After Dark: Chicago Fire (Science Fiction Anthalogies Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: After Dark: Chicago Fire (Science Fiction Anthalogies Book 2)
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Thank you for reading Book 2 – Chicago
Fire. This book is the second in the Science Fiction Anthologies and follows on
from ‘The Story Begins’, which as the title suggests is the beginning of Jeremy
Patten’s discovery of his unique powers, and provides an insight into his dream
world after dark!

As this book goes to print, Book 3 –
The Mystery of Highland Manor is already in concept and I would love to welcome
you as a reader of this ongoing series. The Bonus Chapter is Chapter 1 in the
first book and I hope you enjoy the introduction, and may feel compelled to
grab Book 1 for FREE and please thereafter write a review. Your comments will
be greatly appreciated.


‘Can I join
you for a coffee?’ Jeremy Patten politely asks Mrs. Nancy Dooley. The eighty
six year old lady looks up, smiles and replies in a softly spoken voice
‘Certainly’, nods at Jeremy and watches as he sits next to her carefully
placing his coffee cup and saucer on the table. Jeremy had occasionally shared
pleasantries with Nancy but never before had they sat and talked. It seemed
weird the Old Coffee Stop was never this quiet and Jeremy looks around noticing
that the pair essentially have the shop to themselves, providing even more
reason for Jeremy to comfort the old lady.

Jeremy has a heightened sense today
and places his little finger in his ear and shakes the eardrum trying to numb
the ringing of what seems like voices in his head. He dismisses it and focuses
on Nancy and enquires how she is. ‘So tell me Mrs. Dooley, how have you been
lately? It seems ages since I have seen you.’ Although as he speaks Jeremy
knows that he runs into Mrs. Dooley at least weekly sometimes more as they are
both regulars at the Old Coffee Stop, a coffee shop not far from where Jeremy
works as a lawyer and similarly only walking distance for Mrs. Dooley who lives
in an apartment on her own just around the corner.  ‘I have been OK, health
wise’, Nancy replies, ‘but it does get lonely and I do pine for the company of
my son and granddaughter.’ Jeremy is taken back, ‘Oh I didn’t know’ Jeremy
offers, trying to be both sorry but also surprised, as he had never spoken more
than half a dozen words to Nancy and really didn’t know that much about her.
Stumbling his words Jeremy asks ‘Well have you tried to make contact Mrs.
Dooley, I mean do you know where they both are?’ ‘Oh yes’, Nancy quickly
replies. ‘Well I know where my son is, he lives here in Chicago, although I
haven’t seen him in years and he doesn’t want to see me. And my granddaughter
well NO, I don’t know where she lives and I don’t even know her name.’ The old
woman looks ahead, her eyes glaze and she looks through Jeremy for just a
moment as she reflects upon what she has just said.

Jeremy again unwittingly places his
small finger in his ear and shakes it to numb the ringing of voices that seem
to invade his head. He reflects for a moment and is surprised at the
conversation he is hearing from Mrs. Dooley. She is clearly getting a lot of
feelings out in the open and Jeremy is flattered that she shares with him her
closest secrets, which until now he had no idea of. She seems emotional and
clearly there is some anger that the old lady has deep within, and that emotion
has been stirred but also surprisingly volunteered. Just as Mrs. Dooley places
a lighter bit of spin on things, declaring that her pet canary is her closest
friend, the pair turn and smile at the incoming Tara Shield. Tara looks lovely
as ever with her stunning long brunette hair, and as always is immaculately
dressed, something that hasn’t gone unnoticed by Jeremy every time he sees her.
Tara is wearing a tight black skirt, white top, high heels and has a beaming
smile as she enters the coffee shop.

Jeremy often exchanges smiles with
Tara, knows that she is a cashier at local Waterman’s Downtown store, but sadly
fears that she even knows who he is. Tara too is a regular customer at the Old
Coffee Stop although she has not been a regular as long as Jeremy or Mrs.
Dooley. Tara grabs her take away coffee smiles at Jeremy and Mrs. Dooley as she
leaves and heads down the street. Jeremy watches out the window until Tara is
almost out of view and quickly says goodbye to Mrs. Dooley and heads out the
door seeing Tara some short distance ahead.

Jeremy doesn’t really know why he is
following Tara although deep down there is an infatuation and he simply has a
desire to see her walk back to work. Then suddenly Jeremy is distracted.
‘Jeremy…..Jeremy’ he hears his name yelled loudly from over the road. It’s
Matthew Warren, Jeremy’s boss and he is excitedly crossing the road and heads
towards him. Jeremy turns to take one more glimpse of Tara and can’t believe
that she has vanished. Vanished, almost into thin air! He stops and stares down
the road in disbelief. Where did she go? He can’t believe it, there are no side
alleys or laneways and yet Tara clearly is not in sight. As he fixates on the
road she travelled, Matthew is now standing next to him and shakes his arm to
get Jeremy’s attention. ‘What’s wrong Jeremy? You look as though you have seen
a ghost’, Matthew laughs as he says it.

