A Season for Martyrs: A Novel (27 page)

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Authors: Bina Shah

Tags: #Pakistan, #Fiction - Drama, #Legends/Myths/Tales

BOOK: A Season for Martyrs: A Novel
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Tongues had wagged in Sikandar’s family, as in all Sindhi families, at the ridiculous plans Bhutto had for his firstborn. “Is he crazy—sending her that far away? It isn’t safe to leave a girl alone like that, in America, of all the places …” said Sikandar’s father.

“She’ll get up to all sorts of mischief, she’ll mix with boys and—” said his mother.

“Don’t talk like that about a lady!” Imtiaz, ever the defender of the honor of women, spoke up.

“All right, but still … Educating girls? He’s sending her to
? I’ve never even heard of the place. The man’s been possessed by the devil, I tell you …”

“She’ll go wild, disgrace the family. Bhutto will rue the day he put her on the plane; he’ll wish he’d kept her in
like all honorable women!”

Sikandar sat and listened to the conversation, unsure which side to take. He wondered, if his daughter had lived, whether he would even consider letting her go abroad to study. He was not as averse to the idea as the rest of them. In this, as in so many other things, Bhutto had been a revolutionary, and had not listened to people he considered backward and foolish—and the family of Pir Hassan Sikandar, affluent as they might be, were certainly counted among their numbers.

But the daughter Bhutto sent as a gawky child had come back a polished, educated woman, with a backbone of steel. Now even Sikandar’s family spoke admiringly of her; they all knew how she had led the struggle against General Zia after her father had been imprisoned; Zia had sent her and her mother to detention in Rawalpindi, and house arrest in Karachi and in Naudero. It was only by some miracle of God that the harsh conditions of jail did not break her, accustomed as she was to privilege and luxury. Why, she could hardly even speak Sindhi, her own mother tongue!

Sikandar was curious to see this girl, as were so many others, and everyone had, at some point, tried to meet with her. The Pirs and zamindars who were his contemporaries spoke of her in hushed, reverent tones, and all the young men could not help but fall a little in love with the idea of her, although they never would have shown disrespect to her or her father by approaching him for her hand in marriage. To them she was a mixture of several things: sister, daughter, heroine, queen. She was like the Seven Queens of Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai, that Sufi poet who wrote so movingly of the women of Sindh who’d fought oppressors, led wars, lost their lives for their lovers. Benazir had lost her beloved father, but she would not accept death or exile. She pitched herself in full tilt against General Zia and the might of the army: she was braver than most men Sikandar had ever known.

Sikandar approached the house in the early evening. Al-Murtaza, the ancestral home, which Zia turned into a sub-jail so that Benazir and her mother could be incarcerated there, was a grand structure with blue and white tiles all along the doorways, depicting in curious hieroglyphics the lives of the men and women that lived in Mohenjodaro, the City of the Dead located not too far away. Soldiers in khaki uniforms stood guard outside the gates, keeping a wary eye on all men who passed in and out of the house. Plainclothes policemen must have been mingling with the crowds, too, taking note of the names of PPP big shots who arrived in their convoys of jeeps and cars with darkened windows.

There were no women who came to meet the Bhutto ladies; they would not have been comfortable leaving their homes to travel so far, nor would they have been permitted to come out of
and walk among so many strange men. But Benazir did not observe
Now that the official period of detention was over and the telephones restored, meetings with visitors allowed, they were making up for all those months when they had been cut off from the rest of the world, their names excised from the newspapers, their efforts to publicize Bhutto’s plight struck down by the paranoid, shame-faced general.

Sikandar was directed by some of the Bhutto servants to go to the garden, and as he joined the men who thronged there, he noticed bushes of beautiful roses growing along the boundary walls. Their colors enticed him; tangerine, lavender, golden. He bent down to admire them, to stroke the petals of one that looked so perfect it could have been molded out of clay. One of the servants, a young boy in a Sindhi cap, saw him, and saluted, then spoke to him in the soft buttery tones of Seraiki-accented Sindhi.

“These were Bhutto Saeen’s favorites. He brought them from all over the world.”

“Did he?”

“Yes. And Bibi looked after them while he was in jail. She comes down here every morning at seven and helps the gardener water them. She tends to them as if they were her children. It is sad to watch. It makes me want to cry.”

