A Very Bad Billionaire (BWWM Contemporary Romance Novel) (14 page)

BOOK: A Very Bad Billionaire (BWWM Contemporary Romance Novel)
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"Fuck me," I demanded, desperate for more.

He quickly knelt up, and for a second I caught sight of his cock, long and hard, springing out from his body. I pulled my legs back, exposing everything – and then cried out louder than ever as he drove his cock into me, deep into me, his cock feeling hotter than ever where he had smoothed the ice over me.

He fucked me hard. Hard, deep and fast – and I came almost immediately. He pressed deep into me, holding his cock there while I squeezed my pussy around him, pulling him tight to me, my nails digging into his back, my breasts crashed against him. My pussy throbbed and pulsed around him, my body arching towards him. 

With a gasp, I sank back onto the bed, my breasts flushed red, my body damp with excitement. Kaiden kissed me as I wrapped my arms around his neck, his cock sliding slowly in and out of my hot body. We kissed as I got my breath back, as my thumping heart returned to normal.

My pussy held him tight as we clung together, molded to every vein, every contour of his throbbing cock. Only when he had pumped every last drop of his cum into me and his cock was beginning to soften did he roll away from me. We lay side by side, our chests heaving as we caught our breath, both of us grinning at our release.

Kaiden slumped forward as we clung to each other, our damp bodies pressed hard together. We kissed feverishly as we continued to come down from our high, Kaiden's cock only slipping from me as we rolled onto our sides. We kissed again, laughing with our release before we drifted off to sleep.







The night went better than I could have ever dreamed. I had no clue how Natalia was going to take the news once she learned about Andy. I figured the most likely scenario would have been her freaking out and not wanting anything to do with either of us. If she had decided to do that, who could have blamed her? I’m not looking for a mother for Andy, although it would be nice to have someone other than his grandmother there as a positive female influence. It was nice to know that not only did she want to stick around, but she also wanted to meet my son. That told me that she was actually serious about getting to know me and, if things went well, intended on sticking around. That’s a quality that’s hard to find in women today. It’s especially hard when you have a lot of money like I do. It becomes difficult to figure out who wants to be with you because they like you and who is only around because of what you can give them.


Natalia was different than any girl I’d ever met before. Even though I hadn’t known her for very long, I knew that I didn’t have to worry whether or not she was with me for the right reasons. She knew I had money, but it wasn’t what interested her. She had an amazing personality and I loved spending time with her. I found myself actually being able to picture a future with her, which was something I hadn’t done with anyone since Anna left. It was a nice feeling and I hoped that it would last.


After we had such a great night, I was surprised to see that she was no longer in bed when I woke up in the morning. That seemed to be becoming a trend. Each time the two of us spent the night together, Natalia would fall asleep in my arms but would disappear before morning. I wasn’t sure what to make of it. I didn’t know if it was because she was my employee and didn’t want things to look bad if she was seen coming out of my room or if she didn’t want to make things awkward between the two of us in the morning. All I knew was that I liked her and I didn’t want her to think she had to leave. If she was doing it because I was her boss, things could be addressed. I threw my clothes on as fast as I could and went off to look for her.


As usual, everyone on my staff was there getting their day started. Even Bailey was there, though she didn’t usually come in for another hour. I spotted Natalia doing some work around the house, but I wanted to wait until she was away from the other employees before I talked to her. I didn’t know how much she had or hadn’t told them and I didn’t want to bring it up if she wasn’t comfortable with everyone knowing about us.


I liked the way the word ‘us’ sounded in my head. Of course, I had no clue where she was as far as where she thought our relationship was headed. I’m guessing she thought it was going somewhere if she said she wanted to meet my son. Bad relationships in the past always have me second guessing things when I really have no reason to do so. It’s a tough habit to break.


Since it was going to be a while, I decided to take a walk as a way to clear my mind. Over-thinking things has always been a problem for me. Whenever that starts happening, I like to talk a walk, get some fresh air and not think about anything. About halfway through my walk, my cell phone began to ring. I usually leave it behind when I take one of my walks, but it was in my pocket. I pulled the phone out to see who it was. The screen showed that the call was coming from a private number. I answered but was met with silence. That wasn’t completely uncommon. Lots of marketing companies use robo-dialers and sometimes their telemarketers couldn’t keep up. What wasn’t common was when the calls kept coming. Over and over, private calls continued only to hang up when I answered. They didn’t stop for nearly a half-hour and only when I was walking through my front door.


As I walked in the door, I was happy to see Natalia doing some work in the living room. I was even more pleased to see that she was in the room by herself. She looked up to see who was coming in and gave me a half-smile when she saw me. I thought that was a little odd but thought maybe she was just tired or something. I figured that, since she was alone, it was probably my best chance to get to talk to her.


“Good afternoon, Natalia. I couldn’t help but notice that you weren’t in my room any longer when I got up.”


“Yeah, you were sleeping pretty hard and I wanted to get out of there before the others arrived. I grabbed a quick shower in the guest bathroom downstairs and got dressed. After that, I just started the day like normal.”


“You know you don’t have to do that. I would actually like it if you were still there in the morning. The mornings could certainly be a lot more fun than waking up alone.”


“I’m sure they could, but I had a lot of work to do. In fact, I still have quite a bit that I need to get finished. Was there something in particular you wanted to talk about?”


