A Touch of Souls (Immortal Souls) (12 page)

BOOK: A Touch of Souls (Immortal Souls)
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"Jayne, she tried to cut your wings! Oh my God! Dimitri!" I sobbed. He put his strong arms around me and pulled me close. "Can I see them?"

"See what?" Dimitri asked, confused.

"Your wings, I need to see them, to make sure you're okay." Dimitri nodded once before a gust of wind blew and his beautiful wings were gracefully tucked behind his back. I reached my hand out and he bowed his head to give me better access to touch them. I stroked his left wing with the palm of my hand and was more relieved than I wanted to admit that he truly was okay.

"Come on, I know you're still tired. Go back to bed, I'll sit in the chair and watch over you, okay?" Dimitri said, climbing off the bed.

"It's okay, you can lay on the bed with me, if you want to, of course," I said all too quickly, still holding onto his wrist. He gently slid under the covers, and I couldn't help but to lay my head on his chest. Dimitri's arms went around me protectively, his soft feathery wings soon following suit. In only seconds I was asleep again.


As soon as I woke up, I made my way into the kitchen because I had a feeling that was were I would find Adrian, and we seriously needed to talk. After last night, there was no denying the feelings I had for Dimitri. Dimitri may not feel the same way about me, but there was no way I could lead Adrian on when I knew good and well that I would never feel for him what I felt for Dimitri.

"Hey, we need to start training today," Dimitri stopped me in the hallway to say.

"Okay, but I need to talk to Adrian first, is he here?"

"Yeah, in the kitchen," he answered nodding his head in the he direction of the kitchen. "But, listen, I don't think you should tell him about last night, okay?" I nodded my head and turned to go do what needed to be done. There was no way I wanted to talk to Adrian about what had transpired between Dimitri and me. Hell, I didn't even want to think about it myself.

"We need to talk," I said walking into the kitchen. I was surprised to see the girl from the night of the fire sitting at the table. What was her name? Oh yeah, Venus.

"Okay, so let's talk," Adrian said with a smile on his face.

"Alone," I said to Venus. She took the hint and walked into the living room.

"What's wrong?" Adrian
asked, his worry showing through the crease in his brow.

"Adrian, I can't see you anymore," I said, looking away from his face. "I don't think I can put my all in our relationship right now. I guess I still have feelings for Hunter and I'm just not over what he did yet."

"I know it's not Hunter, but whatever," he said before walking out the front door. I didn't know what I was supposed to do, so I just walked into Dimitri's room, gathered my clothes and went to shower. I was absolutely dumbstruck with Adrian, I had definitely expected him to at least fight for me.

After I was dressed and ready for school, I walked into Dimitri's room to see him sitting on his bed, waiting for me. "
Wanna ride with me?" he asked with a sad smile. I nodded my head and walked over to him. My plan was to just sit beside him, but he pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around me. I felt him lay his head on my hair and I sighed.

We sat together for a few minutes before it was time for us to go. "I'll meet you outside, okay?" he asked when I walked out the door. I smiled and made my way to his Jeep, but as soon as I entered the living room, I stopped
dead in my tracks. Adrian was lying on top of a shirtless Venus and they were having a heavy make out session. I couldn't believe it! I didn't say anything as I walked outside and slammed the front door behind me.

I didn't know why it hurt so much, I was the one who just left him because I could quite possibly be in love with Dimitri, but I couldn't stop the sob that racked through me as soon as I
was away from everyone. I made my way to Dimitri's Jeep and stood beside it until he showed up. He didn't say anything as he unlocked the car and held open my door for me.

We rode in silence until I realized that he wasn't going in the direction of the school. "Hey, where are we going?"

"I thought you might need some cheering up," he winked at me and I relaxed in my seat. Five minutes later, I felt Dimitri's strong hand grab mine and I felt a tightening in my chest when he squeezed my hand. We drove for another twenty minutes in silence before he turned of on a dirt road, and pulled up beside a lake. As I got out, I saw Dimitri pulling out a blanket and a basket, that I hadn't even seen him pack, from the back of his car. I watched as he laid it all out and patted the spot beside him.

