Addicted To The Alien: A SciFi (Science Fiction) Alien Romance The Euthenian Battle (Book 2)

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The Euthenian Battle

Book 2

Addicted To The

A Sci Fi Alien Romance

Addicted To The

A Sci-Fi Alien

© Copyright 2016 - Ashley L.

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Table Of


The stars are endless in
the black sky as I stare out the small, round window of the room
I’ve been locked in. I have no idea how long I’ve been in here,
locked away for something I had no idea was going to

My surroundings are nice.
An all-white interior. Right down to the blanket covering the large
bed. The only touch of color is the purple pillows on the

A mirror runs the length
of one wall and there is an attached area to bathe and use the
facilities. Most wouldn’t complain about this make-shift prison.
But I miss my husband.

My stomach is growling
like a hungry lion’s. Food, or what they consider
to be
food, has been brought to me by a woman who appears to be a
maid of some kind.

She’s an older woman, with
no personality. Or perhaps she’s just was afraid to talk to

The silver covered tray
she brought still sets on the small table. I opened it when she
brought it in some time ago and put the lid right back on

What looked like snails
covered in green slime were moving around on the tray and I would
rather die of starvation than put that in my mouth.

Kerr was supposed to be
feeding me to help me ingest something to sustain my body. That’s
not going to happen it seems.

The King is a man I am
beginning to truly despise. With no chance to prove my innocence,
he sent me away to this room, alone and wondering if my husband is

They injected Kerr with
some drug which had him unable to move. That was a long time ago
and I still have no idea how he’s doing.

I asked the woman who
brought the tray, but she wouldn’t speak to me at all. I suppose
they think I’m capable of more than I am. A person to be

It’s ludicrous. There is
nothing in me to hurt my new husband. Although his actions in front
of others make me furious, his actions when we’re alone make up for

My body aches to be held
in his strong arms. My heart aches at the thought my marriage might
be over before it has even begun if the King has anything to do
with it.

The bed is soft as I sit
on it, still in the white robe, Kerr placed on me after he
administered the punishment for leaving the room without his

My bottom still hurts a
bit as the strap left a few thin whelps across it. My cheeks burn
with the anger building in me for the unjust punishment. I had no
idea leaving a room without permission was against the

Just as I get up, the door
glides open. I quickly drop my eyes and head as I see it’s the

slumped man with long, white hair and light brown eyes
graced me with his presence. Now, perhaps I can talk some
sense into the tyrant.

Sit,” he commands with a
harsh tone.

I do as he says and still
look down. I am not about to give this man any reason to see fit to
use the hook and strap which hang on the wall in this room as well
as all the bedrooms on the ship from what I’ve seen.

He stands over me. His
presence is threatening and I find it hard not to stand up to the
beast. I hold onto my temper, though.

Tell me what you know,”
he says.

He takes one of the chairs
at the small dining table. I notice him looking at the tray and he
lifts the lid. He makes a huffing sound as he sees I haven’t
touched the nasty stuff.

Not going to eat what we
give you, Princess?”

May I look at you,

You may.”

I raise my head and try
hard not to glare at the man. “I am having an issue taking the live
things into my mouth. My husband had told me he would help me until
I got used to eating the food on my own. How is your son,

My son is fine. He’s come
to his senses.” His eyes lock on mine.

The fear in my eyes must
be what he’s looking for. I’m positive it’s there as I have no idea
what he means by Kerr coming to his senses.


Does it mean he’s annulling
our marriage?

May I ask exactly what
that means, Sire?”

No, you may not. I want
you to tell me what you know about the uprising on Euthenia.” He
crosses his arms over his chest and waits for an answer I do not

I swear to you I know
nothing about it, sir.” My eyes do not waver. There is only honesty
behind my words and any person would know I’m hiding

He rises and turns away
from me. “I will be back to check on you in approximately one hour.
Your food will need to be completely eaten by that time or it will
be the hook and the strap for you.”

Will Kerr be coming?” I
ask with hope.

Spinning on his heel, he
turns back and gives me an evil smile. “No. It will be me who
administers the punishment if you do not eat every bit of what’s on
that platter, girl. We do not waste things where you are going.
Remember that, please.”

The door glides back open,
and he leaves me.

And now it seems I must
shove those awful
down my throat or be tied up,
naked, and beaten.

It’s hard to say which is
worse. My heart pounds as I find I want my husband more than I ever

But does he still want

What could the King have
meant by telling me Kerr has come to his senses? Could Kerr be
acting as if he thinks I’m capable of being involved in such a
thing as an uprising on his planet?

Did my father know of the
impending uprising and award me to Kerr to get the royals and their
guards away from the capital so this could happen?

My father always acted as
if he loved me. Is it possible he would do this to me on

My head hurts as it spins
nearly out of control. The door glides open and I nearly fall off
the bed to get to him.

Kerr!” I run to him and
he catches me in his arms and picks me up.

His mouth covers mine and
I melt as his tongue touches mine, stroking it and taking me to a
much better place.

I can hear my heart
pounding as he releases me. “We haven’t much time. My father told
me he would be coming back in here soon to see if you have

He pulls me with him to
the table and sits down, pulling me to sit on his lap. “I have to
eat this all or he will beat me.”

I know. That’s why I
snuck and changed the monitor to your room then came in to help you
with this.” He pulls the lid off the tray and takes a large portion
of the snails and eats them.

I wince as the things
wiggle in the spoon just before he places them in his mouth. “Kerr,
your father said you had come to your senses. What does that

It means I told him what
he wanted to hear. He was going to keep me locked up if he thought
I was going to fight him on this.” He grazes my cheek with the back
of his hand. “You’ll need to eat a little of this. I don’t want you
starving to death.”

I give him a nod and close
my eyes. “Just put it in, Kerr.”

The metal of the spoon
rests on my tongue, leaving a metallic taste in my mouth. He tips
my head back and the slimy stuff runs down my throat without
touching my tongue.

I swallow and open my
eyes. “Thank you.”

His lips touch mine and
his arms run around me, pulling me to him. Ending his sweet kiss,
he holds his forehead against mine. “Kataline, I will get you
freed. Somehow I will get him to see you had nothing to do with
what’s happening at home. I will have to act like I’m on his side,
though. So if he brings me in here, please don’t take anything I
say or do seriously. It will all be an act to get him to trust

I nod. “So, you still want
me as your wife?”

I do. Look me in the eye
and tell me the truth, please.”

Looking straight into his
eyes, I say, “Kerr, I had nothing to do with what’s happing on your
planet. I had no knowledge of anything, I swear on my

I believe you, Kataline.
Now one more bite of this for you and I’ll finish the

With one more bite and him
taking the rest, the platter is clean and I am no longer in danger
of getting punished by the King.

Kerr makes a low growl as
he picks me up and turns me around on his lap to face him. He moves
my legs on either side of him and pushes down his loose-fitting
pants, exposing his desire for me.

My eyes light up as he
pushes the robe open and slides me down his long length. I sigh as
he fills me. “I’ve missed you,” I say as I relish how he fills me

His lips brush against my
hair as he pulls me close to him and lifts me up to stroke him.
“I’ve missed you too, Baby.”

Softly we both moan as he
lifts me up over and over to stroke his hard cock. My naked breasts
rub the soft fabric of his shirt, making the nipples hard and

The silkiness of his long,
blond hair has my hands moving through it and loving the scent
released by the motion. It’s citrusy in nature with a musky
undertone. I inhale deeply to take in as much of it as I can to
keep with me when he has to leave me.

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