All I Want Is You (21 page)

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Authors: Kayla Perrin

BOOK: All I Want Is You
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As she lifted the pan of baked goods from the oven, setting it atop the counter, she met his questioning stare. “I was planning on it. I need to start prepping my New Year's orders. We're only open for breakfast and lunch this week, and then I need to be in the bakery during the afternoons.”
“Can you play hooky?”
“I . . . well . . . it . . . ,” she stammered, pondering whether she could change her schedule for an impromptu afternoon with the man who had her wishing she were buck naked beneath him on top of the stainless-steel counters. She took a deep breath. “What did you have in mind?” she finally managed to answer.
“Trey wants to go spend the afternoon with one of his friends, and I thought that maybe we could spend some time together after I dropped him off—that is, if you
to spend some time with me?”
Knowing that she
to stay and work, despite
desperately to disappear with the man, had Malisa completely discombobulated. It was on the tip of her tongue to say so when her mother and sister both came into the kitchen, Anitra waving hello. Her sister's grin was all-knowing.
“Your sister and I can handle the restaurant,” Miss Etta said as she pointed Anitra to the stove. “Go have yourself a good time!”
Gabriel laughed. “Thank you, Miss Etta.”
Malisa's mother winked at the man, pushing her daughter toward the exit. “Go on, Malisa. You deserve a break. We've got this handled.”
“But . . . but . . . ,” Malisa stammered.
“But nothing, daughter,” Miss Etta said, her sly grin pulling at the edges of her mouth. She leaned to whisper into Malisa's ear. “Go get you some buffet, child!”
Chapter 9
“Miss Etta's cool!” Trey chimed as the trio pulled out of the restaurant's parking lot.
Malisa laughed. “My mother definitely has her moments,” she said.
“I like your mom,” Gabriel interjected. “She reminds me of my own mother.”
“Nana's cool, too,” Trey agreed. The boy went back to texting on his iPhone.
With one hand on the steering wheel, Gabriel reached with his other to brush his fingers against the back of Malisa's forearm. He smiled sweetly. “I'm glad you could get away,” he said.
Malisa nodded. “Me too,” she whispered softly.
Two right turns and an extended pause at an intersection put them in front of a modest two-story home. As Gabriel pulled into the parking lot, a young man about the same age and size as Trey rushed out the door, waving excitedly.
Gabriel rolled down his window and waved back. “Did you have a good Christmas, Michael?” he asked.
Michael nodded. “Yes, sir. I got the Wii console and a few new games.”
“Nice!” Gabriel chimed. The man looked over his shoulder as Trey jumped from the car, tote bag in hand.
“What's all that?” his father asked.
“Stuff, just in case.”
“Just in case what?”
“In case I spend the night.”
“I don't remember you asking anyone for permission to spend the night.”
“Mom said I could.”
Annoyance creased Gabriel's forehead as Trey stood at the car window waiting for his father to send him off to join his friend.
“Let me remind you,” Gabriel started, his tone firm. “You live with me, Trey, and that means you need my permission, not your mother's. As your custodial parent, if something happens, I'm responsible.”
The boy rolled his eyes skyward.
Gabriel's eyebrows arched high. “We'll discuss this later. I'll call and check on you this afternoon. Go have fun!”
Trey nodded, tossed Malisa a quick wave good-bye, and rushed to join his friend. The couple watched as the two boys greeted each other eagerly, then rushed back inside the home.
Gabriel cut his eye at Malisa before shifting the car in reverse and backing his way out of the drive.
Malisa smiled. “The joys of parenthood,” she said, chuckling softly.
Gabriel laughed with her. “I'm sure it's not nearly so difficult when parents are on the same page,” he said. He heaved a deep sigh. “But I don't want to spend the afternoon complaining. I've actually made plans for us, but is there anything special you'd like to do?” he asked.
Malisa shrugged, her shoulders pushing skyward. “I'm riding shotgun today, big guy. You're the party planner on this one, and you better make it good,” she said teasingly.
Her new friend laughed. “Well, then,” he said. “Since you put it like that!”
She grinned broadly. “You've left quite an impression, Mr. Whitman. I'd hate to see you crash and burn now, because I would have to talk badly about you.”