“Yeah, there are quite a few things, actually. First, I want to know if you’ll be staying with me again tonight.”


“Honestly, I hadn’t really thought about it. I may think about it, but I’m not so sure it’s a good idea.”


“What? Why wouldn’t it be a good idea?”


“Oh, I don’t know Kaiden. You want to keep me a secret and I don’t know how I feel about that. I want to be with someone who is proud to have me. I feel like I am nothing but a Kaiden Melrose mystery girl.”


“That’s ridiculous Natalia. I like you and I don’t care who knows it. In fact, why don’t you have Bailey place another ad for a housekeeper. That way you can be here with me and don’t have to worry about how other employees see it.”


“I can’t do that. How will I support myself?”


“I make plenty of money to support you. That won’t be a problem.”


“Excuse me? That very much will be a problem. I’m not looking to be taken care of. That’s not what I’m all about.”


“Natalia, that’s not how I meant it. All I meant was that I want you here with me. I want to spend as much time with you as possible. If being my employee makes that harder for you, then I want to figure out how to solve that.”


“That’s not how it is at all. It’s fine that you don’t mind people around here knowing about us. That’s great and it makes me really happy to know that you’re not ashamed of me around here, but that’s not all there is to it.”


“So what is it then? Tell me so I can fix it. What would make you happy and comfortable enough to be here with me?”


“I want you to tell your parents about us.”


“I can’t do that right now.”


“Fine, just let me know when you can.”


“That’s not fair Natalia. You’ve seen how my mom is. Our relationship is something that I’m going to have to ease her into. I promise I will tell my parents about us in due time. I’m just not ready yet.”







I felt like I was giving him an ultimatum. In a way, I guess I was. The last thing I wanted to do was give him a take it or leave it stipulation. Men like him didn’t typically go for that sort of thing. No matter what, I had to look out for myself. If he wanted to be with me, he was going to have to learn that I don’t like to be kept on the back burner. I like to feel like I’m special and if you hide me, I’m gonna think I don’t mean much to you.


After I got done saying my peace, everything else was up to him. My hope was that he would realize I wasn’t messing around and decide to get serious about me. The last thing I left him with was a statement telling him to think about what he wanted and to let me know what his decision was. He didn’t say anything in response and actually let me leave the room. I’m a girl and figured he would try to chase me, but he didn’t. I wondered if that meant anything.


If I allowed myself to think about what he might choose to do, I would have driven myself crazy for the entire day. Instead, I decided the best thing I could for myself was to keep myself busy. I started by finding Lupita and helping her with various tasks that she was trying to finish. After that, I went out to the garden to see what I could help with. Then, I helped the cook chop some green onions for a meal he was preparing that evening.


After exhausting all the tasks I could find to do, I decided to head upstairs to take care of the offices. I started with Bailey’s office since there’s always much more to do in there. I spent nearly an hour emptying the trash, dusting, vacuuming and tidying up. When I had done every menial task I could think of, I made my way into Kaiden’s office, hoping he wouldn’t be in there. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted to see him, but I also wanted him to be able to make a decision about us without me being all up in his face.


I walked into Kaiden’s office and was happy to see that it was dark. He always turns off his lights when he leaves the office so I knew he wasn’t in there. I flipped the light switch on and rolled my cart into the room. Startled, I let out an involuntary yelp when I looked out and saw a woman sitting in Kaiden’s office chair. She had a cocky grin spread across her smug face. When she saw me, she stood up from the chair. She was tall, blonde and beautiful.


“Oh my God, you scared the shit out of me,” I said. “Is there something I can help you with?”


“Ha! The hired help asking if she can help me with something,” she snorted. “That’s cute.”


“I’m sorry?”


“Never mind, I’m sure you don’t have much of an education since you’re a housekeeper. I should probably dumb it down for you. Do you want me to use small words or would speaking slowly work for you?”


Who in the hell did this bitch think she was to talk to me like that? She was crazy if she thought I was going to stand there and take her talking to me like a piece of trash.


“Look, there’s no reason to be rude. I was just seeing if there was something I could help you with.”


“Listen to me because I’m only to going to say this one time. I’m here to see your boss. Where is Kaiden?”


“I’m not sure. I don’t believe he had any appointments scheduled for today. Is he expecting you?”


“Sweetheart, I’m probably the last person he’s expecting to see here.”


That’s when it hit me. This had to be Anna.







I already knew how I was going to answer Natalia. I like her and I don’t want to lose her. If that meant that I am going to have to tell my parents about the two of us before I really wanted to, then that was I had to do. At the same time, I didn’t mean to seem too eager. It wasn’t that I wanted to make her sweat what my decision was going to be, I just didn’t want her to stop seeing me as the strong, powerful man that I am.


Having my mind made up, I started heading back home. Besides, I still had a ton of research that I needed to get done before my big acquisition meeting that was coming up quickly. My original plan had been to finish it up the night before but my parents through a wrench into that idea.


As I was walking up the stairs, I could hear voices coming from my office. I could tell that one was Natalia’s, but the other one wasn’t as clear. The closer I got, the more familiar the voice became. When I walked into my office, my fear became my reality. Anna was staring down Natalia as the two of them bickered. When she noticed me standing next to her, Natalia looked as though she was relieved. I couldn’t imagine what kind of awkward that moment must have been for her.


“What do you want Anna?” I asked. “You know you’re not supposed to be here.”

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