Alien Protector: Sci-Fi Alien Invasion Paranormal Romance (10 page)

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Authors: Ashley West

Tags: #Paranormal Alien Romance

BOOK: Alien Protector: Sci-Fi Alien Invasion Paranormal Romance
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“God, you scared me,” she said. “What do you want?”

“To apologize and explain,” Draco told her.

“You already did that, remember? I believe you. You’re from another planet, which is all kinds of weird, but I believe you. You don’t have to-”

,” he said, cutting her off. “Not about that. I didn’t… I know you think the only reason I went out with you, the only reason any of this happened, was because I was trying to use you.”

It wasn’t a question, and Steph stared back at him, arching an eyebrow. “Are you trying to say that wasn’t the only reason?”

He sighed. “At first it was. I wanted you to trust me, so that maybe you’d let me see the blade, and I could come up with a plan to get it. But then we actually went out, and… And it was harder for me to lie to myself that there wasn’t something more I wanted.”

She didn’t want to get her hopes up. After all, this could just be a clever ploy for him to remain in her good graces until this whole thing was over. But there was something about the way he was looking at her just then that made her think there was more to it than that and that maybe he was being honest.

“What else did you want?” she asked, barely daring to breathe as he pinned her with those eyes.

“You. You’re just… You’re not like anyone I’ve ever met before.”

“Well, I am a human, and all your friends are aliens,” Steph pointed out.

Draco cracked a smile at that. “You are very good at misunderstanding me, did you know that?” he murmured, stepping closer. “What I mean is that you fascinate me more than I ever would have thought possible, and I want you for you and not for what you can do for me. I swear it.”

His voice was sincere and Stephanie let out a low breath and then smiled at him, one hand on her hip. “You know, you should have said something like that earlier. Could have spared me being so worried that you just saw me as something convenient and easy so you could get what you wanted. I don’t like feeling like that.”

“I’m sorry,” he said and then reached out for her. When she didn’t pull away, he pulled her closer, one of his hands going under her chin to tip her face up. “Let me make it up to you?”

Before she could reply, she was being soundly kissed, and she melted right into it and into him.

He put his arms around her and kissed her like he meant it, lips moving with hers, tongue tracing her bottom lip and then dipping into her mouth to tangle with hers, drawing a breathless gasp from her at the heat that seared through her body.

She still had the memory of his hands on her from the night before. The way he had pushed into her body and made her moan his name.

All of a sudden, she’s not thinking about taking him back to his friend’s house.

“Do you have to leave?” she murmured against his mouth when they pulled back enough to breathe.

Draco shook his head. “I have my comm. Plintos can call me just as well here.”


Putting on clothes turned out to have been a waste of time because as soon as she got Draco back in her room, he was stripping them off of her again. He pulled her shirt over her head, hands tracing the curves of her breasts before he dipped his head to kiss the rapidly hardening buds of her nipples.

Stephanie sucked in a sharp breath and arched just a bit, feeling him smile against her skin as he sucked one nipple into his mouth, grazing it lightly with his teeth.

She made a sound that was probably more of a whimper than anything else, and already she was getting wet.

When Draco turned his attention from her breasts to removing his clothes, she watched as he stripped out of his clothing and then gasped when he turned his back to her. Apparently she’d missed it before when they had been having sex in the dark, but there was a line of what looked like scales going down his back.

Before she could remind herself that it wasn’t polite to just reach out and touch something like that, her hand was already moving, fingers sliding a bit down the expanse of his back and finding the scales smooth and slightly cool to the touch.

They were darker than his skin, overlapping as they trailed in a line from the nape of his neck to disappear into his pants.

“I’m not human,” Draco reminded her, glancing over his shoulder at her with something tight in his eyes.

It looked a lot like fear, and Steph didn’t know whether she should remove her hand or prove to him that it didn’t bother her. So she managed to do both, pulling her fingers away and stepping closer so that she could press her lips to the line of scales.

Draco sucked in a breath and then groaned softly at the contact, and Stephanie smiled. “Do you like that?” she murmured, not wanting to do something he wasn’t into just to prove a point.

“Yes,” he breathed, and she grinned.


When they got on the bed, Stephanie decided that she wanted to be on top. She had Draco lay down on his stomach, and she explored him, touching scales and skin with hands and mouth. She didn’t have anywhere to be, and unless Draco’s friend interrupted them by calling, then there was no need for them to rush.

She didn’t know when she’d get this chance again, and she wanted to mark the differences between their bodies and find out what he liked and then do all those things.

It seemed like he hadn’t been just humoring her when he’d said that he liked having her touch and kiss the scales on his back, and they seemed to be sensitive to her touch, flexing with his body as he squirmed under her.

Of course, he only let her get away with it for so long before he was flipping their positions and pinning her to the bed, arms over head as he leaned down and kissed her thoroughly, one hand holding her wrists and the other sliding down her body. They practically devoured each other, lips clashing and meeting hungrily as they teased and tasted.

After a few moments of the intense kissing, he let go of her wrists and slid down her body as well, a heated look in his eye as she kissed and licked at all the skin between her mouth and the heat between her legs.

Steph’s eyes widened when his destination became apparent. She’d never dated someone who wanted to go down on her before. Not even Paul had been interested in that, sweet as he’d been, and when Draco kissed her clit before licking and thrusting with his tongue, she moaned, one hand burying itself in his hair and the other twisting in the sheets of the bed.

