Aconite (The Elektita Series Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Aconite (The Elektita Series Book 1)
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"You'll be
okay alone while you wait on the boss?" I nodded and received a wink and a
smile showing off his laugh lines just before he shut the door.

I gathered my
things and wrapped the shawl around my shoulders. I couldn't leave, but I could
at least be ready when he got here. The room felt even more empty and void of
anything to keep my attention as I waited. What would I do about closing if he
didn't show up?

"I'm sorry
for being late." Jonathon's cool voice came from behind causing me to
jump, and igniting a burst of laughter from him.

How did I not hear
him come in? When I turned around he was close enough that I was rather
surprised we weren't touching. He reached down and ran his fingertips across
the edge of my breasts following the line of flowers that made up my tattoo.
Heat low in my body ignited awakening places long neglected. I could do nothing
else but stare into his eyes. The feeling of being sucked into a black abyss
swept through me. He smelled of pine and salt and something wild that I
couldn't place. He took his time tracing each petal, never missing a leaf. His
touch burned as he gave his unwavering attention to each petal along the way.
When the path came to an end, he abruptly stepped back, and the enchantment was
broken. I was once again left blinking.

He no longer
looked perfectly tailored. The suit was replaced with a gray t-shirt and jeans
that hugged his hips, both of which appeared damp, and his skin gleamed with
droplets that had held on for the ride. Was it raining? His damp shirt clung to
every muscle of his lean body leaving nothing but skin tone to the imagination.
Was he even aware of how fuckable he looked right now? The long blond hair that
had been pulled back now hung free just past his shoulders. My hands itched
with the need to grab a handful and jerk him against me. I fisted my hands
behind my back thankful that I had enough restraint not to fulfill that need.

he declared, brushing them into a nearby trashcan. The sexual tension that had
my nipples taut and hunger growing in other places was shattered by a sudden
surge of embarrassment.

you." The words came as nothing more than a whisper. God, was I that
neglected that I would twist even the most innocent of gestures into a reason
to jump someone’s bones?

He picked up the
invoices and requests from the desk. "So how was your first day?" he
asked while his eyes skimmed my work.

Regaining my
composure I gave him a rundown of my day, even going as far as giving him an
assessment of his other employees. When I told him what I thought of Jo,
laughter threatened to bubble over.

"Yes, she is
an interesting character." The show stopping grin tried again to harden my

"Well, it
looks like you and my cafe survived its first day," he said after laying
down the papers. The return to business helped keep my raging hormones in
check. We walked through the cafe, shutting off lights and closing windows. I
couldn't help but admire the golds and oranges that were painted across the
water courtesy of the setting sun. Beautiful enough for that postcard, I

We made it to the
back parking lot before Jonathon pulled a cell phone from his pocket. I hadn't
heard it ring but it could have been on silent. Instead he reached down pulling
my hand up and placed the unanswered phone against my palm. His touch sent
electricity singing up my arm.

"What is this
for?" I'd never owned a cell phone and had prided myself in this. Never in
my wildest dreams did I want to be a part of the tech zombie era. He stared
down at our interlocked hands while he mulled something over, an answer I

"You are
management. If I need you I can get a hold of you right away. Leaving messages
is not an option I prefer," he said finally, deciding on an answer.

Did I want to
accept the phone? Surely I could refrain from being one of those girls that ran
into poles or followed their GPS off a cliff instead of using what God gave
them? Did running a small town cafe really warrant a cell phone?  I couldn't
help but giggle with the thought that cafe management was so fast paced that a
cell phone was a requirement. What else could I do?  I quit my internal banter
and pulled my hand and the phone back into my personal space.

Instead of the
chuckle at my acceptance his whole demeanor flipped as though it was only a
facade to what truly hid behind it. I watched as all the humor and perpetual
satisfaction that normally graced his face disappear within moments. His black
eyes focused on a spot directly behind me and he crouched almost predator-like.

I was frozen even
as he jerked me behind him, letting those rough but gentle hands stop me from
falling to the ground. The sudden movement sent my vision spinning, landing
squarely on a strikingly familiar silhouette that stood next to one of the
large pine trees that lined the parking lot. Husky blue eyes cast nothing but
cold fury as they tracked across us, giving me the same predatory feel as
Jonathon was. I couldn't see the tick in his jaw but I knew it would be there.
The cool evening breeze was stifling with barely contained anger. Thunder
boomed like a drum in the distance, warning of an impending storm. That
explained the rain that was so evident on Jonathon earlier. I still felt frozen
in place while a silent battle brewed all around me. Jonathon kept his stance
in front of me; protecting me from danger though I wasn't sure what that danger
was. His attention perfectly split, letting the other man know that I was off
limits. This time when the thunder cracked and lightning flew across the sky, a
gust of wind made Jonathon's hair whip around his face, scattering his wild
scent through the sky. The storm had increased its pace.

