Akasha 4 - Earth (35 page)

Read Akasha 4 - Earth Online

Authors: Terra Harmony

Tags: #new adult, #magic, #wicca, #eco, #Paranormal, #elemental, #element, #Romance, #Fantasy, #action adventure, #epic

BOOK: Akasha 4 - Earth
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"There," she said, climbing down the
ladder. She surveyed the rest of the decorations then smiled at me.
"For the celebration of new beginnings."

I managed to smile back, then took my
leave. Turning down the alley toward the entrance to the One Less
camp, I stopped short. Two cars blocked the entire alleyway,
sitting side by side, leaving an only very narrow space for
passage. A guard stood on top of each of the cars, along with
several in front. Each of them had their weapon pointed at

I did the only thing I could do. I
raised my hands in the air.

"State your name and your business,"
one of the guards demanded, stepping forward.

"Lucy. Lucy Evermore." I pointed to
the blue band on my arm.

"Check the list."

One of them lowered their barrel and
began flipping through papers; probably some of the same papers I
had drafted myself weeks ago.

My mind raced. What had happened? Had
they found out about Micah's crew?

The shuffle of papers ceased. "She's
on it."

I lowered my hands and stepped

"Just a minute, you." The guard
lowered his weapon and closed the distance between us. "Where were
you last night? Everyone was accounted for once we went on
lock-down. No one has been allowed to leave yet."

"Where I was, is none of your
business," my tone was low and even.

"I've got orders to bring anyone found
outside the camp straight to Shawn."

My entire chest constricted, though I
kept my eyes locked on his. He said no more.

Is he giving me an
If he wasn't, he'd already have me in

I forced my lungs to take in air. "I
don't like to be locked in; spent too much time in

He narrowed his eyes, peering at my
face tattoo. "You're that Earth – the one that killed the wild

I paused, then nodded.

His face broke into a smile. "Shawn
doesn't have to know. I think we can work something out." He put
his arm around me, leading me deeper into the alley.

I shoved it off. "I'm not going to go

He laughed. "Neither am I,

"Then what is it you want?"

"You’ll be my entry into tonight's dog


A Promise


"A dog fight?" Erika choked on her

"Yeah – I got caught outside after the
lockdown. I think it is the only way the guards won't turn me in.
Unless you can pull a few favors?"

She shook her head. "My reach only
goes so far. And the guards have gone all chauvinistic on me. Been
turning away all my requests, even if it gets sent through someone

"What about you, Clay? Aren't you the
head guard or something?"

He put down his breakfast plate,
wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve. "Not since I lost all
the prisoners. But Kait—" He paused glancing at Erika. "Er,
Lucy….have you ever been to a dog fight?"

"You mean like with pit

Erika slapped her forehead with her

Clay took a deep breath.
are the

"You mean I have to fight?" My stomach
flipped. "Another person?"

"Usually a Fire. Not too many other
Elementals volunteer." Erika looked at me. "I imagine you'll
attract quite the crowd. Being an Earth, and all. Not to mention
the fact you’re already famous."

"Will Shawn be there?" I started
picking apart my roll; I was no longer hungry.

"Shawn doesn't know about the dog
fights. They’re underground, so to speak."

I snorted. "That should give me an

Clay jumped in. "But there are usually
dozens of each type of Elemental in attendance."

I caught his meaning. I wouldn't be
able to use any of the other elemental powers, not even for a
shield. People would notice. I set down my plate and rubbed my
temples. "I don't want to go in blind. Erika – can you find out
where the fight is going to be tonight?"

She nodded and stood. "I'm on

"And also who I'm fighting…" I called
after her.

A few people looked my way with raised

I waited until she left, and lowered
my voice, "Clay – when she finds out where it is, I'll need to know
what’s underneath. If it's slate, sand, or whatever."

He nodded, looking around. "Where is
Micah? He might have some insight into this."

"Micah is…indisposed, and probably
will be the rest of the day. It's better he doesn't know about this
– he'd never let me do it. And if I don't, they'll turn me in." I
swallowed the rest of my breakfast. "Should I walk away from this,
Clay? I mean, is it worth keeping my secret? I could just, you
know, hide out with Micah until we're ready."

Clay shrugged. "Winning one of these
fights pretty much makes you a God among Fires. If you're trying to
get Elementals on your side, this is how to win the flamers

I smiled. "Flamers?"

He laughed, but lowered his voice,
"They hate being called that." Clay cleared his throat. "Seriously,
though…I've seen a few of these fights, Kaitlyn. Nobody walks away,
well, um…pretty."

I stood, glancing down at him with a
wry smile. "Since when has pretty ever been on my priority


* * *


I spent the rest of the day working in
the gardens. Both Erika and Clay came to me several times with bits
of information. I absorbed it, working through a plan in my head
while weeding, raking, and picking. The monotonous work was a
welcome distraction from everything. From the dogfight and the
black braids. I was not sure I could go back, and risk running into
that girl again.

Not going back won't go
over well with Micah.

Dusk came sooner than I was able to
calm my nerves. I worked until the garden area was empty. Finally,
I stood, taking a deep breath. The energy rush gained from being
with Micah last night was already waning.

