Alien Romance: Rusneon Mates Boxed Set: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW) (5 page)

BOOK: Alien Romance: Rusneon Mates Boxed Set: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW)
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“I did not disturb you?”

Tessa shook her head, keeping her mouth closed. She didn’t know what she felt now.

There were still traces of distrust in her heart, yet there was also the undeniable energy between them, the undeniable connection that made her feel like she was in the right place. She was starting to get tired of so much confusion.

“Speak to me,” Ceff urged gently.

“I don’t know whether or not to trust you.” Tessa said after a long and thick silence.

His lips pulled into a small smile, and her stomach wobbled.

“What can I do to change your mind?”

Tessa frowned.

“I don’t know… I want to hate you… I want to leave this place. And yet…”

“And yet?”

“And yet, I don’t know why I want you so much.”

His smile broadened, “Perhaps we were meant to be together.”

Tessa looked away, unsure.

“It can’t be that simple.”

“None of this is simple… shouldn’t be alright for just that to be simple?”

“I don’t know.”

Ceff dipped down to press his forehead to hers.

“You will see, Tessa. You will see that we are true mates. I promise you. On the Night of the Falling Star, you will see.”

And the first time since Tessa showed up there, she found herself hoping—just slightly—that it could be that simple.




Chapter 6


He hadn’t expected it to change like it had. Never in his life had Ceff felt so… taken by a female before. His heart beat with powerful strength the more he was around Tessa and he found himself being taken aback by her passion, her ability to see into things so incredibly.

She was a fierce person, loving and hating and feeling with every bit of her heart. It was astounding to see someone so small feel so much.

The first time he enacted a connection with her, he became overwhelmed with not just the surprising sensitivity of her body but with the profound range of emotions that coursed through her body all at once.

How could someone live with so much rampant feelings?

Ceff didn’t know if he could fully judge her any time soon.

Tessa did something so few dared to do, and that was challenge him on a daily basis. Her hatred for him had only spurred his desire for her more. She was so passionate and driven, he wanted to press her between his legs and buck until his knees went numb.

Instead, when she finally gave in to her emotions and attacked him that night, it was not lust that drove him to press her to his bed, but the sincere desire to make her see he was not evil.

That night, when Tessa finally succumbed to him, Ceff had found something in himself that not only surprised him but completely shocked him.

He had not expected anything like this to come from a connection with this human female. Every taste, every touch, every bit of sensual connection drove him to an unknown brink that made him crave not just for her body, but for her mind.

Ceff never knew he would fall in love with a human woman.

And yet, he did.

And he wanted to love her with everything he had.

He wanted to spend every second of every day with her, and after that night, he was delighted to know that she did not rebuke him.

When he approached, she would only glance at him and he would be pleased to see that her eyes were no longer filled with fear or anger, but with genuine curiosity.

He spoke to her and the more they spoke, the more he found her walls crumbling before him.

Suddenly, when she succumbed to him, it wasn’t just her body that reacted. He could see the change in her eyes as she met his gaze as their hips collided and ground hard together.

Her eyes slowly followed his, her mouth reaching back to gather his lips against hers and test the tethers of his devotion.

He wanted her so much… this beautiful human woman who challenged him harder than any other creature he had ever met. He loved her to the point where it hurt so much.

He just wished that maybe she would be able to love him too.


Everything changed.

Tessa knew this because she wasn’t recoiling from him. Suddenly, his touches were more than prodding and demanding to give into pleasure, but soothing and gentle. Where he had so mercilessly driven her to orgasm before, he nurtured her to climaxes that made her see the stars of her youth and reach for him a little more.

Tessa found herself wanting to be with him more. She craved his touch, but not as a second wave of energy, but sincerely.

When they spoke and he spoke of his subjects, it was with such warmth that the more he told her of his planet and of its people, she started finding those same beautiful things that demanded love.

The living stone and earth no longer frightened her or creeped her out, because she found that there was a true harmony between these people and the planet itself. She connected to the ground here in ways that she had never been able to feel in her life.

It was amazing, alarming, but wonderful.

It all headed in a direction she was never expecting… And Tessa couldn’t find any more things to tie her back from wanting to be with Ceff.

