AFRICAN AMERICAN ROMANCE: A Thug to Remember (Hood Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (African American Urban Contemporary Short Stories) (52 page)

BOOK: AFRICAN AMERICAN ROMANCE: A Thug to Remember (Hood Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (African American Urban Contemporary Short Stories)
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“You brought nothing with you?” he asked her gently.

Nairobi looked down at her dress and wrung her hands. She had nothing to bring with her and knew that he would not understand the life that she had come from. This man seemed as if he owned the world. He had everything and she had nothing.

“That’s okay,” he said, brushing his hand across her cheek, causing her to look up at him. “We will get you everything that you need.”

Nairobi smiled, unsure what he meant, but she could sense that he was a good man. For the first time Nairobi felt as if she were safe. She knew that no one was coming to take her away, she knew that this man meant her no harm. She leaned back in her seat and for the first time in her life she completely relaxed. Nairobi fell asleep quickly only waking up to Mitch placing his hand on her head.

She looked up at him as he was standing outside of her door. “We are home,” he said softly. “Let’s get you inside. We will get you cleaned up and then you can rest.”

Nairobi blinked her eyes, trying to get them to focus. She had forgotten for a minute that she was with this man in a new country and starting her new life. She stepped out of the car, taking Mitch’s hand, looking around in amazement. She wondered if she was lost in a dream.

In front of them stood a huge house that was three stories tall. She had never seen a house that large and wondered what one man needed with all of that space. She saw a fountain sitting in the middle of a circle drive, and bushes that were in the shapes of all different types of animals. Flowers bloomed. Birds sang. Such riches!

There were flowers growing everywhere. The grass was perfectly trimmed. On the porch was a beautiful swing that looked as if it would fit two people just fine. Mitch gave her a gentle tug and led her toward the front door of his house. As she walked up the stairs, she felt like a child. She had never felt so small. Mitch opened the front door and led her inside.

What stood before her took her breath away. There were two staircases in the center of a huge room. Above the staircases hung a large chandelier. On both sides of the staircases there were doors leading deeper into the house. Mitch looked at Nairobi. “Would you like to look around or save that for later?” he asked her.

Nairobi was already overwhelmed. She wished that her mother could see this house. It was large enough for everyone in her entire village to live in. “Later, I think,” Nairobi replied.

Mitch led Nairobi up one of the staircases then down a hallway. He opened a door and showed Nairobi into it. In the center of the room sat a large round bathtub. There were white towels, a white bathrobe and all types of soaps sitting on the edge of the tub. Everything in the room was perfectly clean and looked as if dirt had never touched it.

Again Nairobi looked down at her feet that were filthy and she felt as if she was not good enough to be in the house. Mitch released Nairobi’s hand and walked over to the bathtub. He turned on the water and squirted something into it that Nairobi had never seen before. It was a strange green liquid that smelled very sweet.

“Take off your clothes and get into the tub,” Mitch said. “I’ll be back as soon as you are in the water.”

Nairobi looked at Mitch. She had never taken her clothes off in front of anyone except for her mother and she was afraid of what a man might do to her if he saw her without her clothes. She stood, staring at Mitch as he walked out of the room. When he closed the door behind him she signed with relief. She quickly removed her dress and let it fall to the floor. She had no underwear. She owned none. Slipping off her sandals she stepped into the hot water.

She had never used a tub before, but she understood what Mitch wanted of her. It was the first time in her life that she had ever felt hot water and the strange white foam that was on top of the water tickled at her skin. She slid down into the tub and let the foam cover her body. Only a few seconds later Mitch walked back through the bathroom door and over to the tub. He had changed out of his suit and was wearing a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. He looked so much younger than he had when he was wearing a suit. Something warmed in Nairobi toward him.

Mitch turned off the water and picked up a white washcloth with a bar of soap. He dipped both into the bath water and began rubbing them together. Nairobi watched as the bar and washcloth made bubbles. Mitch reached toward Nairobi with the washcloth in his hand.

