Against the Tide (36 page)

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Authors: Nikki Groom

BOOK: Against the Tide
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“No, Torran knows I won’t be in.”

“Dude hates me,” I mumble.

“Yeah, he does because you were an arsehole to me. He’ll be cool when I explain everything.”

“If you say so.”

“Want to spend the day together?” she asks with such innocence to her voice.

“Yes, I would love to spend the day with you, Megan Randall.”

“Why are you second naming me? Weirdo,” she giggles.

“I don’t know,” I shrug and huff out a laugh. “Just wanted to test out your full name. And less of the weirdo, freak.”

“Freak?” she squeals. “Yeah, you’re right. But you’re a freak like me.”

“Maybe.” I shake my head at her. “I need to go home and shower, want to come with? We can get some lunch after, and then I really need to go and sort out Harley’s place if the police will let me in.”

“Sure, I’ll come.”

“This is your mum’s place?”

“Yep.” We walk up the steps and I open the door, scanning the hallway for anything that might be out of place. I’m just a little concerned that if Damien had something to do with Harley last night, he could have come here too. But it all seems fine.

Meg stands at the top of the steps and turns to look at the view. “You can see for miles from here. It’s a fantastic view.”

“You should see it from the balcony upstairs, it’s pretty stunning. Just like you.” I wrap my arms around her from behind and nuzzle into her neck. She smells amazing, feminine and sweet, which just makes me want to taste her skin, all over. This is what happy feels like.

She places her arms on top of mine and hugs me closer to her, leaning her head back and breathing out with a little moan.

“If you’re going to make little noises like that, we need to get off the front step.”

I turn us around and direct her into the house with my hands still on her waist. Once we are inside, I kick the front door closed behind me and throw my keys on the telephone table. I quickly poke my head around the door of Mum’s room as we pass; everything is in its place. No one’s been here, I relax.

“Can I get you a drink, Meg?”

“Coffee?” she asks.

“Decaf?” I fire back at her. I know what she’s trying to do and it won’t get past me.


“Get used to it, sweetheart. This little baby is going to be the best kept baby in town.” I rub my hand across her stomach, still amazed that my little person is growing away in there.

“The best kept baby?”

“You better believe it,” I say proudly. Other than Mum or Lizzie, the only thing I’ve ever had to be proud of is my bike. Now I’d happily sell Jezebel for Megan and the baby, but I won’t tell her that just yet. “Decaf coming up.”

I make coffee for Megan and me, making decaf for myself too as it’s only fair. I check the windows and back door while I’m in the kitchen. Something niggles me about how Harley was so badly beaten, and even though I know the extent of his injuries, I don’t know who, or how many there were. There had to be more than one to do so much damage. Best thing I can do is keep this place as secure as possible, and be alert. The rest is out of my control. I type out a quick text to Kyle while I’m waiting for the kettle to boil.

Me: My place in 2 hours. Can you make it?

Kyle: Yep.

He’s clearly a man of few words, unless it’s to hook up with girls, then he has
the words.

“Is Jamie’s house safe, Meg?” I ask, passing her a mug of coffee.

“Um, yeah, as safe as anywhere else. Why, what are you worried about?

“I don’t know. Would Damien go there to see you?”

“Not sure.” She shrugs. “Maybe.”

“Then when we leave here, we need to go and make sure Jamie knows what’s going on. I need to check over your locks.”


“Unless … unless you want to come and stay here, until everything settles down?”

“I wouldn’t want to leave Jamie on her own.” She chews her lip ring, and I’m glad that she doesn’t give me a flat out no. The thought of having her here is a comforting one and not only that, as the baby grows and starts to move, I want to be around for it. It’s something I’ll work on.

“Want to see the view from the balcony?”

“You asking me up to your room?” She gives me a cheeky eye brow waggle which makes me laugh.

“Would you say no if I invited you up to my room?”

“You’d have to ask me to find out the answer to that one, Finn.” Her voice grows husky, and I’m not sure how long I can do this dance for before I push the gentleman aside. I stalk slowly towards her, already feeling heat rushing from her body.

