All Clear (37 page)

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Authors: Connie Willis

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #General, #Science Fiction, #Retail, #Personal

BOOK: All Clear
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“She can’t hear us,” Polly said.

She crossed over to the side aisle, as if headed for the ladies’ lounge, and then sprinted up the steps, flashed her ticket and program at the usher standing at the head of the staircase, and sped up and into the balcony, Mike keeping pace with her somehow in spite of his limp.

Eileen was four seats from the end of the row, past a governess and three little girls, two of whom were hanging over the edge of the balcony tearing their programs to bits and dropping them on the heads of the people below while the governess remonstrated uselessly with them. “Girls, don’t! You’ll fall! You’re both being

Eileen still didn’t see Polly and Mike. “Eileen!” Polly called to her across the girls and the governess, who was blocking her view.

“Pauline! No, no, you mustn’t stand on the seat! You’ll tear the cloth.
” the governess cried as one of the paper droppers threatened to topple over the edge.

Eileen made a grab for Violet’s dress and hauled her back to safety.

“Oh, thank you,” the governess said.

“You’re wel—” Eileen said, and finally saw them standing there. “Mike! Polly! What are you doing here? Thank heavens you’re all right, Mike. We’ve been so worried! Did you—” She went suddenly pale. “You’ve found the retrieval team,” she breathed.

“No,” Mike said, “but we’ve found a way out.”

Polly looked nervously at the governess, wondering what she was
making of this, but she was still attempting to persuade the little girls to sit down. “Oh, Henrietta,
be a good girl,” she said helplessly.

“We’ve got to hurry,” Mike was saying.

“But …,” Eileen said, “I promised Theodore—”

“It can’t be helped. We’ve only got a few hours.”

Eileen stood up, pulled her coat on, and reached for Theodore’s coat. “I’m afraid we can’t stay for the pantomime, Theodore,” she said, holding his coat out to him. “We must go home now.” She put his arm in his sleeve.

Theodore cried in a piercing, siren-like wail that was audible all over the theater. “I don’t
to go home!”

In war, time is all important


London—29 December 1940

to see the

“We can’t,” Eileen said, trying to put his wildly flailing arms into the sleeves of his coat. “We must go.”

Theodore wailed.

“Here, let me take him,” Mike said, edging past the nanny and the three little girls to pick him up.

“Oh, don’t—” Eileen said, but Theodore had already kicked him. Mike let go of him with a grunt.

“Sorry. I should have warned you.” She turned sternly to Theodore. “No kicking. Now put your coat on, there’s a good boy—”

“No! I don’t
to go!” he shrieked, and every child and adult in the audience turned to look disapprovingly at him.

“Here, what’s all this then?” the balcony usher said, coming up followed by—oh, no—the one who’d refused to allow them in without tickets. “We can’t have this sort of disruption. The performance is about to begin.”

“Are these two bothering you, miss?” the usher who’d refused to let them in asked Eileen.

“No. Hush, Theodore,” Eileen said. “They—”

“They attempted before to enter the theater without paying,” the usher who’d refused to let them in told the balcony usher.

“The hell we did,” Mike said.

“We have tickets,” Polly said quickly, handing the usher hers. “Show him your ticket, Mike. We only wanted to speak with our friend for a moment. Something’s happened at home—”

“I don’t
to go home!” Theodore wailed and burst into noisy tears.

The governess tugged on Polly’s sleeve. “You said something had happened at home? Has there been a raid? Has someone in his family been—”

“No,” Polly said, and was instantly sorry. It was the perfect excuse for getting him out of there. But their usher had already pounced. “Then it’s scarcely an emergency,” he said, snatching the tickets from the balcony usher. He looked at them. “These tickets are for row eight in the orchestra. You don’t even belong in this section.”

,” Mike said angrily. “We were only trying to speak to this young lady—”

The lights blinked off and then on again.

“The curtain’s about to rise,” the balcony usher said. “I’m afraid I must ask you to return to your seats. You can speak to your friend during the interval.”


“I want to see the
!” Theodore wailed.

“And so you shall, young man,” the usher said, glaring at Mike and Polly. “Sir, madam, either take your seats, or I’ll be forced to escort you from the theater.”