As if moving with
the storm, Sebastian now stood within arm’s reach. His sky blue eyes, still
intent on Jonathon, glowed with rage. The fact that he only wore a pair of
jeans with his hair still woven into a braid down his back did not escape my
assessment. The return of rain slid down the planes of his chest and I fought the
urge to follow them with my fingers; I wanted to find out where they led me.
Trees began to sway and I could hear the waves crashing harder into the shore.
The final rays of day had escaped past the horizon and dark swirling clouds
welcomed night. The only light that remained was the soft glow from the town's
shops that were still closing down for the day. The storm was practically upon
us. Neither man seemed to pay the storm the respect that it deserved, still
completely consumed with each other. Something whispered inside of me, letting
me know that staying here was a bad idea. I shook myself, releasing the spell
that seemed to be the two men before me. I knew without a doubt that I had to
go. Nothing good would come from still being here when the storm let loose its
wrath. The winds whipped harder, and the rain came with more purpose. I was not
part of this fight. Whatever was going on here started long before I had

So with the
decision made I turned towards the Inn. A low primal sound that I had only ever
heard come from an animal broke through the sounds of rain and wind, breaking
the silence of the two men. I spun around, glaring at Jonathon with such
vehemence that all sound died in his throat. Rain drops pelted my face making
it hard to see but his anger was clear. I couldn't let him win. His demanding
stare matched mine. He still hadn't learned; I was not his. Instead of heeding
the blatant warning, I cut off his glare and headed towards the Inn. They could
work it out without me no matter what he thought. I was thankful when he let me
go with no more little displays of masculinity; Alexis two, Jonathon one. This
time the score didn't do anything to brighten my mood.

As I walked back
to the Inn I let out a half scream, half growl of my own into the night. The
edge of the storm pelted me with its rain drops growing weaker the farther I
got from the cafe. Finally, when the Inn was only steps away, the cool crisp
air greeted me like a long lost friend. The air still tasted of rain and salt and
somehow I could feel the energy that hummed within it. I let some of the
tension that had built up escape with each breath in the night sky. I passed my
Beetle giving her a pat on the hood.

I'll take you for a drive." I felt almost normal as I met Linda in the
lobby but the concern written all over her face threatened to steal it away.

"The news
said nothing of rain." She swept her gray eyes over my wet clothes and
flat hair. I'm sure I looked like a drowned rat by now and to top it off I was
fairly positive my blouse was ruined.

someone should have let Mother Nature know." My response was harsh against
her concern and completely unlike myself. I flashed a smile trying to make up
for it but I knew it fell flat so instead I made my exit and headed for my





I stripped off my
wet clothes and headed directly to the shower. The water grew hot letting steam
consume the bathroom. It felt wonderful against all the cold that had wrapped
around me. I replaced the scents of rain and salt with lavender and thyme. I
washed my hair four times more than the bottle recommended. I didn't know what
I was doing as I tried to wash away the memories of this evening. I didn't
truly believe that my shampoo and conditioner really had that kind of power. I
took my time shaving my legs, letting the water beat against my back working
against the remaining tension that had taken shelter there. The water had run
cold by the time I got out. I brushed and blow dried my hair before slipping
into flannel pajamas that said Normal is Overrated. God, I hoped so because
today was full of not so normal things.

I picked up my
shiny new cell phone, twirling it around in my fingers. I thumbed through the
apps tapping on Contacts. The letter J sat alone in the list. I could do
nothing but stare at it, silently willing it to produce some sort of answer for
the little display of testosterone. Giving up on any answers I set the phone
back on the bedside table. What did I expect? I could call him but what would I
say? ‘What the hell was that?’ didn't sound like a good way to keep my job. My
mind shuffled through what today held, what tomorrow may hold, and everything
else in between. The whirl of the ceiling fan held my attention as my focus
bounced from one thought to another. My emotions slammed into each other
creating odd little concoctions before exhaustion enveloped them all, sending
me to sleep. As soon as my eyes opened I knew I must be dreaming.


