetheart like Livi? Sure. But how about a word of advice?”

Mitch gestured with his own beer for Gabriel to go ahead.

“That was quite a chat with your future mother-in-law.” Gabriel gave a silent whistle and shook his head. “You might wanna give thought to running.”

“She's not so bad,” Mitch responded, looking around. His gaze didn't land on the blonde barracuda who'd just propositioned Gabriel, but rested instead on her daughter.

“Not so bad?” Gabriel scoffed. “Did you get a load of my assignment list? I've served under admirals with less balls than she has.”

Following Mitch's gaze, Gabriel glanced at his friend's fiancée. His eyes automatically shifted, though, to the dark-haired angel on the other side of the room, heat speeding through his system at the sight of her. A good-looking woman offering to ride him like a bronco got zip for reaction, but one look at Tessa and he was rock hard.

Damned if he could figure out what was going on.

He deliberately shifted his gaze away.

Lips twitching, he used his chin to indicate Mitch look that way, too.

“Your future mother-in-law has Scavenger in her sights.”

Mitch followed his lead to where Pauline had the tall, quietly shy SEAL cornered. From the look of it, she was actually petting his chest.

“She'll eat him for breakfast,” Mitch proclaimed, looking both amused and a little worried.

Over their friend's pending sexual education? Or the weirdness of watching all of the elements of his life mix together? Yet another reason to keep life to a single element, Gabriel figured.

“We should rescue him,” Mitch said, starting to rise.

“Nah.” Gabriel shook his head before Mitch could get to his feet. “It'll be good for him. A guy needs to push his comfort zone now and then.”

“She might suck the comfort right out of him,” Mitch muttered with a worried frown.

“Some women do that,” Gabriel mused, his gaze cutting across the room to lock on Tessa again.

She was so damned sexy, her smile wide and bright in a way it never was when she looked at him.

Time to change the game, he decided.

He'd played it with amused distance already, and all that'd done was let her get a hold somewhere in the back of his mind.

As he listened with half an ear to Mitch talking, he realized that since Tessa was like no woman he'd ever known before, he'd have to take a different approach in dealing with her.

He was simply going to have to pursue her. That he'd have her went without question, since it was obviously the only way he'd get her out of his system.

He was a man who knew how to strategize, how to plan and how to win.

And he never, ever gave up.

Since Tessa wasn't on board with his plan, he'd see her as a mission.

A target to be assessed, evaluated and overcome.

He'd figure her out.

He'd have her—on his terms.

Then he'd do what he always did.

Walk away, leaving both of them satisfied.


to see if Gabriel was looking her way. She didn't have to. She knew his eyes were locked on her. She felt the heat of his interest all the way to her belly, where desire curled, unwanted, in a tightly coiled fire just waiting to explode.

Ignoring the edgy call of desire, she smiled and dished out friendly greetings and easy small talk as she worked the room. This was what she did. Socialized, flitted and fluttered, leaving a trail of lust and smiles behind. And if she did it with a little stress still weighing her down, well, hey, nobody else had to know that.

Not that anyone would. Nobody ever looked deep enough to see more than the outer package anyway.

Except Livi.

Still, Tessa gave it her best shot by amping up her smile and focusing on keeping her body at ease as she slid into the chair next to her best friend.

“Hey, you,” Livi greeted. “I was starting to wonder where you were. Pauline was talking about sending out a search party but I convinced her to wait until appetizers.”

“Thanks for saving me that.” Tessa pulled a face at the idea of Livi's über–control freak of a mother coming in search of her. She wasn't sure if that would have been better or worse than Romeo.

“Champagne?” a waiter offered.

After a quick glance at the glass, Tessa gestured to Livi's flute of sparkling cider.

“I'll have what she's having,” she decided, giving him a warm smile that almost made him fumble the tray.

“What's wrong?” Livi asked, her brows drawing together.

“Wrong? Why is it wrong that I'm keeping my pregnant friend company in her drinking choices?” Tessa said with a shrug.

That sounded much better than admitting that she couldn't quite bring herself to celebrate what she was sure was going to be a painful mistake on Livi's part. Marriage itself was bad enough. But marriage because she was pregnant? To a military guy?

“Since when do you drink the same thing I do? You're upset. I can tell,” Livi said with a worried frown. Then her gaze slid past Tessa, the striking blonde's eyes sharpening a little. Tessa didn't need to turn around to know that her friend had just spotted the reason for her irritation.

“Are you and Gabriel at it again?” Livi asked, her frown deepening as she shook her head. “I don't get it. I've never seen anyone argue with Gabriel except you.”

“But he's so easy to argue with,” Tessa intoned. At Livi's impatient look, she gave a dismissive wave of her hand. “I wasn't arguing with him. Really. An issue blew up at the magazine this afternoon that has me a little edgy is all.”

