A Year to Forget (The Accidental Time Travellers Book 2) (38 page)

BOOK: A Year to Forget (The Accidental Time Travellers Book 2)
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Chapter 95

Faraday was still shaken by the mornings events, he was sat in an office, just along from the Oval Office beside David and Clint Hill.  Martin Luther King had arrived at the White House only minutes previously, and he and Kennedy had retired to the Oval Office to discuss the murder of the Black Panther Party members.

The three men were sitting in the small office that had once been Bobby Stinson’s.  Faraday could see the nerves on David’s face, he looked almost green.  He was dressed in a pale grey suit and a white shirt, the shirt had more colour than David’s face.  Faraday could hardly believe how the day had progressed thus far.  Why had Will saved Faraday with his last act?

David looked at Faraday and tried to smile, but he couldn’t.  He could feel the sweat pouring out of him and just wished Abaddon would give them the signal.  Abaddon was going to interrupt the meeting and take Kennedy to his own office, he would pop his head round the door and ask for David.  At that point David was to go to the Oval Office and Faraday was to go to the car and wait, before driving David to the plane.

It felt like they had been waiting hours for Abaddon.  The silence in the room was shattered by the piercing ring of the telephone, the office had not been used in months.  Clint opted to take the call, as Faraday and David watched on.

“Good afternoon, Clint Hill Secret Service.”

“I need to speak with Bobby Stinson.”  Came the woman’s voice.

“He actually doesn’t work from this office anymore, he is at the FBI now.”

“I know but I only had this number for him, he gave me a card a few months ago.”  The woman said frantically.

“I can give you the new number?”  Clint offered.

“I thought he would be at the White House for the visit of Martin Luther King?”

Clint looked up as Abaddon popped his hear around the door, David left the room with Abaddon, whilst Faraday stared at Clint.

“Is it something I can help with?”  Clint asked.

“They are going to kill him.”  The woman replied.

“Who is this?”  Clint asked in confusion.

“Sarah Salmond.  They are going to kill Martin Luther King!  David Lewis will kill him!”

Clint’s heart rate sped up so much that he thought he was going to collapse.

“Hold a minute.”  Clint said, putting the phone down.

He began to rush towards the door.  “David is going to kill him.”  Clint said to Faraday.

Clint was almost at the door to the office when Faraday pistol whipped him.  Clint fell to the ground.  Faraday dragged him behind the desk and left the office.



























Chapter 96

David could barely feel his legs as he walked towards the Oval Office, the corridor was spinning around him so quickly that he thought he was going to trip.  He focussed solely on the office door, just like Abaddon had promised, there was no one around.

When he reached the door his hand was shaking as he tried to open it, at first he couldn’t move it, but he managed eventually.  As he entered the office he closed the door behind him and was greeted by a smiling Martin Luther King.

“David Lewis, we meet again.”

David thought of Sharon and stared at King without speaking.

“Everything alright David?”

David was back in the moment, Sharon was gone from his mind.  He looked at the confused man in front of him and touched the gun in his holster, his hand was shaking so much that he couldn’t even grasp it.  He looked at King with tears in his eyes.

“Sorry to bother you.”  David said before turning on his heels and leaving the Oval Office.

He closed the door once more and started walking back towards Bobby’s old office, he just couldn’t do it.  He took another step and thought of Sharon once more, he didn’t have a choice.

He turned once again and walked back to the Oval Office, he opened the door and removed the gun from his holster.  King looked stunned when he saw the weapon, David did not speak or hesitate.  He pointed the gun at King and shot him twice in the head. 

As King fell, David turned around once again and headed off down the corridor.












Chapter 97

Kennedy took his seat in annoyance, how could Abaddon interrupt such an important meeting.  Abaddon was smiling as he took his seat across from Kennedy.  He was quiet for a moment before he eventually began.

“Mr President, I have some very bad news.”  Abaddon began.

“What’s happened?” 

“It’s the Moon landing sir.”

Kennedy could feel his heart thumping in his chest.  “What about it?”

“It will be released to the public today that it was a hoax.”

“By who?”  Kennedy asked, terrified.

“By me.”  Abaddon smiled again.

“What?”  Kennedy said softly.

“I’m sorry sir.” 

“Abaddon what are you talking about?”

“You must resign as President, or I will release the tape.  We have all the evidence that it was a fake and when the people find out what you have done to King, they will want you gone.”

“Abaddon what do you mean?  He’s fine, why are you doing this?”

