Alexander Ranch (7 page)

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Authors: Marla Josephs

BOOK: Alexander Ranch
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“Yes, I did. Now stop worrying over me and tell me what this sticky note and your message is about,” I insisted, trying to change the subject. He looked at me critically, and I put my hand on his and squeezed it. Then I spoke through gritted teeth and a forced smile, “I am fine. If I wasn’t I wouldn’t be here. Now, please, tell me about this assignment.”

“Ok,” he said reluctantly
, “but just remember I’ve got my eye on you.”

“Duly noted.” I gave him my best smile.

“Ok, are you familiar with the Alexander Ranch? It’s about 30 minutes from here.”

“I’ve heard of it, but I don’t know much about it.”

“Well, they apparently have heard of you. They requested you specifically.”

“Specifically for what?”

“Well, they recently lost their staff vet and they need a temporary one to help with the animals on the farm.”

“Ok,” I said slowly, confused
, “but, I’m not a vet, just a vet tech.”

“I know. I told them that.
They said that if they needed a vet, or something more than what you could do, they would have you contact one of our vets to provide the service.”

, I’m supposed to go out there and just do an assessment of an animal or something? I’m confused.”

“Well, they asked if they could borrow you, just for a few weeks, until they could replace their vet. Apparently they have some animals there that are ill and were under the vets care.”

“What do you mean, borrow me?”

“Just that. They offered to pay your salary and pay me a fee for the inconvenience of not having you here.”

I was stunned. I didn’t know these people. Why did they want me?

“But…, I don’t understand? I don’t even know these people. Why don’t you send one of our vets?”

“The owner, Logan Alexander, asked for you by name. He said he’d heard about you from someone and you came highly recommended.”

Logan, hm? The name was familiar. It took me a moment to realize where I’d heard that name. Didn’t Jordan say his brother’s name was Logan? Hadn’t he mentioned something about Logan punishing him for something? What was going on?

“Ok, but, why don’t you tell them I’m not available and send one of the other staff? I have too much to do. I only fill in as a vet tech occasionally now with all of my other duties as director of facilities. You know this,” I frowned up at him in puzzlement.

“Did I mention that he offered to pay me a sizable fee for the inconvenience? Besides, it’s good business for us. The Alexander ranch is very prestigious. It will be good for the business for people to know that such a prestigious ranch uses our business for the needs of their animals. And, they may decide to just let us handle their veterinary needs rather than replace a full time vet.
You are the best we have. Who else could I send to represent us on such an important assignment?”

“And, we would still be working with them if you sent someone else,” I pointed out knowing it was futile.

“They only wanted you and I sort of already agreed to it.”

“What? Why?” I practically yelled.

“I thought you would be thrilled,” he sounded puzzled. “You love going from one location to another, so I figured this would be just another location for you to work in. Besides, it’s only temporary.”

I sighed. He was right. This was definitely something I would usually be interested in. Though, usually when I did an off-site visit it was just for one day to check on some cows or horses, or judge a contest.
This was something altogether different. They didn’t need a vet. They wanted to keep an eye on me, but I couldn’t tell John this. What had I gotten myself into?

“You know I won’t make you do it if you really don’t want to,” he said reluctantly and hopeful at the same time.

“Alright,” I said with resignation. “Where is this place?”

John gave me the directions and a phone number. I didn’t bother to call because I knew they were already expecting me. They’d made all of the arrangements after all. And, roughly
thirty minutes later, I was driving up a path that led to the same ranch I’d been taken to by Jordan and Daisy on Sunday afternoon.


Chapter 10

The door was answered by a man who looked like he must have been a butler. A butler! I was ushered into an office and
, moments later, a man came in to greet me. The man looked so much like Jordan it was disturbing. Only this man was smiling, something Jordan apparently didn’t do much.

“Lela, it’s so nice to finally meet you,” he said extending his hand.

“You must be Logan. It’s a pleasure to meet you too,” I and extended my hand automatically returning his greeting, and he engulfed my hand in his. He didn’t shake my hand but covered it with the other with a warm gentle squeeze and released me.

It was distracting how much this man looked like Jordan. But, the happy eyes and care free manor immediately put me at ease. Also, at closer inspection, he looked a trifle more mature in some way. I couldn’t say he looked older, but something about him was more mature. One thing that was not different was his devastatingly handsome features. Though, I didn’t get that same jolt from looking at him that, I hated to admit, I got when looking at Jordan. Still, it was no hardship to look at him.

“I’ve heard so much about you. Daisy and Ethan can’t stop talking about you.”

They barely knew me. What could they possibly have to say? I didn’t know what to say to that so I said nothing, just smiled. I noticed, however, he didn’t include Jordan as one of those singing my praises.

“But, I’m sure you’re wondering what this is all about,” he continued. I nodded.

“Well, as you know the situation you stumbled upon Sunday is one that we have been monitoring for some time now. Ethan had been gathering information and ended up infiltrating the group we’ve been tryi
ng to track down. Unfortunately he was also found out or suspected of being a plant and would have possibly been killed, if it hadn’t been for you hiking there when you were. Regrettably this has also likely put you in danger. The men we are looking for have been very careful. We found a great deal of evidence not far from the spot where you encountered them. And, they know you can identify them, or at least assume you can.”

“I’m really not sure I could.”

“That’s ok. The fact that they think you could, puts you in danger. They are exceptionally good at finding people.”

