Aligned: Volume 3 (13 page)

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Authors: Ella Miles

BOOK: Aligned: Volume 3
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“I ... I ... don’t know.”

“Just think about it.” Ethan tucks a strand of loose hair behind my ear. “I’m going inside to get ready for the day. You coming?”

“In a minute.” Ethan walks back inside our apartment while I sit outside. He wants me to move to LA. He wants me to work with his mother and give up photography. He wants to have kids. What if I can’t give him any of those things?


I don’t want to wait anymore to make you mine.

But I’ll wait forever if you need

For you to come back to me.

Don’t stay his.

Find me still.

Please find my love

I step out of the limo to flashes blinding my eyes. I smile at the photographers while I button my tuxedo jacket. I reach my hand back into the limo; Caroline takes my hand and climbs out after me. She’s beaming as she steps out in her floor-length gold sparkly dress.

I hold my elbow out for her, and she takes it as we walk down the red carpet. We stop every once in a while to pose for the cameras as a couple, but we aren’t stopped for questions until we get to the far end of the carpet.

“You guys look amazing. Who are you wearing?” asks the entertainment reporter before thrusting the microphone in Caroline’s face.

I tune out as Caroline talks about her dress and jewelry. She really does look beautiful in her dress, but then she always does.

“Caroline, how does it feel to be a small part of such an epic movie franchise that has taken the world by storm?”

“It felt amazing. It really was a dream come true to be able to act in a film that is so iconic with so many great actors. I have learned a lot from this experience. You’ll see me starring in a major film soon. You’ll just have to keep an eye out for me,” Caroline says laughing, although I know inside she is angry for the snide remark about her having a ‘small role’ in the film.

I wrap my arms around her waist holding her close to me, trying my best to support her. Her eyes brighten when I do and the practiced reporter notices right on cue.

“This may seem like an obvious question, but are you and Landon finally back together?”

“Yes, we rekindled our love for each other a few months ago. We have always had strong feelings for one another, but a few misunderstandings kept us apart.”

“But you’ve gotten past those misunderstandings?”

I take Caroline into my arms planting a passionate kiss on her lips as I dip her for the cameras.

“Yes,” I say when I let Caroline come up for air.

“That’s wonderful. I wish you both happiness in your relationship,” she says effectively dismissing us. We gave the cameras the show they wanted; now, they need to move on to the much bigger stars who will be arriving soon on the red carpet. But I’m not done giving them a show yet. Instead of moving on as they are expecting, I get down on one knee.

I hear the reporter gasp at the same time hundreds of lights flash simultaneously trying to get a picture of us.

“Caroline, you are the love of my life. Will you marry me?” I say as I take out the box containing the same ring I had used to propose before. The ring she loves that Drew kept safe for me even after I found out about the cheating and lying. I couldn’t get rid of the ring.

Caroline’s mouth drops open and a surprised gasp escapes, showing off her acting skills. I’ve never thought she was much of an actress, but seeing her now makes me reconsider. A tear rolls gently down her cheek glistening as the cameras continue to flash around us. Finally, a large smile appears as she answers, “Yes.”

I smile too as I stand to place the diamond on her finger. While inside, all I feel is pain. Rotten, horrible pain. This isn’t about contracts or keeping Alex safe. Today is about Caroline. Reality sinks in that this is real. I’m marrying Caroline, not Alex. Never Alex.

I place the ring on her finger and then lean in for a passionate kiss. I put everything I have into the kiss, giving the cameras a grand show as I slip my tongue into Caroline’s mouth as I dip her again. I pull her back to a standing position as some of the crowd around us applauds at our little show. Maybe I should try my hand at acting as well.

“Well, that was unexpected. Was it as unexpected for you as it was us?” the reporter asks Caroline.

Caroline looks down at her ring, her smile spreading over her whole face before she looks up at the cameras.

“Yes, this was completely unexpected for me as well. But I’m so happy. This is the best day of my life,” Caroline answers.

“You two have been engaged before. What makes you think this time will last?”

Both our mouths fall open slightly before turning to reddened frowns. “We were young then. We didn’t know what a commitment we were making. This time, we do.” I pause to glare at the woman. “Caroline, why don’t you show off that gorgeous ring of yours?”

Caroline extends her hand to the camera that zooms in on her ring. More flashes go off getting a picture of the ring.

“It’s the same design as my mother’s engagement ring. I had to sell my mother’s ring many years ago to be able to afford college and food. But Landon remembered how important that ring was to me. He really is amazing,” Caroline says leaning into my arms.

“That ring is beautiful. You did a wonderful job picking it out, Landon. Any idea when or where you two will tie the knot?”

I rub my hand up and down Caroline’s back slowly to prevent myself from rolling my eyes at this woman’s ridiculous questions.

“We don’t have any dates picked out obviously. But I think soon. We don’t want to wait to start the rest of our lives together. And as far as where, you’ll just have to wait and see,” Caroline says.

“But we will get an invite right?”

“Of course,” Caroline says winking.

We are ushered on to a couple of reporters from smaller entertainment sites who ask the same questions.

What are we wearing?

Can we see the ring?

When are you getting married?

Nobody ever asks about Caroline’s talent. Nobody asks about my music career. And nobody asks about the photographer I was seen with a few weeks earlier.