‘No, it’s OK’ adds Jeremy. ‘Anyway how
are you?’ he asks. ‘Well you see me every day so I suppose you would know if I
wasn’t OK’ Matthew again laughs as he finishes his sentence.  ‘Jeremy, walk
with me. My apartment is just down the road and it’s been a while since we have
caught up for a decent chat’, Matthew adds. As the two men walk Jeremy ponders
for a moment and thinks to himself that he has never been to Matthew’s
apartment. In fact whilst the two get on okay at work and Jeremy respects
Matthew as his boss, apart from a working relationship the two rarely catch up
and have never had a decent chat. The pair exchange pleasantries and idle
banter about nothing as they slowly walk to Matthew’s apartment.

Once inside Jeremy’s eyes dart around
the small interior and sitting room, taking in the nick knacks that adorn the
room, and admiring the large screen television mounted on the wall whilst
Matthew makes coffee. Matthew is aged thirty five and is ten years older than
Jeremy, but the pair get on well so age has never seemed important. Jeremy
looks around admiring the furniture and equipment that adorn the small but neat
apartment. He doesn’t really want another coffee but Matthew insists and so he
sits patiently while his boss makes coffee in the kitchen area just off from
the sitting room. ‘You know Jeremy I haven’t really shared with anyone before,
but being a Manager within a reasonable sized firm can be frustrating you
know’, Matthew pipes up as he finishes pouring the cups and yelling loud enough
for Jeremy to hear. As he walks in and places the coffee on the small table in
the sitting room Jeremy feels obliged to answer and politely adds ‘Well…er, NO
I didn’t really know that.’ Jeremy feels he has to politely offer some words of
encouragement albeit that he doesn’t really know what Matthew’s career
aspirations are.

Carter Gibson lawyers is an old and
established firm, and although Jeremy has been employed straight from
University and has been working as a lawyer for some two years he is still
pretty junior in what is a relatively large firm. Matthew his boss has always
been pleasant but is to a large degree guarded about his career aspirations, so
Jeremy is finding this sudden meet in the street, sit down and chat thing a
significant change to the relationship they enjoy. Jeremy enjoys the atmosphere
at Carter Gibson but there is a clear distinction between Partners, Senior
Partners, Managers and the rest that includes Jeremy, the law clerks and office
staff. Jeremy is happy to find his feet within the firm so he doesn’t really
concern himself greatly about promotion at this point. As Matthew sits in front
of Jeremy, he notices a different side to his boss. He notices that Matthew is
very anxious, very agitated. ‘You know Jeremy there are times when I really
wonder what I have to do to be noticed, what I have to do to be invited to take
that next step. Do you know what I am saying?’ Jeremy could do little more than
nod and be seen to be there for his boss, he thinks. It is difficult for him to
offer an opinion so Jeremy decides that he would nod, smile and offer
encouragement and support.

‘I feel that the only way I can be
noticed is to be involved in a big case. You know it’s all about money Jeremy,
all about the dollars that come in. That seems to be the only way that you get
noticed. That seems to be how the world works these days, doesn’t it?’ Matthew
adds.  Jeremy maintains his position of support by nodding, smiling and
appearing to be interested in everything that Matthew has to say. ‘You know
that dickhead Brian Topping. I mean what an absolute Wally he is. He told me
two years ago that it was just a matter of time and I would be welcomed as a
partner and that was fucken two years ago. Two years ago and still no change!’
Jeremy again just smiles; he really doesn’t want to add any commentary or
opinion where it relates to a Senior Partner, and certainly not anything about
Brian Topping who is almost as senior as anyone that Jeremy could think of.

There was little that Jeremy could add
and he waited an opportunity to excuse himself so that he could head home.
Matthew had calmed down seemingly getting all of his emotional baggage off his
chest. Now just staring around the room, Jeremy adds, ‘Well I best be off.’ No
sooner had he spoken and he is heading out the door with a pat on the back and
big thank you from Matthew for hearing him out. Jeremy politely nods and walks
down the street meandering and not really knowing where or why he is heading in
the direction he is. He again unwittingly places his small finger in his ear
and thrashes it around for a brief moment.     


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The Author

Mark Lee Ryan lives in Brisbane is
married, and has two adult children. A relatively new writer, Mark has long
held a desire to be an author but has procrastinated until NOW. His first book
‘After Dark – The Story begins’ is a Sci-fiction adventure recently released
and this book is the second in what will be a series of adventures to follow.

Mark is also a children’s book writer
and his first children’s book is similarly due for release in July 2016 and
titled ‘Sam Sam and Marzipan – The Cubby House’. A series of books revolving
around the central character are similarly planned to roll out.

With a background in finance and
banking Mark has enjoyed a number of Senior Management positions in banking
over a twenty six year career prior to establishing his own diverse Financial
Services business in 2003, which he continues to manage day to day when not
plotting his next book.

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