“Meg, put your coffee down,” I tell her with a seductive edge to my voice.

“Oooo-kay,” she says slowly, looking at me with a glint in her narrowed eyes. I place my hand behind her back and hold on to her shoulder before dipping and scooping her up in my arms. She screams, then giggles, holding on to me tightly around my neck. She’s so tiny, and fits so comfortably in my arms.

“You’re coming to my room,” I tell her while carrying her through the hallway.

“I guess I am.”

“Glad you know who’s boss.”

“Oh, really? You’re the boss?”

“Yes.” I wink at her expecting to be given a smile in return. But her eyes glow with an inner passion and she places her palm gently on my cheek, drawing my lips to hers and kissing me hard.

I take her up the stairs, loving that she’s small enough that I can carry her with ease, and I go straight to my room, placing her gently on the bed. She lays back, her arms resting on either side of her head and her dark hair fanning wildly. We exchange a heated perusal of each other, lingering eyes, and quickened breaths. “Fuck, you are seriously hot, Meg.” She laughs freely, which makes her even sexier. I throw my leg over her thighs and straddle her.

“You don’t have to use your chat up lines on me, you know?”

“I don’t use chat up lines, Meg,” I reply seriously because right now all I can think about is being inside of her.

“Oh,” she whispers, before sucking in her lip ring and looking up at me with those big blue eyes. I press my palms in to hers, joining our fingers and sliding them upwards so our bodies are stretched and touching at every curve. This is more than sexual desire. I want to be in her. I want to be with her, and I want her to be all mine. I lightly kiss the pulsing hollow at the base of her throat and she arches her back, letting out a little whimper when she breathes. “Finn …” she says, softly grinding her pelvis up in to mine.

“Mmmmm. Yes, sweetheart?” I groan against her skin and brush kisses up her neck.

“You’re wearing too much.”

I laugh in her neck and quickly release her hands before sitting back up. I peel my jumper off, still straddling her waist. But when I glance back down, she’s frowning.

“What’s up?”

“You’re still covered in blood,” she says quietly, looking at my t-shirt.

“Okay.” I hop off her in one swift move and hold out my hand. “Come here.”

She takes it and stands up, and I lead her over to the window. “Admire the view. I’ll be two minutes, time me.” I peck her on the cheek and run to the bathroom, stripping off my t-shirt as I go.

“Finn,” she calls out with a giggle.

“Two minutes,” I yell back.

I flick on the shower before I even take off my jeans, hoping it warms up faster than usual. By the time I’m stripped off and hop in, it’s almost warm. I gasp as the water hits my chest, but it feels good to finally get clean after last night. I wash in record time, and forget about having a shave, there’s no time for that. I said two minutes and I’ll be true to my word. I do however, peel off the dressing that’s covering my nipple. It’s a bit red, but not as sore as I thought it would be, so I let the water run over it before I flick the shower off and hop out. I can’t get back to her fast enough, and I look around for a towel. “Shit,” I mutter under my breath. No clean towels in the bathroom, just a hand towel which isn’t big enough to wrap halfway around my waist.

I come out of the bathroom with a smirk on my face and my hand over my groin, and when I get back to the bedroom, Meg is still admiring the view from the window.

“Small problem,” I say. She turns to face me with a smile, which drops slowly and her eyes widen in amusement when she sees that I’m naked.

She lets her eyes roam over my body, and I drop my hand to the side, giving her a better view. “Oh, uh, I wouldn’t say that’s a small problem, Finn.” We move toward each other slowly, seductively, and when we meet in the middle I raise my hand to touch her face but hesitate for a second. I want her to know I’m not rushing this. I’d have to have a few more cold showers, but I’d wait, as long as she needed me to. She places her palm softly on my chest and looks up at me with hooded eyes.

