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Authors: Billi Jean

A Spartan's Kiss (34 page)

BOOK: A Spartan's Kiss
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She shook her head against him. He tipped her head up with a finger under her chin. She was laughing. The witch.

“You will?”

“Anything.” He vowed.

Mischief lit her eyes, the green sparkling with excitement. His cock jumped between them.


Why did that one word, out of Tabithia’s pink lips, turn him on so badly?

Chapter Twenty-Three




He was going to let her have her way with him. Could she? Could she do this for them? Not him. Nor for herself, but for them? Something told her he wanted this. Her strong man, so in control. Used to giving orders, having them obeyed. Could he take them as well?

In bed. She could tie him up. Take her time. Learn about what excited him.

“Give me the pendant.”

Standing next to the bed, he looked like some fantasy lover, yet he was hers. Right here, right now, he was hers. Eyes blazing, he reached behind his neck, displaying all his glorious muscles for her, and worked at the clasp. Gods, he was magnificent. Sweat-slick, bronzed from his years in the sun, he was the picture of perfection. She guessed him to have been at least late thirties, if not older when he had died for his Sparta. The thick lines of his strong chest and patterns of ropes at his stomach fascinated her. His erection stood out, heavy and bold, from his lean hips, making her hands itch to touch him again. Thick hair nestled his lovely sacs of flesh. His thighs drew her attention, too. They were thick, powerful, and well defined with a spattering of just visible dark hair. She could just see him thrusting into their fists that night in the caves, his rounded buttocks clenching as he worked his flesh faster and faster through their hands.

Just the image of his ruddy thick flesh pounding into her had her shivering in delight. Need.

“Aeros, hurry.”

“Damn, woman, I’m trying. But with you looking at me like that…”

Blushing, she met his eyes and, instead of disgust, she saw pleasure and such excitement that she was glad he was willing to do what she said. With an erection like that, he’d break her, wouldn’t he? He’d certainly felt like it at first. But she had to admit, when he pulled out, she’d experienced a tickle of pleasure, too.

A sudden sigh, and he had the pendant off. “I’ve never taken this off before, Tabithia, but I give it to you gladly, baby.”

She took it, expecting something, a shock, heat, a blast from whoever had created the thing, but felt nothing. “Will it work for me? On you?”

His erection jerked.

She grinned slowly. She’d guessed right. Her man wanted her to be in charge.

“Let’s see, shall we?”

Placing the pendant at her throat, she fixed the clasp and waited for something to happen. Nothing did. No heat, no chill, nothing. The pendant felt like any other necklace she’d ever worn. But Aeros was practically trembling he was so excited.

Gods, he looked like a stallion waiting for his mare to be brought to him. She put her worry about his size aside, forgot about the pain she’d already experienced, and smiled over at him.

He blew out a breath. “What do you want me to do, Tabithia?”

“I want you to let me tie you to the bed and take my time to learn all of you.”

His brows snapped down but his body hardened. “Goddamn.”


“Damn, sorry, baby, but that…”

He looked unsure for the first time since she’d asked him if he would let her do anything. Then, seeming to jump at the opportunity, he walked towards her, picked her up around the waist before she could stop him, and placed her out of his way. Kissing her softly, he melted his bigger body to hers for a too-brief moment, then sat on the edge of the bed and scooted back until his hands were by the headboard and his body was laid out like some buffet.

“Lordy.” Where to start? “Don’t move. Let me… Do you have rope?”

Closing his eyes, he shook his head. “No, use a few of my ties. They’re silk.”

“Oh, I love it when you dress up, Aeros.”

She jumped off the bed and walked over to his closet and sucked in a breath. The man had clothes.

“You do?” Did he sound strangled? Glancing back at him, she blushed, realising his eyes were glued to her rear.

“Damn, that ass of yours is killing me. Hurry!” Struggling up a bit, he rested his back on the bed, slinging his arms over the top of the heavy wooden headboard. Perfect.

“Don’t move.” Grabbing a handful of ties, she raced back to the bed. She could do this. “Do you like the way my butt looks?”

He frowned. “Are you crazy, woman? I love your ass, and your breasts, and your stomach, your thighs, and gods, hurry, I want to taste you between those silky thighs.”

She froze. He did? He wanted to see her there? Touch her? Lick her?

