Above Ground (30 page)

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Authors: Don Easton

Tags: #FIC022000

BOOK: Above Ground
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“This looks good,” said Laura. “Independent warehouses. Trucks and vans coming and going.”

Jack saw the address they were looking for. He also noticed something else. “Keep driving! Don't slow down or look!”

“Someone eyeballing us?” asked Laura, as she drove right past.

“There's a guy sitting in that pickup out front.”

Laura caught sight of the truck in her rear-view mirror. It was backed into a parking stall. “People getting off work. Maybe waiting for someone,” she offered.

“Or standing six,” said Jack.

“Did you get a plate?”

“No front plate. Find a place to park where we can watch. This could be it.”

Laura parked where they could watch the warehouse through binoculars. The pickup truck remained out front.

Jack received a call on his cell and handed the binoculars to Laura.

“Hey, Johnny Canuck! How you all doin' up there?”

“Jim-Bo! How are you? Heard you were out of the country.”

“Just got in. Tried to do a sting on the head honcho of a Colombian cartel. Didn't go well.”


“No. The Diego Ramirez cartel. He's in close competition with Carlos, though. They were at war with each other up until a couple of months ago. Looks like they settled on a truce for now. Ramirez operates out of Cali, while Carlos operates out of another city just north of Cali called Buga.”

“Were you successful in nailing Ramirez?”

“Naw. We tried to set up a sting on him. He has a weakness for redheads. Got a CI close to him and tried to sucker him out of the country so we could grab him. Didn't work. Ramirez is smart. Cultured too. Speaks perfect English and generally pretends to be a gentleman. When it comes to cocaine distribution, Ramirez is about even with Carlos. He's a major player. We've been after him for years. Same as Carlos. Both top drug lords we'd like to put behind bars.”

“What can you tell me about Carlos?”

“He's the opposite of Ramirez. Relies on terror to stay where he is. Not that Ramirez is averse to torture and murder, but he generally tends to be more subtle and will give someone time to reflect upon how much money could be made. Carlos's organization is more inclined to offer a smaller bribe while they stick a gun in the person's face and pull the trigger if they refuse. That's if Carlos is feeling nice. Otherwise he tortures them to death.”

“Nice guy.”

“Yeah. Real nice. Sally said you all called. Was it about Carlos?”

“Yes. I want to know everything about him. Particularly in regard to kidnappings.”

“I can tell you that you don't want to be on the receiving end. His organization has snatched lots of people. Usually they're found mutilated. The guy is a real psycho. He's got lots of enemies. Never leaves Colombia and always travels with at least thirty bodyguards. Well connected, too. The asshole always wears a green beret. I think he does it to relate to the militant factions down there that he hires to protect his labs. We've tried for years to get evidence to extradite both him and Ramirez. So far, no luck.”

“A fellow up here owes Carlos money. His wife and daughter were grabbed for ransom.”

“Yeah? Well tell the guy he probably won't be seeing them again ... at least not alive.”

“Appreciate it if you don't tell anyone about this call. The guy confided in me but doesn't want the police involved.”

“I hear ya.”

“Speaking of which, someone tried to kill me and murdered the wrong guy by mistake. Then almost murdered my partner's — I mean my ex-partner's — baby.”

“Jesus Christ! You all right?”

“I'm still above ground. You never mentioned my name to anyone over that ship I gave you, did you?”

“Not a soul. In the warrant I just listed you as a reliable CI. Haven't told anyone, including my people.”

“Didn't think so. The guy I'm after is dark-skinned but has a British accent. I figure he's Indo.”

“British accent?”


“Carlos has a brother by the name of Ray. Ramon in Spanish. I thought he was in Britain. He got his masters at Cambridge in business administration. We figured
he was going to return to Colombia and help Carlos launder money.”

Jack stared at his phone for a moment, then yelled, “That's it! Carlos knows! It is retaliation for what I told you!”

“Jack ... I'm sorry. If it is Carlos, I still don't know how he could have found out about you.”

“It has to be! You said he's a psychopath! Ray is here! I know it! He's doing his brother's bidding!”

