Abducted by the Star Prince (Lords of Astria)

BOOK: Abducted by the Star Prince (Lords of Astria)
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Title Page


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four


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by Juno Wells


© 2015 Juno Wells

All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are all productions of the author’s imagination.

Please note that this work is intended only for adults over the age of 18 and all characters represented as 18 or over.

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A Sexy Sneak Peek:

“Don’t you want me, Kester?” She touched his arm and leaned toward him. Before, she had been able to read some of his thoughts when she touched his alien skin. But now he was blank, closed off.

“I wanted to possess you since the moment I first held you, from the moment I took you into my ship. But are you sure... is this what you really want, Nadia? Once we do this... We’ll be bonded for life. And I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to always protect you. Not like I did during the attack.” She took his face in her hands. His beard had filled in on the journey from Earth to Gemna. Even though he had slept much of the way there, lines of worry were etched on his face. As she touched him, she knew it was worry that had been focused on her... from the very beginning. She closed her eyes, this time tapping into his thoughts. He opened them to her, showing her a future where the two of them were together, fully mated, traveling together among the star systems of Astria. He communicated that there might be danger, for them and for their children. But that there would always be love. It’s what he had to offer.

“Then take me. This is what I want.” Kester paused for one moment, pushing a lock of Nadia’s hair to the side. 

“There’s no going back after this,” he said. She nodded, fully understanding. Kester took Nadia into his arms, gentle with her petite frame. He drew her to standing and pressed her body into his, cupping her small, firm breasts. He pulled her thin white shirt off over her head, letting her breasts fall free. She gasped as the cool air hit her flesh, her nipples standing firm. A jolt like lightning shot through her body and she groaned, pressing into Kester. She breathed deeply and took in his scent, relishing in the intoxicating notes of his musk. He tossed her top to the floor and pulled her into an embrace, crushing his lips to hers. That kiss was more than just a kiss... it was a communication of comfort, of safety, of protection that spanned galaxies. It was a promise of adventure and beauty. And more than that, it was Kester’s final step in becoming a true prince. Nadia could see that as she closed her eyes. The gentle telepathic waves from Kester’s mind showed her that she was the one who would complete him... she was his resting place, his home.

He cupped her breasts roughly and pushed them together, lowering his mouth to her nipples, kissing one and then the other. Kester moved his tongue over Nadia like a man starved, sending an electric shock through her as he nipped at her sensitive flesh. Nadia grew wet at his touch, her sex growing slick at the thought of the huge alien man entering her and making her his mate. As she breathed in his mating musk, her entire body seemed to pulse, growing more open, more flexible... ready to be entered and fully taken. His touch slowed, and his body read hers, each movement of his fingertips prepping her more fully. Nadia watched as he extended the tip of his tongue to her nipple, his leonine eyes looking up to hers. He circled one nipple with his tongue, rolling the other in his fingers. Nadia threw her head back, letting the waves of sensation take her body over. Here, she would give herself to this prince. Here, her life would begin.


War been brewing for over 1000 years, but never had it been so close…
If humans knew the danger lurking in the shadows of Outer Space above them not one would be able to sleep at night. Fortunately for them the guardians of the ancient peace—The Lords of Astria— protected their planetary home.
A new threat, the Dark Nebula, threatened the little spiral galaxy that had been neutral space since the Treaty of Elyria had ended the Great War.
Word had reached the High Council of atrocities being committed at the border of the Milky Way - the neutral territory between Astria and the Dark Nebula.
Just when things seemed at an impasse, a clever solution was proposed: to invoke the ancient rights
which stated that once two peoples were united by blood and marriage, they became, in effect, one people— and any treaties which bound one people, bound all of them.
A member of the ruling house of each planet would take an earthling as a spouse, and so bring Earth under the protection - all with the utmost secrecy. If the Dark Nebula made further moves to encroach upon the Milky Way, the High Council would be able to protect its territory with lethal force.