“Baby, I’m going to make your little pretty pussy my altar, and I’m going to pay it homage hourly.”

“Holy Hecate, Aeros…”

Nodding to her to hurry up, he gripped the headboard hard as she straddled him. He groaned, and his erection pressed hard against her butt. It was amazing, almost as amazing as him over her, rubbing her just right, before the searing pain, that was.

“Easy, Aeros. Can you do this?”

He had his eyes squeezed tight, holding his breath. Could he? Maybe he didn’t have to? Maybe she could make his parts her altar, too. The idea took shape as she rubbed her face to his and felt him shiver.

“I got it. I can control this.”

“Uh-uh-uh, I’m in charge here, Sparkie, you just hold on.”

Finishing the last knot, she kissed his cheek. He chuckled at her nickname but tested the bonds as soon as she moved back to meet his eyes.

“Tell me to do something.”

“What?” Tilting her head, she didn’t follow, then it hit her again. The pendant. “Lean forward and kiss me.”

He did, but she sensed he did it because he wanted to. It didn’t matter—her desire, already stroked high, had hit a slow burn that had her wiggling to get closer to him. He felt so hot, so hard, and so silky smooth against her—except where his chest hair tickled her. Pressing closer, she rocked on his thick erection, sinking into him and his mouth. So delicious. He tasted spicy, sweet, and she wanted more. But not now, not yet. She didn’t want to rush this. She wanted to give him everything.

Lifting up made him groan and strain with the bonds. He panted. His eyes were heavy lidded, his handsome face flushed. She’d left his lips slightly wet, the little bit of fuller bottom lip so sexy she sucked it into her mouth before letting him go. He shifted upward, trying to reach her mouth again.

“Ah, ah.”

“Tabithia, are you—? Did I hurt you?”

The question, so laced with concern, had her pausing. His expression was torn. He really didn’t want to hurt her.

“It hurt at first, but…maybe it would have been okay if I’d been more patient.”

He nodded. “I will be so slow next time you’ll be begging me to hurry.”

She laughed, running her fingers through his hair, and watched his happy expression. “You’re too much.”

He raised his hips, bumping her up his body and rubbing his cock along her inner thigh. “Mmm, just more to pleasure you with, baby.”

Oh. Gods. That was sexy. “Behave. I want to—”

“Yes, hurry. I know. Hurry, though.”

She laughed and wiggled her butt against his erection just to hear him groan. He did. And shot her such a hot look she knew she wasn’t going to last long.

“So hard, big guy. I love all your muscles.”

He tensed under her. He liked her compliment. She smiled and swept her palms over his shoulders, her eyes trapped by the wonder of his skin. He felt so solid, so good. She explored his chest, running her hands over his pectorals until she reached the discs of his brown nipples. Unable to resist, she leant forward and licked the flesh there. Something powerful filled her when he groaned and bucked. She did this to him.

“Mmm, so good. You taste good.”

He tasted salty. His skin was smooth and warm. The bud tightened under her exploring tongue. She nipped it lightly and watched him throw his head back and groan loudly. Not ignoring the other, she found it with her fingers and rubbed circles with her thumb. He bucked up again, straining in his bonds, and called her name in a desperate-sounding voice. ‘Tabithia, baby’.

She loved it.

And she could tell he loved it too. He wanted this, her in control. She was going to give him more—much, much more.

“Have you ever had a woman take you with her mouth, Aeros?”

Trying not to feel jealousy, she waited for his response. He was ancient, but still something inside hoped he’d not let another do such an intimate thing to him. For her, it was the ultimate of intimate things anyone could do. She couldn’t understand mortals and immortals who gave each other this pleasure with no thought. Aeros was hers—she’d decided that the moment he’d lost his temper with her and she’d fought back. He fitted her. She’d try her hardest to be worthy of him. And this? Giving him this was a dream coming true for her, a pleasure she’d never give another.

“No, I’ve never… It just… I… Tabithia, I don’t think you should… I mean…”

“You want it.” Feeling bold, she let her hand wander down his tight stomach until she reached the base of his erection. Her heart nearly burst with excitement when her fingers couldn’t grip his girth completely.

“I…fuck, yes, but baby, a man, he can’t… I mean, I can’t be sure I can control…and your mouth. It’s too much.”

