Alien Caged (43 page)

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Authors: Tracy St. John

BOOK: Alien Caged
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When Miragin emptied her of his fingers, Elisa did not protest.  Though the hollow feeling of emptiness was unwelcome, she knew it was temporary.  He would give her all she needed.  He and the others would provide.  The knowledge was as heady as their hands and mouths on her body.

“I’m ready for my Matara,” the Imdiko said.

Zemos broke his kiss to look at his clanmate.  Miragin had freed his cocks from his trousers.  They jutted straight up, glistening with arousal.  The Dramok chuckled.

“So you are.  Judging from her moans, she is ready for you as well.”

“Always,” Elisa murmured with a smile.

“Then you will fuck him, my Matara.  Up you go.”

Oret drew back as Zemos’ arm went around Elisa’s waist.  The Dramok helped to lift her, poising her over Miragin’s eager sexes.  Oret adjusted his clanmate’s cocks, placing them so that when Zemos lowered Elisa down, they slipped inside her pussy and ass with ease.

Elisa’s head fell back.  She stared up at the sun peeking through the sapphire leaves of the tree overhead as she was filled with her Imdiko.  On either side of her vision were the faces of Zemos and Oret, watching her pleasure as she accepted Miragin’s flesh with hers.  The fierce visages showed unabashed lust, made greater by the joy of watching her.  They might be eager for their turns, but they would not rush her and Miragin.  Like her, they knew the quiet thrill of anticipation, of prolonging the inevitable end.

The Imdiko’s cocks, thick with excitement, produced violent friction despite the unhurried way Elisa took them in.  She moaned as her hair stood on end.  The masculine flesh rubbed everything in just the right way, sending an onrush of molten tendrils snaking through her belly.  She shuddered as Miragin went deeper and deeper inside.  Then her pussy met his groin, and the tip of his primary cock kissed her cervix.  A bellow of exaltation rumbled through Elisa’s core.  She cried out, convulsing around the length of him.  He groaned in delight.

“Yes, my Matara.  Oh, yes!”

Zemos pulled his arm from her waist.  He caressed her buttocks, stroking and squeezing as she settled on Miragin, adjusting to her lover’s length and girth.  Oret rubbed her breasts, watching to see what made Elisa shiver, what touches prompted her to thrust into his hands.  Miragin sat beneath her, watching her with half-closed eyes, his thumb drawing lazy circles around her clit as he smiled dreamily.

Elisa steadied herself by leaning her hands on his chest.  It was somehow enthralling to be naked and riding the Imdiko while he was still dressed.  It made her feel both vulnerable and wanton all at once. 

“Fuck him, little one,” Zemos whispered.  “Make him feel good.”

Commanded by her Dramok, Elisa began to move, undulating to slide her sheaths up and down Miragin’s lengths.  She rose and fell, and his hips moved to meet her, forcing him in almost painfully deep ... just as she liked it.  Her breath caught as she served his needs.

It was not serving as she had back on the ship or on Earth.  In those places, there had been no reward.  There had been little encouragement and no love to speak of.  Here on Kalquor, however, here with her clan, there was more love than Elisa could conceive of.  She received untold gratitude for the little her clan allowed her to give.  There was even chastisement when they thought she gave too much.  She was often reminded with gentle rebukes and even an occasional swat on the ass that they took care of her ... not the other way around. 

Sex was one of the few ways Elisa was allowed to reciprocate.  She had made it a point to figure out exactly what the men liked and to perfect her performance.

As her hips rose, releasing Miragin from her soft sleeves, Elisa clenched interior muscles, tightening around him.  Miragin gasped.  His gaze riveted on the sight of himself emerging from her, only to be swallowed up again.  “Fuck,” he gasped.

“That’s it,” Zemos hissed in Elisa’s ear.  “Take him deep.  Make him feel it.  Good girl, Elisa.”

Oret pinched her nipples, sending a delicious bite of sensation that jolted straight to her clit, where Miragin’s thumb endlessly circled.  Elisa cried out, her mouth opening wide.

Zemos’ finger wet itself on her tongue and spread the moisture over her lips.  “That’s my sweet girl.  Fuck those cocks.”

