A Warrior's Quest (4 page)

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Authors: Calle J. Brookes

Tags: #Demons, #Fantasy, #Paranormal Romance, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Paranormal, #Romance, #Vampires

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“Yes, she will. I will not risk her, and Rathan will not risk his sister. But the
Warrior kings are as relentless as all the other demons of that breed.”

Like Renakletos. Aureliana shivered. He
’d watched her from the moment she’d been
Watched her with a gleam in his eyes that had reminded her of exactly what he’d threatened to do to her. Yes, she’d stay far from him while in this realm. He was just too dangerous.

And all he wanted from her was sex, anyway. He had no idea he was her
, and she didn’t intend to tell him. She didn’t intend to tell anyone. Because if it was known, Kindara at least would try to help. And she didn’t want anyone she cared about involved. If they knew she’d met her
and had chosen not to act on that bond, they would worry for her. More so than they already did. But what other decision could she have made? Her
would not want her for anything more than a quick interlude. He so obviously disdained permanency. “She will be protected.”

“Yes. So tell me, how is my daughter...and her wolf?” Kindara would never like Rand Taniss, and everyone knew it. But she respected that he was her daughter
’s destined mate.

“Jierra is thriving in Levia. She has organized the females into an army of her own. The girl goddess gives Jierra leave to do as she wishes. So far Ji has built a school for all of the children, had homes built for the families of the displaced wolves, and now oversees an orphanage. She has made quite a difference in the time we have been there. You would be very proud to see what she has managed.” Kindara had not been in Levia since the goddess
’s twins were birthed. She had not seen all that her daughter had accomplished. Seen how the somewhat timid Jierra had found her own strength in the land of the gods. “She and the goddess are fast becoming best friends.”

Kindara had a bittersweet expression on her face. “I miss her so. But Rathan has sworn that after the babe is birthed travel will be much easier. Safer. Said we can go at least once a week, if I wish it. And I do.”

“Levia is a beautiful place.”

Kindara studied her for a moment. “But you were not happy there, were you? Oh, Auri...”

“I long for home. For my family and those that I care about.” Dardanos had been her home since her parents had dropped her off on Aodhan at the near grown age of sixteen, almost four hundred years ago. With her oldest brother she’d found the place she truly belonged. “But in time, I will adjust.”

If she lived long enough.
There was the whole Beansidhe thing sitting on her shoulders. She couldn’t forget that.

Kindara hugged her again. “But will you be happy?”


Chapter Seven

Renakletos held the little body against his chest and carried her to the room that was hers. Cerridwen was boneless and limp in the manner of sleeping children everywhere. She had been waiting for him in the hallway outside their private chambers. She always missed him when he was gone. Just as he missed her.

But he would never admit that weakness aloud. Warriors were not allowed to have such tender feelings. Hadn’t his mother pounded into him physically that he was never to show
to others? Even to his brothers and sisters, to those he had been raised with. Even to his only child.

But th
at was the hardest for him. He cared for this child in his arms more than he had ever thought possible.

Her hair was glossy black and tangled from her play. She had red sticky on her mouth from whatever treat she had been given by her nurse. There were dirt and paint streaks on her tiny tunic. She
’d taken to dressing like those damned Dardaptoan females that abounded throughout the castle now. Kindara—and the warrior girl—had taken to Cerridwen and she had taken to them. Had started to emulate their odd off-realm ways. Should that concern him?

He carried her to her bed, and lowered her to the pink silk comforter his brother had brought back from Gaia. It was adorned with pink hair bows, of all things. Rathan was fast spoiling her, as he had done Danae when she was but a girl. Ren had never quite understood his brother at times. Their kingdom was in jeopardy and his brother was bringing home dolls and coloring sticks.
They had still not found whether Agmendias was the traitor in their midst or not. It made the castle very tense at times.

Cerridwen opened her eyes. “Hi Daddy. The warrior princess is

She had always thought the warrior girl Aureliana was a princess of
Warriors. Thought the woman beautiful and full of magic. And Aureliana seemed drawn to Cerridwen as well. The girl warrior was drawn to children, in general. He’d noticed that before. Did she realize she had such an obvious weakness?

Was she settled in with Kindara? Did she need anything from him? Should he check on her? How was he to make her safe,
telling her of the danger she faced?

“Hello, sweetling. I know; I am the one who fetched her.”

“Do you think she’ll play with me tomorrow?”

“I think she may well do such. But now, it is time for you to sleep.”

“But I’ve already sleeped.”

“But not through the night. Come, cover up. I shall sit with you until you fall asleep, then I have many things to prepare.” For a war that he sensed was coming. But was it the war the Wolf god had predicted?
Or was it something far closer to his home? The Lothicano Warrior Kings, perhaps? Agmendias? Who? What? When? These were questions he would need to answer, and soon.

Would it span two realms, possibly more?

And how were they to control such things in this time and place? Would all of Relaklonos be able to muster enough warriors of any Kind to be able to deal with an approaching threat?

was what worried him. There were so many demon Kinds who would be more a hindrance to an army than a help. His brother had much to carry on his shoulders now.




Chapter Eight

Rathan was grim. Aureliana could see the stress bracketing the demon king’s eyes. Kindara was also watching him with worry on her face. What had happened in the hours since dawn to bring such trouble?

Aureliana sank into the chair next to Kindara
’s, though she left the food laid out before them untouched. “What is it?”

“War. It
’s breaking out in Dragonas.”