My nude body lay
atop red satin sheets. The feeling was heaven. I studied the intricate design
etched into each post of the bed as I waited in anticipation. Candlelight
flickered from a large candelabrum that hung from the vaulted ceiling. I
watched as light and shadow danced across the stone walls creating their own
version of cat and mouse. Wolves bayed and growled a low song in the distance
too far away to make me worry I couldn't stop the feeling of need and
excitement that swept through me. I knew he would be mad that it had been far
too long. Like I had conjured him through thought alone, the large iron and
wood door swung open with such force that it slammed against the wall,
interrupting the light’s little game. A lean muscular man filled up the door’s
place. Blue eyes that glowed with anger pinned me to the bed extinguishing any
urge to run or cry out. My mind screamed a warning to run, but my body grew
warm with lust in betrayal. Sebastian stalked towards me, radiating with danger
and pent up need. The deep scowl directly opposed his hard length. He must be fighting
the same battle that I am.

He put himself
above me using his arms and legs as a cage. The predator had caught his prey.
His nude body pulsed in time with the flickering flames and his hair still up
in that damn braid hung down, just barely caressing my skin. His eyes were all
consuming; I watched as they captured the firelight giving them the illusion of
fire on the water’s edge. My body trembled for his touch but I knew that I had
to wait. He fisted a handful of my hair, jerking my head. My body refused to
acknowledge the pain as he brought my body up to meet his. He sheathed himself
fully inside of me. There was no need for foreplay; I was already wet
anticipation. His eyes closed and his faced stilled with satisfaction as he
slid himself inside, slowly filling me to the brim. The smells of electricity
and earth swirled all around. The heat within me grew as he moved in and out.
The sounds of the wolves growing panicked barely registered before need
completely took over. As his rhythm grew to match his aggression I wrapped my
legs around his waist, plunging him even deeper. When the line between pleasure
and pain threatened to break I raked my nails down his back, feeling skin give
way as I screamed my pleasure. He was mine for the world to see. Sebastian
slammed home in answer with a half growl, half scream of his own release.

I collapsed back
onto the bed trying to relearn to breathe. Still buried inside, he began a slow
rhythm reminding me that his hunger was never sated. The wolves' snarls and
howls now filled the room blocking out the sounds of our lust. They had
ventured dangerously close. My eyes remained closed basking in the gift of
touch alone.

He paused for a
moment to send his tongue and lips down my chest; the small nips and laps at my
breast made me cry out with pleasure. Fine hairs slid across my erect nipples
causing my eyes to fly open. A blaze
of onyx stared up at me through a
curtain of blond hair. I was momentarily stunned before I splayed my fingers in
his hair pulling as much as I could into a tight fist. The kiss was tender and
worried, giving my lips the same treatment as my breasts. He pushed himself
deep inside; he knew my body much the same way as I knew his. Jonathon was less
primal, his strokes more even and slow in stride. His almost careful approach
gave me time to run my hand over the planes of his face and chest. His
expression felt lost as the pad of my thumb ran across a slight scar along his
cheek. Before I had time to reassure him his strokes became harder and deeper.
I was reluctant to let loose his hair but my hand yearned to find more places
to roam. My body arched with the growing pleasure as he moved with the still
constant strokes between my legs. I rocked my body in time with his; letting an
orgasm send wave after wave of pleasure crashing over us.

The waves took
their time to subside, letting us revel in their pleasure. I ran my nails up
and down his sweat soaked back. The candles had gone out leaving us in pitch
darkness. All we were left with were the sounds of snarls and growls as they
thundered through the room; the noise
becoming deafening. The room shook as
the wolves slammed their bodies into the walls. I wanted to shut my eyes, shut
out our intruders but I couldn't. If I closed my eyes Jonathon would no longer
be there to keep them at bay.

We both shared,
with our eyes, what words could not relay. When his muscles could no longer
sustain him he collapsed against me. ‘This is home,’ rang through my head as my
world slowly faded away


I woke to the alarm
chirping way more cheerfully than I felt. My tattoo burned across my chest like
the day I got it. I rolled out of bed, jealous that the sun still had another
half an hour before it started the day. Grabbing my clothes I headed for the
shower, flipping the coffee pot on as I passed. I turned the water on, letting
the steam help wake me as I stripped off my pajamas. Searing pain and a pulse
of light through the room had me frantically trying to wipe away the steam that
had already built up on the mirror so that I had a clear view. Another pulse of
purple and green caused a wave of panic to wash over me; all I could do was
grip the counter so hard my knuckles blanched to keep from hitting the floor.
What the fuck was happening to me?

