After Hours: Black Lace Classics (26 page)

Read After Hours: Black Lace Classics Online

Authors: Crystalle Valentino

BOOK: After Hours: Black Lace Classics
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‘All right then,’ she relented.

‘Oh, great.’ Jamie turned away from her to take his seat on the beanbag again. In so doing he displayed to Venny a fetchingly broad set of shoulders and an alluringly taut male bottom. As he dipped down to pick up his artist’s block, she got a flash of his anus, and his balls swung heavily. She felt herself starting to salivate – at both ends.

Down, girl, she thought. This is business. This is art.

Jamie had now taken up the sketch block and charcoal. He had flipped to a fresh page of paper and was looking up at her expectantly. Actually he needn’t have worried about the rag over the genitals, thought Venny. The sketch block more than covered his cock. Sadly.

Venny leaned over, grasped the hem of the pale pink shift dress, and pulled it up and over her head with one swift, smooth movement. She tossed it aside with her cardi, then turned and looked at Jamie, whose
eyes were out on stalks despite his efforts to appear the dispassionate artist.

She put her hands on her hips and glanced down her body. Well, she had to admit that the lacy balconette bra was quite something. She wasn’t exactly short in the tits department, and this well-constructed little purple gizmo made the very most of the curves she had. Her tits were hiked up to amazing heights by the bra, so that the upper curves of the big globes were very pronounced. Her nipples sat squarely on the lace-covered upper edge of the bra, half-revealed, half-covered. They looked like twin half-moons perched there, she thought, looking down at them. Jamie was looking up at them. He fidgeted awkwardly, and Venny shot him a secret smile. She guessed the rag was under a bit of strain.

Something devilishly provocative seemed to rise in her. She was in this situation, so why not enjoy it? She turned a little, placing one foot in front of the other to accentuate the long line of her legs and the elaborate cut-away edges of the pants she wore.

‘What do you think of these?’ she asked the squirming young man. ‘They’re new; do you like them?’

She turned around further to display the purple pants to him. She’d taken ages selecting them a few days ago while shopping with Dani and Flora. The pants, like the bra, were a work of art, a masterpiece of engineering. They were fastened at the sides with tiny bows, and cut away into a thong at the back – as Jamie was now beginning to appreciate – to showcase both silky buttocks.

‘They’re – um – great,’ said Jamie, a bit hoarsely.

Venny decided she was going to have a lot of fun with this. She strolled over in her high-heeled pink mules to Jamie’s beanbag and smiled innocently down at him.

‘The trouble is, the bows are very difficult to get undone,’ she said with a sigh. ‘Can you help, Jamie?’

‘Oh. Sure.’

Jamie put the block down on the floor. Venny glanced down; the rag was definitely under an acute strain. His cock was leaping about, trying to get out from under there. Decorously Jamie straightened his little square of concealment before reaching up to assist his model with her disrobing.

His fingers shook slightly as they plied the tiny ribboned bows. And he seemed puzzled that they were in fact quite easy to unfasten. He unfastened the right, then the left; coyly Venny caught the fabric at her crotch in one hand when the unfastened pants would have fallen away to the floor.

‘Whoops,’ she breathed. ‘Thanks, Jamie.’

‘That’s OK.’ He picked up the block again, swallowing awkwardly.

And to think that she had thought there was no shyness there, no boyish awkwardness! His tender years probably accounted for his overreaction to Dani’s playing around, Venny considered. At nineteen, it was easy to be obsessive – like a child with a favourite toy, unwilling to share. Maybe his problems had something to do with his impoverished background too. That couldn’t help. Poverty could easily make one hoard objects like
a manic magpie, even if those objects belonged to other people. And poverty could make anyone cling on to any sort of security with a sort of desperation. Dani had been Jamie’s only point of reference when he had first come to London from Scotland; and his fierce possessiveness where she was concerned was only natural, when you thought about it.

Venny had never thought about it before. She guessed that Dani had never thought about it at all. If she had, she would maybe understand Jamie a lot better – and treat him with more circumspection. Poor Jamie, thought Venny. She resolved that today was going to be fun for him too. He deserved some fun.

‘I suppose you want me to …?’ she asked, indicating the little scrap of fabric that constituted her pants. She was holding them in front of her crotch like a maiden protecting her virtue. From Jamie’s uncomfortable movements, she guessed that her reluctant virgin act was driving him wild with lust.

‘Um, yes. Sorry,’ he gulped.

‘No, don’t apologise,’ said Venny. ‘That was our agreement, after all.’