“He has just been shot in the head whilst in your office.”

“What?”  Kennedy screamed in horror.

“David Lewis has just killed him.  When that get’s out and the Moon landing tape is released to the public then they will want your head sir.  If you agree to step down, the footage will not be released and we can blame King on a crazed member of staff.”

“It’s been you all along?  You have been working with Jacob?”

Abaddon nodded.

“You son of a bitch!”

“I’m sorry sir, I am doing what is best for the country.”

“You’ve really killed King?”

“David Lewis has.”  Abaddon corrected him.

Bobby Kennedy was silenced, he could not believe Abaddon had done this to him.

“If you agree to resign we can go along and see King just now, but I want your word before we leave this office that you will stand down.  If you don’t, the tape will be released and you will be the most corrupt President in the history of this nation.  You will have embarrassed us in the Space Race, and the Soviets will know how weak you are. 

Not to mention how angry the blacks will be when they find out that not only did your law enforcement kill the Black Panthers, but they will also know that King was killed in your office.”

Kennedy just stared at Abaddon, the bastard had screwed him.  “You have my word, I will stand down.”

Abaddon smiled at Kennedy with wide eyes.





















Chapter 98

Faraday and David had been required to wear blindfolds, whilst they were led through Area 51, in Nevada.  They were being led through the building by two soldiers that had met them on the airstrip.  Neither man spoke as they were led through the huge building.  They were told to stop by one of the guards, and both men did so.  They heard the ping of elevator doors and they were led inside.

“You can remove the blindfolds.”  One of the guards instructed.

They removed them and saw they were in a huge elevator, perhaps the size of a small house.  The walls were silver, as was the floor and ceiling.  They were moving down and David looked nervous.  Faraday only hoped that Abaddon was a man of his word.

The elevator continued going down for just over ten minutes.

“How deep are we going?”  David asked.

The two soldiers ignored them.

When the doors opened, the guards signalled for David and Faraday to get out.  They did as they were told and the elevator doors closed.

They were in a large dark metal room.  There was a light coming from the far end of the room, but it looked to be at least a mile away.

“Where the hell are we?”  Faraday asked.

“I have no idea.”  David replied.

The two men walked slowly through the dark room, in the direction of the light, neither man spoke, the nerves had taken over.  

After they had been walking for around five minutes the light became much brighter and the ground began to move.

“What the fuck is going on?” Faraday shouted.

They were on a conveyer belt, it moved quickly and within another ten seconds they were right beside the light.  There was a large computer to the right hand side and a man dressed in a white lab coat with dark brown hair, was stood waiting for them.  In the middle of the room, the light appeared to be much larger and seemed to be trapped between two metal poles, the light was roughly the width of a set of goalposts.

“Dr Lewis and Mr Faraday?”  He asked.

Both men nodded.

“It is a pleasure to meet you both.  I am Dr Edward Teller and I can send you wherever and whenever you would like to go.  So who would like to go first?”

“What do we do?”  David asked.

Edward smiled.  “Well the light is the entrance to the wormhole.  Now all you need to do, is tell me when and where you want to go and I will enter the coordinates and year into the computer.  That will allow me to manipulate where the exit to the wormhole is.  When I tell you, all you need to do is walk into the light and you will be transported to wherever you want to go.”

David glanced at Faraday, he nodded.

“I’d like to go to Hawaii.  The 1
June, 1993.”

Edward smiled again.  “One moment.”

David turned towards Faraday and the two men stared at each other without speaking.  David put out his hand for Faraday to shake, Faraday ignored the hand and hugged David.

“I hope you manage to save her.”  Faraday said.

“Thank you for everything James.”  David said, with tears in his eyes.

They stopped hugging and both men felt incredibly emotional.

“Do you know where you’re going?”  David asked.

“I’m in two minds.”  Faraday replied.

David nodded.

“We are ready.”  Edward Teller announced.

“Well Faraday if you’re ever in LA in the nineties, then look me up.”

Faraday smiled.  “I will.”

David walked towards the light and disappeared.  It had happened instantly.

“Wow, I didn’t think it would be so fast.”  Faraday said in shock.

“It is instantaneous.”  Edward replied.

“Impressive.”  Faraday said with a smile.

Edward nodded and looked into Faraday’s eyes.  “So where would you like to go Mr Faraday?”

BOOK: A Year to Forget (The Accidental Time Travellers Book 2)
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