I sat down and smiled when he started pulling out tuna sandwiches, chips, and water. I hungrily grabbed a sandwich and started
eating, just enjoying the time I got to spend alone with Dimitri. I glanced up and saw him staring at me, frustration furrowing his brow.

"What?" I laughed around the bite I had just taken.

"I just can't figure it out!"

"Figure what out?"

"Nothing, nevermind. Are you enjoying your food?" he asked, changing the subject.

"Oh, yeah, thank you," I answered, smiling as I swallowed my food. I couldn't help but smile whenever I was around Dimitri, especially when it was just us and we were getting along. I just wish I could figure out how he felt about me. He kissed me, right? That had to mean something. Or maybe it was just my imagination and I had kissed him, maybe he wasn't at all interested and he was just being nice to me because he had to be. I didn't care for that last option. I looked up just in time to see a note flutter from the top of the basket and my hand snaked out to catch it. "What's this?" I asked, holding the paper between my fingers. Dimitri shrugged and looked away, so I decided to open it.

I carefully unfolded the note, and immediately noticed Dimitri's elegant handwriting. The note only contained one word.


Chapter 10


I nearly choked on my food as I kept reading the note over and over again. There was no way Dimitri just asked me to prom. I looked up to find Dimitri looking at me with hope in his eyes. There was no way I could ever so no to this boy. He had me by the heart, no matter his feelings for me.

Looking up, I smiled and nodded my head. I couldn't believe I was going to prom with Dimitri. It was like a dream come true. Dimitri reached out and grabbed me by the hands pulling me into his chest.

"Hey, Dimitri?"


"How come you asked me to prom? I just left Adrian, there was no way you could have done all this in that little time," I said, confused as I looked up at his gorgeous face.

"I was going to ask you anyway, I knew you would probably say no, but I couldn't resist. I would have put up with the hell Adrian would have given me. I just wouldn't have felt right seeing you there with him knowing that I didn't ask you." I honestly didn't know what to say. I looked down to hide how happy his honesty made me, even though I knew he probably already knew since he could read my mind and I wasn't trying very hard to hide my excitement.

"We need to start training soon, Gwen."

"I don't
wanna talk about this right now," I groaned. I just wanted to sit here and enjoy the happiness of the moment. I never imagined anything like this could happen.

"Angel, I know you don't, but the war is coming and we don't know when. The sooner I start training you, the better," he reasoned.

"Fine," I said getting up. "What do you want to start with?"

"Water, summon water," he said getting up and smiling. Without even thinking about it, I summoned a ball of water into my hand. "Now throw it at me." I smiled sweetly before sending the ball flowing in the direction of Dimitri. The ball flew towards him, but whipped right past him as he dodged it.

"Well, how am I supposed to hit you if you just step away?" I grumbled.

"Just focus on trying to hit me, I don't expect you to get it right away. It's going to take practice, okay? Just try not to get frustrated." Focusing again, I formed the water in my hand and
I threw it at him. Instead of wanting it to go in one straight path, I focused on it actually following Dimitri so it hit him. To my delight, when he tried to move out of the way, the ball of water curved toward him and hit him in the lower abdomen. I smiled my triumph.

"Great job!"
Dimitri smiled, running up to me, and before I knew what was happening he had his arms around me and his mouth was covering mine. I melted into the kiss, sliding my hands up his chest and into his hair. He opened his mouth and I could feel the heat from the kiss.

When Dimitri finally pulled away, my breath was coming fast and I couldn't seem to slow it down. That kiss was amazing. I didn't know exactly what Dimitri and I were, but I sure as hell wasn't going to complain about this!

"Are there any other powers that you know about besides the elements?" Dimitri asked, looking away.

"What is this?" I demanded.

