After Sundown: Redemption (2 page)

Read After Sundown: Redemption Online

Authors: Eden Robins

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: After Sundown: Redemption
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“Did you get it all, my friend, or have you been in here the whole time, daydreaming about our beautiful new client?” Vlad asked as he walked into Christian’s office.

“I heard it. And I agree, she is quite attractive, but that’s not what worries me. Ms. Edwards is very independent and really doesn’t want to deal with us. I skimmed her mind lightly, as I’m sure you did and despite her fear over the situation, she was trying to figure out a way not to use our services, even as you walked her to her car and she drove away.”

“Nevertheless, she will use our service. Her publicist insisted and she has already given us a down payment.” Vlad smiled, before he turned serious again. “You have a new client, Christian. But please refrain from any more open displays like the one in my office earlier. We don’t want to scare our customers away. Our business has grown substantially in the last few years and we’re establishing a good reputation. I want to keep it that way.”

“Don’t worry. I’m sure Ms. Edwards and I will come to an agreement,” Christian said with a wicked smile.

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Vlad muttered, shaking his head. He placed a file on Christian’s desk, then turned to leave the room. “Take a look at Ms. Edwards’ file. She’s going to meet with you here at the office tomorrow night, so that you can go over procedure and layout. Her next speaking engagement is the night after next.”

“Thanks. Where are you off to in such a hurry?” Christian asked with a knowing grin.

Vlad stiffened and glared over his shoulder.

“You know perfectly well where I’m going. If I’m not at little miss princess’s house by a certain time, her daddy gets very unhappy,” he said with a grim smile. “And with the amount of money he’s willing to pay and his large crowd of friends that are just the kind of people who could be our future clients, I’m willing to speed up my pace a little. Dealing with his daughter, of course, is a totally different matter. I don’t know how much longer I’m going to be able to put up with her.”

“Good luck,” Christian snickered before his friend slammed the office door on his way out.

* * * * *

Alyssa drove through the drive thru, grabbing some Japanese fast food fromTeriyaki Now! Tokyo Express on her way home. Her apartment was finally starting to feel like home again. After being gone for so long, it was hard to settle back into her place. As she set her keys and food down on the counter, a big black fur ball jumped onto the kitchen table and meowed loudly.

“Finally forgiven me, huh?” she asked, petting her cat. When she scratched his head, he closed his eyes and began purring loudly.

“I missed you too, Jonathan, but this speaking tour was something I needed to do. I know Aunt Joyce took good care of you while I was gone. You certainly don’t look deprived,” she added, stroking his substantial belly. In response, he turned and gave her hand a little nip.

“Okay, so I’m not totally forgiven. How about some dinner?”

Alyssa opened a can of cat food and poured it into Jonathan’s bowl, then set it on the floor by his water. He jumped off the table and sniffed his food. She sat down, pulled her dinner out of the bag and began to eat. When she was about halfway through, Jonathan jumped back onto the table and sat down in front of her. He waited patiently, watching her chew each bite and occasionally sniffing the air.

“No. The vet said I have to stop giving you treats. I know teriyaki chicken is your favorite, but I can’t do it,” she explained.

Jonathan meowed sharply, then proceeded to pace on the table in front of her.

“Nope. I’m not giving in this time. You need to be healthier,” she said firmly.

Jonathan stopped and emitted a small pitiful meow, then lay down on the table and rolled over onto his back. All the while he watched her eat.

“No, I can’t—”

The doorbell rang at that moment and Alyssa got up to answer it. Jonathan let out one more meow and she gave up.

“Fine. Here’s the rest. I’m done anyway.” She set the bowl in front of him before walking to the door.

She started to open it and then remembered what had happened the night before. She needed to be more cautious, make safer choices. She peeked through the peephole and then opened the door wide.

Her Aunt Joyce breezed inside.

“Hi. Jonathan and I are just sharing our dinner, again,” Alyssa explained.

“I thought he’s on a diet?” Her aunt hiked one eyebrow.

“He is, but I figured a little chicken wouldn’t hurt him.”

“Honey, ‘a little chicken’ is what got him where he is in the first place. Admit it, Jonathan is one spoiled cat and you’d be unhappy without him.”

“He was a stray
found, end of story. He had no place else to go. And what am I supposed to do? He has to eat,” Alyssa replied.

“And he has to have his special kitty bed, his kitty blanket, his kitty toys, his fish shaped bowl and don’t forget his little kitty sweater for those especially cold days when you take him for a walk in his kitty halter leash. That cat is one of the most spoiled animals I have ever met,” her aunt complained.

“He was so incredibly difficult while you were gone, Alyssa. He didn’t want to eat, didn’t want to use his litter box and didn’t want to take his daily walk. I had to feed him like a baby and carry him around outside, just so he could get his fresh air. Honestly, I don’t know how or why you put up with him,” her aunt complained.

Alyssa smiled. She knew that despite all the complaining her aunt was doing, she absolutely adored Jonathan.

“I’m sorry he was such a bother. Thanks for taking care of him for me while I was gone. I don’t know what I would have done without you.” Alyssa hugged her aunt.

“I was glad to do it for you, Aly,” her aunt replied softly, hugging Alyssa tightly before pulling away and taking her niece’s face in her hands. “Let me look at you, girl. You were gone too long. I missed you.”

“I missed you too, Aunt Joyce.” Alyssa smiled. “Now come into the kitchen with me and we’ll have some tea.”

Alyssa poured two glasses of iced tea and sat down across from her aunt at the kitchen table. The kitchen was one of her favorite rooms in the apartment. She had decorated it with yellows and light blues, as well as some plants, to make it warm and inviting. She loved sitting at the table chatting with friends and family. It was one of the things she and her mother had done when Alyssa was a child. Though her mother was now dead, she still enjoyed the tradition.

