ALL HE DESIRES (Voluptuous Woman Series) (31 page)

Read ALL HE DESIRES (Voluptuous Woman Series) Online

Authors: Brenda Jackson

Tags: #General Fiction

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Megan raised an arched brow at Tonya. “What do you mean these outfits are already paid for?”

Tonya, who had boxed up the two items Megan had selected handed them to her smiling. “Tyler mentioned this morning that any outfit you saw and wanted was yours and he would pay for them. If you have any questions about it then I suggest you go talk to him.” Tonya then chuckled. “Now scat. You’re holding up the line, which means you’re standing in the way of my profits.”

Megan shook her head grinning and accepted the two beautiful gift wrapped boxes from Tonya. “Okay, I will go and talk to Tyler about it.” She appreciated him wanting to make the purchases for her, but she wasn’t used to men buying her sleepwear.

After leaving the bedroom where Tonya, her mother and a couple of the other women in the Savoy family had an assembly line going to take care of everyone’s purchases, she went looking for Tyler. She saw him standing across the room doing exactly what he’d said he would be doing, which was talking to Bryan.

Before crossing the room to where he stood, she decided to study him while he wasn’t aware he was being watched. A soft warmth flooded her heart and quickly spread to all parts of her body as she recalled that at fifteen, when she had first seen him, she had thought the seventeen-year old Tyler Savoy had been the answer to her prayers and now as she looked at him she knew he was also the answer to a lot of other things as well.

He was wearing a pair of black slacks and light colored pull-over shirt, and as she took in the well-defined muscles of his broad chest and shoulders, she thought the coloring of the outfit accentuated his dark good looks as well as his hazel eyes. He looked scrumptious and as delectable as that piece of cake he had fed to her earlier.

Something, possibly the suspicion that someone was staring at him, made Tyler glance around the room before his gaze met hers. The moment their eyes locked, a bolt of intense awareness streaked through her and she couldn’t help wondering if he’d felt it as well. His hazel colored eyes were riveting, sexy and at the moment they were intensely holding hers. The moment stretched out between them, and it became obvious that whatever Bryan was saying no longer was holding his attention. The way he was looking at her made her feel like she was the only person in the room. The only one who mattered. The moment stretched and with each passing second she tried catching her breath and worked to slow down her racing heart. And the only thing she could think of was that if Tyler refused to be the first man to make love to her, heaven help her because more than anything, she wanted to get it on with Tyler Savoy.



Tyler continued to watch Megan as his mind raced over the possibilities. He hadn’t given her his answer to her proposition, but he knew what it would be. After a less than normal childhood, if anyone deserved unconditional happiness it was her. And there was no way he would allow another man to make love to her.

From across the room he felt the strong chemistry radiating between them, and then of its own accord, his gaze moved to her lips and he remembered how the other night he had brushed them lightly with his own before delving into the sweet depths that had awaited him.

“I hate being ignored, Tyler,” Bryan said, interrupting his thoughts.

Tyler chuckled, but didn’t stop looking at Megan. “Then I think I’d better say goodnight because I don’t see any hope for it. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

Without giving his best friend a glance, he walked off toward where Megan stood standing holding the two boxes firmly in her hands. “Did you get everything you wanted?” he asked when he came to a stop in front of her.

“Yes, but you didn’t have to buy them for me, Tyler.”

Taking the boxes from her, his fingers curled around hers. “It’s done so consider them early birthday presents.”

He watched as a smile tilted the corners of her mouth. “If I recall, your birthday is in ten days, so what am I supposed to get you?”

He stepped closer to her and whispered. “Another date with you will suffice,” he said smiling. “Now are you ready to leave before Tonya decides that two purchases aren’t enough?”

When she nodded, still holding her hand, as well as her packages, he led her to the door.



“I’ve never gone parking with a guy before but I used to hear a lot about this place,” Megan said as she smiled over at Tyler. After leaving the Mannings he had asked if she’d ever gone up to Lover’s Peak, where couples used to go and make out. Unfortunately, it was on private land so there had always been the risk of getting caught.

When Tyler didn’t say anything but continued to watch her silently, she decided to keep on talking to ward off her nervousness. The moment he had brought the car to a stop he had turned off the ignition and shifted in his seat and just sat there staring at her. “I heard that Mr. Palmer would scare off any teenagers he would find up here,” she said.

When Tyler still didn’t contribute his two cents she added. “I also heard Mr. and Mrs. Palmer died last year within months of each other. That must have been hard on their son.”

“It was.”

Megan blinked, not believing that Tyler had finally said something. “You still keep in contact with him? I remembered the two of you were good friends in high school.”

“Yes, Keith and I still stay in contact.” He decided not to mention that in a week’s time this particular piece of land, including Lover’s Peak, would belong to him. The only persons who knew about the pending transaction were his family. He didn’t want word to get out until the papers had been signed.

When Tyler became silent again, Megan’s pulse started racing once more. She searched her brain for something they could talk about then remembered something Tonya had mentioned tonight. “Canada,” she said in an almost quiet voice.

After staring silently at her for several long moments he asked in a deep husky tone. “What about it?”

“I understand that you recently went there. How was it?”

She watched as he leaned closer then reached out and cupped her face into his hands. She began drowning in the masculine scent of him as his finger slowly caressed her cheek. “I’ll tell you later. Right now I just want to kiss you,” he whispered, before placing a gentle kiss across her lips.