Sikandar touched the boy on his head and gave him a ten-rupee note. He already looked as if he had been crying for days, his eyes swollen, his nose red and chafed. No older than fourteen, he could not understand why his master had been taken and murdered. He had never been to school, could not understand the grand designs of the men who wanted to rule the country. But he would have taken comfort from the fact that his loyalty to the Bhutto family was something he could understand, and rely on. Until now.

Suddenly, a buzz rose up from the men gathered in the garden: “She is coming. She is coming. Bibi is coming.”

“Stand here, Saeen,” said the boy to Sikandar. “She will be sure to come near her father’s roses. She loves them so.”

He did as he was told, keeping a distance from the other men who were pressing to catch a glimpse of the tall, chador-clad figure as she stepped from the confines of the house and into the garden. The air was still heavy and hot from the day, though the scent of
heralded the approaching coolness of night, and Sikandar thought he saw her flinch when the warmth hit her; it had not been long since she’d been released from those claustrophobic rooms where sunlight and fresh air were hard to come by.

He strained for a look at her; from this spot he could see a gaunt face, with great shadows under her eyes and cheekbones. But she held herself straight and proud, her chin lifted, glancing down her long, proud nose at the men who stumbled forward and greeted her, their hands pressed to their chest in respect. A small space was cleared in front of her so she could walk with dignity, speaking to each man and nodding her head slowly. She did not lower her head or look away, as most Sindhi women would have done; she faced each man and looked him straight in the eye, speaking in a strong, steady voice, despite her flawed Urdu.

Ten minutes passed, fifteen, thirty … an hour later, Benazir broke through the crowds and came toward the rosebushes, just as the young boy had said she would. Sikandar waited behind one of the hedges so that she did not see him at first, and he could watch her as she stood next to the roses, straightening her chador and closing her eyes. Only when she was close to him could he see how very young she looked. Her skin was translucent, the veins underneath her pale skin blue and fine like small rivers. Her eyes were huge, the eyebrows arched above, giving her an intelligent, intense expression. And though she was a tall woman, she looked delicate, the chador heaped over her thin shoulders, her hands clutching at its edges bony and thin.

Sikandar cleared his throat, and she glanced in his direction. She was tired, so tired, he could see it in the depths of her eyes, in the lines above her forehead. Even her clothes and shoes looked tired, worn-out and faded in the dusty heat. He stepped forward and began to speak.

“Lady, I am Pir Sikandar Hussein Ahmed Shah, from Sukkur. I have come to tell you how pained my family and I are by your loss. Truly, the nation has been robbed of a great man.”

She did not smile, but she pressed her hand to her heart. “Thank you. You are very kind. Did you know my father well?”

“I did not know him, but I admired him greatly, as we all did.” As he spoke, Sikandar realized he was telling the truth. Few zamindars agreed with Bhutto’s ideas about liberating the poor, pandering to their greed. It would have upset the natural order of things. And he was ashamed to say that in earlier days, he had shared the view that if they, the nobility of Sindh, were not educated men, why should peasants and their children go to school so that they could leave the farms for the cities, believing themselves better than the zamindars and worthy of more than the life of servitude offered to them?

Disappointment flashed across her face. She was about to make her excuses and leave, Sikandar could tell. It hurt him more than he was expecting, to let her down, when she was so hungry for anyone who might have spent a little time with her father. He could not say that he completely understood that feeling, but he, too, knew what it felt like to lose his flesh and blood.

“But I know something about him that I must relate to you, Lady,” Sikandar quickly continued. She flicked her great, dark eyes back to him and gave him her attention once more.

“On the day of his hearing before the Supreme Court, back in December, he was taken from jail and brought to the court in a very weak condition. He had not eaten, had not had fresh water for days. He was ill …” Benazir nodded in recognition and painful remembrance. “When he stood before the judge, ready to speak, many people did not think he would be strong enough. But then he gripped the sides of the dock and called out for help to Saeen Lal Shahbaz Qalandar, the great saint of Sehwan …”

Her hand was at her throat, and for a moment it seemed as if they were the only two people in the garden. “And then?” she whispered.