"What is what?" he asked innocently, looking up at me from where he was sitting back down at our picnic.

"This!" I exclaimed, gesturing between the two of us. "When you first got here, it seemed like you hated me, but then you saved me. Then, we got distanced again and now we're here in the middle of nowhere, with you asking me to prom and then making me breathless with an amazing kiss and you're just gonna act like that didn't happen?!" I said without pausing. A second ago, I had thought that I could do it, just keep being whatever we were, but I couldn't. I had to either be more or be nothing. There was no in between for me. Not with Dimitri.

"Gwen, I can't be with you."

"Why fucking not?! Why is it okay to let me sleep in your bed and kiss me whenever you feel like it, but not okay to be more?" I was on the verge on tears.

"Guinevere, believe me, I want to be with you. I really do. I have since I arrived here, I just can't, though. It doesn't matter what I want when it comes to you," Dimitri sighed.

"Why?" I asked quietly. My anger had subsided and all I was feeling now was alone. I would give anything to feel numb, again, as I had after my wreck.

"It's forbidden for me to love you. Forbidden for a Bellator, the second highest ranking angel, to love a 'mixed' angel, or to even spend too much time with one. Technically, we aren't allowed to love any angel, or human. The Fallen can sense you and if they see that you are with me, they know that you are The Unum. We don't protect just any mixed angel. Only one. Only you. And if they see that we are around you and they sensed your only half angel they will put two and two together."

"But why was it okay for me to be with Adrian?" I asked.

"He is only a Pugnator, they expect him to be with a 'lesser being', meaning a half, or even a human. It is not uncommon. But when I say half, I mean half angel half human. There has never been a half angel half witch before. That is why you are so precious."

"So we're back to me being a tool again, huh?" I asked snarkily. I couldn't stand just being wanted because I was some freak show.

"Gwen, you are so much more than that to me! Can't you see that?" Dimitri shouted. The truth was that I could, I could tell he was only trying to help me, but I couldn't take that I couldn't be with Dimitri just because it would put me in danger. I really didn't care about my safety. I just wanted Dimitri. "It's for your protection, Gwen," Dimitri muttered before getting up and walking away.

I didn't really know what I was supposed to do at that moment, I had no clue where Dimitri was going, but I could feel he did not want me to follow him. I
laid down in the grass and summoned water in one hand and fire in the other. I didn't know if it was going to work, but I decided 'why not give it a shot?

I pushed the water with my mind, never letting go but streaming the water in a line from my hand. I thought about fire and saw it wrapping itself around the water and intertwining with it, I felt the heat as the fire shot out from my palm and did exactly as I had thought. I couldn't help but giggle at my accomplishment.

"Oh, my goodness," I heard a shocked whisper behind me and leaned up to see Dimitri standing a few feet in front of me. I immediately stopped the water and fire and stood up. "Gwen, do you know how amazing that was?" he exclaimed. I couldn't stop the smile that came in response.


Walking into the house, I wasn't entirely surprised to see that Adrian was already gone considering how late it was. After I had done my little mixing of the elements trick, Dimitri had taken me to dinner and a movie to celebrate.
Where the hell was Adrian always going to? And why lock his door?
I couldn't help but wonder. "Hey, what are you doing? Are you gonna go to bed?" Dimitri asked from the hallway. I loved the fact that I knew we were most likely going to be sleeping in the same bed again. We may not be able to be official in public, but in private, he was all mine. The thought warmed my heart and I blushed to myself.

After grabbing a drink from the kitchen, I walked into Dimitri's room to find him
lying in his bed shirtless with another t-shirt lying on the edge of the bed. Grabbing it, I went into the bathroom and showered before changing into it and returning to a waiting Dimitri. I stood at the doorway to the bathroom and just marveled at how amazing his body was. I couldn't help but stare when I saw him shirtless. His body was perfect. Tan and chiseled, all I wanted to do was run my hands over it again and again.

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