Her aunt stayed for a short time. They talked about Alyssa’s trip and her appointment at Sundown Security.

“So you’re meeting with Mr. Galiano again tomorrow?”

“Yes, we’re supposed to go over plans for my last few motivational talks. He’ll suggest some ways to secure each location,” Alyssa replied.

“It sounds like this man knows what he’s doing. That’s good. I don’t want anything to happen to you. If you’re obligated to finish your tour, at least I’ll have the comfort of knowing you’ll be safe.”

“Hmmm,” Alyssa replied noncommittally.

She really didn’t want to think about how safe she might be with the arrogant Mr. Christian Galiano. But later on, after her aunt left and Alyssa lay in her bed, her thoughts kept wandering back to him. The rest of the night she tossed and turned, dreaming of dangerous attackers and a handsome, mocking stranger saving her each and every time.

By morning her dreams had her completely irritated with Christian. She didn’t know how she could possibly wait until evening. She just wanted to get everything clarified and organized in her mind so that she could concentrate on other things.

Like her upcoming speaking engagements. No matter how many times she spoke in front of a crowd, she always needed to prepare. Once she had done enough preparation, she had no trouble speaking in front of large groups of people. Millions even, as she had done when she appeared on The Good Day Show with Ellie Tyler. She had watched Ellie for years and felt comfortable with her. But the fact that so many people were going to be watching the interview worried her, so she had prepared extensively for it. By the time she went on TV, she felt ready and answered each question appropriately.

Despite the fact that the she had a lot of work to do, the day dragged on forever. Before sunset, Alyssa was already in her car, heading into downtown Phoenix, on her way to meet Christian. She pulled into the parking lot just as the sun was disappearing over the horizon. She enjoyed the scene for a few minutes. Arizona sunsets were incredibly beautiful and this one was no exception. The pinks and oranges that streaked across the sky seemed too bright to be real. It was almost as if someone had painted them there. When the colors faded and twilight fell, she got out of her car and headed for the Sundown Security office. She knocked on the door, but no one answered so she tried the lock. It was open. Slowly, she twisted the knob and pushed the door inward.

“Oh good, dinner. Just in time too, I’m famished.”

Alyssa stopped short in the doorway. The woman standing inside didn’t look friendly. In fact, she looked downright unfriendly. Alyssa slowly counted to five. She just wasn’t in the mood for this.

“Look, you’ll have to find your own meal. I’m not here to deliver dinner,” Alyssa said irritably. “I’m here for an appointment.”

“Who said anything about delivering dinner, my dear? You
dinner.” The woman smacked her lips, giving Alyssa a leer that revealed sharp, elongated teeth. When she strode forward, Alyssa retreated backwards through the doorway, her heart pounding in sudden alarm.

Chapter Two


This wasn’t good. There was something not right, something strange about this woman.
Fear replaced the irritability Alyssa had been feeling only moments before. This stranger meant her harm. The urge to turn and run was strong, but Alyssa somehow sensed that she would never make it. She just kept slowly backing up out the door and into the parking lot. Just as the woman was about to reach her, Alyssa bumped into something solid. Swinging around she saw Vlad Maksimovitch standing there. Without looking down at her, he gently pulled Alyssa behind him.

“Bazhena, it’s been too long. What brings you here?” Vlad asked the woman.

“Hello, Vlad. I was in the area and thought I’d stop by. It has been a long time hasn’t it? At least four hundred years by last count. Of course it’s still not long enough for me to forgive you for that little misunderstanding we had.”

Despite the fact that the conversation seemed pleasant and mundane, Alyssa felt the emotional undercurrents all around her. These two people hated each other. She was sure of it.  Four hundred years, had she heard that right?

“Bazhena, you killed someone I cared about. And I tried to kill you because of it. I’d call that more than a little misunderstanding, wouldn’t you?”

“Whatever, Vlad. You just hold onto your little human moral code and I’ll do my own thing. Now if you’d turn over that delectable little morsel behind you I might be willing to forgive you.”

Alyssa stiffened in fear. This strange woman was talking about her like she was a piece of meat. What was going on here? She peeked around Vlad and found Bazhena’s gaze slide immediately to hers. She leered at Alyssa and smacked her lips again.

“Come out, sweet, I only want a little taste.”

“You touch her and you’ll be walking into the sunlight sooner than you planned,

Alyssa swung around and saw Christian striding towards them. Fury made his eyes glow and his muscles bunch rigidly with each step he took. He looked like a dangerous predator Alyssa wouldn’t want to be the wrong side of. He walked right up to Bazhena and towered over her. She seemed unconcerned even though her petite size was no match for his. Her mouth had hung open in shock when she first saw Christian. But she smiled in amusement now as he towered over her. Alyssa noticed Bazhena’s smile never reached her cold eyes.

“Cristobal! I truly never expected to see you again. What are you doing here?”

“He works with me,” Vlad interjected.

Bazhena looked back and forth at the men with an amused smile.

“The two of you are friends? How droll!” Bazhena laughed in a way that sent chills up and down Alyssa’s spine.

Bazhena was incredibly beautiful. Her red, formfitting mini-dress clung to her in all the right places. She was petite, maybe five-feet three-inches tall. Her shapely body perfectly matched her height. She had golden hair that hung in loose shiny waves down her back. Her eyes were the blue of a crystal clear summer sky. Full lush lips that were the deep dark red of cherries contrasted with her almost alabaster skin. Except for the two, long, sharp incisors sticking out below her top lip, most men she knew would drool all over this woman. Vlad and Christian acted as if she disgusted them. She definitely needed some orthodontic work, but that didn’t account for the look of repulsion on both men’s faces. Who was this woman?

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