Adios, America: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole (9 page)

BOOK: Adios, America: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole
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It’s the exact same math with any immigrant to America who does not pay in taxes more than he gets back in government services. That includes
not only assistance programs, but also schools, highways, police, hospitals, and so on. Thus, a more detailed breakdown of the costs and benefits shows that college-educated Americans pay an average of $29,000 more in taxes every year than they get back in government services, according to an analysis by the Heritage Foundation’s Robert Rector. By contrast, legal immigrants, on average, get back $4,344 more in government services than they pay in taxes. Those with only a high school degree net about $14,642 in government payments, and those without a high school degree collect a whopping $36,993.
Contrary to the claims of Senator Chuck Schumer’s press secretary, Marco Rubio, making illegal aliens citizens will not result in the U.S. Treasury being deluged with their tax payments. The vast majority of illegal aliens—about 75 percent—have only a high school diploma or less, so legalization means they will immediately begin collecting an average of $14,642–$36,993 per year from the U.S. taxpayer.

Even worse, under Rubio’s bill—and Obama’s executive action—amnestied illegal aliens immediately collect a windfall directly from the U.S. Treasury in missed earned income tax credits.
So the definition for “paying back taxes” under Rubio’s bill was: “receiving welfare.” Of course, with 71 percent of illegal alien households already on government assistance,
“paying back taxes” meant “getting
even more
welfare than you do currently.” Illustrating the principle that, in matters of great importance, the difference between evil and stupidity is irrelevant, Marco Rubio stoutly asserted that, under his bill, amnestied illegal immigrants “don’t qualify for any federal benefits.”
A huge majority—71 percent!—were already collecting federal benefits when he said that and were on track to collect a lot more welfare had his bill become law.

Can we retake the
Wall Street Journal
’s poll, but this time inquire about the only pathway to citizenship proposed or passed by either house of Congress?
Would you support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants who knowingly broke this country’s laws that would allow them to immediately collect past welfare payments they lost out on while working off the books?


When it comes to immigration polls, the Brookings Institution’s and
Wall Street Journal
’s are two of the more honest ones. California’s Field Poll asks respondents if they support “having federal immigration agents round up, detain and deport immigrants found to be living here illegally”; or if they would support a (nonexistent) proposal to “[c]reate a program that would allow illegal immigrants who have been living in the U.S. for a number of years an opportunity to stay in this country and apply for citizenship if they have a job, learned English and paid back taxes.”

There’s no “program” for allowing illegals an “opportunity” to stay and pay “back taxes.” The plan is to legalize illegal aliens immediately, without regard to how long they’ve been here, much less whether they have a job, speak English, or will ever pay one penny in taxes.

Nonetheless, more poll respondents—46 percent—favored “having federal immigration agents round up, detain and deport immigrants found to be living here illegally” than were opposed to that policy—43 percent.

Polls that neglect to stack the deck with lies on both sides of the equation never come out so well for mass-immigration advocates. The pro-amnesty technology website TechCrunch, for example, forgot to ask about the nonexistent hurdles for illegal immigrants, and asked only about the nonexistent proposal to deport 11 million people. The question polled was: “Do you support or oppose deporting the 11 million undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S.?” Again: No politician has proposed any program to deport 11 million illegal aliens. So the TechCrunch poll was biased, but only by half. Still, a majority of respondents, 53.4 percent, supported mass deportation, compared with 42 percent opposed. Among Republicans, 74.1 percent chose the deport-11-million option, with only 22.3 percent opposed.

And that’s what Americans say after years of relentless media propaganda. Where was the word “amnesty” in the TechCrunch poll? That’s
what we’re talking about, not some imaginary plan to round up illegals and deport them.

With immigration polls, there’s never a “no” button. The only question is: Do you want more immigration, or do you want a lot more immigration? There’s no place to write in: “How about none?” The people feverishly hiding the truth from the public are perfectly aware that they are completely transforming this country. They cheer the end of America.

The GOP senators who voted for Rubio’s legalization-first immigration bill: Lamar Alexander (Tennessee), Kelly Ayotte (New Hampshire), Jeffrey Chiesa (New Jersey), Susan Collins (Maine), Bob Corker (Tennessee), Jeff Flake (Arizona), Lindsey Graham (South Carolina), Orrin Hatch (Utah), Dean Heller (Nevada), John Hoeven (North Dakota), Mark Kirk (Illinois), John McCain (Arizona), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Marco Rubio (Florida).



country at all, but rather live in something like the international waiting room at JFK Airport. America is not a “nation of immigrants,” it is not an “idea,” it was never “diverse,” and “diversity” is a catastrophe.

If America were an “idea,” every country on earth could be America. Electricity is an idea. The airplane is an idea. Washing with soap is an idea. That’s why other countries have been able to adopt those innovations. No other country on earth has been able to approximate America—except our fellow Anglo-Saxon nations.
Why is that? We’ve been dropping enormous hints to the rest of the world for centuries. America is not a mere landmass—otherwise, the Indians would have written the Declaration of Independence and put a man on the moon. Far from discovering America, Indians didn’t even detect America. There
no America until the British and Dutch arrived. They were not “immigrants” because there was no established society for them to move to. Without the white settlers, what is known as
“America” would still be an unnamed continent full of migratory tribes chasing the rear end of a buffalo every time their stomachs growled.