Whenever they met, the idea of “fucking” was wiped away, until all that made sense to call it was making love. Her heart grew warmer and warmer toward the Alpha dragging delicious moans from her lips, and toward the man who showed her a world through the edge of his power.

For the first time in her entire life, Tessa felt like she belonged.

She felt like she finally had a family.

Or close to it anyway.

An idea hit her one day, just a few days before the Night of the Falling Star and she couldn’t help but feel nervous when Ceff arrived at their bedchamber.

“You have something on your mind.” She should be disturbed by his innate ability to practically read her mind, but this time it came as a relief.

“A favor…” she said.

Ceff rose a brow.

“A favor?”

“Bring them back to me…” When she turned around, Ceff’s expression was pensive.

“Your sisters?” He asked, but the way he said it was slightly teasing. They both knew it had been a simple ruse. Now, Tessa wasn’t quite so sure it was one anymore.

Sending those women back to a planet where everything would be nothing like they had left it was cruel, false memories or not.

Tessa nodded.

“They are the only humans that I know could still be alive…I want them here.”

Ceff looked baffled. “Why?”

“Because I am a loner in this planet,” she said.

“I want to have someone who may understand me. I’ve never had friends before… and they were the only people I trusted when I came here. They may very well be the last of my generation at this point.”

“Very well,” Ceff said after a long moment.

“I will bring them back to you.”

It was then that Tessa realized that she might actually care about him; because the happiness that bloomed in her chest was so palpable she actually ran toward him and leaped into his arms.

Ceff had let out a small noise of surprise, but gathered her in his arms.

“Thank you,” she whispered.



The Night arrived finally, and the planet was abuzz with energy and ecstatic desire to see the Greatest finally wed to his mate.

Citadel brimmed with lively energy that Tessa could feel deep within her bones. There was a vibrant hum in her limbs that she could feel was reverberated within her chest and Tessa found herself in the company of Yana after Ceff left to take care of the major parts of their wedding.

It made her smile somewhat, that this planet had things such as weddings. It was a coincidental similarity that put her racing heart somewhat at ease.

“You look beautiful,” Yana said as Tessa glanced down at her clothing.

The dress was a vibrant series of colors too strange for Tessa to begin to describe, yet it shimmered and felt like solid liquid and it was such a bizarre sensation, she found herself rubbing her palms over the fabric—if it could even be called that.

“A perfect bride for our Greatest.”

“I appreciate it, Yana.” Tessa said gently. “Any news on my sisters?”

Yana beamed up at her.

“They should be here within the next half day. Our Greatest worked hard to bring them back in time for the wedding.”

“Do you think they will make it?”

“We shall see.”

The day was spent in customs that seemed strange to Tessa, but they no longer appeared like awful things. The planet thrummed and the buildings there moved, changing to adopt appearances that looked magical.

Tessa was astounded at the way this planet lived so harmoniously with its people, and she could not help but feel a budding affection grow in her breast when she saw how the children here played with the long and strange trees. There was a beauty that affected her in her heart and she wondered that maybe her being here was a good thing.

She had been a simple orphan girl living in a world that hardly cared for her. She grew in cold streets and wished on colder stars for a chance of a better life.

She had never believed that she would be finding it here… so far away from her home—no… Earth. This place now… Rusneon would be her home.

It was with this new outlook that Tessa was embraced in when she walked up the grand staircase set up for the ceremony. She saw Ceff ascending in the opposite staircase, spiraling closer together until they were upon a tall dais and staring at one another.

When he looked at her, his eyes were wide and soft and when he hesitated to reach for her for one second, Tessa smiled. With a small and almost imperceptible nod his expression lit up like a star.

When their fingers curled together, Tessa felt a myriad of emotions that made her feel uncertain, but happy. She wasn’t afraid… but she wasn’t also completely sure either.

It was not until the sky above them—all black and blue and purple gradients dotted in brilliant spreads of stars and constellations—burned bright with the sight of an immense meteor slicing through the sky, did Tessa feel that at least this wasn’t a bad thing. Her heart had changed.


“What are you thinking about right now?”

Ceff’s voice was gentle as they retreated into his large bedchamber. The colors in the room had changed, embracing soothing tones that embraced Tessa when she stepped into the room.

