Akira Tong for Christmas (17 page)

Read Akira Tong for Christmas Online

Authors: Azure Boone

Tags: #multicultural, #Contemporary, #erotic romance, #BDSM

BOOK: Akira Tong for Christmas
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“Yes, yes. I will inform him that you are here.” She seemed relieved as she got on the phone. A Japanese conversation ensued while Anna drummed her nails lightly on the counter, taking in the lavish yet sterile decor. I rocked on my boot heels, hands clasped behind my back.

I nearly choked when Nobu came out. His eyes zeroed in on Anna, thank God. “Welcome to Tong Enterprises.” Anna’s expression was priceless. Her dream come true approaching. She held out her hand, and of course he took it and kissed it. “You are most welcome. Please, come and refresh yourselves.

Akira will join us momentarily. I’m sure he will be pleased to meet you again, Miss…”

“Anna. Anna James.”

“Lovely name.”

Lord, what a pair. Let the flirting begin.

Anna spun. “This is my assistant, Mr. Reese.”

I nodded once. “Pleasure.”

I don’t think his eyes left Anna’s breasts for more than a split second. And the sweet smile on Anna’s face, and the erect way she held herself, meant she knew she was being measured. She also knew she measured nicely.

We followed Nobu into a corner office filled with floor-to-ceiling windows on the corner walls.

What a view.

My stomach tied in knots as I took the suggested seat before one of the two giant desks. Shocking that the brothers worked side by side.

The door opened, and my heart nearly burst from my damned chest. “Forgive me. I was not aware that we had visitors.”

Anna stood. “Nonsense, Mr. Tong. I came unannounced. We were here to spend New Year’s in this wonderful country, and I thought I’d hand deliver the textile samples from our company that we promised your secretary a few months back.”

I’d stood the second I saw it was him. My God. He was in a black suit. Drop. Dead. Gorgeous.

Good thing I wasn’t really a man, because I’d have one hell of a hard-on to hide. My female parts quivered with the need to have him.

His eyes landed on me, and I could only stare wide-eyed, waiting for him to recognize me.

“This is my assistant, Mr. Reese.” Anna stepped aside a little.

“Jessie’s fine,” I growled.

He stuck out his hand, and I quickly shook it, holding my breath to keep from whimpering at his touch. My bones nearly melted. He released my hand and promptly stared at Anna. His gaze dropped to her chest. Then he looked away.

I released my breath.

Akira walked to his desk. “What company did you say you were from, Ms…”

“Call me Anna, please. Milliken.”

“Textiles, you said?”

“Yes, we brought the samples your secretary ordered. Would you care to examine them?” Akira’s eyes flicked to me as he sat. “If you don’t mind, you can simply leave them. It’s late, and the holiday hours are on us.” He stared intently at her, and my heart raced at the storm taking over his face.

I hung back a little, slowly strolling manlike next to the shelves behind me, hoping to just be idle dressing in this conversation.

“As you wish, Mr. Tong. Again, we were here for holiday, and I thought we’d pop in and make the delivery in person. To show our appreciation for your investment in our company.” One check of his records, and we were so busted. Sure, she was banking on us being gone before that. I studied an odd snowman figure with a pumpkin head and tiny ferns for…I guessed limbs?

“I don’t recall the name of your company, Ms. Anna. Please forgive me. Perhaps I can return the hospitable gesture by asking you to be guests at my home for your stay here?” Ohhhh shit!

Nobu chuckled. “Good idea, brother. Having a beautiful woman from America to entertain for the New Year would be an honor beyond honors.”

I cleared my throat. “I don’t think that’ll be possible—”

“Oh, nonsense, Jessie,” she interrupted. “Of course we can. Why, it’d be downright rude, I do believe, to refuse such a generous offer.” She was smiling at Nobu now, and Akira’s face darkened as he stared at Anna.

Oh shit. Was he onto her? Maybe this was a bad idea. She still resembled me even with that gaudy wig. Except for her breasts, but Akira knew I had a twin. What was I thinking? I turned to do more subtle strolling, and my hand knocked over the snowman that was actually some sort of rocks. Thank God the floor was carpeted and they didn’t break. “Sorry about that,” I grumbled, picking them off the floor and putting them back together on the shelf. But getting the fern limbs right kept knocking the trio down again.

