A Tender Touch: A Donnelley Brother's Novel (Logan Point Book 4) (8 page)

BOOK: A Tender Touch: A Donnelley Brother's Novel (Logan Point Book 4)
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“I’m not tired.” I announced. “Please, can you make a fire?”

He sighed. “I’ll make a fire.” He pointed to the hall. “Go get yourself ready for bed.”

“Okay.” I replied with an obedience that surprised me. I moved to the entrance to the hall before pausing. “You won’t leave, will you?”

Luke swung his head around to look at me from where he was bending down to the fireplace. Then he straightened. There was a shadow in his eyes as he shook his head. “I’ll be right here, pretty girl.”

I nodded. “Kay.”

“Go get ready for bed.” He said again, but this time his tone was gentle. As I walked, I couldn’t help but think it sounded almost soothing.

Moving along the short stretch of hall to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and scrubbed my makeup from my face. I’d never been one to sleep with my makeup on. I seriously didn’t know how women did that.

I brushed my hair and by the time I was standing in my cream-colored pajama pants with the small pastel green spruce trees patterned into the fabric and a pastel green tank top, I was feeling the expected exhaustion building within me. But I also knew that I didn’t want to be alone. I didn’t want Luke to leave, so I placed a smile on my face as I moved back out to the living room, shoving my arms into a cream colored cardigan as I went.

Luke was standing over the fireplace and the only light in the room was the glow of the flickering flames of the fire. His hands were in the pockets of his dark jeans and his black button down shirt was stretched tight over the firmness of his shoulders.

“Luke?” I spoke his name softly and he turned to face me. His eyes moved from the top of my head to the tip of my toes, then back up to my eyes.

“Feeling tired yet?” He asked and the sound of his gravelly voice moved through me in a way no voice had ever done before. I felt the sound of him in my veins, moving through the entirety of my body - warming me.

I shook my head. As much as I knew he should leave - I just didn’t want to face the night alone. “Do you dance?”

Luke raised a brow. “Dance?”

“Do you?” I stepped closer to him - and I didn’t stop until there was only a breath of space between us. “Will you?”

“You want to dance?” He cocked his head. “Didn’t you dance enough tonight, already?”

I shook my head. “No.”

I watched with a nervously beating heart as the corner of his lips lifted in a slow grin. Then I felt his hands move against my waist - and then I felt my body connect with his as he pulled me into his arms. “I dance, pretty girl.” His voice was so deep. “Put your feet on mine.” I followed his command, stepping onto the tops of his feet with my fuzzy white slipper-socks.

I reached up to circle my hands around his neck, for the very first time, I loved my lacking height. For the first time, I felt so safe in the circle of another’s arms. Luke’s largeness didn’t intimidate me. Instead, I felt so protected and cherished - encased within his strong embrace.

I didn’t think about my next actions. I didn’t allow my mind to convince me this was wrong - or that I was walking on dangerous ground with this friend I had gained. Instead, I pressed my cheek against his chest and closed my eyes. I allowed my breathing to even and my mind to relax as Luke moved us to the melody of the crackling fire.

I don’t know how long he held me like that for, but when I was certain I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer, Luke lifted me into his arms bridal style, as though he knew I was a mere moment away from slipping into the peace of sleep.

He carried me down the hall to my bedroom, and he placed me into my bed, pulling the blankets up around me. I wanted to ask him to stay, but for the life of me, I could not form the words. I wasn’t coherent enough to understand the repercussions of those words, so I remained silent as he moved from the room, leaving the door cracked open behind him.

And then I settled into sleep.

Chapter 8

I woke up way too early the next morning, but my mouth was dry as sandpaper and the inside of my head felt fuzzy. Squinting, I pressed the small round button on the face of my iPhone and watched the screen illuminate. It was 5:26 a.m. and the sun was beginning to peek through the darkness of the night sky. I loved the early sun both spring and summer offered. In the winter months, I missed the sun with a fierceness I couldn’t explain - but right now, this morning, I dreaded its glow.

Flopping back against my pillow, I replayed the evening’s events. I remembered coming home with Luke - and how he had been a perfect gentleman. Not once had he taken advantage of my intoxicated, needy state. Instead, he’d done all I’d asked with a kind gentleness I would forever remember and never take for granted.

