Above Ground (24 page)

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Authors: Don Easton

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BOOK: Above Ground
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Damien stopped when he reached Vicki's Hummer and looked around. Nobody was in sight. Something was wrong. Really wrong.

It was with a sense of dread that he opened the driver's door and looked inside. He felt relieved to see that it was empty, except for a plastic bag on the driver's seat. He peeked inside the bag and saw that it was just a cellphone, partially wrapped in a rag. The keys hung from the ignition. He parked the Hummer in the garage and brought the plastic bag inside to the kitchen table.

What the hell is going on?
He took the cellphone out and set it on the table. He picked up the rag and saw a small blue jeweller's box in the bottom of the bag. He was about to set the rag aside but something caught his eye. The fabric had pictures of Disney characters on it. They were panties that Vicki had bought for Katie during the Easter break. They had been slashed off with a knife.

Damien felt the bile from his stomach burn his throat. He abruptly grabbed the jeweller's box and opened it. He saw Vicki's wedding ring. It was still attached to her finger.

Elvis greeted Laura as she came through the door, then gave her a warm kiss and a hug that lasted longer than normal.

“Everything okay?” she asked.

“Just missing you,” he said. “That was a long shift. I didn't think you were supposed to start working with Jack until Tuesday.”

“He needed a hand.”

“Something couldn't wait?”

“A lot of action right now. Some bikers just got wasted in a motel.”


“Two guys. Both with Satans Wrath. Drug deal went sideways. Jack has a good source. He introduced me. Pretty heavy stuff.” Laura turned away and headed for the bedroom. “I'm going to shower and go to bed.”

“You're not on Homicide. How come you were called?”

“We found out about that later. It was Jack's source we were meeting. We knew a major deal was going down. Just didn't know where until we heard Homicide radio it in.”

When Laura finished her shower, she was about to get into bed when she saw a penny on her pillow. She paused, then slipped on her housecoat and walked into the kitchen where Elvis sat in a chair staring at her.

“What's wrong?” he asked.

“Nothing,” she replied.

“You're avoiding looking at me. Can you talk about it?” he said, then saw the tears in her eyes. He rose quickly and wrapped his arms around her. “What is it? What the hell happened?”

Laura wiped her eyes with her fingertips and then said, “Everything is okay.”

“Bullshit,” said Elvis quietly. “I'm your husband. Talk to me.”

Laura sighed, then said, “Jack has a picture ... he just got me to do something.”

“To do what? What is it?”

“To meet someone.”

“This informant?”

“Not about that. The mother. This baby's mother! The ... oh, the picture was of a little guy taking his first steps. His name is Charlie. He was shot last month when his dad was killed.”

“The one in the news?”

Laura nodded. “Now Charlie is paraplegic. His mom is a waitress. Her name is Holly. Now she's trying to raise a four-year-old and Charlie by herself.”

“Why the hell did Jack introduce you to her?”

“He's become friends with her. She's really a nice lady. I'm glad I got to meet her.”

“So she showed you the picture?”

“Actually Jack did, the first time. She gave it to him a while ago. He keeps it tucked in his sun visor.”

“The first time?”

“When we were working. I looked at it again just as Jack dropped me off. My choice.” Then she started to cry and added, “What kind of human being could do something like that!”

Elvis pulled her close so that Laura's head was on his chest. “I don't know,” he murmured. “I just don't know.”

They stood for a moment, hugging each other, then Laura said, “We're going to get the fucking asshole! That's for sure!”

Her words shocked Elvis and he stepped back. It had been about four years since he last heard her swear. Then she had said

“One shift with Jack and you're learning a new vocabulary?” he asked.

Laura blushed and said, “Sorry. I didn't hear that from Jack. His methods of investigation are ... rather unorthodox, but he acts like a gentleman.” She smiled and added, “I came up with them sweet little cuss words all on my own.”

“Think maybe I should wash your mouth out with soap,” Elvis chided.