“Don’t bother,” Akira called out. “It takes practice. My secretary will have to fix it. Even I can’t balance it.”

I reluctantly gave up and walked away, hands in my pockets. “Not your average snowman, that one.”
Oh my God, shut your mouth.

“It’s a replica of
kagami mochi
. A New Year’s tradition here in Japan,” Nobu explained.

Anna turned to Akira. “So, Mr. Tong, how did you enjoy your stay in America? I do hope you found the perfect place to situate?”

His eyes went tumultuous and locked on her. “We’ve decided not to relocate.” Nobu sat on the edge of Akira’s desk. “I insist you allow us to escort you to our home. Our driver can bring you to fetch your things at your lodgings later?”

I opened my mouth to protest and ran into Anna’s bubbly “Splendid idea.” I was going to kill her.

“Jessie here loves everything Japanese.”

Neither of them glanced my way. “What about you, Anna?” Nobu asked.

Akira studied her intently still. Did she
see that? Did she not worry about what he was seeing?

Damn her and her need for attention.

“Where did you say you were from, Anna?” Akira asked.

She turned to him. “Oh, I don’t think I did.”

I held my breath, waiting.


“You have family there?” Akira asked.

“Only my brother, Jessie, here.” She turned to me. “We like to keep family together. Even in business.”

Akira glanced at me again, and I promptly stroked my beard and continued inspecting the decor.

“Nobu, cancel our meeting.” Akira stared at Anna. “I’m sure our guests are tired and are ready to relax and eat. Call the house and see that a proper meal is prepared.”

“Gladly.” Nobu bowed to Anna, nodded at me, and left.

Akira got up. “If you will, please follow me.”

We did. Anna dared a glance at me, and I tried to murder her with my eyes. She answered by biting her lower lip and raising her brows.

I followed last with my Neanderthal gait, hand in pocket, fingering my beautiful engagement ring while wondering how this charade would end.

We got to the parking garage, and I realized I couldn’t go through with this charade. “’Scuse me, Anna, can I have a word with you?”

She turned.

I nodded at Akira. “We’ll just be a minute. Excuse us,” I said gruffly.

“Of course.”

We walked a few steps, and I stood with my back to Akira. “What in the hell are you doing?”

“Getting you to his house,” she whispered, eyes wide.

“Like this?” I gritted, referring to my outfit.

“Well, what else? Would you prefer to go as a woman?” she said under her breath.

I glared at her, my jaw clamped.

She leaned in close. “You’d be with the men.” Her brows bounced.

Like I gave a raccoon’s ass about that. My mouth opened, then shut as I considered. With everybody trickling out of the building to leave work, having that talk with him now was out of the question. I wanted to be alone when I confronted him anyway. Shit, Anna was right; I could get closer to him as a man.

Maybe even find out how he felt about my sister. And if there was another woman he loved. Right before I ripped my clothes off and revealed myself.

“Fine.” It was all I could manage.

* * * *

Kat was there. Ugh, I wanted to scratch her eyes out. She was all over Akira, and it made my gut burn. She wore no bra. And of course you could see her nipples through her fitted red silk dress with the scooped neckline that dipped low enough to show off half her tits. There was little peace of mind that he didn’t seem the least interested, not when his brooding gaze kept landing on Anna.

Anna didn’t seem to notice with Nobu practically spooning her. She was officially his piece of ass for the evening—that was clear. I watched Akira, trying to see how he felt about that. And I did not like what I saw in his face. Fury. But why, exactly?

Huh. I’d damn sure find out. Soon as dinner was over.

“Let’s enjoy the evening in the garden,” Nobu suggested, getting up from the table and pulling Anna with him.

I watched Kat try to kiss Akira, and he turned his face away, taking it on the cheek, murderous gaze still frozen on his face.

He got up and followed Nobu and Anna, not even seeing me. Kat and I trailed after.

We entered an oasis type of patio with plants and fountains everywhere. I strutted out, scanning for a place to park my ass till I figured out what to do. I glanced at Akira, who took a seat where it seemed he could watch Anna. I circled toward a chair that allowed me to observe him discreetly.

The floor dropped out from under my right foot, landing me in the ground-level fountain on my right.

Startled gasping erupted from the onlookers as I flailed my arms in effort to keep from toppling entirely into it. But the fountain bottom was knee-deep and mushy, stealing my leverage. I landed face-first in this water bed of grass.