Not all a lie, Tessa mentally defended, since she hadn't actually argued with Gabriel. A covert threat to whack him with the pool cue didn't an argument make. And she
ended her workday with drama.

was a source of pleasure for Tessa. The magazine she'd founded with Jared Welch and Maeve Bannion was a huge success not only for her ego, but for her bank account.

But like sexy men, even a great career had its irritating moments.

“What did Jared do?” Livi asked, correctly honing in on one of the sources of Tessa's troubles. “You need to watch out, Tessa. I know you think you've got a handle on him, but he's a snake.”

“Please.” Tessa laughed. She wasn't worried about Jared. Between her and Maeve, they kept him in line. Mostly. “When has a man ever got the better of me?”

She deliberately kept her gaze locked on Livi instead of searching the room for Romeo. Talk about ruining her reputation. She didn't want anyone thinking she was nervous over a guy, even a guy like him.

“Jared would like nothing more than to ride on the tails of your success until he found a way to shove you out of the equation,” Livi said slowly, her eyes locked on Tessa's face. “You've been getting more and more attention, syndication of your articles is picking up and you've had some amazing interviews.”

All true. Tessa was one hell of a writer. Oh, she knew Jared liked to tout her as a journalist, but she had no illusions. She wrote very fun, sassy and sexy pieces that all centered around the games between women and men. Flirtations, as the magazine's name suggested. One Hundred and One Ways to Flirt Your Way to Success, Top Five Pick-up Lines for Savvy Women and The ABCs of Mastering the Sexual Playground were just a few of her recent submissions. Hardly Pulitzer-worthy topics, but they suited her talents and personality, they were extremely popular and they were fun to write. All key reasons why she loved her job.

Jared wouldn't mess that up. Would he?

Tessa rubbed a finger against the throbbing in her temple, wondering when men had shifted from being a delightful pastime to being a pain in her butt.

“I'm filming a yoga segment tomorrow,” Livi said. “Why don't you join in? A little balance, a little positive energy, it'd be good for you. I could use a toned body in belly-baring workout gear to bump the ratings.”

Tessa considered it for a moment. A nationally renowned fitness celebrity with a string of successful videos, Livi had just secured a contract with a fitness cable channel to air her new live workout program that she'd titled
, for women at every stage of life.

If there was a frustrated, irritated and inappropriately horny stage, Tessa was the girl to represent it. She was also the woman who knew better than to give in to that particular cocktail of emotions since it only led to trouble.

“You're focusing on pregnancy workouts right now, aren't you?” Tessa remarked with a laugh. “I'm not sure breathing positive energy to my uterus is going to relax me a whole lot.”

“I'm the only pregnant woman in the crew,” Livi countered with a wave of her hand. “There's a new mom, a retired nurse, a teen and an older man, too. That's the point of these workouts. They work for everyone. But if you don't want to work out, why don't we do a spa day? Massage, facial, mani-pedi. The works.”

“It sounds great, but I should probably go into the office. I'll chat with Maeve, see if she's got any idea what's going on,” she said.

“Work over pampering,” Livi said, pretending to be shocked. “That doesn't sound like the Tessa Monroe I know.”

Tessa grimaced. It didn't, did it?

A rare and unwelcome feeling of uncertainty washed over her. Was it her life that was in turmoil? Or was it her that didn't fit her once-perfect lifestyle?

The worry that'd been following her around like an itchy backpack took on yet another layer. Tessa leaned in to ask Livi's advice. Before she could say a word, though, she felt a chill over her shoulder.

“What's this I hear?” Pauline said as she slid into a seat next to them. “Our wild child is losing her edge?”

Tessa's urge to confess disappeared.

If she'd learned one lesson good and well at her momma's knee, it was to never show weakness. Especially not to a woman like Pauline. Or the blonde barracuda, as Livi's video crew called her.

With just a twitch of her chin, Tessa's confidence was back. Her smile turned sharp, her body language sliding into sassy as she turned to greet Livi's mom.

“I'm as edgy as can be,” she claimed, lifting her glass of sparkling cider to toast the older woman. “How about you, Pauline? Now that Livi's off the market, are you going to hit the clubs with me?”

“You won't have time for clubbing,” Pauline said, waving the invitation away with the same lack of enthusiasm as it was offered. “The wedding is going to take a great deal of time and energy. As maid of honor, a lot of the work is going to fall to you. I hope you're capable of handling it, Tessa. I'd hate to see Olivia having to pick up the slack if you're out playing games. Or worse, to have her dream wedding turn into a disappointment.”

“Mother,” Livi growled, her sweet face turning ferocious.

As much fun as it would be to see her friend stand up to the woman who until a couple of months ago had run her life, Tessa knew the stress wasn't good for Livi, or for the baby.

