AFRICAN AMERICAN ROMANCE: A Thug to Remember (Hood Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (African American Urban Contemporary Short Stories) (37 page)

BOOK: AFRICAN AMERICAN ROMANCE: A Thug to Remember (Hood Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (African American Urban Contemporary Short Stories)
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“April, I hope that you like your steak medium well? I have fresh vegetables on the stove that I planted myself and harvested just the other day. I don’t know how you feel about baby carrots and corn. I also have some mashed potatoes, or at least they’re supposed to be mashed. I never can tell. Usually I end up with lumps in the middle.”

“How did you know my name?” I’d heard everything he said about the food, but I also noticed that he had used my first name like we were best friends. “I know that I haven’t said it, which leads me to believe that somehow you figured out who I am.”

I followed his eyes and I saw my identification splayed out on the coffee table. “Well. At least you aren’t psychic. I don’t think I have to tell you that I’m not very happy with someone going through my stuff. I do hope you have an explanation for this. If not, then I’ll leave here no matter how injured I am. Crawling on my hands if I have to.” I was using the chair in the dining room to keep my foot elevated. The irony wasn’t lost on me that I was using the exact same words I’d told Eric not long ago, about crawling to get what I want.

“I really don’t know what you want me to say, April. I’m not very trusting and to be honest, I thought that you might’ve been sent here to find me. I wanted to know who I was dealing with. I certainly didn’t want to make you feel that I was taking advantage of you. If it makes you feel better, my name is Avery Black.”

I wanted to leave immediately, but I was compelled by his intense eyes to sit down and wait to see what culinary delights he had conjured up with his own bare hands.

“Why would somebody be looking for you? Did you do something wrong?” I didn’t mean to be intrusive, but I always believe that being forewarned was better than waiting to be surprised.

“I’ve had some strange things happen to me in the last few months,” he said as if that explained everything. “My fiancé and I were attacked in an alley. They moved quickly and I could barely put up enough of a fight before I woke up to find that she was dead. I tried to explain this to the police, but they immediately suspected me of foul play. They didn’t get me, but I could see the way that they were looking at me and I thought it best that I make myself scarce. They left me with a present.”

“What exactly was that?”

He opened his white shirt and showed me that tattoo of the dragon all over again. “I’ve never believed in tattoos and I thought it was silly for somebody to mark up their body like this. I awoke after finding my fiancé dead with this on my shoulder. I thought it was some kind of joke, but now I’m starting to realize that whoever did this wanted to make sure that I remembered it for the rest of my life.” The pain in his eyes was evident and intense.

“I can see why you would keep that to yourself. It sounds a little farfetched, but there’s no reason for me not to believe you. How long have you been living in relative obscurity out here in the middle of nowhere?”

“After I was questioned extensively by the police, I went home to find two men ransacking my condo. I watched them tear the place apart. I wanted to confront them, but I noticed that they were carrying weapons. Hard to fight bullets with fists. I decided to make a discreet exit, thinking that I’d either done something to get on somebody’s radar, or my wife had. I didn’t know what they wanted but I could see that they meant business. This cabin is known to very few. It’s something that I’m proud of.”

I was eating this wonderful meal and finding the flavor of what he put on the steak to be quite enjoyable. He had made the char marks exactly like a chef would do.

“If I didn’t know any better, I would swear that you had some culinary training.” I cut into the steak and it was like cutting into butter and those mushrooms that were sautéed with the onions and peppers were the perfect complement to what he had laid out in front of me. He had turned off the lights and left only candlelight, which of course made me think that he was romancing and trying to seduce me with his eyes and his body. I don’t usually go for romantic gestures but with him I felt this immediate attraction that had me literally wondering what he would taste like, as an after dinner treat.

“I did go to culinary school, but I never really pursued it, as a career. I found myself drifting and then getting into the construction trade by sheer convenience alone. Do you always ask this many questions? I feel like I’m back in front of those hot lights and those detectives holding me hostage after my fiancé was killed, until I had the good sense to ask for a lawyer.”

“I’m just asking, because I like to dabble with food myself. I have made all sorts of concoctions that make my friends drool. There hasn’t been one time that they haven’t liked it and raved over it. My claim to fame is seafood. I like nothing better than cooking something that is fresh from the ocean. Lobster is most people’s favorite, but mine is red snapper.”

The creamy potatoes melted in my mouth and the vegetables brought me back to those days when I was on my grandfather’s farm. “Avery, I was wondering about the candlelight, but I don’t think that you have romantic overtures in mind. This is to keep your generator from using up all that fuel.”

He nodded his head and then he continued to eat, but he would constantly look in my direction. It occurred to me that I might be the first woman he’d seen naked since his fiancé. He was gun shy.

He just needed someone to get him back in the saddle.

I moved my good foot over to his leg, making his eyes go wide with the feeling of my toes now creeping up along his calf and over his knee. There was a catch in his throat and he had his fork poised with a piece of that steak on it, but he didn’t put it in his mouth. I think that he was worried that he was going to choke on it. I was giving him every reason to worry.

“I’m not going to ask the obvious question. I’m just going to say that it’s been a long time and I hope that you’re patient.”

He swallowed hard, licking his lips and staring at me, as I unbuttoned my shirt, just enough for him to see the swell of my D cup breasts. I dipped my finger into the wineglass. I brought it back out and traced down my cleavage. I let that droplet slide in between and make this noticeable wet spot where it was now moving down towards my belly button.

“I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do,” he said to me, breathlessly.

He didn’t have to do anything.

I actually enjoyed the fact that he was allowing me to play him. It was a change for me. It’d always been the other way around and I felt this need to assert my own authority. The way that he talked about his fiancé and what he had gone through made me feel for him in a way that had translated with my toes now massaging his crotch. I could feel the embodiment of his excitement flexing against my toes and I was able to, with some difficulty, to pull down the zipper with just my toes.