Gentle was only short-term in Tyler’s mind, because the moment a sigh escaped Megan’s lips, he deepened the kiss and she willingly opened her mouth to his probing tongue. This had to be the most desirable woman he had ever known, he thought, as he continued to make love to her mouth; needing her taste as much as he needed his next breath. But he knew deep down that what he was sharing with her went way beyond the physical. He was falling in love with her all over again and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. Except . . . take her down with him. He was determined to make sure she realized what he had come to grips with earlier today. After all these years they belonged together.

He felt the tips of her nipples hardened against his chest and felt the pounding of her heart as well. The purring sound she was making was more erotic than anything he had ever heard, and he felt his body getting harder by the minute. Deciding that if he kissed her for even a minute longer he would lose control, he slowly pulled away.

“Why did you stop?” she asked in a harsh whisper as a sensuous pout formed on her lips. He wanted to lean over and kiss her again but knew they needed to talk first.

He suddenly sucked in a sharp breath when she reached out and touched him and slowly began tugging at his zipper. Evidently she had remembered his one weakness was her hand touching a certain part of him.

“Are you sure you want to stop?” she whispered softly, leaning over and taking her tongue and tracing the outlines of his lips. Tyler’s heart beat accelerated as a thrill of pleasure shot through him. “No, I’m not sure, but unless you want your first time in the back seat of a car, I suggest you keep your hands to yourself.”

“Umm, if I must,” she said softly, and all the while with deliberate slowness she was easing down his zipper . . . or at least she was trying to. The thought of her actually succeeding in what she was trying to do, which would result in her holding his aroused sex in her hand, was too much to think about.

Tyler shook his head. Megan James was becoming a lot more temptation than he ever thought possible. Heaven help him but he was definitely headed for trouble. “Yes, keep your hands to yourself or I’m taking you home for misbehaving.”

Megan smiled. Evidently his tone of voice wasn’t too convincing. “If that’s what you want.”

No, that wasn’t what he wanted, but he had to make her believe that it was. “Yes, that’s what I want,” he said, taking her hand off of him and guiding it to her lap and placing it there. He stared at her hand resting in her lap for a moment before lowering his gaze to her crossed legs and especially to where her dress ended, showing the dark, smooth flesh of one of her thighs. He was tempted to reach out and stroke her the same as she had wanted to stroke him.

“If you’re not going to let my first time be in the backseat, does that mean you’re going to make sure I do have a first time someplace else?”

Tyler raised his gaze from her legs back to her face. The nymph was grinning. She knew she had him tied in knots and was loving every minute of his torture, but he was determined to make her suffer for it. “If that’s your way of asking if I’ve made some rather important decisions regarding us, then the answer is yes. If your offer is still out there then I intend to be your man.”

She leaned forward and her lips came within inches of his. “The offer is still out there and I definitely want you to be my man, Tyler.”

Damn, he hoped she meant it, because he didn’t intend for there to be another man in her life. Ever. But first Megan needed to understand that for the next two weeks she would have to play by his rules and his rules only.

“I’m glad to hear that,” he said huskily, tempted, very tempted to capture her mouth and feast on her tongue again. Now that he had decided he would make love to her, how was he going to keep his hands off of her until she realized what he felt was more than physical? At this very moment all he could think about was hot bodies, tangled sheets and very busy hands and mouths.

He watched her lips part and deciding, what the hell, since temptation at the moment was too strong, he inched closer and clamped his mouth over hers in demanding possession. This time the kiss went deeper and was more urgent than before. He was becoming totally intoxicated with the flavor of her mouth and the rich, sensuous texture of her tongue. He could stay here and kiss her all night but he knew that eventually kissing wouldn’t be enough.

Slowly, he released her mouth and pulled away. Seeing another pout on her face he closed his eyes momentarily and willed himself to regain control. When he opened his eyes she was watching him and the deep look of desire in her eyes wasn’t helping matters.

“Like I was about to say before I became distracted,” he said in a low, husky voice. “I have certain rules you need to follow.”

He watched her arched brow lift. “Rules?”

He drew in a deep breath and released it slowly before answering. “Yes. For us to make love will be the final step, but before we reach that point there are other things that we need to do.”

She eyed him steadily and at the same time he felt her touch a finger to his thigh, no doubt trying to make him lose control again. “Things like what?”

He reached down and captured her hand in his, deciding to stop her from going any further. “A courtship.”

Now he watched as both of her brows went up. “A courtship?”

He inwardly smiled. Evidently she’d assumed they would meet at a hotel tomorrow night and just get it on. Well, he had news for her. He had two weeks to prove to her that there was more between them than just the physical. “Yes, a courtship.” He could tell by her expression that she was reasonably confused.

“But why?” she asked, clearly not understanding.

“Because technically we’ve never courted, and I think it should be a prelude to any man and woman sharing a bed. I’m not into one night affairs, Megan. You might have been my first girlfriend but we never got around to doing things most couples did. Now we have a chance to do them and I think that we should. I want to experience things with you, take you places, have fun, and then in the end if you’re sure you still want me physically then – ”

“I’ll still want you,” she quickly said, squashing any notion that she wouldn’t.

“We’ll see.” He met her gaze and held it for a long time. “So, are you willing to play by my rules?”

She nodded. “Yes, if you really want to do this courtship thing.”

“I do.”

Megan told herself not to let the thought that Tyler didn’t want to rush them sleeping together bother her. In a way she guessed she should be glad that he wanted to take the time to do other things with her before they actually slept together. Most men wouldn’t bother. “Are we through talking?”

“Yes, we’re finished.”

The hunger she saw in his eyes made her heart race and heat settle right smack in her middle. “It’s still early yet, and I’m not ready to go home, Tyler.”

Tyler’s hand tightened into fists as he tried not to reach out and haul her across the seat and into his arms. Those were the same words she had spoken to him thirteen years ago. “You’re not?”

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