“Grab my hand. Grab my hand,” Anna gasped.

“I got it,” I growled. But no, I didn’t have it. What the hell was this? Quickgrass? Every move I made seemed to tangle my limbs in the stinky shit more, making me feel like a drunk wallowing in mud.

“Here, take hold of this.” A pole appeared before me, and I latched on to it, struggling to keep my fake beard out of the water. I sputtered and grunted as masculinely as I could manage.

It was Akira who pulled me out of the lagoon from hell. I made a furious dash inside.

He followed!

“There’s a bathroom here with towels and a robe.”

I glanced back long enough to see the direction he pointed, and hurried to what turned out to be a huge bathhouse.

“Did you injure yourself?”

I turned to him, then spun back around. “Uh, no. I’m fine,” I muttered gruffly.
Now. Confront him
My body trembled as I fought for the courage.

“I’ll get a servant to get you some dry clothes.”

“That won’t be necessary.”

There was a brief pause. “You can’t stay in wet clothes. It’s freezing.”

“Maybe you can show me to my room. I’m a bit tired anyway. Perhaps you can watch after my sister? Forgive me for saying, but that brother of yours doesn’t hide his intentions.”

“I am profusely sorry about his behavior. Please forgive him.”

“A man is a man.” I faced him after seeing all of me was still intact. “Not many men can resist her.”

“She’s…very beautiful.”

Pain sliced through me. “Well, if you like her, you’d better act.”

“She reminds me of somebody, that’s all.”

“Oh? From America?”

“Yes.” His answer was nearly sighed.

“Sounds like you really liked this…woman my sister, uh, reminds you of.”

“I love her.”

I turned to the mirror and groomed my beard, clenching my eyes. “Love, you say? That’s a strong word.”

“Not strong enough, really.”

I opened my eyes to find my brow hanging. I quickly patted it back in place only to have it fall again.


“Come. I’ll show you to your room.”

I held my hand on my brow and faced him.

He stared. “Did you hit your head?”

“Uh, no. Just a…a small headache.”

“Maybe we should get you checked.”

“Said I’m fine.” I made my voice harder.

“Perhaps some aspirin, then?”

“Yes, that would work.”

I followed him out. “Nice home you have, by the way.” I peered around, wondering where his bedroom was. “You, uh, mind giving me a tour?”

He hesitated, regarding the patio where Anna’s laughter could be heard. “Of course.” I made notes. Specifically how to get from my room to his. Turned out the bedrooms were centrally located. Thank goodness, or else I’d need a GPS to find my way. He left after returning me to my room, and I waited till I was sure he was well gone before creeping to his. I found my way to his closet and hid among his delicious clothes. Oh God, it was heaven.

I stripped out of my wet clothes and found what felt like a silk robe. I slipped it on.

Then I waited.

Chapter Sixteen

I woke up startled, forgetting where I was and what the hell I was doing. I nearly panicked in the dark, then stilled, listening. Had something woken me? Then I heard it. I sucked in my breath. Oh my God, somebody was having sex in the next room. My heart thundered as I listened.

“God, that son of a bitch!”

I crept to the closet door and peered through the wood slats. Somebody paced in the dark. It was Akira. I let out a sigh of relief as my heart slammed my ribs at being this close to him. He was furious. He grabbed his head and sat on his bed. I put my hand on the door and took a deep breath. I opened it slowly.

Akira jumped to his feet, then froze. He stared at me hard. “I thought… What are you doing in here?” I could see he was torn between being firm and confused.

I stopped and stood still where I was. Did he think I was Anna?

“Where’s my brother?” he asked.

“I want you, not your brother.”

He remained a still, dark statue, face hidden by shadows. “I’m sorry. I love another woman.” My heart almost burst right there. I knew I should’ve confessed then, but I couldn’t. Not yet. “I can make you feel good.”

He snorted. “No offense. But there’s only one woman who can make me feel good.” I took a few more steps toward him, my throat closing up with a sob. “Akira,” I barely whispered.

“Who are you? he growled, stepping toward me.

“Sarah,” I strained.

He stormed past, and I jumped when the light came on. He stared at me, frozen, his eyes, his face full of torment and disbelief. Then he moved so fast toward me. I couldn’t breathe. Not until his arms pulled me to his hard body, his lips crushed mine, and his warm tongue plundered my mouth with a furious passion.

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