She laid her hand over Livi's clenched fist and gave it a squeeze before angling her body just a little. Enough to put herself between daughter and mother.

“Please,” she told Pauline with a dismissive laugh. “When have I
left anyone disappointed? I'll do everything in my power to give Livi the wedding of a lifetime.”

After another few seconds with that assessing stare, Pauline gave a slow nod.

What the hell
? Tessa wanted to ask. Since when did she merit doubt?

A tight, aching ball of doubt knotted in her stomach, all of her worries from the evening feeding the pain.

Was Pauline inadvertently right? Was she losing her edge?

A couple stopped at the table to congratulate Livi. As the bride-to-be and Pauline fell into conversation with them, Tessa's worried gaze wandered the room.

When her eyes landed on the sexiest man she'd ever known, the only man who might possibly be more than she could handle, her frown deepened. Instead of backing up Gabriel Thorne against that poolroom wall, stripping him naked and riding him like a bucking bronco, she'd run away. Why? Was she afraid she couldn't handle him?

Tessa exchanged her cider for champagne and took a contemplative sip. Wetting her lips and letting the taste of the sweet bubbles coat her tongue, she shoved aside her earlier fears. Being worried about not handling any man—even a man like Gabriel Thorne—was about as crazy as being afraid of having body-melting, pleasure-screaming multiple orgasms. Something she was quite sure he could provide, with a few interesting twists thrown in.

A shot of lust speared straight through her, landing low in her belly with a familiar sexual zing.

That was the perfect answer, she realized.

She was going to seduce Romeo.

Not only would it get him out of her system, but it would also prove that she was just as edgy and in control as ever.

And then, emotionally steady, mentally refreshed and physically sated, she could do what she always did with men.

Thank him for the good time, consign him to her been-there-done-that list and, more important, move on with making her life exactly what she wanted it to be.

Fun and easy.

* * *


Gabriel wasn't sure what'd changed.

Maybe it was a couple of glasses of wine.

Maybe the sun had fully set.

Hell, maybe it was the spices on the grilled-prawn appetizers circulating around the room.

Whatever it was, Tessa had gone from icily pretending he didn't exist to giving him assessing looks that were hot enough to melt his shorts from twenty yards away.

She hadn't approached, nor had she done more than look. But a woman like Tessa? She knew how to say one hell of a lot with just a glance.

He kinda liked it.

He just wasn't sure what he wanted to do about it yet.

Oh, sure, his melting shorts and their happy contents knew exactly what they'd like to do.

But a man didn't live through countless missions, a war and a childhood that put both to shame without learning to carefully question a gift horse before sticking anything in its mouth. Even if the gift horse was the sexiest filly he'd ever seen.

Her big blue eyes were even more appealing filled with sexual speculation. Not to dis the chilly disdain from before. That'd been kinda sexy, too.

“You ever notice how parties like this tend to have rumors flowing right along with the booze?”

Gabriel tipped back his beer bottle for a drink before slanting Jackrabbit a sideways look. He didn't say anything, though, figuring the guy could bait his own hook for this little fishing trip.

“Rumors like the one that says that your success with the ladies is nigh on legendary,” the other man continued in a musing tone. “Can you believe it? Legendary.”

“Well, you know what they say about rumors, don't you?” Seeing where this was going, Gabriel's grin was as sharp as his tone was casual. “They're like smoke.”

Jackrabbit pulled a face before nodding. “And where there's smoke, there's fire.”

“I like serving with a guy who thinks fast.”

“I heard a lot of other rumors tonight. Wonder how hot they are.”

“You looking to start your own gossip site specializing in Navy news?”

“Nah, just getting to know the guys I'll be serving with. It pays to have a good handle on the team's successes, right? And on their failures.”

“You keep digging around in those rumors, you'll hear one sure truth.” Gabriel's smile turned deadly. “I don't fail.”

“Then you won't mind a little bet based on one of the rumors I heard?”

His instincts said to tell the guy to get a different hobby.

But Gabriel's entire world revolved around his service to the SEALs. Which meant he put his team ahead of everything. So making peace with this idiot for the good of morale before they went into training was the right thing to do.

“What's the bet?”

“I heard that for all your legendary prowess with women, you've been shot down in flames by one particular lady. Tessa Monroe, who, if I hear right, is as wild as she is sexy.” Jeglinski's smile turned mean. “That had to bite, being turned down by a woman like that. Even worse to have her blowing you off like I saw earlier. Damn, man, those were some cold looks she was sending your way.”

Not bothering to wonder who had spread that bit of news, or resent that it was true, Gabriel focused instead on keeping his expression amused as he waited for the rest.

“So here's the wager. I'll bet you can't get the sexy Tessa Monroe into bed. Given that we're gonna be busy for the next few months training in the Pacific, I'll even give you until Irish says ‘I do.'”

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