A Winter's Date (15 page)

Read A Winter's Date Online

Authors: Sasha Brümmer,Jess Epps

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #A Winter's Date

BOOK: A Winter's Date
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Dillen is a complete mess. I would say her emotions have been wrung dry, but her tears are still falling. I’ve never seen her so emotional before, especially over a man. I’m trying to console her, but it doesn’t seem to be working in the slightest. “Dill, you’re going to see him again. No man flies across an ocean just to screw my best friend. Did you tell him you would visit?” I ask and stroke her hair softly.

“Yes, but I don’t know if I can. Flying back and forth takes up so much time, and I don’t think I can take that much time off from the studio.” She sniffles then loudly bursts into tears again without warning.

I sigh and move her head onto my lap. I know exactly how she’s feeling because I was devastated when I left Noah

“I-I don’t even know if he wants to see me again,” she all but squawks out at me.

“Oh Dill, of course he does. It’s obvious that you two cannot get enough of each other.”

She snaps her head around so that she’s staring up at me. “Do you think he left to get away from me?”

“No, sweetie. He has to go back to work, or else I’m sure he’d love to stay.”

She dashes her tears away and hugs me. “I’m sorry. I’m such an idiotic fool. I shouldn’t be so stinking upset over a man like this.”

I laugh and pat her back sympathetically. “Oh hush. You listened to me cry for weeks when I moved here, and now it’s my turn. Plus, you’re my best friend, Dill.” I pull back and hold her at arm’s length. “Now let’s pig out on ice cream and candy to get your mind off of things.”

She nods approvingly and throws her arms around my neck, squeezing the life out of me. “Can you get Noah to make his grilled cheese sandwiches for us? They’re my favorite.”

I smile and hug her back before I pull her off of my bed. “Let’s go give him the puppy-dog eyes.” She wipes her raccoon eyes, and we walk out of the bedroom, crooning his name at the same time, “Noahhh?”

He lifts his eyes off of his textbooks and gives me the most dazzling, panty-wetting smirk. Oh dang . . . he’s wearing his glasses again. I could jump him right this freaking second.

“What can I do for you, ladies?” he asks in that cool, smoky voice.

We’re both stunned into silence. I can’t even make a sound, and it seems like Dill can’t either. Holy crap, I’m going to combust from within.


He’s waiting patiently for an answer while we stare at his perfectly sculpted body. I think Dill has completely forgotten about her cheesy carb request.

“I . . . we . . .”

I’ve forgotten everything. He’s staring at us with his eyebrow raised now, imploring me to say something with his silent gesture.

“We wanted something, but I forgot what it was.” I glance at Dill in a daze. “What did we want, Dill?”

Her facial expression reminds me of the many times she’s just been caught walking into the dance studio late, trying to get around the extra workout session that comes along with it.

“Uhh . . .”

I shove her with my hip trying to get her to say something, anything.

She must be so embarrassed because her cheeks have taken on a radiant crimson color—Dillen never blushes. She sighs dreamily and swats my arm good-humoredly. “You lucky little shit. Noah, can you make us grilled-cheese sandwiches, please?”

I laugh and rub my arm to soothe the sting out of it. “Hey . . .” We both pout at him, and I swiftly forget the red handprint that has made a quick appearance on my bicep. “Please?”

He chuckles and puts his book down, then reaches up to take off his reading glasses. My eyes roam down his bare torso and to the flaccid yet obvious gift in his sweat pants, “Baby? Will you leave your glasses on today? Please?”

“Leave them on? Why?” he asks suspiciously as he gets up and brings over a glass of water and my medication.

I reach out and take my pills from him while I rack my brain for a true and simple explanation. “Because you look like a sexy professor in them . . .” I watch him closely as I take the glass and sip the water before swallowing my medicine. “ . . . and I’m a naughty girl who needs detention.”

Dillen busts out laughing beside me and walks into the kitchen muttering, “I’d gladly take a detention.”

“Well, shit, I’ll need to put you on academic probation if that’s the case.” He grabs me and smacks my butt hard in front of Dillen, leaving a stinging sensation in its wake.

I squeak loudly and grin as his behavior sends a welcome thrill through me. “Are there spankings involved with academic probation?”