I turned and walked out of
the gardens, past the eating area, keeping my eyes steady toward
the Tivoli Center. Halfway in between 16
Street and the amusement
park, the former college student union building was easy to find. A
smoke stack jutted up out of the building, with 'Tivoli' painted
down the side.

I approached one of the doors, trying
not to glance toward the amusement park and Micah's observation
tower. Two guards stood at the top of the steps. I paused, pushing
my short hair back behind my ears. Certainly my face tattoo was
recognizable – Lucy, the woman who killed the wild dog. I was
adjusting the blue band at my bicep when I heard a whistle from
around the corner of the building.

I peered into the dark, until a woman
stuck her head out. Natasha. She motioned for me to join

I ran over. "Is it Micah?" I

She nodded.

"What – what happened?"

She took my hand, pulling me deeper
into the shadows of two buildings, and straight into

I swallowed.

Goddamnit – this isn't
going to help me right before a fight. I can't be Kaitlyn right

He put his hands on my shoulders. "I
know what you're about to do."

I tried to step back, but his hold
tightened. I sighed. "You can't change my mind about this, Micah.
And you can't stop me."

"Don't you think I know that?" he
hissed back. He pressed his lips together, then took a deep breath
through his nose. He lowered his voice, annunciating each word, "I
know that better than anyone."

"So what are you doing

He glanced at Natasha, who had her
back to us, giving us pseudo-privacy. "I can't go in there; it's
invite only. But I want to give you a recharge."

"No!" I squeaked.

He put his hand over my mouth. I bit


Natasha turned. "Shh!"

Micah examined his hand.

"It is a miracle you’re even standing
right now, Micah – I'm not going to take anything else from

"I don't matter right now."

His words stung, but I didn't

He continued, "Let me help you, the
only way I know how."

"We figured out a way to give most of
his energy back," Natasha said, taking a step toward us. "It’s a
group effort, but we can do it."

She gestured behind me. I turned to
see a dozen women, all I recognized from Micah's camp, standing
toward the end of the Tivoli center.

"We'll take him back to the tower, and
do it there," Natasha said.

I narrowed my eyes.

"Not that, Kaitlyn." Micah rolled his
eyes. "Remember what I said? She's like a Medwin."

I tried not to look at Micah. I felt
the weight of his eyes, willing me to see it his way. I cleared my
throat. "Is it safe?"

"The more that participate, the safer
and easier it is." Natasha kept her face neutral, but I caught the
tick at her mouth.

I crossed my arms. "Fine. Let's do
this." I turned back to Micah. "But I'm only taking a little. Just
enough to—"

Micah's lips pressed against mine,
cutting me off. I stumbled back as he pushed forward. We finally
collided against the brick wall, and he pinned me against

"Micah, wait."

I didn't want to do it here – in the
open and in front of Natasha.

His hands snaked down my waist and to
the inside of my thighs.

I yelped.

He immediately covered my mouth with
his again. "We can't have that happening." I felt his lips curl up
in a smile. He pulled on the blue band at my arm, removing

"What are you doing?" I whispered,
looking around him for Natasha. I caught her silhouette
disappearing around the corner where the large group had

He pulled the stretchy band over my
head, positioning it in between my teeth. It wasn't going to muffle
any moans, but damn – it felt sexy.

He pulled back my hair, and whispered
in my ear, "The Great Rite works several different ways. As long as
we are both aroused, there can be an energy exchange." One of his
hands unzipped my pants. "I'm aroused Kaitlyn – are

My eyebrows rose. I couldn't answer
that. Not very well, anyway.

He shimmied my pants down past my
hips, all the way to my ankles. I gripped the loose fabric of his
shirt, ready to pull him up in case someone rounded the corner.
When his fingers went to the elastic line of my panties, I

"Shh," he said. "What? You think it's
my turn to undress?"

I nodded.

"I told you, there is more than one
way to do this."

And I'm sure we'll get to
all of them, whether I like it or not
. He
was so stubborn sometimes – though I wasn't putting up much of a
fight. Who would?

He tugged, and I was bare from waist
to knee.

"We don't have a lot of time, so I'll
just get right to the point." Micah stood, rubbing up against me;
he was already hard. My hands went to his buckle.

He caught me at the wrists. "No, no,
no. I'm in charge tonight. Don't make me tie you up." He lifted my
wrists above my head, pinning them with one large, viselike hand.
His other hand slithered down my torso, leaving a path of goose
bumps, until he reached my outer thigh.

My whole body tensed as he made small
circles with the tip of his finger, slowly working his way in
between my legs. With each circle, my heart beat harder, rising
into my throat.

I thought he was going to
get to the point?

On cue, his finger traced my opening.
Back and forth, back and forth. I tried giving him better access
but my legs were shackled by my own clothing. It was pure

"Stay still." His tongue darted in and
out of my ear once, then again. "Just waiting for…"

He swished his finger once, the sweet
sound of liquid accompanying the movement. "…that."

He thrust his finger inside me. I
threw my head back in ecstasy, the rough brick catching strands of
hair. His lips moved to my exposed neck. He withdrew his hand,
tracing me again.

"Don't stop," the words came out
slurred and muffled.

"I don't know Kaitlyn – seems like I
give and give and give. Seems I need something in return." His
mouth moved lower, closer to my nipple.

I groaned. "Anything, just…do it

"Anything?" He paused.

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