A Stillness of Chimes (42 page)

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Authors: Meg Moseley

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: A Stillness of Chimes
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1. Laura, Cassie, and Sean were friends from an early age. To what extent do you think they remained true to their long-ago promise to “be there” for each other?

2. By age twelve, Laura was pondering the meaning of her father’s tattoo (“life everlasting”) and she knew “she’d always believed in things she couldn’t see.” How much do you think her spiritual sensitivity was related to growing up in Appalachia with its old-time religion?

3. Sean and Laura were high school sweethearts, but their fathers’ issues created complications. Given the outcome of Dale Halloran’s hatred for Laura’s father, what might improve her chances of having a happy future with Sean?

4. Sean is a “fix-it man” when it comes to vehicles, houses, and even an old baby doll. How does this facet of his personality affect his campaign to make Laura admit that she loves him?

5. What kind of advice do you think Cassie might give Laura about the “starry-eyed” phase of love and marriage?

6. In spite of his troubles, Elliott became a father figure to Sean, teaching him the skills of luthiery and furniture making as well as many fine character qualities. How do you think Sean will pay it forward?

7. Some members of the armed forces survive their tours unscathed, while others come away with physical, mental, or psychological problems. How can we make life better for “wounded warriors”?

8. Elliott’s long-ago choices hurt people, including his wife and daughter. How might the hurts have been any less if he had immediately faced the consequences of his crimes?

9. Every family has its secrets, and a secret keeper might wonder if it’s right or wrong to share the truth with others. What are some of the issues to be considered before telling a secret?

10. Jess’s journals eventually revealed her biggest secret. Why do you think she planted hints in the journals?

11. The lyrics of some of Elliott’s songs refer to his heartbreak, yet the wind chimes endure as a symbol of his love for his wife. To what extent do you think Jess loved him back?

12. Laura gains new family relationships in an unusual way. If you were her friend, what advice would you give her about her future relationship with Gary and Ardelle and their daughters?

13. Elliott and Gary grew up as close as brothers. Do you think their closeness made it easier or harder for Elliott to forgive Gary? Why?

14. As Laura faces the future with some of her family’s secrets revealed, what’s her best tactic for surviving small-town gossip? Do you think public opinion even matters to her?

15. At first, Laura and Sean are somewhat cynical about faith and the church. By the end of the story, their cynicism has begun to dissolve. What events and epiphanies softened their hearts?

16. As the story ends, Tigger still doesn’t know that she may owe her life to Elliott. Why do you think Laura and Sean decided to keep the whole truth from her?

Sometimes, writing a novel seems to take forever. I began this story so long ago that I’m in danger of forgetting its genesis as well as some of the helping hands along the way.

Years ago, I entered several writing contests that were judged by published novelists who were generous with their time and their honest feedback. I owe many thanks to Gayle Roper, Kathleen Y’Barbo Turner, and several judges who remained anonymous. Your encouragement helped me to hang onto my vision for this story.

I’m also grateful to my editors. Shannon Marchese, Jessica Barnes, and Nicci Jordan Hubert all had a hand in this story’s trip to publication, as did the entire team at WaterBrook Multnomah and my excellent agent, Chip MacGregor.

I can’t imagine the writing life without my wonderful writing buddies. Special thanks to my critique partner Deeanne Gist, who makes me dig deeper and work harder, as well as to Lindi Peterson, Missy Tippens, Maureen Hardegree, Sherrie Lord, Suzan Robertson, Sally Apokedak, and all my friends at ACFW North Georgia.

As always, my family members are supportive even when they lose me to the computer for long stretches of time. Thank you for putting up with my tunnel vision and for believing in me. Jon, you must be the most patient husband ever.

I appreciate my readers too. You don’t know how much your e-mails mean to me!

Most of all, I’m grateful to the Lord of the universe for His unending love.

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