A Teaching Handbook for Wiccans and Pagans (28 page)

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Authors: Thea Sabin

Tags: #wicca, #pagan, #paganism, #handbook, #sabin, #thea sabin, #ritual, #learning, #teaching, #spiritual path, #teaching methods, #adult learners

BOOK: A Teaching Handbook for Wiccans and Pagans
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Appendix A

Screening Questions

Here are some questions you might want to use when screening students. They range from simple to complex, not very personal to very personal. I have never used some of these questions, although I know others who have. Teachers should alter them to meet their specific needs and situations or use them as springboards for creating their own questions. And obviously, if you think a question is too invasive or it makes you uncomfortable, don't use it!

One thing that I've found very helpful is asking open-ended questions rather than yes-or-no ones. Open-ended questions give potential students a chance to elaborate, and you can learn a lot about them by the way in which they explain their answers. So if you just get a yes or no answer to a question, consider asking a follow-up question to tease out more information. Not all questions have to be open-ended, of course.

At the end of the interview, be sure to ask potential students if they have any questions for you. This gives you an opportunity to clarify things for them, but what they choose to ask about can also tell you a lot about them.

Pagan “Résumé” Questions


  • Why are you interested in exploring Paganism?
  • What would you like to get out of this class? What are your goals?
  • Why do you want to study specifically with me/us?
  • How did you hear about this class/us?
  • What will you do with the information you learn in this class? How will you apply it?


  • How long have you been Pagan?
  • Tell me about your past history/experience with Paganism.
  • What other Pagan classes have you taken?
  • Have you ever taken a Pagan class online?
  • Have you had other teachers in the past, and if so, who?
  • How long did you stay with your past teacher(s)?
  • Why did you leave your past teacher/teaching situation?
  • Have you ever been initiated into a Pagan, Wiccan, or occult tradition? If so, which one(s)?
  • What is your pre-Pagan religious background (Christian, atheist, etc.)? What impact has it had on your life? How has it informed your worldview?
  • Have you ever been a member of a cult? If so, how was that resolved?


  • What is your favorite Pagan-related book, and why?
  • What Pagan books have you read?
  • Are there any particular deities you work with regularly? How did that relationship come about?


  • What is your experience with magic?
  • How would you characterize your expertise with magic?
  • What is your background in mythology?
  • How would you characterize your ability to use energy?
  • What do you already know about (class topic)?

Relationship to Community

  • How many other Pagans do you know?
  • How would you characterize your relationship to the Pagan community, either local or online?
  • Have you ever been to a large Pagan event such as camping, public ritual, etc.? How was that experience?

Philosophical and Ethical Questions

General Religion/Spirituality

  • What are your feelings about religion in general?
  • In your opinion, what is the difference between spirituality, religion, and belief, if any?
  • What do you think is the function of religion in modern society?
  • How important is spirituality in your life?


  • What does the word
    mean to you?
  • What aspect of Paganism appeals or resonates with you most?
  • What importance does Paganism have in your life?


  • What is your view of deity, if you have one?
  • What does the Goddess mean to you?
  • What does the God mean to you?
  • Would you consider yourself a dualist? If so, what does that mean to you?
  • Would you consider yourself a pantheist? If so, what does that mean to you?
  • Would you consider yourself a polytheist? If so, what does that mean to you?
  • How do you feel about working in a matrifocal tradition? (If applicable)


  • How would you characterize your relationship with the natural world?
  • How important is nature to your personal spirituality?
  • How do you feel about animals and animal rights?

Sex and Nudity

  • What is your philosophy about sex?
  • What is the place of sexuality in religion, if any?
  • Do you feel that your sexual orientation has an impact on your spirituality?
  • How do you feel about homosexuality? Bisexuality? Transgenderism?
  • How do you feel about practicing skyclad?


  • Do you follow any particular ethical code (such as the Rede)? If so, how does that affect how you handle the situations in which you find yourself?
  • Give an example of an unethical situation you found yourself in. How did you handle it?
  • In your view, what is an example of an ethical “grey” area? Why?
  • How do you feel about doing magic for someone else without telling him or her?
  • If you have a romantic partner, have you told him or her that you are exploring Paganism? Why or why not? What was the response?
  • Is it okay to do a love spell on someone? Why or why not?
  • How do you feel about lying? Are there circumstances under which it is okay to lie?