“Not now, I'm too tired,” she said, kissing him quickly before heading back to the bedroom.

“Hon!” yelled Elvis. “What did you mean when you said that Jack's methods were unorthodox?”

“Don't worry about it,” she replied. “He just thinks outside the box. I'm looking forward to working with him. I suspect we'll become — actually, we already are — good friends.”

Jack flopped on his bed and called Natasha, who was still out on the farm.

“Sorry, sweetie,” he said. “It was a long night. I don't have the energy to drive all the way out there. I need sleep.”

“Hey, turkey! How did it go?” she asked. “Have you identified this British person yet?”

“No,” Jack admitted. “But we're a lot closer.”


“I called Laura. She came out to help.”

“Good! So you're not on your own, then?”

“No. She's my new partner.”

“Think she will ever be as good as Danny?”

“I trust her. She's not afraid to get her hands dirty.”

Lance saw the pain in Damien's eyes. It had been less than fifteen minutes since Damien found the package, but the driveway was already filling up with vehicles. A state of war had been declared, and every available soldier and resource was being alerted. Damien's house would be packed with loyal followers within the hour.

Buck and Sarah were inside battling each other over a computer game. The children ignored the two strikers who stood warily at the doorway. They had been taught since birth not to ask questions about Dad's work, especially inside the house.

Damien and his upper echelon met in hushed tones outside by his pool. The word had gone out to every source who might know something.

Pussy Paul was the first to break the news when he hung up his cell and said, “Our rat-narc came through. Both strikers dead. Nobody knows where The Toad is and the pigs are looking for him. They think he skipped out with the money.”

“How did the feds know about the money?” Damien snarled.

“That fuckin' Jack Taggart is involved. He was working on The Toad. Has some whore as a rat. Had info about him doin' the deal. Also says The Toad has something to do with some dark guy with a British accent. They figure if they find that guy, they might find The Toad.”

“Who the fuck is that?”

“Don't know. Taggart, or I guess it was the whore, said that The Toad met with this dark guy about three weeks ago. Said The Toad was with him in a park and that they met Leitch.”

“Leitch? That doesn't make sense! He doesn't know The Toad ... at least as far as I know.”

“Isn't that around when you got the info on the Indos?” asked Pussy Paul.

Damien paused, then said, “Yeah, I think so. Leitch handed it off to me ... in a park.”

“Kind of fits,” said Pussy Paul. “I wouldn't believe anything Taggart says,” replied Damien.

“Who the fuck would? Can't see him lyin' to the other cops, though. This came through one of them. Someone they trust.”

“What whores was The Toad hanging out with?” asked Damien.

“None that I know of,” said Lance. “Him and the boys from Quebec kind of kept to themselves in that department.”

“I can't believe this!” roared Damien. “What the hell is going on?”

“Maybe you'll find out more when Carlos calls,” suggested Lance.

“Yeah, maybe ... but something stinks.”

An uneasy silence descended over the group as everyone's eyes focused on the cellphone that Damien had placed on the patio table.

The sudden flurry of activity at Damien's had not gone unnoticed by the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit. A hidden camera recording licence plates and the coming and going of vehicles relayed
the information directly back to the CFSEU office. It didn't take long before Cecil Hinds arrived with a surveillance team to watch.

A young woman slowly sauntered past Damien's gate but continued to stroll for several more minutes before speaking into the transmitter hidden inside her sleeve.

“Go ahead, Nicole,” said Hinds. “What ya see?”

“Counted four moving around just inside the gate. Two had their hands inside their jackets. Pretty sure they're packin' heat. They're paranoid. Really eyeballed me good and weren't giving wolf whistles.”

“Heads up, people,” said Hinds. “In case any of you haven't heard, two of these guys were found shot in a motel this morning. Looks like we might have a war. If you don't have your vests on, put 'em on now!”

chapter twenty-six

Damien tried to force himself to be calm.
Think! Don't say anything to get them hurt any more than they already are. Keep your cool.
He knew he was too terrified at the moment to express anger. That would come later.

