Alder, Alanea - Fated to Be Family [Kindred of Arkadia 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (4 page)

BOOK: Alder, Alanea - Fated to Be Family [Kindred of Arkadia 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Did he finally break down and get you a gun?” Ma asked, raising an eyebrow.

Rebecca shrugged. “I simply pointed out how tiny and weak and helpless I was and he eventually saw things my way.” Rebecca

“Try not to shoot my son anywhere vital,” Ma said, eyes sparkling.

Rebecca thought about it for a long moment, her head tilted in the way she did when she was thinking hard, and then she nodded.

“I’ll try, but I’m not making any promises.” She leaned her head back again and closed her eyes.

“This morning sickness won’t stop! I thought you were supposed to puke and then be done for the day,” Rebecca whimpered from the sofa.

“I think I can help with that,” Caleb said and all eyes swung to where he stood in the front room’s doorway, still mostly in the foyer.

“Anything you can do to help Rebecca with this morning sickness would be welcomed. Along with intense emotions, her morning sickness also seems to be leaking through the bond with my Alpha Mother,” Ashby said, looking pale and shooting Rebecca an apologetic look.

“How come I’m not feeling sick?” Kate asked.

“Don’t feel bad, Kate. It’s not hitting me very hard at all. I think it varies based on the type of bond. Ashby and Rebecca bonded first, so they have been bonded longer. I don’t think there is a science to it,” Nic explained, bouncing Lucas.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m sorry, but the extremely gorgeous man said he could help my morning sickness,” Rebecca said, pointing to Caleb, who chuckled.

“Let me go check out your kitchen. Be right back.” He disappeared down the hallway.

Rian looked over at Kate and hissed in a whisper, “You have some s’plaining to do, missy!”

Kate’s head snapped around to where Caleb was working in the kitchen, nearly spraining her neck. She put her finger to her lips and shook her head. Ashby, Nicholas, and Damian were also giving her concerned looks. Rebecca had her head back on the sofa and looked as though she were going to die. She was human, so she probably hadn’t picked up on Kate’s arousal.

Caleb walked back in a few minutes later with a cup of steaming hot tea. He handed it carefully to Rebecca.

“Sip it slowly. It’s a ginger mint tea. Luckily, you keep a well-stocked kitchen. I made a batch and left it in the saucepan on the stove. Renee swore this is the only thing that got her through her pregnancy.”

Rebecca sipped it and after a few moments, her face began to relax. She looked up at Caleb.

“I love you. I would offer to have your babies, but I’m already pregnant, you already have two, and my mate would kill you.” She sipped her tea.

Caleb laughed.

“Okay, Caleb, up to bed with you. Uh… I–I… I mean time to go upstairs. I m-m-mean, you’re obviously exhausted. I’ll show you the guest room,” Kate said, rambling. She turned scarlet then practically bolted up the stairs.

Confused, he looked at the group, who were all staring at him.

“Thank you again for giving me this breather,” Caleb said.

Rebecca waved her hand. “If you keep making me tea, you can sleep in the master bedroom for all I care.” She sipped her tea again and rubbed her tummy. He smiled.

“Can you wake me up in a few hours?” He asked Ashby and Nicholas. They nodded. He then followed Kate up the stairs, determined to find out why she smelled like she was in heat around him.

He found her pulling down the bedding in the guest room. He walked in and shut the door. He noticed that, maybe subconsciously, she had pulled down both sides of the bed.

“We need to talk.” He leaned against the door, crossing his arms.

“No we don’t,” she replied as she finished up with the bedding and moved to stand in front of him in an effort to get to the door.

“Yes, we do. Why are you so aroused by me? Are you unhappy with your mate? Is he cruel to you?” he asked softly, unfolding his arms to trail his fingers down her cheek. Her eyes widened at his touch. He couldn’t stop touching her. He brought his other hand up until both hands cupped her face.