I slide my hand slowly past her temple and in to her hair before lowering my head unhurriedly and inching our lips closer together. When we’re just a whisper from touching she pulls me in to her and our mouths crash together, our teeth clash and our tongues fight passionately with each other. It feels like I’ve waited so long to taste her like this. She kisses me with everything she has, and I give it all right back.

wearing too many clothes,” I rasp desperately against her hungry mouth and her hands stop their exploration of my chest before she tears off her tight tee revealing a white lace bra, the entire time keeping her eyes fixed to mine. Urgent moans mingle between us as we alternate devouring each other’s mouths and getting her clothes off so she’s as naked as me. She pulls back just long enough to unclasp her bra and lets it slide down her arms and drop to the floor. “Shit,” I gasp. “You’re pierced too.” She stands proud, pushing her chest forward ever so slightly to tempt me. I run my fingertip lightly over the little silver bar that cuts through her pink nipple and it tightens under my touch. “I said you were seriously hot.” She smiles but doesn’t comment and starts to unbuckle the belt on her jeans, but it’s all happening too fast. “Wait,” I pant. “Just wait.” I tuck my hands under her arms and lift her. She automatically wraps her legs around my waist, just the perfect length to fit closely around me. I walk us to the bed and lay her back carefully. She smiles up at me as I stand at the foot of the bed and admire her half naked body. “You’re so perfect,” I tell her, leaning forward to stroke my hand over her belly, before unbuttoning her jeans. I tug them down just far enough that I can see the top of her white lace panties. I lean down and kiss slowly along her stomach, just above her pants, from left to right. Light kisses that make her skin prickle under my lips.

“Finn, you’re taking too long.” She squirms, wriggling her hips.

“You don’t like me kissing you, Meg?”

“I love you kissing me, but I can’t wait, please Finn.”

“I love that you don’t mind begging, sweetheart, but we’re not rushing this. Not now.”

“But I want you.”

“Oh, Meg, I want you too. But we’ve done fast and furious and now we are doing this slow and steady.” I lick her stomach, kissing as I go, from just under her belly button right up to the middle of her breasts. “I’ll take all day and night if that’s what it takes for me to show you how beautiful I think you are,” I whisper against her skin and she lets her head fall back. When I take one of her delicate pink nipples into my mouth, she gasps and arches her back, pushing her chest further in to me. I flick at the little bar with my tongue, and it knocks against my teeth. I tug gently, then suck hard. She plunges her hands into my hair, grasping tightly and pulling me closer to her.

“I can’t do slow, Finn,” she whimpers, and I laugh.

“You’re not making this easy for me to savour you, Meg.”

“I’m sorry,” she pants. “But I want you, Finn. I want you so badly it hurts.”

“You’re so impatient.” I know exactly how she feels, but I don’t want this to be over in two minutes, which it will be if she keeps pulling and tugging at me. I love that she can unashamedly let her inner animal out. “I want to try something with you, but tell me if you’re uncomfortable, okay?”

She nods and I kiss her stomach quickly before jogging to the door and pulling the tie off my robe which is hanging on the hook. I walk back to her slowly, eyeing her body, picturing her tied and at my mercy. She raises her brow at me quickly, then flashes a grin of approval.

“Scoot up the bed,” I order. She complies immediately which makes me even harder just thinking about what I can do to her. I kneel on the bed. “Give me your hands,” I say confidently. She holds out her hands in front of me, palm up, and I tie a figure eight before securing them together. “That too tight?”

“No,” she whispers.

“You done anything like this before?” I freeze as soon as the words leave my mouth. I don’t want her to have done this before, and the thought of her letting someone else do this to her, makes me feel physically sick, so I’m not sure that I should have asked.

“No, I haven’t.”

Phew. Thank God for that. “You just tell me if you want to be untied, or if it’s too tight, okay? You trust me?”

“Yes, and yes,” she answers with certainty. Her eyes sparkle with excitement.

“Good. Maybe you can just surrender and let me make you feel fucking amazing. Lay down.” She does immediately and even raises her hands above her head. I loop the tie through the wooden slats in the headboard, tying a loose knot. Just enough to hold her still but not enough to restrain her too hard. I’ve never done this before either, never even had the thought that I wanted to do this to anyone, but I want to explore everything with her. I want to savour her, and I can’t do it with her impatience. I hop off the bed and stand at the foot to admire her naked and trussed up body. My hand automatically drifts down to my cock, and I take myself in my palm, stroking slowly.

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