The cell rang and vibrated on the patio table. Damien stared at it as it rang again.
Sound calm ... don't reveal what you think!
On the third ring, he snatched it up.

“Damien, here.”

“Are you laughing now, Damien?” said Carlos, sounding facetious.

“I'm not laughing, Carlos. Why —”

“You think you can rob me? To spit in my face and be safe? No place in the world is safe for you!”

“I did not rob you! Why have you done this?”

“My men were robbed! You are the hombre responsible! It was your men!”

“I wasn't even involved in —”

“Do not talk! You will listen!”

“Carlos, you don't understand! I —”

— that whore you call a wife — every time you speak at me now, she will lose something ... what you say ...”

Damien listened as Carlos spoke briefly in Spanish to someone in the background before continuing.

“She will lose something ... like her tit! Now you understand, gringo?
or no?”

!” replied Damien.

! You listen. Now, business! I have decided to charge you only $7 million Canada and $3 Americano. That is what you owe me and I am honourable man. If you do not think your wife and girl are worth that, then shut up the phone now!”

Damien held the phone. The seconds that went by seemed like an eternity. Panic flooded his brain out of fear that there would be an accidental disconnection. Finally Carlos spoke again.

“On Monday, I will call. You will bring $3.5 million Canada to where I say. Any
or any of your hombres go with you ... then we will find out how many parts your wife and girl can lose before she both dies. We also find out if your girl is old enough to enjoy a man. Do you understand me, Damien? You say now. Yes or no!”


“On Wednesday, you will pay another $3.5 Canada. After, I tell you how you make last payment!”

The line went dead, but Damien hung onto the phone, too stunned to be bothered by the dial tone. Then he turned to his men. His voice was barely audible when he said, “Carlos didn't get his money last night. Vicki ... Katie ... he will kill them if we don't pay.”

“That fuckin' bastard is dead!” yelled Rellik.

“He says we still owe him $3.5?” asked Lance. “How much time do we have?”

“He wants $7 million Canadian first, then a final payment of $3 mil U.S.”

“What!” roared Whiskey Jake. “We only owed him $3.5! And that's if he didn't already rip us off! Maybe he's got The Toad on ice too!”

“If he had The Toad and the money, I can't see why he would do this,” offered Damien, lamely. “He wants me to deliver $3.5 on Monday, then again on Wednesday. After that he'll tell me when he wants the rest.”

“The extra money,” said Lance. “He's charging us for the first boatload! The one the fucking DEA took down in San Diego!”

Damien's brain was racing ahead to Monday. He pointed his finger at Whiskey Jake and Lance and said, “The dope from last night! Sell it fast!”

“We'll never get the cash in time,” said Whiskey Jake.

“Give it away at cost!” said Damien. He clenched his teeth, causing the tendons in his neck to stand out. Then he said, “Just get the cash we need by Monday!”

Whiskey Jake's voice showed his concern. “The load is worth over $20 million. Stall for a couple of weeks and we'll have it all.”

Damien grabbed him by the front of the shirt with both hands and shook him like a dog with a rat and yelled, “There is no fucking stalling!” He then used one hand to grab Whiskey Jake by the crotch and yelled, “If Vicki loses any more parts, so will you! Understand?”

The look on Whiskey Jake's face indicated he understood. Damien released his grip and his voice returned to a normal level but did not hide his deadly intention. “Get to work. Four strikers with Buck and Sarah at all times. I'm leaving.”

“Where are you —” Lance started to ask.

“None of your business,” replied Damien, as he ran into the house.

Jack was almost asleep when he received the phone call from Damien. Moments later, he rushed to the parking garage where his car was parked. There was no missing the urgency in Damien's voice when he said he wanted to meet immediately.
Hope he used a cool phone...

Lance entered Damien's house in time to see that he had just finished making a call on the cellphone that Carlos had provided. He spotted the 9mm tucked in Damien's belt — something his boss had not carried in years.

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