She pulled back away from him.

The way she looked up at him from the tub reminded him of a scared animal that had been abused. He reached again and placed the washcloth on her back then began washing her, slowly, gently. Nairobi let her head fall forward, enjoying the way it felt to have Mitch washing her back. He washed her arms and neck, making sure that every part of her that he scrubbed was nice and clean. When he finished he handed her the washcloth.

Nairobi looked at Mitch, unsure what he wanted her to do. “Wash the rest of your body,” he said softly. “I think it would be best if we waited a while before I did anything more. I am going to go get you one of my T-shirts to wear tonight. I ordered you an outfit that will be delivered in the morning. Then tomorrow we can go shopping.”

Nairobi nodded, not really understanding what he was saying. She understood shopping, though, and that made her smile. She had heard from her mother how American women loved shopping and she had always wanted to understand why. She washed her body as Mitch left the bathroom. She washed her hair, carefully reading all of the bottles on the side of the tub looking for words her mother had taught her. She didn’t know many, and she was sure she did some of it wrong. It was just such a joy to be warm, and clean.

As she raised up out of the bathtub her hair fell down her back and bubbles lay on her hair and body. Mitch walked into the door and looked at her smiling. She was smiling as well, enjoying the feel of the water and soaps on her skin. Mitch picked up a towel and opened it for Nairobi and without hesitation she stepped out of the tub.

Bubbles slid down her body as she walked across the bathroom to him. He could just see her brown nipples under the bubbles on her breasts. He felt his cock begin to come to life. It had been a very long time since he had seen a naked woman’s body and he was enjoying every second of it.

He wrapped Nairobi in the towel and grabbed another one to dry her hair with. He was gentle with her as he dried her hair, making sure that he did not pull at it. He made a mental note to take her to the salon the next day. When her hair was dry he dropped the towel to the floor and took the towel from around her body.

Slowly he began drying her, starting at her neck and working his way down. Nairobi stretched her neck, inviting Mitch to be thorough. He noticed that she was no longer the shy girl that he had met in the airport and wondered what had changed.

Nairobi felt as if her past life had completely washed away in the bath that she had taken. She had a new life ahead of her with a man who so far had treated her far better than she could have ever wished for. She was going to do everything she could to return the favor. Mitch began drying her shoulders, then her arms, then down her back to her rear.

When he walked around to the front of her again she looked up at him, he could tell that she was getting cold, but he wanted to take his time and take in all of her body that he could. He slid the towel down her chest and over her breasts. As he rubbed against her nipples he heard her take a sharp breath. Mitch looked up at her, but only found approval on her face.

He slid the towel lower as he bent down onto his knees. He began drying her legs one at a time and then stood back up. Gently he placed the towel between her legs and a small moan escaped her lips.

“Have you ever been with a man,” Mitch whispered in her ear.

“No,” she said, shaking her head.

Mitch wrapped his arms around Nairobi, warming her with is body. He could feel her breasts pressing against his chest with each breath that she took. Nairobi slid her arms around his waist and laid her head on his chest. There was something about him that made her feel safe, something that made her feel as if she would always be cared for. She could not explain what she felt for him, but she was glad that she had not been bought by any evil, hideous man. She knew how lucky she was to have this man.

Mitch moved his hands down to the small of her back and pulled her close to him. She could feel his heart pounding and he could feel her shaking under his grip. Nairobi looked up at Mitch for just a second before he placed his lips on hers. She had never been kissed before. She had never imagined that a woman could be treated so wonderfully or that a man would be happy to be with her.

Her mother had told her stories of how the men in America treated women, how they saw women as their equals and did not do harm to them. Her mother had told her that, of course, there were evil men everywhere, but for the most part the men in America were protective of the women. Nairobi always thought that her mother was making up stories to make her want to go to America. Now she knew that her mother was telling the truth.