Under their loving control, Elisa obeyed.  She moved up and down on Miragin, pausing from time to time when she had him fully enclosed.  At that point, she ground in small circles, flexing her pussy to make him cry out.  Zemos and Oret urged Elisa on, with whispered instructions, caressing mouths, and demanding hands.  Miragin continued to tease her clit.  She trembled as they guided her lovemaking, awash in growing sensations.  Her trembling grew to shivers.  At last she shuddered under their control, quaking the way they always made her as climax approached.

“That’s it, little Matara,” Oret said, pinching a nipple in a tight but careful grip.  “Easy, now.  Let it go, nice and easy.”

Their constant attentions had brought Elisa to the breaking point.  Every breath screamed from her lungs now as surges of roiling elation chased up and down her spine.  Her belly was heavy with pressure with tiny flashes of brighter ecstasy firing, igniting the greater explosion.

Miragin gasped, closing in on his own inevitable end.  “Now, my sweet girl.  Come for me now.”

His finger and thumb seized on Elisa’s clit, rubbing it with gentle insistence between them, producing the flashpoint.  Raw, ravening fire bellowed into her guts.  Elisa’s body froze as orgasm blasted into being.

Oret and Zemos held her steady as she writhed on top of Miragin, engulfed in searing pleasure.  She was only slightly aware of the Imdiko’s cries added to hers as he filled her with his own release.  For the most part there was the roar of completion and the strength of the men who provided her with it.

At last she lay limp in their arms, her breaths as harsh as Miragin’s as they relaxed in the aftermath.  All three men smiled down at her as if she’d done something they were quite proud of.

“That was lovely,” Zemos told her.  “I love seeing you pleasured so well.”

“I look forward to seeing it again,” Oret added.  “Shall we, my Dramok?”

Elisa’s body felt like jelly.  “Maybe you could give me a couple more minutes?  It’s hard to keep up with men who are only a century older than me,” she sighed.

“My little love, you have nothing to do but enjoy,” Zemos assured her, picking her up carefully so that Miragin’s softening cocks slipped out. 

Elisa pouted to lose the wonderful feeling of the Imdiko leaving her body.  However, she knew the emptiness was only temporary.  Despite her protestations that she needed a moment to recover, she was ready to be filled once more.

Her pulse quickened as the men arranged her to their liking.  Now she lay draped crosswise and face-down over Miragin’s thighs, as if to receive a spanking by the Imdiko.  His good hand rubbed up and down her back, the touch warm and comforting.

Zemos knelt on one side of Miragin’s lounge, in front of Elisa’s face.  He gathered a handful of her hair and gently tugged her head back, putting her mouth on level with his avid groin.  He opened the crotch of his pants, setting his cocks free.  Elisa’s mouth watered at the delightful cinnamon-like smell of his body’s natural lubricant.  She knew how good he tasted and had to restrain herself from grabbing hold and pulling him to her lips.  Zemos, very much the dominant of their little family, insisted on being in control.  He had no problem correcting any of them if they tried to insist otherwise.

Elisa preferred letting the Dramok dictate his wants anyway.  Making her men happy was always a priority, simply because they put her needs ahead of theirs.  She was glad to indulge Zemos’ need to be in charge.  He never abused the privilege.

She saw the shudder that coursed through his mighty frame as he watched her ogle his erections.  He said, “My sweet love.  You have no idea what it does to me when you look at me with such hunger.  How did I get so fortunate?”

Elisa couldn’t help but be a little sassy with him.  “Are you saying being captured and caged by renegade Earthers was a good thing?”

He shook his head, but his smile was bright.  “It ended well for me; I’ll grant you that.  Be a good girl and open your mouth now.”

She did so, moaning with pleasure as his primary cock slid across her tongue.  The secondary rubbed against her chin and upper throat as he sheathed half his prick in her mouth.  The sharp sweetness of him was a delight as it played against her tongue.  Elisa swallowed his honey and stroked her tongue against him to beg for more.  Meanwhile, her hands grasped the bases of his cocks, allowing his steady thrusts to move him in and out of her grip.  Her eyes half-closed with pleasure, Elisa listened to Zemos moan.