And as king of all demons it would directly affect Rathan. It was a hard road Kindara
’s consort would follow. Aureliana did not envy him. “Isn’t that the Warrior kings’ territory?” It had taken her a bit of study, but Aureliana had figured out the hierarchy of this realm. Rathan was king of all the demons, a position held by members of his father’s line
they could hold that right. If someone were to fight and challenge the Malickus family, Rathan could lose the throne. Each of the smaller territories also had their own ruling family. Lothicano was the largest of the territories and was ruled by the two Warrior kings who’d taken Bronie and Danae. Dragonas was the capitol city.

“Yes. But we do not know if it
the Twin Kings or if it is some other faction,” Rathan said. “I am sending Ren out tomorrow to speak with them.”

“And if it
’s not them? Then what?”

“Then it
’s some traitors who will have to be dealt with. Ren spoke with your Wolf god friend. Someone, maybe even a Laquazzean—”

’s that?”

“Even amongst our Kinds, Demonkin, Gaia
n deities, leaders of the other realms, there are beings that are so powerful we do not mention them. And some of
Kinds seek that kind of power, knowledge. And it never ends well for them.”

Strange beings more powerful than the gods and goddesses of her world? That thought was more than frightening. It was flat out terrifying. “Why would they do that, and what is in place to stop them? That kind of power…wouldn
’t it be too dangerous?”

“You rarely see these Laquazzeana. The knowledge they possess can oft times send them into madness.
Madness unlike anything you can comprehend.”

“Where are they?”

“Deep in the hills of the seventeen realms. They cannot be near to one another either, so they spread themselves around the differing worlds so that they do not clash with one another too often.” Rathan shook his head, then forked more fruit and fish onto Kindara’s plate. “Eat, pet. You cannot afford not to. Our boy is a hungry demon.”

“A hungry demon sitting on his mother
’s bladder.” Kindara picked at the food. No one was eating much today. The threat of war had a way of killing appetites in even the stoutest of warriors. “Auri, I have a book upstairs that tells more, if you want to read it.”

“I do. Why haven
’t we heard of these beings?”

“Your girl goddess is too young—”

“She’s over thirty-five hundred years old!”

“Still, that is so young. I myself am near two thousand, kitten. These beings were formed long before us—closer to one hundred thousand years ago, for those who have not assumed such power—and have retreated long before us as well. The Gaian Mother of Nature, the Sire of Time? They are two such beings. You know they exist, but you will never see them. If you are lucky.”

“And it can be some of these
causing the war? How can you defeat someone like that?”

She had her answer by the look in Rathan
’s eyes. They couldn’t. How could they?

“Just pray to your goddess, Aureliana, that is not one of these Laquazzeana. If it is, we are doomed before this war starts, no matter what kind of forces Renakletos can muster.”

“Do Aodhan and Rydere know?” Her brother and her Dhar, king of her people, would want that knowledge. Her people had dwindled to under 300,000 in the last two hundred years—they could not afford to be blindsided by another war. The battles with the Lupoiux had just ended, on command of Eiophon the Wolf god—what was next to come?

’ve sent messengers this morning to Kindara’s brother.”

She studied the demon king. Nothing on his face said what they were facing was anywhere near good or easy. “This is going to bad, isn
’t it?”

“Every instinct I possess tells me that this will be worse than anything any
has ever seen. That was another reason we wanted you here. Kindara carries the first blood heir to this entire realm. Cerridwen is next, followed by Danae’s spawn. The threat to our children is one I cannot quantify, nor completely eradicate.”

“And you want my sword.”

“Yes. That is exactly what I am asking of you. Protect my female and my child, and my siblings’ children.”

“You have my sword for as long as I am living.” And he di
d, without asking. Her loyalty spread in very few directions—her people and family, Kindara and her babe, Jierra, and even though he’d never want it, her
. And her
’’s brother, this man before her. His was a position she would never envy. “When you cannot be with them, I will. This I swear to you.”

“And you have my own oath that you will have a place of honor with my family for all times. And a place of welcome.” He bowed after giving the pledge. And she knew what it meant—a demon did not give oaths lightly. To anyone. “And

Kindara tapped the table. “Enough of this talk. We have much to do today. Starting with gathering all the healers in this land. There are too many to visit ourselves, so we must pull them all here.”

“A first Healer’s Summit. That is something that has never occurred before.” Rathan grinned at his consort, though Aureliana could still see the strain in his black demon eyes. He was under a significant amount of pressure, compounded by the very real fear they all faced as Kindara’s delivery date grew closer. The babe would no doubt survive—most demon babes did, one reason Kindara had told her demons spawned so rarely, as population control—but Kindara’s future wasn’t as certain. No woman of their Kind had ever carried a demon babe that anyone knew. Every healer in Rathan’s world was being consulted. And now that Aureliana was back with Kindara she could do what she could to help and protect her friend. “When do you wish it, my pet? I can have it as early as this weekend.”

Three days away. That didn
’t give them much time to prepare. But Kindara was nodding. “I’d rather do it before the babe is born. I want to focus on him and his needs during the early months. And I’ll ask Barlaam and Thad if they will join us. And Bronwen, if she is feeling up to it. Plus whoever can join us in this realm, of course. And the goddess. She’ll have insight that we will need, I’m sure. Can this castle hold everyone?”

“Of course it can. It is the largest in the realm.” Rathan
’s natural arrogance slipped out. Aureliana had to smile; Kindara’s lover was a proud male. One of the sexiest specimens
seen in several decades. He also had a high regard for himself that she’d learned was characteristic of his Kind.

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