“So, you had me assigned here to protect me?” I asked skeptically.

“Primarily, yes. But, I assure you we’ll have plenty of work for you to do. If there are any functions you don’t wish to perform, that is fine. I just ask that you provide veterinary care whenever it’s needed. I understand your company provides animal training, grooming, and boarding services as well?”

“Yes, we do.”

“And, I understand you participate in a great deal of all of that?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Well then, participate in whatever areas you would like. We always have plenty to do around here taking care of the animals.”

“So, you run some sort of agency and a farm?” I couldn’t help asking. The two didn’t seem to go together.

He smiled indulgently, “What can I say? We all like animals.”

“I can’t just do nothing when there aren’t any veterinary needs.”

“Sure you can, if that’s what you choose. Also, we don’t want to put a strain on your work at Hanley’s. Feel free to catch up on any work there. If you need to visit the facilities or go into your office that can be arranged, also. We only ask that you please do not go anywhere without security. Daisy, Jordan, and Ethan are your revolving security detail. One or all of them will be with you at all times.”

I frowned at the mention of Jordan’s name.

“Ignore Jordan,” he said. I was really starting to wonder if these people could read minds. “He’s just going through some things right now. It’s not you.”

I looked at him in total confusion. I didn’t dare acknowledge the Jordan issue. Instead I focused on all this security. This was unreal. Did I really need this protection they all seemed to think I did? They didn’t know I was a second degree black belt. I just wanted my old, normal, boring, overworked life back.

“I really do appreciate you’re offer. But, I’m not sure this is the best thing for me.”

“What do you mean?” His voice was mild and curious.

“Well, I mean I just want my old life back.”

“Well, I can hardly insist that your work for us. We can definitely still protect you if you choose not to.”

“What if I don’t want the protection?” My voice was low and weak. I had a feeling that part was not negotiable, and I was right.

“I’m sorry,” he said with true understanding in his eyes. “Look, I know this is a lot. I completely respect your desire to live your life without this new
intrusion, but we deal with this every day and know just how dangerous these people are. I couldn’t live with myself if we didn’t do all that we could to protect you. However, I promise we will do everything we can to lessen the impact on your life. If you don’t want to work here we will figure something else out. But, may I suggest you try it out for a day or so before making your final decision?”

I decided that was
a reasonable request after a few moments of contemplation. So, I agreed. A day or two wouldn’t be so bad.

ou should know that we feel there is a good chance these people are very likely to come after you, so be on your guard.”

“Even here?”

“Anything is possible. It’s not as likely here, but if someone did come it would be easier to protect you here. We are all on alert and anticipating trouble. You being here limits the potential target areas where they could make a move. It will make it easier to catch them if they do try to make a move against you, which I’m pretty sure they will.”

“So, in essence, I am bait?”

“Well, yes, but not because we want you to be. You are already a target. We just have to make sure they miss when they take a shot at you.”

This was getting more and more creepy and scary.

“What is the name of this agency you all keep mentioning? What exactly do you do?” I asked bluntly. Logan smiled.

“That’s a great question. The name of the company is Alexander Consulting
. We provide high tech, specialized security and investigative services in a nutshell.”

I muttered. There was a knock at the door, then Daisy stuck her head in.

“Are you all set?” she said looking at me.

“Set for what?” I asked.

“Lela is not sure if she wants to work here with us,” Logan explained, “but, I’ve persuaded her, I think, to give us a chance for the next couple of days before making her final decision.”

“You’ll love it here,” Daisy assured me. “Come on. Today I will be your guide and show you around the place.”

Daisy was true to her word. We rode on horseback all around the ranch and she introduced me to several people. I loved the riding around on horseback part. I’d had my own horse as a young girl and I missed riding. It was a beautiful estate with lots of livestock from chickens to cows
. And, the people who worked here seemed as friendly as the Alexander family. The ranch was huge. After riding for quite some time, we came across two very large men in the pasture who seemed to be herding the cows around or something.  One of them called out to Daisy and she turned her horse and headed for them.

“Come on, Lela
. I want to introduce you to these guys,” she called over her shoulder, urging her horse to a trot.

I turned my horse and followed. When they realized we were headed in their direction, the
men began waving their hats and heading for us. Daisy pushed her horse into a canter and I followed.

, hello there beautiful,” one of the guys said to Daisy in a genial tone.

Daisy rolled her eyes, but she laughed, “Sorry Ricky, I’m still immune to your charms.”

“It was worth a try,” the man hunched his shoulders and smiled back at her.

“And, who is this you have with you today?” the other man asked eyeing me.

“This is Lela. Lela, this is Beto.” Daisy waved a hand in my direction first and then at the man who’d asked the question. Then, she continued and waived her hand at the man she’d been speaking to first. “And, this is Ricky. They are both ranch hands here.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” I offered
, giving them a friendly smile.

Beto, the brown skinned man with the dreamy Latin eyes turned sharply to Daisy, “This is the woman who saved Ethan?”

“One in the same,” Daisy answered proudly. I flushed with embarrassment. Why did they keep saying that? All I did was be in the wrong place at the right time.

“Believe me, the pleasure is ours,” the man named Ricky uttered now gazing at me intensely. He had grey eyes which would have been unsettling if they weren’t so warm. I
generally was not a fan of grey or blue eyes. They were too, transparent or something. But, his held a warmth that made one comfortable.

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