Accepting Eva [Slick Rock 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (14 page)

BOOK: Accepting Eva [Slick Rock 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Fuck yeah, sugar. Come with us, Eva,” Gray groaned.

Each breath Eva took came back out as a sob as her body grew tauter and tauter. She was on the precipice but couldn’t seem to fall over the edge. Then Pierson and Gray surged into her together, filling her body with hard cock.

Throwing her head back, she keened loudly as the pleasure spread from her womb to her clit and sheath and down her legs. Her toes curled. The keening grew until she screamed, her body jerking and shuddering as she tipped over the edge into nirvana. The cocks inside her felt huge as they surged in and out of her contracting body. Stars formed before her eyes and her vision turned blurry.

Caught up in the throes of such a powerful orgasm, she was only vaguely aware of Pierson and Gray yelling out as they both reached their release. Flopping down onto Gray, she closed her eyes once more, her body still giving the occasional jerk as the aftershocks of a huge climax waned. Her muscles totally lax with satiation, she felt herself drifting into sleep.

As she began to float, she wondered why she had waited so long to let her men make love to her. She had found more than heaven in their arms. Eva had found love and acceptance.

Chapter Twelve


Eva’s stomach grumbled with hunger. Glancing at the clock on the office wall, she realized she had worked through her lunch hour. Saving the spreadsheet she had just finished entering data into, she closed the program, stood up, and stretched out her tired muscles.

Grabbing her purse from the other desk, she walked out into the workshop. All her men were busy fixing cars and were mostly out of sight. Eva didn’t want to disturb them, so she just headed out and instead of getting into her car decided to walk to the diner to get them all some lunch since it was such a beautiful day.

As she walked, she thought back on the past two weeks. She felt as though she’d been living with her head in the clouds. The three Badon brothers spent time with her both alone and together, and they made love to her the same way. Every night she spent in the arms of her men, and she loved it. For the first time in what seemed like ages, she looked forward to every day.

She was only halfway to the diner when a car slowed down and kept pace with her.


Looking to see who it was trying to hail her, she stopped and turned. The blood in her face drained away, leaving her feeling like she was about to pass out. Swaying on her feet, she blinked a few times, not sure she trusted her eyes.

“Eva,” Tim called through the window of his car. He pulled over to the curb. He put his car in park. “What the hell are you doing in this small, out-of-the-way town?”

Eva was too anxious at seeing Tim to think coherently, so she kept her mouth shut, clutching her purse tightly to her chest.

“Why did you leave home, Evana?” Tim opened his door and got out. He didn’t stop moving until he was within arm’s length. “I’ve been too patient with you, Eva. It’s time you learned where your place is.”

Tim gripped her arm and pulled her toward his car. Finally coming out of her stupor, Eva struggled, trying to break his hold on her, but he was too big and strong. Tears pricked behind her eyes as pain seared into her arms where his fingers dug into her skin.

“Let. Me. Go. Tim,” she growled through clenched teeth.

“No,” he replied. “I have given you years to come to terms with our relationship. I’m done waiting for you, Eva. If you’d only stuck around we would be married by now.”

Eva looked up and down the street. Of course, just when she needed help, no one was about. She was still too far away from the shops for anyone to hear her if she called out.

“Did you like all those presents I left for you, sweetheart? I know you know what I’m talking about.” He dragged her to the car and shoved her through the open door and then followed her in.

Eva scooted over to the far side and tried to open the front passenger door handle, but it didn’t budge. A sob of desperation escaped as she jerked against the handle again and again. The engine revved and the car took off. Reaching for the seat belt, she pulled it over her shoulder and pushed it into the slot until it clicked. She wouldn’t be able to escape if his crazy driving killed her.

“Why are you doing this, Tim?” She turned to look at her longtime neighbor and, as far as she was concerned, her creepy nemesis.

“I told you a long time ago that you belonged to me. I’ve given you more than enough time to get used to the idea. I couldn’t wait for you any longer. It was time I took matters into my own hands. We belong together, Eva.”