Part of her wanted to ask if he’d done this before to women on his planet, but a much larger part of her didn’t want to know. Even if he had, she was probably the first human woman he’d done it with, and that was what mattered. She could be content with that.

Especially when his tongue was dipping and swirling along her sensitive folds, making her shudder and groan at the sensation. Her hips lifted at their own accord, rolling along with the pleasure that was building inside of her. She didn’t try to hold back her vocalizations of that pleasure, either. Instead letting it be heard that she was enjoying herself a lot.

And Draco seemed determined. Each cautious, exploratory flick of his tongue was followed by a more confident one, and the whole thing was just

Stephanie couldn’t be still. Not when he was making her legs shake with how much she loved it and, she practically humped his tongue as it plunged inside of her.

“Please,” she groaned. “Oh my god, don’t stop.”

Draco released a sound of amusement into her, but he didn’t stop. He worked her until she was crying out and arching at the overspill of the hot sensation, eyes closing as she rode out her orgasm.

She laid there for a moment, panting and trying to remember what it felt like to breathe. Draco lifted his head and grinned at her, licking his lips. “You enjoyed that.”

It was definitely not a question, and she nodded weakly.

His grin just widened. “Good. Because I’m not done with you yet.” And when he moved back up to kiss her again, she didn’t resist, tasting herself in his mouth with a little thrill that already proved she was going to be fine with going again.

After all, she could see how hard he was and could feel the heat of his erection when it pressed against her. Her legs were still open, and she wanted everything else he was going to give her.

She couldn’t remember who’d said it, but she’d heard somewhere that sex was very good in a crisis, and she found that she had to agree.


A week passed quietly enough, and then two. Even though Stephanie was well aware that they needed to be on their guard and that something bad could happen, she had to admit that it was one of the nicest stretches of time in recent memory. She went to work and did her job and then she met Draco at the museum when her shift was done and took him around to show him things that she thought he would like. What made it especially wonderful was the way he seemed to enjoy learning about new things, so Steph felt like she wasn’t wasting her breath when she explained something in detail.

He traded her knowledge and information about his home for information about hers and they both kept their eyes and ears open for the ones who were after the blade.

Plintos conducted his investigations back on Aldara and told Draco that all he knew was that there were at least four of them who had broken into the palace and that they were dangerous. The guards had been taken out, as well as the servants who had been in a position to see anything, and at least two of them had been killed in the attack, quiet as it was.

Draco seemed unsettled after that conversation, and Stephanie had rubbed his shoulders and kissed him until he smiled for her.

“Sorry,” he’d said. “I’m just… This isn’t good. How could no one had seen anything?”

“There’s still no idea who these people might have been?” Steph had wanted to know.

“None,” was the answer, and they’d both spent some time sitting in silence after that, consumed with their thoughts.

Stephanie was just beginning to realize that she should probably go through with her plan to tell Nate and Simone that they might want to increase security when she got a phone call from Nate one night after she’d already gone home.

Draco was there, sitting on her bed and carding his fingers through her hair when her phone rang.

She reached for it and frowned when she saw who it was. “Nate?” she said when she answered.

“Steph, oh my god. There’s something… Something happened.”

Her eyes widened, and she sat up, pulse racing. “What do you mean something happened? What happened? Is everything okay?”

“Honestly I don’t know what to make of it. I was about to put the blade away for the night and head home, when...and I know this is going to sound crazy, but it started...


“Yeah. I don’t mean like how it’s been shiny and reflective since we got it. I mean there was a
, Steph. It started in the runes and then spread to the whole blade and it was as bright as a fluorescent light for about ten minutes. It’s dulled now, but there are these occasional flickers, still.”

He seemed to be waiting for her to say something, but Steph was at a loss. Draco hadn’t said anything about the blade glowing, and even now he was looking at her curiously. It hit her all at once that Nate’s help might be useful for whatever was happening, so she made a decision.

“Nate? I think there’s something we need to talk about.”



Chapter 7: Explanations


The first thing Draco did when Steph got off the phone and explained what was going on to him was call Plintos.

Well, alright. That was the second thing he did. The first thing was wish that Plintos himself had come to Earth to deal with this because it was much more in his realm of experience than it was in Draco’s.

But when he looked at Stephanie sitting there looking anxious in just a t-shirt and her underwear, he decided that he couldn’t be too upset about being sent here.

he called Plintos.

As expected, his friend didn’t look any better than he had the last time they’d talked, and Draco watched him rub his face as he explained what Stephanie’s friend had told her.

“Glowing,” he said flatly. “And you heard this from a human?”

“Yes. He’s in charge of researching the blade while it’s at the museum.”

Plintos snorted and rolled his eyes. “I’m sure that’s going well for him.”

“Plintos, don’t. They’re doing the best they can. It’s not like they have any experience with things like this.”

His friend looked at him for a long moment and then sighed. “You know, I didn’t send you there so you’d become their champion or fall in love with them. You have a job to do.”

Draco bristled at that for some reason. “I’m
my job, Plintos. You said to call you as soon as there was more information. There’s more information, so I called you. You don’t have to get snippy about it.”

“Alright, alright,” Plintos said, holding up a hand. “I’m sorry. And at any rate, I think the glowing might be significant.”

From her spot on the other side of the bed, Stephanie snorted dryly. “You think?” she muttered under her breath, and Draco shot her a look.

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