He seemed relatively impressed by my agility. He didn’t try to stop me, as I stuck my toes up against his briefs. I could feel the wetness from his over aroused state.

“I would ask what you’re doing, but I would be pretty naïve if I didn’t know.”

I probably wouldn’t have done anything, but there was something about him that was basically turning my own libido against me. It overwhelmed me and it only got harder to resist him, as I worked my toes on him. I picked up my fork, moved it across in front of his eyes and then I dropped it, with my hand going to my mouth to feign surprise.

“It appears that I have dropped my fork. I guess I’m going to have to go and retrieve it.” I slipped underneath the table and ended my foot play, long enough to use my hands to spread his knees and see the object of my desire. My fingers grazed his thighs and I began to tug at those pants, until he got the idea and lifted himself up, so that I could pull them down to his ankles. I easily moved his knees apart, touching the inside of his naked thighs with my fingernails lightly grazing him. He jerked noticeably and I heard his hand slam down onto the top of the table.

“Don’t worry, you need to relax and you look like you’re a hair trigger from going off.”

He was breathing heavy and even though I couldn’t see what he was doing, I could surmise that he was probably wondering how he had gotten so lucky. A beautiful Black goddess was about to service him orally and the very idea of my exotic nature coming into play had given him a hard on that would’ve been able to rival most of my brothers from another mother.

“April Mowery, you are certainly not your average kind of girl. Then again, I haven’t had the privilege of being with anybody in the last six months. I could feel the eyes on me when I go into town for provisions, but I tried to make tracks, as soon as possible. The way that they stare at me makes me think that they know who I am and eventually the police are going to show up.”

I traced the outline of his package with my tongue through his underwear. It flexed and pushed against the fabric to show enthusiasm for what I was doing to it.

I began to tug at the waistband and he got the idea and once again lifted himself, so that I could pull that fabric away from a piece of meat that looked like it was ready to be devoured. I’m very good at oral sex and I like to use my tongue, as much as possible. I easily traced that vein running down the backside of his shaft with my tongue all the way down to his balls. That masculine and husky scent drew me to him, until I finally took them into my mouth both at the same time.

He was squirming in his seat and began to give off this leaky discharge that I used to massage him with my fingers covered with the sticky stuff. I couldn’t help myself and I licked those fingers clean, savoring the taste and wanting more from where that came from.

“Mmm. You’ve done it now. If you had tasted bitter, I might not have wanted to take it all the way, but you taste like a fine wine that has been aged to perfection.”

That creamy delight was inside of him waiting to get out and I had the correct tools to alleviate him of that burden.

Chapter four

Avery was overcharged. The feel of my lips on him, getting this chance at female loving, had only been a fantasy for him for months. I saw that he was having trouble containing himself and that his knob had swelled to twice its usual size. I knew that even the slightest breeze would have done him in. With that in mind, I backed away and waited for that simmer to come to a boil. Once I was sure that he wasn’t just going to blow off in my mouth, I grabbed the base and brought it down to my lips. My tongue caressed the surface, before allowing it entry into the hot orifice that was awaiting it.

I didn’t even slow at his eight inches, as I let it glide across my agile tongue all the way to the back of my mouth, I didn’t stop until he was in my throat. I let him feel what I could bring to the table, drooling all over his cock and his sack. When I went down on a guy, I did it with a lot of lubrication and it made for a nice sloppy ride that he was never going to forget. It was time to put this to bed. I let go of the base and I was primarily using only my lips and tongue, as a conduit for his boiling seed.

“That is absolutely…amazing. I don’t even know what I can possibly do to thank you for this.” The only thing I wanted as a reward was what I was working towards. I gave it all that I had and I felt it coming and then his hips went into high gear and suddenly his cock exploded, but that wasn’t the most surprising thing of all.

The table actually lifted up and was thrown against the far wall with me guzzling the flood of his cream. I looked up into his eyes and I saw what I had seen when I had first fallen.

Avery was now replaced by a red dragon with outstretched wings and this scaly hide that made me wonder what the hell was going on. I was terrified and I pulled my mouth off of him, knowing that it was Avery, but not Avery at the same time.

He was a dragon. I had a dragon in my mouth.

He swatted me with one of his very imposing wings and I felt myself go flying. Thankfully, I landed on the sofa. He made that same screeching sound that I had heard in my dream, but now I knew for certain that it had been all too real. I wished that it wasn’t, because now I was living a nightmare.

I didn’t even get the chance to properly consume his orgasm and a lot of it had drizzled down my face and stained my bulky red denim shirt. I had thought about making a run for it, but with my ankle injured, I was pretty much a captive audience. All I could do was watch as he twisted his head from side to side on a long, strong and flexible neck. The chair that he was in was rendered into kindling by his bulky frame and then he shimmered, so quickly that it was hard to see it with the naked eye.

I reached out and grabbed the fire poker. I held it against my chest with the intention of using it if it got too close. The dragon roared and ranted, and then calmed down enough to fold in on itself, wrapping itself up like a cocoon. The wings retracted and I saw the transformation, but I still couldn’t believe my eyes. Avery was now sitting there with his hands over his knees, a human once more.

He looked up at me and said “Why did you stop? I can go all night.”

I was stunned. Did he have no idea what had just happened?

I had an idea. I walked over to him and stopped in front of a sideboard. I opened it and rummaged around, until I found what I was looking for. A magnifying glass. One of those old ones that you see in Sherlock Holmes stories. He was a little confused at seeing that his chair was broken into pieces and he was sitting among splinters.

“I need you to stay completely still.”

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