As Mitch kissed Nairobi gently she felt his tongue flicking at her lips, pressing into them, begging for entrance. Nairobi opened her mouth slightly, allowing him entrance. She felt his tongue as he began to explore her mouth. It caused her stomach to flip and feel as if butterflies were fluttering around inside of it. She had never felt that way before.

In South Africa men were not gentle with women. They took what they wanted and often times killed the women in the process. Many women ended up with diseases because the men saw them as nothing more than animals. They had many children as a result of the men forcing them to have sex with them and often times they were not able to feed them.

Nairobi knew how lucky she was that her mother had hid her away and that her mother had learned how to hide from the men as well. Her mother had suffered from complications when Nairobi was born, leaving her unable to have more children, but that did not stop her from contracting a disease, or from those men killing her.

Nairobi had never really realized just how lucky she was until she found herself in the arms of her future husband. She felt his hands slide down to her bottom and he began to squeeze it as he kissed her. Nairobi pulled back and looked up at him.

“When do we marry?” she asked. She knew that she was not as smart as he was but she was no fool. She knew that if she gave him what he wanted without being married, he could send her back to Africa and she never wanted to go back. Not after the little bit of her new life that she had experienced.

Mitch smiled at her. “Tomorrow if you like,” he said, not releasing her rear from his hands.

She placed her hands on his chest. “Then tomorrow,” she said, giving him a gentle kiss before pulling away again.

She could see the disappointment in his eyes, but she could also see the desire as he looked at her body before she slipped his oversized T-shirt over herself.

Mitch had one of his cooks prepare a simple meal for the two of them and they ate it in front of the television. He loved how everything seemed new to Nairobi and how amazed by everything she was. He sat back on the couch watching her as she sat on the floor in front of the television, staring at it with wide eyes.

He knew that she was going to bring simple joy back into his life. That night he wanted Nairobi to join him in his bed, but he understood from before how she felt about being married. He led her to the guest bedroom and made sure that she was comfortable before he turned out the light and made his way to his own room.

It took everything he had to stay in his own room that night. He did not get much sleep because all he could think about when he closed his eyes was Nairobi’s naked body standing in front of him. The next morning, Mitch got out of bed before the sun came up and was met by the housekeeper when he walked down the stairs. Nairobi’s outfit had been delivered late the previous night and she was not sure what to do with it.

Mitch told the housekeeper to place the dress inside of the guest room and allow her to sleep until she was ready to wake up. He made arrangements for the two of them to travel to Las Vegas so that they could be married. He considered giving Nairobi a large wedding, but decided against it since she would have no family there to support her.

Once they were married, he wanted to take her up into the mountains for their honeymoon to show her snow. He wanted her to see everything, he wanted to see that look of awe on her face as often as he could. He hoped that it would never go away, but he knew eventually she would become accustomed to her new life and she would lose that sense of wonder. He wanted to enjoy it while it lasted.

After a few hours Mitch could not wait any longer. He had the chef prepare breakfast for Nairobi and he took it to her room. He placed the tray on her bedside table before waking her. She gave him a smile that could not be faked. It was as if she was waking from a dream that turned into her real life.

Mitch kissed her on her forehead and gave her the tray of food. He told her to eat and prepared her dress for her. As he pulled it out of the box her eyes widened again. He could tell that she loved it. It was very colorful just like the dress she had worn the day before, but it was bright and clean, new, and all hers. She had never had a new dress. She had been lucky that her mother was able to find that material to make the dress that she did have.

She quickly ate her food, enjoying all of the new flavors, slid out of the bed, allowing her T-shirt to raise above her hips. When she saw Mitch looking at her, she smiled and lifted her shirt over her head and off of her body. She dropped the T-shirt on the floor and walked over to Mitch, kissed him gently on the lips, and then picked up her dress. She slipped it over her head, shaking her body to let it fall perfectly on her. Then she turned to look at Mitch.

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