The smile Tim gave her made her skin crawl with revulsion. Looking into his eyes, she found no warmth. It was like he had no soul and feelings for her at all. Taking a deep breath to try and calm her racing heart, she closed her eyes and thought about the men she loved more than her own life. No, she didn’t belong with Tim. She loved Quin, Gray, and Pierson. Thinking of how much more she had to lose now, she felt herself sinking into despair.

“Why did you follow me here, Tim? Why are you taking me now, after I’ve been next door for years?”

“I think you know the answer to that,” Tim responded with a serious frown. “You knew we would end up together, and then you left me. You weren’t supposed to do that, Eva. You’re too fragile to be on your own out here. You need me to take care of you and guide your life. You aren’t supposed to be independent, and when I realized you were leaving, I…I lost it, Eva.

“I was bringing you another present when I saw you were packing and knew I had to follow you. You are more important than my business, than my anything, and you aren’t supposed to be able to do this. You’re supposed to need me for everything.” His eyes had a wild, insistent look.

Eva gaped at him. Was this where his obsession came from? Some crazy fantasy that just because she had a disability she would be completely dependent on him and he could control her? She thought quickly, trying to come up with a way to bring him back to reality.

“What is your mother going to think when she finds out you’ve kidnapped me, Tim? You know she and my mom are best friends. Think about how your actions are going to affect their relationship. Your mom is going to feel so ashamed of you.”

“Shut the fuck up.” Tim glared at her as he yelled. Spittle flew from his mouth in his fury. “Our parents have nothing to do with what is between us. My mom has always loved you like a daughter. She will be proud of me when I finally make it official.”

“You’re delusional,” she replied and cursed when she heard the scared quaver in her own voice. “I don’t love you, Tim. I never have. You leaving me those things in my bedroom while I slept only made me more determined to avoid you. I don’t love you. I don’t even like you. You’re creepy.”

Shit, way to go, Eva. Nothing like goading your insane abductor!

“There is no need to play hard to get, Eva. You and I both know we were meant to be.”

“No. I’m already in love, and no matter what you do or say, you can’t make me love you, Tim.” She spoke calmly but inside she was a nervous wreck.

“It’s one of those men you work for, isn’t it? I have been watching you and waiting for the right time to take you, but you are always with those fucking assholes. I wasn’t about to blow my cover. My patience has paid off. Now I have you all to myself. Which one do you think you love? Quin? Gray? Or maybe it’s Pierson?”

Eva must have blanched when Tim mentioned her men, because he gave her a knowing look and then smirked at her, but underneath that sneer she could see his rage. “Oh, no. Wait. You’re doing all three of them, aren’t you, you little slut?” The fury which crossed his face made her cringe away with fear. He glared at her, and it wasn’t until the car swerved that he turned away again.

Eva thanked God they were no longer traveling through Slick Rock. If they had and Tim had swerved, he could have run down or hurt innocent people. Leaving town, however, meant that there was no opportunity for her to signal for help. Eva steadied her nerves and resigned herself to pay attention to where they were going so that if she had an opportunity to escape she knew in which direction to flee.

For fifteen minutes, Tim headed east on Highway 141, and then he slowed the vehicle and turned the car south onto 13R Road, which eventually intersected with 16R Road, which he then turned onto. Since she’d never been on this road, she had no idea where he was taking her. The trees were dense and the incline steep, and one side of the narrow road was a cliff face and the other was a steep drop.

While he concentrated on driving the narrow twists and turns the blacktop took, Eva gradually shifted her purse to the far side of her body until it was hidden from Tim’s view. Carefully rummaging around inside, she sighed with relief when her hand landed on her cell phone. Glad that she hadn’t removed it from silent mode, which was how she kept her phone while working in the office, she flipped it open and felt around the keypad with the tips of her fingers and then pushed what she hoped was speed dial one, which was programmed to Quin’s cell number.