“Go sit down,” Eileen said, leaning across the little girls to put her hand on Mike’s. “It’ll be all right.”

“But we don’t have time—”

“I know. It’ll be all right. I promise.”

? Polly wondered as they were led ignominiously back down to their seats.

“What does she mean, it’ll be all right?” Mike asked her.

“I don’t know. Perhaps she can persuade Theodore to leave—”

him? Fat chance.” He rubbed his leg where Theodore had kicked him. “And what if she can’t?”

“Then I’m afraid we must wait for the interval,” Polly said, looking back up the center aisle where their usher stood guard, his arms militantly folded. “Perhaps you’d better go on to St. Paul’s, and I’ll bring Eileen when I can.”

He shook his head. “We’re all going together or we’re not going at all.” They sat down. “How many acts till the interval?”

Polly opened her program to see. The pantomime, which was titled
Rapunzel: A Wartime Christmas Pantomime
, consisted of only two acts, but under Act One were listed at least a dozen songs, as well as dance numbers, magic acts, juggling acts, and performing dogs.

Oh, no, we’ll be here forever
, she thought. And no wonder Sir Godfrey hated pantomime so. It looked more like a vaudeville show than a play.

“I want it to
,” the little boy next to Polly said.

“So do I,” she told him.

The asbestos fire-safety curtain went up, revealing red velvet curtains, and the audience applauded wildly.
, she thought, but nothing else happened.

“Maybe Theodore’ll have to go to the bathroom,” Mike said, looking up at the balcony where Eileen was talking earnestly to him, “and we can throw a coat over him and carry him out or something.”

the little boy leaned across Polly to say sternly. “It’s beginning.”

At last
, Polly thought.

The orchestra played a fanfare, and a pretty girl in tights and doublet came onstage with a large white card and said, “In case of an air raid, this notice will be displayed.” She flipped the card over to reveal
Air Raid in Progress
, then flipped it back to its blank side and set it on an easel at the side of the stage. “Thank you.”

More raucous applause, and the curtains parted to reveal a forest of pasteboard trees and a tall pasteboard tower. Near the top was a small window with a blonde sitting in it, combing her long hair. “Oh, woe is me,” she said. “Here I sit, trapped in this tower! Who will come and rescue me?” She leaned out the window. “Oh, no! Here comes my cruel jailer, the wicked witch!”

There was ominous music from the orchestra pit, and a Nazi officer goose-stepped onstage and stopped under her tower. “
Sieg heil
, Rapunzel, let down your hair!” he barked in a German accent. “Zhat’s an order!”

Rapunzel dumped a huge mass of yellow yarn hair on him, knocking him flat, and then brushed her hands together briskly. The audience erupted in cheers and laughter, and above the deafening roar floated Theodore’s clear, piercing voice. “I don’t
the pantomime. I want to go

“That’s our cue,” Polly whispered. She grabbed Mike’s hand and hustled him up the aisle and down the stairs to the lobby.

Eileen was already there, an impatient Theodore tugging on her hand. “I told you it would be all right,” she said.

“I want to go
!” Theodore declared.

“So do we,” Polly said, grabbing his other hand, and they hurried out of the theater, the glaring usher holding the door open for them.

“What’s happened?” Eileen asked as soon as they were outside. “You said you didn’t find the retrieval team. Did you find some other historian?”

“Yes,” Mike said. “John Bartholomew.”

“Mr. Bartholomew?” Eileen said, looking from him to Polly. “But didn’t you tell Mike he’s already gone back?”

“He hasn’t,” Mike said. “You heard wrong. He was here for the attack on St. Paul’s, which is tonight.”

Theodore was listening avidly to them.

“Shouldn’t we discuss this after we see Theodore home?” Polly said.

“Yes, we need a taxi,” Mike said, looking down the street for one. “You know his address, don’t you, Eileen? We can pay the driver up front and tell him to—”

“We can’t send him home
,” Eileen said. “His mother’s not there. She’s at work. That’s why
had to bring him to the pantomime.”