Carlos listened to Ray gasp and choke out the words, describing where he was and what had happened. Damien heard the outrage as Carlos screamed into the phone.

Damien then spoke into the phone and said, “So, Carlos! If you want to see your brother again, you'll let my family go. You've got five minutes and then the next call I get better be from my wife!” He hung up before Carlos could reply.

The minutes crawled by and everyone in the car wash remained silent as they waited. Three minutes later, the phone rang. Damien smiled with satisfaction as he answered.

“I have telled my men to move your whore and bastard girl,” said Carlos. “If you hurt my brother, he will not be able to tell you where they are.”

“Let me speak to them,” demanded Damien.

“You will not speak to me in that manner,” replied Carlos. “You understand. I have two peoples. You have one.”

“I have your lawyer,” said Damien.

Carlos laughed and then said, “I no care about him. I bought him for nothing. One hundred thousand dollars Canada. He then talk to me. He tells me all about
you. Who can trust hombre like that? Kill him if you wish. He is not important.”

Damien glanced at Leitch and cursed silently, then demanded, “Let me speak with my wife. I want proof that they're alive!”

“You will have talk soon, amigo. I have telled my men. You will get such a call in one hour.”

“Good. Then...”

“But you have now attacked my family. My ... what you call honour. One of your family is die because you make more mistake. In one hour you can tell me which one!”

“What do you mean!” Damien yelled before realizing that Carlos had hung up. He quickly redialled. No answer.

Damien looked at his men, who stood waiting for instructions. He had none.

chapter thirty-one

Jack gripped his phone and listened intently as JimBo spoke.

“If it is Carlos, he's untouchable,” said Jim-Bo. “So will Ray be, if he makes it back to Colombia.”

“We've got activity,” said Laura, looking through the binoculars. “The warehouse door is opening.”

Jack looked up and saw a van pull out of the warehouse. “Gotta go, Jim-Bo,” he yelled into the phone before grabbing the binoculars from Laura.

Seconds later, Jack knew they were at the right place. “That's the same van that was at the motel the other night,” he said.

“This place is it!” said Laura, excitedly. “Vicki and Katie ... they've got to be inside that warehouse!”

They watched as the van screeched to a stop beside the pickup, then the driver of the pickup ran over and got in the van. Moments later, the van raced away.

“Maybe I can figure out a way to peek inside that place,” suggested Laura. “Pretend I'm lost or something.”

“They took the lookout,” said Jack. “Something's not right.”

“Maybe he wasn't a lookout.”

“Maybe. We can always come back later. Follow the van. They might lead us to some other place.”

It was dusk when the van turned off the Lougheed Highway onto Pitt River Road. Laura was stuck in traffic and Jack said, “It's crossing the Red Bridge.”

Laura found an opening and quickly started to cross the bridge spanning the Coquitlam River, then abruptly slowed down.

“Watch it!” said Jack.

“Too late,” said Laura, “we're on the bridge. Going to have to pass them.”

Laura watched the van in her rear-view mirror as she drove past. “They're turning off,” she said. “Small parking area by the bridge.”

Laura drove for a moment before parking on the side of the highway. “What do you figure? Meeting someone?”

“Yeah, maybe someone with a British accent,” said Jack tersely. “Come on, we'll go on foot.”

Damien sat on the floor, resting his elbows on his knees and holding his face in his hands.
You can tell me which one.
The words echoed in his brain.
Taggart's partner's wife ... she had the same option. This isn't just an idle threat!

Three-quarters of an hour passed before Damien got to his feet and spoke quietly with Whiskey Jake and Lance. Lance went outside as Damien looked
at Rellik and said, “Untie him!” while gesturing to Ray. “Give him back his clothes. Wallet, passport — everything!”

“What about Leisure Suit Larry?” asked Rellik.

The hope in Leitch's eyes disappeared when Damien said, “Leave him as is.”

Ray quickly dressed and Damien handed him the cellphone. “When your brother calls, tell him I'm setting you free. You can just walk out of here.”

Damien saw Lance return and said, “You tell the boys outside to let him go?”