As I recalled the feel of his arms holding me close as we danced, I couldn’t banish the heat that formed in my lower belly and the emotion in my chest. Never had I felt so safe and secure in the presence of a man - never. Even in the days before my father’s abandonment, I’d never known the security I’d felt only last night in Luke’s arms.

Shaking the thought from my mind, I pushed the blankets from my body and padded to the bathroom. Finishing my morning business, I brushed my teeth and swished mouthwash around my mouth as I struggled to kill the dryness left in my mouth from the wine I had consumed the night before.

As I moved from the hall, into the kitchen, I paused in place as my heart began to pound unsteadily in my chest. The sight of Luke’s big body lying across the too short length of the couch stopped me dead in my tracks.

He’d stayed the night?

I took a moment to debate what to do from here. I knew he worked long days at the barn, but I didn’t know what time he normally went to the barn. Was he late? Should I wake him?

Decidedly, I moved quietly to the pantry where I pulled the coffee pot and coffee from the back of the shelf where Kami had stored it when she’d put away my groceries the first time. I hadn’t opened the canister of coffee because I don’t drink the stuff, and Kami hadn’t been here early enough in the morning for me to bother making it for her.

I set the pot to brewing and poured myself a glass of orange juice. After downing half the cup, I set it on the counter and moved to the living room where a large sleeping Luke was lying on my little couch.

“Luke?” I spoke his name quietly, not wanting to startle him. I’d never woken a man and hadn’t been planning on doing so today. When he didn’t stir, I reached out to touch his shoulder. “Luke, wake up.”

His eyes fluttered and he groaned. “What time is it?”

“Almost six.”

“Shit.” He pushed himself into a sitting position. “How are you awake?”

“I don’t like to sleep in.” I replied honestly. The truth was that I’d never had the time to sleep in. If I didn’t have to sleep to keep a healthy mind and body, I would forego the action entirely. In my mind, sleeping was a waste of valuable time.

“You’re the weirdest person I know.” He rubbed his brow. “You were up until almost one in the morning.” He peeked up at me through sleepy chocolate eyes and I didn’t bother expending any amount of energy in fighting my smile. “Do I smell coffee?”

I nodded. “Would you like me to pour you a cup?”

“That’d be great.” He leaned back against the couch. “I’m normally at the barn already.”

I raised my brow as I poured the black liquid into a cup. “Is everything going to be alright if you’re not there?”

“Yeah, the guys know what they’re doing.” He shrugged. “I’m always there, but they know it was guys night last night so they probably think I’m hugging the toilet.”

I snorted. “That would be a sight.”

“Speaking of...” He took the mug I handed him. “How are you feeling?”

I grinned. “I’m fine. I’m rarely ever hung over. I don’t drink often and I may not handle it well, but I’ve never had one of those toilet hugging hangovers.”

“Lucky girl.” He smirked as he sipped his coffee.

I lowered myself onto the coffee table across from Luke. He was stretched out on the couch the way boys so often sit with their legs spread and their body slouched. I positioned my knees between his and sighed. “Thanks for last night.”

“No problem.”

“I didn’t expect you to stay.”

“I expected you to wander out of bed and I didn’t want you getting hurt.” He shrugged. “So I stayed the night.”

“You thought I’d do something to hurt myself?”

“I didn’t know what to expect, Ember. A lot of what you did last night was unexpected.” He replied matter of fact. “I never pegged you for the dancing kind - but last night proved me wrong.”

I blushed. “Sorry.”

“Don’t apologize.” He straightened to lean forward. “Dancing with you makes dancing fun.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m sure it does.” I stood to avoid the tense heat I felt building between us. “You should probably get to the barn or they’re going to send out a search party.”

Luke didn’t reply for a moment and I walked to the kitchen, praying he wouldn’t press me for answers or explanations I couldn’t give. Finally, I heard him sigh as he stood to walk his empty mug into the kitchen. Placing it in the sink beside me, he announced. “I’ll see you in a few hours, pretty girl.”

“See you.”

For a moment, he just stood there. I half expected him to do something like push my hair behind my ear, or run his knuckle over my cheek - the moment just felt like one of those moments - but he didn’t do either of those things. Instead, he offered a small smile and he turned to walk away.