“Well, there must be a relative or a neighbor—”

“There’s Mrs. Owens, but she may not be home either, and I can’t send him off not knowing whether there’ll be anyone at the other end,” Eileen said. “He’s six years old.”

“You don’t understand,” Mike said. “We’ve only got today to find Bartholomew. He leaves tomorrow.”

“But we’re not going with him, are we?” Eileen said. “We’re only sending a message telling Oxford where we are. So couldn’t you two go and I’ll take Theodore home and you tell the retrieval team to come get me at Mrs. Rickett’s tomorrow? Like Shackleton. And that way you’ll be certain to get Polly back, since she’s the one with the deadline.”

“Polly doesn’t know what Bartholomew looks like, and you do,” Mike said. “And tonight’s”—he glanced at Theodore and lowered his voice—“one of the worst raids of the war, and Bartholomew’s going to be right in the middle of it. Which means we need to be out of here before it starts. We need to find him, get him to take us to his drop and go through with a message telling them to pick us up this afternoon.”

“I know,” Eileen said, “but Theodore’s my responsibility. I can’t leave him.”

“Perhaps we could find someone to take him,” Polly suggested. “Didn’t you say you sent him home from Backbury in the care of a soldier?”

“Yes, but I knew his mother would be waiting for him at the station. And I can’t turn him over to a perfect stranger.”

“Not a stranger,” Polly said. “We could go back to Mrs. Rickett’s and see if Miss Laburnum—”

“Are you sure she’ll be there?” Mike asked.


He frowned a moment, thinking, and then said, “It looks like it’ll be faster to take him ourselves. Do you think you’ll be able to find someone in the neighborhood to leave him with if we do?”

“Yes, I’m certain we can.”

“Then let’s go. Where’s the best place to find a taxi?”

“The tube will be faster,” Eileen said. “There are so many diversions between here and Stepney.”

And now let’s hope the trains to Stepney are running
, Polly thought,
and that Theodore doesn’t suddenly announce that he doesn’t want to go on the train
. But he boarded the car eagerly, peeled a corner of the blackout paper back from the window, pressed his nose against the glass, and gazed happily out, even though they’d still be underground for several more stops and there was nothing to see.

The three of them moved over to the opposite seats so they could talk. “What if we don’t reach him before the raids begin?” Eileen asked.

“Then we get him to tell us where his drop is,” Mike said, “and we go there and wait for him to come when the raid’s over. I figure his drop’s got to be outside London to have been able to open the morning after the twenty-ninth.”

“And you’re certain it will open?” Eileen asked.

“It already
open,” Mike said. “Six years ago.”

“Oh, that’s right, I’m sorry. And I’m sorry I thought he went back in October. I should have listened more closely to his lecture.”

“And I should’ve told you both about Bartholomew when I thought of him,” Mike said.

And I should have told Eileen what Mike said about trying to think of historians who’d been here earlier
, Polly thought.
But I didn’t want her to ask me about my last drop or my last assignment. So here we all are, making a last-minute dash to find an historian who was here six years ago

And if we succeed, Mr. Bartholomew will take a message through to Mr. Dunworthy, and he will wait six years and then send us through, he will lie to us for
six years
and then send us through to Dunkirk and an epidemic and the Blitz, knowing full well Mike will lose half his foot, knowing full well how terrified of the raids Eileen will be

She refused to believe it, in spite of the extra money he’d made her bring, the limitations he’d placed on where she could live. He wouldn’t lie to them like that.

How do you know he wouldn’t
? she thought.
You’ve been lying to Eileen and Mike for weeks

What if, like her, Mr. Dunworthy had had a good reason for lying? What if he was trying to protect them, too? What if lying to them was the only way to save them?

Save us from what
? she thought. And even if he was convinced lying was the only way, there’d have been no way he could have kept it from Colin, and Colin would never have gone along with it. He’d have warned her.

Perhaps he had. He’d said, “If you get in trouble, I’ll come rescue you.” But he’d seemed boyishly earnest when he’d said it, not worried she might be in actual danger.

If he thought you were, he’d have stopped you. Or moved heaven and earth to come fetch you. And he wouldn’t let a little thing like an increase in slippage stop him

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