He couldn’t bear the thought of this beautiful woman hurt or unhappy. Her blonde hair and warm smile reminded him of sunshine and she deserved to always be smiling. He couldn’t understand where these feelings were coming from. When he stepped closer, he realized why her scent affected him so much. She was his mate. Her scent filled his nostrils and he felt his cock spring to life. A low growl began in his chest and moved up his throat. He moved his hands to her hips, pulling her body close and trying to get his throbbing prick as close to her as possible. The need to bury himself deep inside of her was overwhelming his senses.

“I am very happy with my mate. He treats me like a goddess and we’re extremely happy together,” she whispered.

“We’re mates,” Caleb said, rocking his hips forward and pressing his hard length against her. Her head fell back and a soft moan escaped. When she looked back up at him her pupils had dilated. Her expressive blue eyes were clouded with worry. She had a slender build, but it curved in all the right places. His hands ached to touch her bare, creamy skin.

“You are my Alpha’s mate. How can you belong to us both? Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kiss you senseless. Tell me not to!” he begged. His hands shook as he kept his wolf at bay.

She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. “I can’t because I want it, too. Please let me talk to Bran first.” She looked up at him.

“Bran has offered to let me move into the Pack house to keep the boys safe. I can’t do that if this will cause issues. Bran is a good man and deserves better than that.”

She nodded. “Give me tonight. Let me talk to him. We’ll be over tomorrow morning.”

He stepped back and allowed her to walk past him. She opened the door, walked out.

Kate fled down the stairs, her emotions rioting inside of her. When she got to the front living room Ma opened her arms, she couldn’t help it. She ran to her, dropped to her knees, and put her head in her lap, crying. Rian immediately jumped up and turned on the stereo to a classical music station to act as a noise barrier.

“Shuush, it will be okay, Katie Belle,” Ma said, stroking her hair.

“Kate, what on earth is happening?” Rebecca asked, sitting up.

“I’m attracted to Caleb,” Kate said.

Rebecca nodded. “He’s fucking hot, that’s why. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

Kate shook her head. “I want to rip my clothes off and stick my ass in the air in front of him.”

“Kate! Earmuffs! Earmuffs!” Ashby said as he and Nicholas covered Landon’s and Lucas’s ears.

Kate winced, looking over at the twins before her mind went to her two mates. “I can’t believe they are both mine,” she said, shaking her head.

“Uh, Kate, unless it was an act of God, Landon and Lucas aren’t yours,” Nicholas said.

“I didn’t mean them, but they are mine, too I guess. I mean, Caleb is mine, my other mate.
But how can that be?”

“It’s not common, hun, but it happens,” Ma said.

“Fate has decided that the three of you need each other. Usually a ménage mating is recognized by the heart of the relationship, which in this case is you. Once Caleb completes his mating bond with you, he and Bran will feel each other, but it will always be you who bridges them together and completes them. Don’t fight against it. Just accept it for the gift it is.”

“Wow. You get two,” Rebecca murmured. “Rebecca!” Kate said, sounding exasperated.

“Now we really need to order you new lingerie,” Damian said.

“And mountain climbing equipment. Did you see the size of that man?” Rian sighed.

Kate smiled and wiped her eyes with her sleeve. “Ya’ll don’t think it’s weird?” she asked, unsure about how people would react to her having a ménage relationship.

“Besides hating your lucky bitch ass? No, I think it’s great,” Damian said, smiling.

“Ditto! I hope Fate gives me two men like that! God! Can you imagine them naked? Together. Together and naked. Naked and together.” Rian fell backward, fanning himself.

Damian sighed.

“Hey! No thinking about my men naked. Only I can do that,” Kate said, throwing a pillow at Rian.

“I so want to be there when they are naked. Kate, you have to take pictures!” Rian exclaimed.

“No way! Those goodies belong to me,” she shot back and they both looked at each other before they started giggling, which set off the twins.

Kate looked up and she paled.

“Oh my God!
I’m a momma.” She looked from Landon to Lucas and back again.

“You’ll be just fine. You have all the correct instincts for it,” Ma said, getting up from the rocking chair. “I’m going to check on supper then head home. Pa and the boys will want their dinner as well.”