So saying, she let the little scrap of fabric drift to the floor. Jamie stared at the tender mound with its now lusher covering of toffee-coloured curls. Venny gave a girlish giggle.

‘Oh goodness, this feels so exposed,’ she said, wriggling her hips and putting a hand back over her mound. ‘So naughty. And I suppose you want my tits bare too?’

‘Please,’ whispered Jamie, dry-mouthed with wonder as he stared up at her – naked except for her fuck-me shoes and that outrageously sexy bra.

‘Well, you’ll have to just help me with the fastening, it’s quite stiff,’ said Venny. Just like you, she thought with an inward laugh. With apparent artlessness she turned her back to him. She could feel his eyes crawling all over her pearly nude buttocks and could feel her own wetness seeping from between her legs in sympathy for his arousal. She knelt down with her back to Jamie, and lifted up her hair. She was careful to sit with her abdomen pooched out a bit, to accentuate the lush inward curve of her back. One leg was tucked beneath her slit and getting damp as she felt Jamie’s fingers tentatively start to fumble with the bra’s back fastening. She rubbed her swelling clitoris lazily against her own leg, enjoying the pressure. She could hear Jamie’s breathing, harsh and shallow. God, he was ready. She hoped he didn’t shoot off too soon. She hoped she wasn’t overdoing this.

‘There,’ he rasped, having freed the catch of the bra. ‘It’s open.’

‘Thanks, Jamie.’ Venny stood up, unhooking the bra from each arm as she went. Turning back towards Jamie, she smilingly imparted, ‘You know, these things may look good but they aren’t very comfortable. Look how red my skin is beneath my tits from all that underwiring.’

She bent down to Jamie with her naked breasts dangling almost in his face, and lifted them up a little so
that he could see the faintly pink line the bra had left on the skin beneath them.

‘Yeah,’ said Jamie, looking dazed as he ogled her deliriously coral-coloured nipples, her full fleshy mounds, her rounded curves leading his eye down to that other mound, that secret mound dusted with hair the colour of burnt sienna and sporting beneath that a pair of fleshy lips that all too easily he could stick his tongue – or his cock – between. ‘Oh God,’ he moaned.

‘Will I do, then?’ Venny straightened as if totally unaware of the inner battle that was raging in the artist. She turned away from him and walked over to the stool. She hitched herself up onto it, her breasts swaying as she did so, and beamed brightly at him. ‘Is this how you want me?’ she asked, knowing full well that how he wanted her was on her back, right now, with her legs wide open and his cock buried up to the very hilt between them.

Still, he had some professional pride. Venny admired him for the way he bit back the extent of his passion and instead – somehow – managed to get his mind back on the job in hand.

‘That’s fine,’ he said, only sounding half-strangled now instead of completely unwound. He took up the block and started sketching her, a frown of very intense concentration on his face. Venny watched his penis bobbing up under its little fabric cover as he lifted the block to make some minor adjustment to her outline. Still as hard as ever, she noted with satisfaction. And
then, as he really got into the job and stopped thinking about wild and immediate sex, she saw the outline of his cock start to droop under the cover.

‘Oh, dear,’ she sighed.

‘What?’ Jamie looked up at her in surprise.

‘Your lovely cock’s going down,’ she pouted. ‘Can I help it stay up, Jamie? Should I maybe shake these for you: would that help?’

Venny stuck her chest out and gave a little shimmy; her breasts wobbled. She saw Jamie’s cock quiver and start to reassert itself more boldly.

‘That’s much better,’ she sighed happily, and sat still as he tried to reapply himself to the sketch.

There was silence in the studio for all of fifteen minutes, and then Venny started to feel stiff from sitting in one position.

‘Can I move now, Jamie?’ she asked.

‘Just a moment,’ he said, and scribbled furiously away at the sketch for another five minutes.

‘Now I’ve got to move,’ said Venny, and stood up and stretched with a luxurious groan.

‘All right.’ Jamie put the sketch block aside and stood up. ‘Thanks for being so patient,’ he said.

Venny’s eyes travelled down his body to where the little square of fabric concealed his manhood. She strolled towards him and deftly lifted it off. Still hard, she thought. Wow.

‘That’s a lovely cock, Jamie,’ she complimented him truthfully. Thoughtfully she ran a fingernail from the tip of his glans down over the shaft of his penis until she
reached his curly nest of golden hair. She tweaked his pubic hair playfully.