“The whole room began to grow bright, and your father’s face was illuminated, as if the light of God was shining on his face. And then he regained his strength, and he was able to speak, and he spoke eloquently, for four days after that.”

Her face too was shining, even though grief was an ever-
present color on the skin of her thin cheeks. “He did not even need notes, you know?”

“Yes, Bibi. He was a brilliant man, even when he was standing with one foot in his grave.”

Then her face shifted into a frown, and she looked away. “But how do you know it really happened like that?” She was so desolate, so devastated despite her outward show of strength, that Sikandar, in that moment, would have cut his own heart out of his chest to give to her.

He said, gently, “I was there, Lady. I went to his trial. I sat in the benches and watched your father defend himself against the charges.”

Her eyes widened. Sikandar could see her heart had begun to resume beating again, a triumphant drumbeat that could never be stilled. The color came back to her face. Someone called her name from the far side of the garden then, and as she walked away, she said, “I will not forget your kindness, Pir Sikandar Hussein. Come to me in Karachi. We will see what can be done for you.”

Just for the gift of those precious moments, he was grateful that he had told her such a great lie. For of course Sikandar had not been to Bhutto’s trial. The story had only been told to him by someone who had actually been there, and it would pass into legend, as would all the tales and myths surrounding his mysterious death—that Bhutto had not been hanged, but beaten to death, that he was a living saint, a martyr, and that martyrs never died.

In truth, on the day that they tried and hanged Bhutto, they tried and hanged all of Sindh. Therefore, Sikandar’s being present in spirit was something that could never be doubted, and his not being there in body was not important.

December 18, 2007 (ii)


After leaving them, Sikandar Hussein only ever called Ali to tell him to do something for him.

“We need to file our taxes. Find the papers for the house, Ali.”

“Bring my case, the one with the black handle. It’s in the storage room, on top of the other suitcases. I’m leaving for Islamabad on the evening flight.”

“I need the electricity bills for the last year. Send them in the morning so that I can get them to the KESC office by noon.”

Ali always listened, asked for clarification to his instructions. Sometimes he took notes. But would it have been so difficult for Sikandar to ask about any of them on one of those phone calls, even as an afterthought?

“And how are you doing, Ali? What’s happening in school?”

“Did you find the answer to that algebra problem? See, you’re a smart boy. I knew you could figure it out.”

“So you want to study business? That’s a very good idea. You can help me manage the lands, after you graduate. You’ll learn things I could never even imagine.”

Ali gave up on his father after five years of his cold distance, trying to be stoic about his father’s attitude. But it hurt Ali to see his mother age before their eyes; the burden of bringing them up alone wore her out until there were days when Ali would catch her reflection in a mirror and almost mistake her for his grandmother.

The only one who still carried any illusions about their father was Jeandi, barely seven when he left. At twelve, she remained in love with him as only a young girl could, and flew into a rage if any one of them dared say anything negative about him. “Don’t talk like that about him! He’s our Baba! He’s given us everything!”

Listening to her mantra, uttered in a trembling, tearful tone, seeing her small chin wobbling, Ali only felt the deepest sorrow for both her and Haris, who was only twelve when their father left.

Ali’s father paid for everything; his children’s upkeep, education, a few trips to Dubai, and a few years ago, a new car—let it never be said that Pir Sikandar Hussein was irresponsible when it came to looking after his family. He was only on the other side of town, but it might as well have been the other side of the universe. Sometimes when Ali spoke to him on the phone he could hear the crackling of static, intergalactic line noise, other conversations cutting into the line in a million alien languages, and an eerie delay and echo, as if their voices were bouncing off satellites deep in space.

After Pir Sikandar’s first wife died, he had become involved in politics and the PPP. It was the stuff of family jokes, how impressed their father was by Zulfikar Bhutto while he was alive, and traumatized by his death when he was hanged. He’d even gone to his trial in Rawalpindi, and to Naudero to condole with the Bhutto family back in 1979. It was in the Bhutto house, Al-Murtaza, that he’d promised his allegiance to Bhutto’s daughter Benazir. She had given him a bouquet of flowers from among the prized roses in her father’s garden; Ali found one pressed between the pages of his Quran, papery brown, a few pieces broken off and ground into a fine dust.

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