“You shouldn’t have to do two meals. They should just come here,” Rebecca said and Ma started shaking her head.

“You have enough going on here. You don’t need my boys acting like landmines and wildcards.” She kissed Rebecca on the forehead and went into the kitchen.

“Since we don’t have to worry about dinner, let’s break out the laptop and order some fun stuff for Katie Belle,” Rian said, standing up and walking across the room to pick up Rebecca’s laptop and returning to the sofa between Rebecca and Kate.

“Good idea. She will definitely need it with those two studs,” Rebecca teased.

Kate stuck her tongue out at Rebecca. “What about you?” Kate asked.

Rebecca rolled her eyes. “The way I’m going, I’ll need sex toys before lingerie. Aleks is afraid that sex might hurt the baby. He’s about two seconds away from getting shot,” Rebecca said, looking disgruntled.

“We can order that, too!” Rian said and winked at Rebecca. “The internet is a beautiful thing. Press a few buttons then presto change-o, packages are delivered to the P.O. box I have established. Then I can send someone from the Pride to go pick them up. Now, ladies, what did you have in mind?”

“I think Kate should go with a black-and-red leather bustier. Bran will swallow his tongue,” Damian said.

“She needs a pair of black stilettos or boots to pull that off,” Ashby offered, rocking Landon from the loveseat.

Rebecca nodded in agreement. “Maybe a pair of black leather boy shorts that unzip down the middle.”

“Rebecca, we definitely have the same fashion sense,” Rian said, frantically hitting keys on the keyboard.

“Don’t I get a say in this?” Kate asked. Everyone said “no” in reply.

“I went with knee-high black leather boots,” Rian said. Everyone cheered and Kate buried her face in a pillow.

“Don’t forget she needs new clothes. She only wears jeans and sweaters,” Rebecca said.

“I like jeans and sweaters. They are warm and comfortable,” Kate countered.

“And every once in a while I love them, too, but, Kate, it’s like every day for you. How about a blouse and a blazer or a graphic tee and jeans? Or a nice dress,” Rebecca said.

“I guess, but it seems silly,” Kate said.

“Clothes and makeup are a woman’s suit of armor,” Rebecca said, sipping her tea.

“When you are dressed up and your hair and makeup are kicking ass, you can take on the world. It gives you an ego boost like no other. I think once you see how much fun it is to plan your outfits, you’ll be addicted.”

“She is absolutely right. Great clothes are essential. No more sweats and jeans unless it’s a rainy Saturday afternoon and you aren’t planning on leaving the house,” Rian said.

“Okay, okay, ya’ll have convinced me. Load up the cart, Rian. But remember—”

“I remember, no frills or sequins and keep pink to a minimum. On it!” Rian said, practically bouncing. Pretty soon he declared her wardrobe complete. He then turned to Rebecca with a sly look.

“So, how about we order your stuff,” he said.

She blinked. “I was kidding, Rian. I’d die if Aleks found out I had sex toys.” Rebecca blushed.

“Orrrrr… He’d think you are so neglected that you are taking your needs into your own hands, striving to be faithful, but since he isn’t servicing you right, he might be driving you into the arms of another man, leaving him to wither and die alone. Ohh, the horror!” Rian said, dramatically.

Rebecca laughed.

“Okay, okay, what does your magic website have that will blow his mind?” Rebecca asked, curious.

“How about this?” He twisted the laptop to show her.

“Where is that supposed to go?” she asked.

“Too big?” He looked at the screen again.

“Rian!” Rebecca exclaimed.

“Here, give me that,” Damian said, standing up taking the laptop and returning to the rocking chair. After a few clicks, he showed Rebecca the screen.

“Does that rotate?” she asked, tilting her head.

“Yup and that is to prep you for back-door fun. He can’t say that will hurt the baby,” Damian said, pretending to spank the laptop. Rebecca’s eyes widened.

“I also threw in some menthol lube, heating massage oils, and some videos. You should be set,” he said.

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