“Where are we going, Tim?” she asked in a loud voice, praying it was loud enough for Quin to hear if he had answered his cell.

“Just to a little place I found in my travels. No one ever goes there. We can have as much alone time as we need.”

“I don’t want to be alone with you, Tim. I want you to turn this car around and head back northwest toward Slick Rock.”

“I don’t give a fuck what you want, Eva. You are not going to get what you want until you agree to marry me,” Tim snarled.

“And if I do agree? What then? Will you turn the car around and take me back so we can see a preacher?”

“I’m not fucking stupid, you dumb bitch. I know that if I took you back there you would yell for help the first chance you got. There is no way I’m letting you go now that I have you. I’m going to show you what a real man feels like when he fucks you. By the time I’ve finished with you, you’ll be begging to become my wife.”

“No I won’t. I don’t even like you. Now turn the car around and head back up 16R,” Eva yelled.

“Don’t you fucking yell at me, you slut.” Tim reached out and slapped the side of her face hard. Burning pain emanated from her cheek and jaw where his hand had connected with her face. She bit her lip hard to prevent herself from crying out. She wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction of knowing he’d hurt her.

Being careful not to draw attention to herself, Eva slowly pulled her cell phone from her purse and shoved it into the waistband of her jeans and hugged her door. The farther she stayed from Tim’s reach, the better.

Approximately ten minutes later he slowed the car once more and turned onto a rough track, which was no doubt more suited to four-wheel drives than his rental car. Turning to look out the back window when he finally pulled the car to a stop, Eva saw that the car was hidden from view of the road. Even if someone drove this way, they wouldn’t see the car. Fear skittered up Eva’s spine.

“Why did you turn onto this dirt track? There is nothing here. Why are we stopping here?”

“Just shut up and get out. And don’t try anything or I’ll strangle you with my bare hands.”

Her door was still somehow jammed shut, so Eva had to wait for Tim to unlock it from the outside. As she stood, her legs were so weak from fear they felt wobbly. Tim was nearly as big as her men, so she knew that if he wanted to, he was quite capable of killing her with just his hands. She clutched at the top of the car door as he stood staring at her intently. All of a sudden he smiled at her again, reaching out a hand toward her. Releasing the car door, she took a tentative step back and then another.

“You can’t get away from me, Evana. So don’t even bother trying.”

Eva knew she had to act now. Tim was only a few feet from her, and if he managed to grab hold of her hand, she knew she wouldn’t be able to escape his hold. Spinning around, almost blind with fear, she took off at a sprint. Dodging through trees, leaping over large fallen branches, she ran for her life. She knew she wouldn’t be able to escape him because of her leg, but she had to try. Even though her right limb functioned normally, it was a lot weaker than her left and tired easily. The sound of Tim laughing close by made her dig deep for all she had. Pumping her arms and legs furiously, she ran as fast as she could. It didn’t matter where she ran, and it didn’t matter that she had no idea which direction was which. All that mattered was she get away from her insane neighbor.

The terrain was rough and she was running downhill. As the ground sloped away, she realized she was running too fast and her leg was weakening. Eva gasped with pain as a small branch wedged in between the metal bar of her caliper and leg. She cried out as the bough snapped, digging into her skin through her jeans, and she went tumbling headlong to the ground.

An “oomph” left her as the wind was knocked out of her, and even though she wanted to stay where she was and get her wind back, she didn’t have time. Just as she pushed up to her hands and knees, heedless of the pain in her bruised chest and her leg where the branch had stabbed her, a savage hand grasped her hair and pulled her to her feet.

Tim wrapped her hair around his wrist, making her cry out at the sharp pain in her scalp as he turned her to face him, but it was also enough to get her oxygen-depleted lungs to suck in much-needed air.

“Try that again and I’ll tie you up,” he roared right into her face, his fetid breath causing her stomach to churn.

BOOK: Accepting Eva [Slick Rock 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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