She felt a large body push between her legs, which dangled on the opposite side of Miragin’s hips.  Oret was there, his hands cupping her buttocks and pressing them apart, opening her.  Questing touches, probing her anus and pussy, let her know the Nobek was ready to fuck her.  The hot tips of his cocks inserted themselves, sliding delicately inside.  Elisa made herself relax to accept his larger penis in her ass, though Miragin had already stretched her enough to take him without much trouble.  There was only the barest ache as Oret sleeved himself in her accepting body.

Now it was Miragin encouraging her as he rubbed Elisa’s shoulders, back, and buttocks while his clanmates took their pleasure with her.  “Good girl.  You look so beautiful getting your mouth, pussy, and ass fucked at the same time.  What a pretty girl you are.”

Elisa didn’t know if she looked pretty or not.  What mattered right now was that she was loved.  It was in Zemos’ expression as he looked down at her.  It was in Miragin’s urging voice.  It was in the worshipful strokes of Oret’s hands on her thighs.

They loved her, and it didn’t matter that she wasn’t young, in perfect shape, or drop dead gorgeous.  They loved her for her.  The knowledge made everything in her life perfect.

Zemos and Oret enjoyed her with demanding adoration, their rhythms in perfect sync as they once again declared her for themselves.  Elisa gave herself completely, holding nothing back.  They had made it safe for her to fill her heart and to share all of that so it might be filled again and again.  Anything they wanted from her was theirs for the taking. 

As if knowing her thoughts, Zemos swallowed hard.  “I will never let you down, my Matara.  I swear it on my life.”

“As do I,” Oret added.

“As do we all.”  Elisa heard the smile in Miragin’s voice.

They didn’t have to speak of what Elisa knew in her heart.  That they did made her love them all the more.

She worked her tongue hard against Zemos and used inner muscles to clutch at Oret.  The two men’s groans rang out as they responded.  Elisa watched her Dramok tense, his muscles cording as he readied to fill her with his passion.  He and Oret moved faster, igniting inner fires once more. 

Elisa’s insides twisted tight, coiling into a hard knot.  Then it all unraveled, springing loose to fill her with a white-hot, pulsing glow.  She cried out around the cock plumbing her mouth an instant before it spilled its heat down her throat.  Oret shoved deep inside to deliver his ecstasy as well.

Several minutes later, the men pulled free of her.  They moved her in Miragin’s lap so that he was able to cuddle her close with his one good arm.  Zemos and Oret settled in loose-limbed heaps on either side of them, blinking contentedly at the sunlight spilling through the leaves overhead.

“I wonder?” Elisa mumbled, snuggling with her Imdiko mate.

“You wonder what?” he asked.

“How things would have turned out had the destroyer taken my ship prisoner rather than the other way around.  What would you have done with me then?”

Zemos pursed his lips, considering the idea.  “It’s hard to say for sure.  We would have placed you under guard like all the rest.  The question is, would I have gotten the opportunity to know you like I did?  Would I have allowed myself to fall in love, not knowing you were kind to us because it’s your nature and not because you wanted leniency?”

“We are a couple of cynical pricks,” Oret acknowledged.  “I would have remained suspicious, I fear.  I would have lusted for you, but letting you into my heart would have been difficult.”

Miragin regarded Elisa with interest.  “Does it matter much what might have happened since it did not?”

Elisa shrugged.  “Not really.  In the end, you caught me and made me yours.”

Her statement made Zemos sit up.  “Do you feel like a prisoner with us, my Matara?”

Elisa smiled to ease his worried look.  “I feel cherished.  I have never been more happy, Zemos.  I was just thinking how it might have saved time and trouble had the roles been reversed and you’d had me under lock and key from the start.”

He grinned.  “Now that you mention such things, I wouldn’t mind putting you in some sort of restraints.  Maybe we can enjoy a game of jailer and prisoner later today?”

Elisa laughed at his playful turn, though the idea had her turning warm all over again.  Good heavens, they made her feel like a hormonal adolescent at times.

She considered telling the clan they had never needed chains or containment fields to take her hostage.  She’d been their prisoner almost from the first time she’d seen the trio in the brig.  Yes, she had belonged to them months ago, as much as if she’d been the one in the cell. 

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