“I told them,” said Lance. “You want me to call a cab too?”

Damien nodded and said, “Tell them to be here in half an hour.”

“Yellow or City?”

“I don't give a fuck! There's a phone book in the office. Use it!”

Damien looked at Ray and said, “Nobody will follow you. When you know you're safe, call your brother and let him know. Your Mercedes is still at Stanley Park. I'll give you your keys back.”

Ray's dark eyes gleamed. He was back in control again. There was one thing he was certain. He knew his brother ... and what would happen when he was freed. Damien would pay dearly for this intrusion. He would never see his wife and daughter again. In a few years, when Damien thought he was safe, he would also die.
But what choice does Damien really have? Not to release me will mean that both his wife and daughter will die. Of course, they will anyway. But how can you live with never knowing for sure?

Ray stared at Damien, who returned his stare briefly before looking down. Damien was beaten. He knew what was about to happen and there was nothing
he could do about it — but beg. Something he was likely willing to do right now.

The Carlos cartel was no stranger to kidnappings. Ray knew that his brother looked at it as entertainment. It instilled terror and maintained the position that Carlos had hacked out for himself.
Damien will suffer the fate of many others. He will listen to his loved ones die...

!” answered Ray when Carlos called.

Ray spoke with Carlos in Spanish, then looked at Damien and asked, “I may leave now?”

Damien peered out from the tarp covering the front window, then replied, “The cab just arrived. Go. Leave the phone so that your brother can call me. When you know that you are safe, use a payphone to call your brother. He can then call me on this phone.”

“I can't believe you're letting him go!” shouted Lance. “This is not the way to do this!”

“It is not your family!” yelled Damien. “You are not in charge! I am!”

Ray paused as Lance mumbled an apology. Carlos heard the angry exchange of words and laughed. He then gave Ray instructions: “Make sure you are truly free,” he said in Spanish, “then call. The men are waiting at a place to dispose of two packages but should not wait long. Leave quickly! Do not go home. Do not get your car. Go to the airport!”

Ray hung up and handed the phone back to Damien. He almost felt sorry for him but glanced at Leitch and thought of the indignity he had suffered himself. Almost sorry ... but not quite.

Moments later, Ray gave the taxi driver one hundred dollars to ensure that they were not being followed. He earned his money. His expertise as a city cab driver was evident as he followed orders and whisked down back alleys and ran red lights.

Ray watched carefully to ensure that they were truly not being followed before instructing the driver to pull over by a payphone where he would make two calls.

His first call would be to Carlos. His second call would be to order a taxi from a different company. Even if they were watching the airport, he knew he would be safe once inside. He glanced at his watch and wondered how many hours it would be before he arrived at the Aragon International Airport in Cali. Once in Cali, it was less than an hour's drive to his home turf of Buga.

Vicki did not have any religious beliefs, but now she prayed that her ride in the van was to their freedom. Her hands were still bound in tape behind her back and her ankles were also bound. Pain radiated up her arm from her severed finger and she wondered how long it would be before the infection killed her ... if she lived that long.

More tape covered her eyes and mouth. She knew that Katie had been bound in the same manner. Both had been bound that way shortly after their arrival at the warehouse. Neither had received any food, water, or bathroom breaks in the last eighty-four hours. Vicki had lost control of her bladder. From the smell, she knew that Katie had defecated. Their only comfort had been to lie back to back on the burlap sacks and touch each other's fingers.

The van stopped and they waited for a while. She could hear the men speaking to each other. Eventually she was dragged out of the van. She felt men's arms reach through her own arms and drag her over the ground, scraping her knees as she went. She could hear the sound of water and wondered if she was going to be drowned. She moaned when her knee came in contact with a protruding stone in the path. Other men grunted
behind her and she knew that Katie was also being dragged along.

A few minutes later, Vicki was placed sitting on her knees. She heard the sound of a cellphone being dialled, then a man spoke in Spanish. Fingernails scratched her face and the tape was ripped from her eyes. She blinked as flashes of light and shadows mixed. She saw that she was kneeling in front of a river. Seconds later, the band of tape was ripped from her mouth.

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