At a swearing-in ceremony for new immigrants in the summer of 2014, the Harvard-educated First Lady Michelle Obama said: “It’s amazing that just a few feet from here where I’m standing are the signatures of the fifty-six Founders who put their names on a Declaration that changed the course of history. And like the fifty of you, none of them were born American—they became American.” That’s if you don’t count the forty-eight of fifty-six who were born in America. The other eight—like the rest of them—were either British or Dutch. Fifty-five were Protestant. Only one was Catholic. There’s a reason King George called the American Revolution “a Presbyterian war.”

The single document in Nexis’s news archives to report the First Lady’s jaw-droppingly ignorant remark about the signers of America’s Declaration of Independence did so in order to proclaim her “correct.” Yes,
said Mrs. Obama was “correct” in the sense that “the Founding Fathers were not born into a fully formed and established America with its own history, customs, culture, and values, as modern American children are.”

That’s if you don’t count the 85 percent of the Declaration’s signers who were born into a fully formed and established America, with its own history, customs, culture, and values. The American colonies had been around for about 150 years at that point. Not only the signers of the Declaration, but the first seventeen presidents, were all born in one of the original thirteen colonies. The eighteenth was Ulysses Grant, who was born in Ohio.

The vast majority of U.S. presidents were exclusively of British or Dutch descent. There has not been a single one without at least some British ancestry. Not one. The few recent presidents with exotic ethnicities were: Teddy Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt, who were part French—in
addition to British and Dutch; Herbert Hoover, who was Swiss and German—in addition to British; Dwight Eisenhower, who was German and Swiss—in addition to British; Richard Nixon, who was part German—in addition to British; George H. W. and W. Bush, who are also part German—in addition to British and Dutch; and Barack Obama, who is part Kenyan—in addition to British.

No Swedes, no Finns, no Ukrainians, and certainly no Salvadorans or Chinese. The entire British Isles, plus the Netherlands, covers a geographic area smaller than Japan.
If 83 percent of American presidents had been exclusively Japanese and 100 percent were at least part Japanese, would we talk about America being a “nation of immigrants”? Every single president, except Kennedy, was a Protestant. (Recent Democratic presidents were, of course, atheists, but all except JFK professed to be Protestants.) Argentina has had a president who was of 100 percent Syrian ethnicity (Carlos Saúl Menem). The prime minister of Belgium was Italian (Elio Di Rupo). Peru has had a Japanese president (Alberto Fujimori). Britain had a Jewish prime minister, all of whose grandparents were born in Italy (Benjamin Disraeli). No one calls these countries “nations of immigrants.” America has never had a president who wasn’t, at least in part, of British ancestry, but people still babble that we’re a nation of immigrants.

For one hundred years before the signing of the Declaration, and one hundred years after, America was extraordinarily un-diverse in ethnicity (British, Dutch, West African, and Germanic), in religious practice (overwhelmingly Protestant, 98 percent Christian), in language (English), and in cultural mores (no wailing at funerals or child rape). Even the few French settlers in colonial America were Protestants—they had fled France under threat of forced conversion to Catholicism. Pre-Revolutionary America allowed the naturalization of Jews—but not Catholics.
Curiously, in contemporary America, Hispanic Protestants are majority Republican, while Hispanic Catholics are nearly monolithically Democrat.

Harvard professor Samuel Huntington asks: “Would America be the America it is today if in the 17th and 18th centuries it had been settled not
by British Protestants but by French, Spanish, or Portuguese Catholics?” Clearly not: “It would not be America; it would be Quebec, Mexico, or Brazil.”
Author Richard Brookhiser writes: “The WASP character is the American character. . . . It is the mold, the template, the archetype, the set of axes along which the crystal has grown. Without the WASP it would be another country altogether.”

For its 1976 bicentennial edition,
magazine tried to cover up the Founding Fathers’ crime of non-diversity by making them look less WASPy.
A photo display of eleven descendants of the Founders included Yukiko Irwin, born and raised in Japan,
and an African American probation officer, Elmer Roberts, allegedly descended from Thomas Jefferson’s nonexistent sexual relationship with slave Sally Hemings.
wanted to make absolutely clear that the United States was not the product of a bunch of Protestant, Anglo-Saxon men, if that’s what you were thinking. Except, the problem is, it was. And the country remained overwhelmingly Anglo-Saxon and Protestant right up until Teddy Kennedy decided to change it.


Contrary to PC nonsense about America being a “diverse” melting pot, America has never been a “nation of immigrants.” Most Americans have always been born here. Even as late as 1990—a quarter century into Teddy Kennedy’s scheme to remake the nation—half of the American population traced its roots to the black and white populace of 1790.

Nearly the entire white population of America from 1600 to 1970 came from a geographic area of the world about twice the size of Texas. The entire black population came from an area of West Africa about the size of Florida.

Until Teddy Kennedy struck, America was never less than 99 percent white Western European and West African black.
That’s “bi-racial,” not “diverse.” African Americans are every bit as much a part of Anglo-Saxon America as the Anglo-Saxons themselves. Cheap-labor enthusiasts love to insult black workers with fulsome tributes to hardworking immigrants
doing jobs that “Americans”—wink, wink—“just won’t do,” but you cannot understand America without talking about blacks. America is the only country to fight a revolution based on the principle that all men are equal before God, and it is the only country to fight a bloody civil war to end slavery and redeem that promise.

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