“I wouldn’t think so, but I can make an exception.” He swoops me up and carries me to the kitchen counter to where Dill is about to ice down her libido. She’s gotten everything out for Noah to make his delicious sandwiches.

I sit on the counter and watch him move adeptly around the kitchen.

“Thank you, baby,” I say sweetly.

“Yes, thank you, baby,” Dillen mocks in a voice that is too high-pitched to resemble mine.

Noah chuckles as he starts assembling the sandwiches, and Dill joins me on the counter. We’re now both watching Noah’s muscles move underneath his taut golden skin as he does the simplest of tasks.

“You two are a couple of hornballs.”

“So?” Dillen protests, shifting uncomfortably on the counter and nudging me with her elbow as she tries to fight her libido.

I laugh and almost melt when Noah tilts his head up at me, and winks—what a panty dropper. A few minutes later he’s perfected our sandwiches and slides each one onto a white ceramic plate before handing one to each of us. He slowly tilts my chin upward to meet his lips; my body sags as the sexual tension between us takes over, and I almost drop my plate. He bares his teeth and tugs on my bottom lip before breaking our kiss and walking back to the living room, leaving me winded.

“Enjoy, ladies.”

“Thank you, Noah,” she says as we both stare after him and his mighty fine, taut rear end.

Dill and I are still eating on the counter when she looks at me. “Okay, for real . . . we’ve been friends for, like, ever, but I would absolutely have a three-way with you if it meant I got to taste-test that.” She points her thumb toward Noah, and I almost choke on my food with laughter.

“Dillen!” I shriek.

“What?” She giggles deviously and jumps off the counter. “I may not be into girls, but at the very least, I’d make an attempt. Now, I need a girl’s night in, please?”

“Deal. Movies, candy, drinks, and more drinks. Maybe we can get Noah to play a game with us?”

“What kind of game, little shit?” She eyes my man and bites her lower lip.

I snap my fingers to get her attention. I don’t know why, but jealousy courses its way through my veins as I think of her picturing my man naked and positioned over her.

“Hey lady, he’s mine. Not the kind of game you’re thinking of.”

“Okay, fine . . . for now, but I want alcohol to start this evening off right.”

“Well, duh. Now go shower, and I’ll do the same, and then we’ll make Noah
make us some drinks tonight.”

“Ugh! As much as I adore Coen, I’m still envious of that Greek god.”

“He is pretty amazing, huh? Okay go.” I push Dill toward her bedroom. “I need to go kiss my man.”

Noah gets up and walks up to me when Dill stumbles into her room—drunk on the sight of my man. Noah pushes my legs apart with his hips and wraps his arms around my waist. “Then kiss me, ballerina.”

I look up into his eyes. “How did you . . . ?”

“I pay attention to what my girl needs,” he says softly, before pressing his lips to mine passionately.

I sigh against his lips and wrap my arms around his neck. He’s always so warm, and he knows exactly what I need.

“I’m going to study tonight; you two have a good time, okay?”

He helps me down off of the counter, and I pout. “You’re not going to hang out with us?”

“In a week’s time you’ll be all mine, and I won’t have to share you with anyone. Go have some fun with Dillen.”

I scowl and cross my arms, officially throwing a fit. “I don’t want to wait.”

“Wait for what?”

“I don’t want to wait a whole week. Please come have a good time with us?”

“How about we have our own fun afterward? I’ll get you naked and bite you all over your gorgeous body.”

I run my hands down his chest, over the grooves of his abdomen. He closes his eyes briefly, and I think I’ve got him right where I want him.

“Ballerina?” His hands move down to my butt, squeezing.

I grin devilishly but hide it before looking up at him, playing coy. “Yes?”

“I’ll be in our room when you need me. Enjoy yourself.”

My mouth drops open, and I stare at him in disbelief. Before I know it, he’s already grabbed his books and shut our bedroom door, completely dismissing me.

I’m standing there staring at the door when Dillen’s voice startles me.

“Hey little shit? Did you shower yet?” I turn around and see her already showered and in her lounge clothes, combing her wet hair.

“Oh . . . uh, crap. No, I got sidetracked, sorry. I’ll be right back.”

“Why does that not surprise me? I’ll start making margaritas. Would you like traditional or strawberry?”