I decided to skip
on the shower and swap out what I had picked out for something that covered
whatever the hell was going on with my tattoo. There was no rational
explanation for it therefore I wanted to avoid trying to make one up. The gray
clouds threatened rain, so I cashed in my promise to my Beetle and decided to
take her to work. The parking lot contained the same three vehicles minus the
Jag. Thank God. That was not a distraction I needed right now, especially after
last night’s dream. The dream had been different but still the same as all the
others. It felt as real as the one had just before I came here.

I made my way
through the back, barely taking notice of Mack. I plucked Jo from her spot at
the register and began dragging her towards my office, ignoring her high pitched
protests. I tossed her into the office slamming the door behind us.

Her faint,
"What the hell!" barely registered before I jerked my shirt down
exposing my pulsing tattoo.

"What the
hell is this?" I screeched my first words since dragging her through the

Her face drained
of blood as she gawked at my chest. The pain was like a flaming brand against
my skin.

"How am I
supposed to know?" she breathed, never taking her eyes from my chest.

"Your tattoo
never did anything like this?" I screeched, flailing my hand up and down
in the direction of her exposed thigh.

Panic was
beginning to take its hold. The only thing that had kept me relatively sane was
the knowledge that I would come to work, show it to Jo, and she would reassure
me that it was a normal occurrence with all new tattoos. Jo reached out to
touch one of the pulsing petals and I stepped out of range not knowing if her
touch would hurt even more, but her hand had already begun to drop.

"No, please,
with the pulsing comes pain."

Her only response
was a look that ranged from scared to almost worried.

"So you have
no idea what would cause this; an allergic reaction or a new type of ink?"

I still had a
small amount of hope that she would laugh it off and scream gotcha! or
something and then explain how all of this was perfectly normal. But before I
could get any of those responses my cell began to dance and ring across the
desk, startling me even further. The only person that even knew I had it was
Jonathon. Great. My tattoo pulsed even brighter, searing pain pulled a yelp in
response from between my lips. Jo's surprised gasp was answer enough. I
couldn't answer it; what was I supposed to say? The ringing had barely stopped
before it picked up again. I reached over to my desk and slammed my hand down
on the red ignore button. If it is that important he will call the cafe, the
thought came savage and cold. It wasn't him I was angry at it, it was me but it
felt so much better to take it out on someone else. As if reading that very
thought, the cafe line began its chorus of rings. Damn.

"It's a great
day at Shore Side Cafe!" I answered with exaggerated enthusiasm. Jo arched
an eyebrow in response but obeyed when I waved her out.

"Why didn't
you answer your cell phone?" he asked flatly. I ignored the sudden jolt of
electricity that pulsed through my chest upon hearing his voice.

"Well, good
morning to you, Mr. Evans!" I said, still overly cheerful. I was starting
to grate on my own nerves.

"Next time I
call your cell, answer it!" Jonathon growled into the receiver. My body
hardened with an abrupt sensory memory that held me silent for longer than

"What the
hell happened last night?" I blurted. Okay, apparently I was going to say
that to my brand new boss. My nerves were already frayed, and this conversation
was not helping.

"Next time I
call, answer." With that he hung up. What was the point of that? I wasn't
about to call back to find out; if he wanted to act like an asshat over a
missed call, then by all means. I had my own problems to deal with anyway.

I really needed
large quantities of liquor but caffeine would have to do so I went up front to
get a caramel macchiato. The great thing about my job was the constant flow of
caffeine. Maybe after a few cups I would be able to see a bit more clearly. The
cafe had just opened and customers were already trickling in.

morning, Alexis." Mack's voice was a surprising comfort. He had just
witnessed a crazy woman drag an employee through the building not an hour ago
and here he was being just as polite as if he didn't think I was probably bat
shit crazy.

"How is your
morning, Mack?" Small talk felt nice as I pulled a chair around into the
kitchen, letting the sweet warmth of my coffee chase away some of my
irritation. I sat there for quite a while watching this little town begin its
morning. Somehow it was soothing; watching all the people do normal things even
though I was beginning to think I was on the road to crazy town.

he said in passing. I could feel Mack's eyes on me as he kept up his morning
routine. His curiosity burned holes in my back. He purposely avoided the
morning’s display which was nice. I didn't want to talk about it when I didn't
know what to say. That was the one thing about men. They don't ask any questions
and right now I didn't need any questions, answers maybe, questions or
opinions, no. Mack made two more cups before I finally resigned myself to
beginning my work day. The burning across my chest had turned to white noise;
still there but not an annoyance for now.

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