A leader of each planet would have to wed and procreate with an Earthling in order to assure the continued survival and safety of the United Federation of Astria.
And so, while these cosmic decision played out in the heavens above them, the ignorant Earthlings slept blissfully, never knowing that the swiftly titling planet they called home held the fate of the universe within its little solar system… unless they were called up to be the mother to an alien child, a wife to an alien lover...

These are their stories.



Prince Kester of Delma and the Lanids remained unmated, and no one regretted that fact more than he. For now he had been ordered to fly to the planet known as Terra, a distant blue rock with weak males and weaker females. They called it Earth.

“Father, you know that I can have any female of Astria.” Kester paced before the throne, a scowl on his face. “You know I can’t take a Terran woman. They don’t even know we exist. Wouldn’t it be best to mate with a Gemnian woman? Or at least a female of the Astrian galaxy?” Kester closed his eyes, thinking of the many women he had bedded during his travels through the galaxy. It was repugnant to him that he might be forced to take a weakling woman — one who wouldn’t even know of his proud history or the riches that his family had to offer. And the Terran women certainly wouldn’t know about Kester’s legendary sexual prowess. He sighed and shook his head.

“Son, you know that the Dark Nebula is vying for Terra. It’s one of the only planets in the Milky Way with compatible women.” Kester growled, his face growing dark. Terran women were barely
at all. Their bones were weak, and their minds were weaker. They didn’t even possess the ability for telepathy common to many Astrians. How would he even communicate with such a simple creature? The king sighed too, echoing Kester’s frustration.

“Kester, you know that taking your mother wasn’t my first choice. I even thought it wasn’t right to take a woman who hadn’t grown up among the Lanids. She was weak and, at first, I felt she was very... simple.”

“Father, don’t speak of mother that way.” Kester’s voice grew dark. The Duchess of the Lanids may not have grown up among the harsh mining colonies, but she was a strong ruler next to Kester’s father. And the greatest female the colonies had ever seen.

“Son, you didn’t let me finish. Your mother was very different. She wasn’t even conceived on Gemna. She knew nothing of this culture, and her body wasn’t adapted to the lighter gravity or the single sun of this system. She too was from a distant land, and a culture far behind our own. After her overwhelm, she grew to love it here, and understand it better than I even could. And she was the best mate I ever had.” The old man chuckled, looking wistfully to the empty throne beside him.

“And don’t speak of her
way either.”

“Son, you’re much too sensitive. Women are made to be enjoyed. And if we let them, they will make us into better rulers, better leaders. I’ve heard the Terran women are quite fertile. You need an heir. And you know it. I won’t be here for another thousand years.”

“Good Gods, father.” Kester stood before his father, gripping the arm of his mother’s throne. At only one hundred and eighty years of age, Kester was not ready to take a mate or produce an heir. He had never expected to face such pressure. After all, he wasn’t born to be king. If his psychotic brother hadn’t left Delma to join the forces of the Dark Nebula, Kester would be free to roam the galaxy, seeking as many mates as he wished, spreading his seed far and wide. This was what Kester was meant to do. Not travel for days on a rickety ship to take some weakling Terran woman against her will. “I wasn’t meant for this.”

“Sometimes our destinies change. And though I’m a permissive father, on this subject I will not bend. You’re to find a fertile Terran woman and take her as a mate. That is final.” The King of Delma and the Lanids closed his mouth in a steely line, taking the opportunity to send an image into Kester’s brain. Kester immediately crumpled to the floor, clutching at his temples. Images of destruction at the hands of the tribes of the Dark Nebula filled his head. Kester saw citizens of Astria, stricken down, one after the other, unable to defend themselves. Sky cattle farmers, industrious miners, peaceful tribes and young families... all at the mercy of the dark warriors. Another image filled his unwilling mind... one of families built with Terran women, an alliance formed with the largest and most powerful civilization in the Neutral Zone. Terran would be unable to fight, but they would add new blood to Astria. If the Lords of Astria could take these women as wives, there might be enough of a claim on Terra to prevent the occupation of the Neutral Zone. It was a slim hope... but it was the only hope they had. The colors and sounds filled Kester’s head, the images coming faster now.

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