“Strawberry, please,” I call out before opening my bedroom door and stepping inside. I look over and see Noah is at the desk. He is focused solely on his thick textbook. I walk by him, and he doesn’t even notice me. Glancing back over my shoulder, I sigh. He’s been so wrapped up in studying that he barely notices anything anymore.


I’m startled, and I reach for the bathroom light as I open the door. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you. I was just about to shower.”

The next thing I know he has me up against the cool glass of the shower door, and his lips are moving down my neck to my collarbone. I can only gasp as I weaken under his touch.

“You never bother me. You are my girl and the most important person to me. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” I breathe out.

He reaches past me and turns the shower on. “Let’s get this boot off of you, and then I’m going to wash this gorgeous body of yours.”

“Baby, go study. Dillen is making us drinks and is waiting for me.”

“Fine. On the condition that you’ll enjoy yourself tonight and come tuck your sexy little ass in bed with me after you’ve had too many margaritas.”

I manage a small smile and kiss him briefly. “I promise.”

“You’re such a distraction,” he says in a deep, raspy voice. He pulls back and smacks my butt before going back into the room to bury himself in books and laws.

I quickly get undressed and step into the warm steam shower, where my mind wanders as I wash myself. I feel so bad for Noah. He works so hard but never lets himself have a good time.

I think it might be a way for him to escape his own thoughts. I know he still has problems with everything that has happened, and I am able to tell on which days it gets to him most. I can tell when he’s lost all of his self-will; I can even tell when he’s thinking about Mae, and on those days he’s somber and reserved.

I quickly finish up my shower and get dressed. Then I sit down to put my boot back on, brush out my hair, and spray a spritz of Noah’s cologne on his sweatshirt that I pull over my head. I love how he smells: it comforts me in ways I’ve never been comforted before, outside of his actual embrace.

As I walk to the door, he turns around and smiles before I leave the room. “You look beautiful, Heather.”

I feel my cheeks heat at his comment. He devours my body with his eyes as I leave the room. “Thank you, professor.”

I blow him a kiss before walking out to Dillen who is sitting on the couch, holding up a margarita and candy. “Let’s go, little shit. I need my best friend’s help getting ruthlessly drunk.”

“If I could run, I would so jump on you right now.”

She sticks out her tongue at me. “Try your best, butthead.”

I laugh and shake my head as I walk over with my noticeably bulky, highly un-sexy boot.

“You know, they could make these things look better if they wanted to,” I gripe as I sit down at the other end of the couch and reach for my glass. I hum my appreciation when my lips taste the sugar on the rim of the glass. “Mmm, I love these.”

She scoots over and lays her head on my shoulder. “We are getting drunk, Heather, whether you’re on your damn medication or not.”

She seems so sad, so unlike herself. “Deal.” I nudge her with my shoulder. “We better get the bottle of tequila then because these just aren’t going to be enough.” I take another sip of my margarita and almost spill it when she sits up quickly.

“I’ll get it,” she shrieks happily and just like that, her good mood is back. She skips to the kitchen on her toes and pulls the freezer door open overdramatically. “Do we have limes or are we sending Noah out to get some?” She grabs two shot glasses before pulling the tequila out of the freezer.

I set my drink down and turn to rest my chin on the back of the couch. “No, we should have some. Plus, we can’t bother the professor; he’s in hardcore study mode.” I pout cutely as I watch Dill cut the limes.

“We could always trade,” she offers up nonchalantly.

“Trade? Trade what?” I turn back and reach for my drink. I bring it to my lips when I see her devilish grin.

She walks over and places our shots on the coffee table. “We could trade dicks.”

I choke on my drink, and strawberry margarita spills from my lips and down my chin. I’m sputtering, and I can’t believe what I’m hearing. I feel her pat me on the back and laugh.

“WH-WHAT?” I cough out my words.

She’s in a riff of laughter, trying to not spill her shot of tequila that is filled to the brim. “Oh little shit, won’t you please let me go for a ride? Just once? How big
he? Does he know how to use it?”

I can’t even stop my gasp before it leaves my lips. “Go for a ride?” I shriek. I’m not mad—just completely shocked. “Are you completely insane? Hell no, you can’t ride him!” I bust out laughing and shove her.

She spills her overfilled shot onto her tank and I reach for mine. Our laughter fills the room, and we sober long enough to hold our shot glasses to each other’s.

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