Later, she thought that touching his naked cock had been a little like unleashing a whirlwind. She had never actually been swept up in someone’s arms before, but she was now: swept up and whizzed across the room and summarily dumped on the tiny unmade brass bed in the corner of the studio. And she found that she was too ready for him to even worry about the state of the sheets. Jamie was all over her, kissing and biting and sucking with such a frenzy of released passion that for a few moments she felt nervous of him. And when he started to fasten her hands to the bedstead using her own bra and pants as bindings, she started to feel distinctly uneasy.

Oh, she loved a spot of bondage. She really did. But preferably with a lover she knew and trusted, and Jamie did not come into either category.

‘We ought to have a release word,’ she managed to pant out.

‘A what?’ Jamie was panting too, manhandling her limbs into a position where he could plunge his cock into her.

‘Release word. Or words. Something non-sexual, so that if either one of us wants to be untied at once, we just say that word, and it’s done.’

Jamie sat back on his heels between Venny’s legs and said distractedly: ‘Right. What word?’

‘Um.’ Venny thought frantically. Yeah, what word? Micky flashed into her brain, Micky and his buttock
tattoo. And Micky’s nicked blowtorch. ‘Naked flame,’ she said.

‘Naked flame.’ Jamie paused in the act of stroking her inner thighs. His sharp grey eyes held her green ones. ‘Isn’t that sexual? Naked?’

‘Not when applied to a flame,’ said Venny, squirming pleasurably beneath his touch. ‘Oh, keep doing that,’ she pleaded, straining against her bonds.

‘Right.’ Jamie gave a smile and concentrated his attention upon her soft inner thighs once again. To her surprise he suddenly sat back on his arse and pushed the heel of one large, well-shaped foot against her vaginal opening. It felt good. She moaned. It felt like an improbably huge penis trying to gain entry, and she was amazed by how stimulating the feeling was. She pumped herself enjoyably against his heel, and was quite sorry when he drew his dampened heel away; but other delights were in store. Jamie reversed his foot and pushed his big toe into her vagina instead of his heel. It penetrated more deeply, and while his big toe waggled away like fury inside her, his other toes tickled at her clit.

‘That’s good, don’t you think?’ gasped Jamie.

‘Mm,’ said Venny.

‘You know geishas?’

‘Not personally, no,’ panted Venny.

‘No, I mean, you know
geishas and what they could do with their feet? Those awful bound deformed feet that looked a bit like pigs’ trotters? Well, the front of the foot was pulled right down, and so was the back,
and that left a cleft in the middle where the instep should be.’

‘Oh, yuck,’ said Venny with a grimace of distaste. ‘Oh, yuck, yes, but the cleft was very handy. They used the cleft as another vagina. A man could slip his dick in there if the geisha had the curse or whatever, and get off just fine.’

‘You’re a mine of information,’ gasped Venny, discovering that a man’s big toe was actually a very useful thing to have around the place. ‘Do that a bit harder, Jamie. And that little toe, move it just a bit … oh, that’s better. That’s it.’

Venny was straining and pushing down onto his foot madly now, chasing the elusive tingle that forewarned of her climax. But again Jamie changed his position, removing his foot from her crotch and going back onto his knees between her legs.

‘I want a fuck now,’ he said brusquely.

‘Fuck away,’ said Venny obligingly, because right now that was exactly what she wanted, too.

Jamie pushed closer. Venny looked down between their overheated bodies and saw that he had another surprise in store. He had slipped what looked a bit like a condom over his cock, but it was something a bit more elaborate than that. Venny looked at it in trepidation. It was more like a large dildo, covering his cock. Now when had he put that on? she wondered. Sleight of hand seemed to be Jamie’s forte. It was bright red, about ten inches long, and covered in knobbly excrescences. She could see that it was quite a snug fit as it sat over his
penis; and she guessed it would feel pretty good once it got inside her, but for the moment she was a bit shocked by it. Should she call out the release words?

No, maybe not.

Why not try it and see if she liked it?

Jamie pushed his cock in its chunky vermilion covering down until the tip of the dildo was just nudging into her slit. He pushed his hips up towards her, and the thing sank deeper into her. The sensation was immediate and amazingly enjoyable. The knobbly growths all along its length gave an extra dimension to her sensitivity, stepping up the action by leaps and bounds until she was panting as if she’d just run a marathon, and straining against him to get the maximum amount of thrills from the encounter. She felt almost sorry for Jamie, because the thing was so thick and so long that he must be feeling very little with his penis trapped inside it.

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