“You.” She answered.

His arms wrapped around her waist, and she could feel his erection on her thigh as he moved them toward the bed. Tessa remembered the fury of allowing him to take her, shocked at the release he had been able to coax from her body.

His influence had been strong enough to make her collapse in sheer desire, but now, it strummed through her nerves and made each breath his mouth parted on her skin feel like a smoother heat.

Tessa didn’t fight back this time, enjoying the way Ceff’s touches elicited soft moans from her mouth.

“I must have you,” Ceff groaned in her ear.

“I want you.”

Their travel to the bed was a stumbled mess of tangled limbs and intertwined tongues. His flavor was addicting and desirable and each passing groan only made her heart open a little more to his ministrations.

The dress she wore was easily discarded until Tessa was lain on the bed and looking up into Ceff’s eyes with wonder. He met her gaze with half-lidded eyes, affection pushing his lips upward into a beautiful smile that lacked the arrogance of when they had first met.

Curiously, Tessa ran her fingers down his skin, taking in its strange hue with soft hums of satisfaction. This time was not rushed and so Tessa indulged in every sound her caress on his body pulled from his lips.

He was so susceptible to her nips of lips and teeth that it made her more and more astounded that she was in the arms of such a creature.

A push of courage allowed Tessa to press against his clavicle and urge him on his back. Ceff did not protest but his eyes met her with widening curiosity.

She memorized every ridge and curve of his flesh with her fingers and dragged her tongue to test the erogenous zones of his flesh.

Ceff let out a strained gasp when her fingers found the edge of his length. She had never seen a cock before, so she wasn’t sure if it compared to a man’s or not, but it was slightly curved and throbbed in her palms.

“Does it hurt?” She asked.

“No,” Ceff gasped.

“I like it.”

Spurred forward, Tessa began to pump her palm around his length and suddenly she could see small glowing begin beneath his flesh. It covered him from chest to his legs, spackles of glowing that reminded her of stars the more she touched him.

It was fascinating, seeing how this pleasure made him lit up like he had galaxies in his blood.

Before she could do any more though, Ceff has flipped them over, making her gasp. His eyes were darker, burnt gold in the dim light of this room.

“Now,” he insisted and his hands were lifting and spreading her thighs, fluttering over bits of her flesh he had already become familiar with. In no time at all, Tessa was gasping and groaning, her back curving whenever his touch made the fire in her skin feel especially scorching.

The influence of his essence began to play spots in her eyes and she felt feverish and even delirious with desire. He finally dipped his fingers within her sex, slipping in through the soaking folds easily. Tessa let out a scream.

He began to pump his fingers against her before withdrawing, making her blink up at him with confusion.

He smirked down at her and began to rub himself against her, hot and scorching. Tessa gasped and soon began to moan, her hips lifting to match his strokes.

When he entered her, it was like coming home. She felt a wash of desire and happiness surge through her without holding back.

With every bit of her strength, Tessa reached up and around him, bringing him into a fierce kiss that made him buck hard against her. They moved in a twitching rhythm that smoothed out to hard undulations.

“Tessa,” Ceff groaned, one of his fingers reaching up to press against the base of her head.

Tessa let out a sharp gasp, her body stiffening with surprise when she was suddenly overwhelmed with new sensations.

She remembered the last time Ceff had done this, shocked when she realized that what she was feeling now was what he was feeling as he pressed against her. Only she didn’t recoil from him. Instead, she accepted it, and her level of pleasure spiked to a way she had never felt before.

She suddenly fell into a fit of pleasure so powerful that she couldn’t define whose it belonged to.

They writhed and screamed. Bucked hard and begged and pleaded for more.

Before long, Tessa felt herself clamp down on his length, and he was stuttering a fierce gasp.

“I love you,” the words were sudden and abrupt and she felt them on her mouth but was unsure whom it came from.

Still they surrounded her in a peaceful acceptance that only surged with further happiness until she was sobbing for entirely different reasons.

“I love you…”

“I love you…”

And when they fell apart they fell apart together, like falling stars and crashing worlds. Tessa fell asleep not long after, and she felt happy.

She felt like she had a life now.

She wasn’t alone anymore.



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