I stayed there, leaning against the counter until he’d disappeared through the front door. Only then was I able resume getting myself ready for my day.


I arrived at the barn right on time. After Luke had left, I’d decided to run myself a bubble bath and I stayed in the water, soaking up the peace of warmth and candlelight for much longer than I had first anticipated I would. When I’d finally pulled myself from the nearly cold water, I’d only had forty minutes to dress and get myself to the Ranch.

Bursting through the barn doors, I caught sight of Luke talking with one of the pasture workers. As soon as his eyes met mine, I dashed into the office to get myself ready for our ten o’clock tour. People would be arriving soon, as most people were early and I still had to get my horse saddled and ready.

I was in the middle of hanging my satchel on the hook Luke had tacked to the wall in the office after I’d grumbled one too many times about the bottom of my bag getting dirty from having to set it on the floor, when Luke walked into the office. “You’re almost late.”

“I know.” I huffed, running my hand through my still damp hair. “I got distracted.”

“Distracted?” He raised a brow. “Did you fall back asleep?”

“No.” I shook my head. “I just lost track of time.”

“Doing what?” He cocked his head to the side and I rolled my eyes.

“Having a bubble bath - not that it’s any of your business.”

“You kicked me out for a bubble bath?”

I stiffened. “I did not kick you out.”

He leaned against the door. “Yeah, Ember, you did.”

“I didn’t.” I argued pointlessly. “I just didn’t want you to be late for work.”

“I was already late for work.” He took a step closer to me and I felt my heart rate climb to a legendary high. “A few minutes later wouldn’t have made a difference.”

“I’m sure those few minutes got a lot of work done.” I defended. “I mean, I saw the horses in the stalls. You got them ready for the ten o’clock ride.”

“No.” He shook his head. “I called Randy and asked him to get the horses ready for the tour.”

“You did?” I frowned.

“Yeah.” He nodded. “I went home for a shower.” He grinned mischievously. “I also took chicken out for those enchiladas you promised to make me tonight.”

I palmed my forehead. “I totally forgot about that!”

Luke winked. “Then it’s a good thing you’re a keeper of your word, isn’t it?”

“Luke, I really shouldn’t.” I sighed. “I should go to bed early tonight - I’m probably still slightly intoxicated.”

Luke shook his head. “You’re fine, pretty girl. And you’re making dinner.”

“Luke!” I protested as he turned for the door.

Pausing beneath the threshold of the door, Luke turned. “I took chicken out of the freezer. I have everything for enchiladas - I know because I Googled it. You promised, Ember, and you keep your promises. So, you’re making dinner.”

I thought about arguing, but decided against it at the last second. I didn’t know if it was the hopefulness in his grin, or his very well pointed argument, but I mumbled a grunted, “Fine. I’ll cook.”

Luke chuckled. “My place. Bring a bathing suit.”

“Wait!” I hurried to ask as he turned to leave. “Why?”

“I’ve got a hot tub.” He winked. “We’ll have ice cream for desert in the hot tub after dinner. It’s awesome.”

At his bubbling excitement over something so simple, I couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re such a big kid.”

His eyes roamed over my body, disproving my claim entirely. “Whatever you say, pretty girl.”


The mouth-watering aroma of enchiladas pulsed in constant waves from the oven to circulate in the air throughout the entirety of Luke’s house. I’d been working on pure adrenaline and nerves since I’d first walked through the door of his house. As soon as he’d opened the door for me, I’d made a beeline for the kitchen, eager to get my trembling hands onto something solid - like food. Now that the food was in the oven, and the kitchen was cleaned, I was finally forced to look up from the countertop.

Immediately after work, Luke had driven me home to my tiny cabin retreat. He’d reminded me to bring a bathing suit multiple times even though I assured him I hadn’t forgotten. I’d had a quick shower to wash the stable from my skin, changed into a comfortable cream colored, flowing maxi dress and blow dried my hair before meeting Luke in his truck where I’d left him to wait. All the while, my mind had been buzzing with nervous thoughts I couldn’t quiet.

Now, I was standing in Luke’s kitchen. By myself.

The man had tried to show me around his house when we’d first walked in, but I hadn’t been able to numb my nerves enough to turn away from my task of making enchiladas in the kitchen, long enough to look around his house.

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