  • What are your feelings about being in or out of the closet about your Paganism? Which are you?
  • Do you think it's okay to “out” other Pagans? Why or why not?
  • How do you feel about Christianity?
  • How do you feel about Islam?
  • Do you consider yourself more liberal or more conservative?
  • How do you feel about war?
  • How do you feel about feminism?
  • Do you have any causes you are particularly dedicated to? Why?

Personality Questions


  • What do you think your personality strengths are? Weaknesses?
  • Do you consider yourself an extrovert or introvert? Why?
  • What things in life give you the most satisfaction? Happiness?


  • How do you learn best (hands-on, lecture, group work, independent study, etc.), and why?
  • Which do you prefer: working in groups or working alone? Why?
  • Under what conditions or circumstances do you learn best?

Interpersonal Stuff

  • Tell me about a time when someone challenged your credibility. How did you handle it?
  • Tell me how you would deal with a fellow student with whom you were having a problem or personality conflict.
  • What one person has been most influential in your life, and why?


  • Are you nervous about joining our class? Why?
  • In general, what scares you most? Why?
  • What stresses you out, and why?
  • Tell me about your self-care: what do you do to handle stress?

Schedule and Logistical Questions

  • Our class schedule is
    . Can you fit that in with your regular schedule?
  • Do you live close enough to get to class regularly?
  • Do you have or need transportation?
  • What other commitments do you have that might conflict
    with class?
  • Are you in a place in your life when you can devote the necessary amount of time to this class?

Physical and Mental Health Questions


  • Do you have any allergies to animals, foods, perfume, bee stings, incense, etc., that we need to be aware of?
  • Do you need any special physical accommodation to do the activities covered in the class?
  • Do you have any health issues (epileptic seizure, insulin reaction, etc.) that might arise in class that we should know about?


  • How would you characterize your current state of mental health?
  • Is there anything you would like us to know about your mental health?
  • Have you experienced any trauma in your life that might have an impact on your experience in this class?
  • Are you on prescribed medication for a mental health issue? If so, are you seeing a doctor and/or a therapist regularly?
  • Do you have any psychological issues you think we should know about?
  • Have you ever had a nervous breakdown or psychological break? Please explain.
  • Have you ever been diagnosed with a personality disorder? If so, which one?
  • Have you ever been institutionalized, and if so, why?

Drug and Alcohol Questions

  • How would you characterize your drug or alcohol use?
  • Have you ever had a problem with drug or alcohol addiction?
  • Are you in recovery?
  • Have you had any kind of drug or alcohol treatment, and if so, was it successful?
  • Are you prone to binge drinking or drug use?
  • Are there any modifications you might ask us to make (for example, juice instead of wine in ritual) to accommodate your recovery?

Background Check Questions

  • Have you ever been charged with a crime? If so, what was it, and how was the situation resolved?
  • Have you ever been incarcerated? If so, for what crime, and for how long?
  • Have you ever been violent with others? What were the circumstances?


Appendix B

Sample Syllabuses

Here are some simple example syllabuses you can use as a starting point for creating your own. I have listed objectives for each class session. Unless stated otherwise, the objectives are meant to be met within the class section under which they are listed.

: Using Energy

Session 1: Energy Introduction

What is energy? Types of energy. How energy is used in ritual and magic. Etiquette for using energy.

Session 1 Objectives

  • Students will be able to name and define three different types of energy.
  • Students will be able to describe at least three ways energy is used in ritual and magic.

Session 2: Grounding and Centering

Why grounding is important, and why you should know how to do it before you raise energy. Grounding techniques. What centering is, how it is different from grounding, and how and why to do it.

Session 2 Objectives

  • Students will be able to describe the difference between grounding and centering.
  • Students will be able to list and demonstrate at least two ways to ground energy.
  • Students will be able to list and demonstrate at least one way to center energy.

Session 3: Sensing and Shielding

Techniques for strengthening the ability to see and feel energy and determine its source. What shielding is, and why you should learn it before you send and receive energy. Basic shielding techniques. Feeling others' shields.