He made that sound so final. But she heard the desire in his argument, his hidden fantasies. The liar wanted it. He’d not lied about others. He’d not had a woman love him this way.

“No, it’s not. I want to. You don’t have to control yourself. I’ll control you. Let’s just see…shall we?”

Not exactly sure what to do with him now she had him, she slid her fist up to the tip of his erection and scooted back to straddle his legs. “Move down.”

He was panting, groaning softly just from her caressing him. Watching his dark eyes, she gripped him with both hands and moved them down his cock. She was surprised at how silky his hard flesh felt. The muscle under his smooth skin was steel, though, and rigid, creating a deep ache between her thighs. Not from where he’d barely entered, but deeper, making her need to feel him again, but this time rubbing her where she needed him most. Deep and firmly stroking.

The slit along the rounded head wetted her hand. As she watched, a pearly drop of wetness beaded there before it dripped down his shaft. Her mouth watered.

Above her, Aeros was almost continually groaning. But when she could drag her eyes off his erection, she saw he watched her almost desperately.

“Gods, gods, gods, I’m gonna come if you keep that up, baby. Feels so damn good.”

Realising she’d been stroking him in time to her own need, she leant forward and licked the velvet tip, tasting Aeros for the first time. Sucking the flared hood, she clenched her thighs together at the first feel of his hot flesh against her tongue. He moaned long and low, while, under her, every muscle in his body turned harder than granite.

“Tabithia, enough, gods, I’m goin’ to come.”

She didn’t stop. Instead, she opened her mouth wide and tried to slide down his thick length. He tensed, and his flesh grew bigger. But when she didn’t stop but instead began sliding up and down the shaft, he slowly began to rock his hips, ever so slightly, up to meet her mouth. Spicy and hot, his flesh felt so perfect she suckled and felt a thrill when his groans grew louder. He began telling her how beautiful she was, how perfect she felt, how hot she made him, all the while edging his hips up to meet her with more and more abandon. It felt so exciting she was close to climax.

“Gods, you’re going to make me come, good girl. So damn good. Feels so good, can’t last… Gods, baby, don’t stop now.”

She didn’t. Instead, she tightened her hands and sucked him harder, rubbing her tongue and her lips under the hood when he gasped for breath. He cried out her name as she tried to take as much as possible in her mouth. When she cupped his heavy sac, he shifted a leg up between hers, and he stroked her mound with his thick thigh. She ground down, seeking relief from the ache. He bucked up and cursed, but did it again, pressing his muscled leg against her in a rhythm that matched her sucking.

He shouted her name, and his flesh flexed and swelled. She took him as far as his girth would allow, taking the rest in her fists and stroking hard.

“Tabithia! Coming, coming, baby!”

The first burst was so strong it shot down her throat. The second she swallowed eagerly, overheated and out of control as he groaned her name and repeated his praises as he kept jerking under her until he finally collapsed back on the bed.

She sucked on the head, enjoying his flavour. The round head fitted her mouth perfectly, she thought. Slowly, she licked along the thick crown and placed a kiss to the slit.

“Sweet gods, Tabithia, never stop giving me that. Now get that ass up here. I want to taste you.”

Shocked at his orders, she sat up to stare at him. Flushed, he looked more like a lazy lion just finishing off an elk than a fierce Spartan.

“Tabithia…” Feelings she wasn’t sure she wanted to see flooded his expression. “Come here.”

She crawled up his thighs and settled on his hips to meet his eyes. Not an ounce of anything but happiness showed on his face. Something more as well, but she swallowed past the pain of such a look being bestowed on her.

“It’s my turn.”

“Not yet,” she whispered.

“Not yet?”

“I want us to make love like this,” she murmured and ducked her head to brush a hot kiss to his jaw. She rose back up before he could claim her lips and smiled down at him.

Grimacing he shook his head. “I won’t lose control. I won’t hurt you again.”

“I know, I do, I just…”

“Trust me, show me you trust me. Let me make love to you. Now.”

Something in his eyes had her murmuring the spell to release the knots in his ties. He immediately lowered his arms and brought them around her. His warmth seeped into her. He held her gently, not saying a word, simply embracing her. It was difficult. She hadn’t expected such a thing, and didn’t want him to, but she didn’t want him to stop, either.

BOOK: A Spartan's Kiss
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