We are finally ushered into the theater where we take our seats that are surprisingly close to the front despite Caroline’s small role in the film. I try not to think about what just happened. That I’m really engaged. I just want to spend the rest of the night watching a crappy mainstream movie in a dark theater.


“Why did you have to drive home again? Why couldn’t a limo pick us up like normal people? We are going to miss all of the parties,” Caroline whines.

I roll my eyes but don’t let Caroline see as we wander through the parking lot to find Silvia, my Porsche.

“Because I hate being driven around in a limo. And the good parties don’t even start for another two hours.”

Caroline lets out a painful groan. I’m a few feet in front of her, but I turn to see what the problem is now.

“What’s wrong?”

“My feet are killing me in these heels.”

I don’t hold back my eye rolling this time. Alex walked in heels several times with a prosthetic leg and never complained. We are only a block away from the car, but I know if I don’t do something, it will be the longest block I’ve ever walked.

“Wait here. I’ll go get Silvia,” I say. I begin to run the block to my Porsche, happy to have a few minutes away from Caroline. I get to the car quickly and climb in, happy to see that it is right where Drew said he left it. I start up the engine and stomp on the gas to get back to Caroline as quickly as possible.

I unlock the door when I pull up beside her but don’t bother to get out and open the door for her. She climbs in huffing and groaning making it known that she is unhappy. Well, too fucking bad.

I step on the gas as we zip out of the parking lot and toward the first party we are supposed to make an appearance at.

“God, Landon, slow down,” Caroline shouts holding onto the handle of the door.

I ease off the gas, not sure if I can handle any more of her complaining today.

Caroline holds her left hand in her right as she examines the ring closer. A ring she only wore for a couple of days last time.

“Thank you,” she finally says.

“For what?”

“For giving me this ring. I wasn’t even sure if you still had it ... this is the one I always wanted. In every other area of my life, I’m vain and want the best most expensive there is, but not this. This, I wanted to be about my mother.” She wipes a tear and sniffles quietly. “Just thank you.”

Maybe the tear from earlier was real, not fake. Maybe what I thought was her just putting on a good show for the cameras was real emotion. But I’m afraid to ask.

“You’re welcome,” I say instead.

An awkward pause passes over us as Caroline works to get her emotions under control.

“We should find a time to talk about when we are going to get married. Where we want to live. All of those details.”

She takes out lipstick from her clutch purse and begins reapplying. “Yes, we should. I want everything to happen as soon as possible. Keep this publicity going and keep it fresh on everyone’s minds. It will be the best for both of our careers, don’t you agree?”

“Yes, we should get married as soon as possible.” Before I change my mind and do something incredibly stupid that will ruin everything ...


We get our drinks before she speaks again. “What’s your name?”

“Ethan Wolfe.”

She grabs her glass and downs her whiskey. “I’m Alex.”

“Short for Alexandra?”

“No,” she says shaking her head in disgust. “It’s short for Alexa.”

“Nice to meet you, Alexa,” I say extending my hand to her. She takes it but shakes her head slightly at my response. Her eyes roam over my body before meeting my gaze again.

“Dance with me? Or should I ask one of the other bachelors if they want to dance?” She eyes a young blond guy, one of James’ friends.

I take her hand and drag her to the dance floor.

I unlock the door to my office before opening it slowly. I don’t know what I expect, but I don’t expect what I see. Boxes. Several boxes are stacked on my desk with a few piled in the corner. Each with my name on them. I’m surprised my associate, Dean, hasn’t taken over this much bigger office yet.

I flip the lights on before maneuvering around the boxes to take a seat in my big comfy office chair. I don’t even know where to start with all of the boxes. I could unpack them all and start over again here. I could continue running the New York firm, just as I always have, although Dean has been chomping at the bit for years to run this office. And from what I can tell, he has been doing a good job while I was gone. Mother would love me to get out of law and to find a safer, easier job. Or just live off our incredible wealth in peace in LA near her. I just need to convince Alexa that LA is where we should be. We should start a family and start over with a new life. She could even help Mother run the non-profit while I help run the LA law firm. I just don’t want her gallivanting all over the country doing photography. It’s not safe. I want her with me.

LA should be an easy sell since she has made her home there for the past six months. I open the first box while I contemplate on how I’m going to convince Alexa it’s for the best. I glance down at the picture frame with a photo of Alexa and me that sits on top of all of the other crap that is in the box. I smile. We look happy. I just want us to be that happy again.

I pull out my cell phone from my jacket pocket and dial Mother’s number.

“Hello, sweetie,” she answers immediately.

“Hi, Mother.”

“Are you alone?”


“Good. Does she remember anything?”

“No. She doesn’t remember anything,” I say sighing. I don’t want to hear my mother complain about Alexa anymore.

“Good. I still don’t like the decision you’ve made to marry her again, but I’ll accept it for now.”

“I’m happy to hear that, Mother.”

“Have the police caught King’s guys yet?”

“No, Mother, but they will. They were close last I heard.”


“Have you found it yet?”

“No, but I will. I just need time. In the meantime, we’re safe.”

“You need to get out here soon to look for it.”

“I will.”

“Have you convinced her to move out here yet?”

“No, but I will.”

Mother sighs. “I love you, Ethan. I’m just trying to protect you.”

“I know, Mother. I love you too. We will talk again soon. Good-bye.”


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