Session 3 Objectives

  • Students will practice two techniques for sensing energy.
  • Students will be able to explain what shielding is and why it is important.
  • Students will choose a form for visualizing their personal shields and practice using that form with a basic shielding technique.
  • Students will work with a partner to practice “feeling” each other's shields.

Session 4: Sending and Receiving Energy

Techniques for projecting energy. Techniques for receiving energy. Creating an energy circuit between two people.

Session 4 Objectives

  • Students will practice a simple technique for projecting energy.
  • Students will practice a technique for receiving energy from another person, then grounding it.
  • Students will partner up and practice creating an energy circuit between them, then grounding it.

Session 5: Charging Objects

How to charge and drain objects of energy for magical purposes. Includes a ritual where everyone will charge an object to take home and use on their own.

Session 5 Objectives

  • Students will be able to describe three different methods for charging an object.
  • Students will be able to describe two different methods for draining or clearing an object.
  • Students will practice charging and draining an object.

Syllabus B: Using the Moon in Magic

Session 1: History and Basics

Overview of lore about use of the moon in folk magic. Folkloric names and associations with each moon of the year. Importance of the new and full moons.

Session 1 Objectives

  • Students will be able to identify at least one system of naming the full moons and list the names in it.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate verbally or in writing a basic understanding of the difference between and magical uses of the full and new moons.
  • Students will generate a list of magical tasks that can be done at the full moon and a list of those that can be done at the new moon.

Session 2: Quarters and Phases

Difference between waxing and waning moons and what each is used for. Divisions of the moon's cycle into four quarters and/or eight phases (gibbous, balsamic, etc.), how phases and quarters relate to each other, correspondences for each, and how each is used. Introduction to using an astrological calendar.

Session 2 Objectives

  • Students will be able to demonstrate verbally or in writing a basic understanding of the four quarters of the moon and the eight phases of the moon and their magical uses.
  • For each phase of the moon, students will list a magical task that would be appropriate to do.
  • Students will practice using an astrological calendar to find the full and new moons and determine the quarter or phase of the moon.

Session 3: The Moon's Sign

Importance and significance of the moon's sign in magical timing. Energies and correspondences associated with the moon in each sign.

Session 3 Objectives

  • Students will practice using an astrological calendar to determine the sign of the moon.
  • Students will choose one sign and list as many magical tasks as they can think of that could be accomplished under that sign.

Session 4: Using Basic Lunar Aspects

Introduction to aspects (angular relationships) between the moon and other planets, their significance, and how they can be used. Significance of the moon void-of-course. Putting it all together to plan timing for a spell or ritual.

Session 4 Objectives

  • Students will be able to demonstrate verbally or in writing a basic understanding of the meanings of and differences between the conjunction, square, trine, and opposition aspects.
  • Students will be able to explain verbally or in writing the significance of a moon void-of-course.
  • Students will practice using an astrological calendar to find the moon's aspects and voids.

: Hands-On Wooden
Wand-Making Class
(for a basic wand carved
from a branch or root)

Session 1: Planning

Overview of basic wand lore. Folklore and significance associated with various woods. Characteristics of a branch or stick that make it a good candidate for a wand. Ideas on where to find branches for wands locally. How to harvest or collect wood.

Session 1 Objectives

  • Students will be able to explain the magical properties of at least three types of wood covered in the class.
  • Students will be able to describe characteristics of a branch that make it suitable for a wand.
  • (Between classes) students will find at least one branch or stick to make a wand and bring it to the next class.

Session 2: Carving

Safety techniques for using woodcarving tools. How to trim branches and strip bark cleanly. Transferring designs from paper to wood. Carving techniques for shapes and designs.

Session 2 Objectives

  • Students will be able to explain the safety techniques for using woodcarving tools.
  • Students will practice stripping bark from their branches.
  • Students will be able to explain how to transfer a design from paper to a wand.
  • Students will begin carving their wands.

Session 3: Finishing and Consecrating

How to sand after carving. Pros and cons of various finishes and how to apply them. How to consecrate the new wand.

Session 3 Objectives

  • Students will finish carving their wands.
  • Students will be able to explain the pros and cons of using three different wood finishes.
  • Students will apply wood finish to their wands.
  • Students will consecrate their new wands.


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