Gabriel laughed heartily, his head tossed back against his shoulders. “Now I'm scared,” he said. “I'm going to have to get it right, aren't I?”
“Yes, you are,” Malisa answered. “Yes, you are!”
Minutes later, Gabriel pulled the car in front of one of the cutest log cabin homes Malisa had ever seen. The A-frame retreat was complemented by cedar tongue-and-groove logs, a rustic stone chimney, and a deep wraparound porch.
“This is adorable,” Malisa chimed, her gaze skating over the details of the home's structure.
“My father and I built it. It was my very first house,” Gabriel said proudly. “Dad and I cut and fit every last log in place.”
He exited the vehicle, crossed in front of the car to the passenger side door, and extended a hand to help Malisa out of the automobile.
“It's impressive,” Malisa said as he held her hand, pulling her along beside him as they made their way up the front steps. “How long did it take you?”
“Three years of some serious father-son quality time. Best experience of my life. I really got to know my father during that time.”
Malisa didn't miss the echo of pride in his tone as he talked about his parents, the wealth of it vibrating through his whole spirit. The love between him and his family was palpable, much like with her own family.
Without a key, Gabriel pushed open the front door. Malisa's curiosity rose tenfold as they were greeted by two women who stood waiting in the home's sizeable living room.
“Good morning, Mr. Whitman!” the tall blonde chimed cheerily.
“Felicia, Bernadette, hello,” he answered, gesturing with his head at both women. “This is Ms. Ivey,” he said, making a quick introduction.
Malisa smiled her hello, her gaze racing between them. Curiosity pulled at her eyes, moving Gabriel to chuckle softly.
“Are you ready for us?” he asked, still not letting her in on what he had planned.
Felicia nodded. “Yes, sir. When you two are ready, so are we.”
“Ready for what?” Malisa asked, confusion washing over her expression.
Gabriel laughed heartily. “You're riding shotgun, remember? That means you just get to ride, no questions.”
Malisa cut her eye at him. It was on the tip of her tongue to give him a snappy comeback, but instead she bit back the words. Gabriel was acutely aware that she wanted to say something smart, and her holding back amused him.
He slipped an arm around her waist, guiding her down a short length of hallway into the home's family room. Two massage tables draped in white sheets sat room center. A fire burned invitingly in the oversized fireplace. Candles blazed strategically around the room. Soft music played on the stereo system, a mix of soft jazz and blues caressing the wood walls.
“I get a massage every week. I thought a couple's massage might be a nice change this week. And since I know you have so much on your plate, I was hoping that you might enjoy an hour of relaxation.”
Malisa smiled. “Well,” she said softly. “Looks like you're off to a nice start, Mr. Whitman. I might not be able to talk badly about you after all.”
Gabriel grinned broadly. “Did that sound like approval?” He blew against the back of his fingers, then brushed them across his broad chest. Malisa rolled her eyes, smiling widely.
Behind them, the other woman held out a white cotton robe, a plush white towel, and slippers. Gabriel took them from the woman's hands and nodded his gratitude.
“There's a bedroom on the left where you can change,” he said, passing the garments to Malisa.
“Thank you,” she responded as she headed in the direction he pointed.
Minutes later, Malisa lay facedown on the massage table, a white cover draped over her nakedness. Gabriel lay on the table beside her, the man so close that their shoulders were just millimeters from touching. Heat wafted between them with a fury, it taking everything the duo had between them not to toss their coverings aside. Allowing herself to fall into the sensations, Malisa closed her eyes, her thoughts focused on Gabriel's deep breathing beside her. Each inhale was slow and steady as the man fought to contain his rising excitement.
Malisa lay like that for some time, hot stones pressing against her pressure points as the licensed massage therapist began to slowly loosen her muscles, the woman's touch both relaxing and restorative. As the masseuse folded the sheet back to expose the length of her leg and the outer curve of her buttock, she opened her eyes. Gabriel had been eyeing her intensely, and his gaze shifted down the length of her body, eagerly examining every line and curve. When he lifted his eyes to hers, meeting her stare, he smiled sheepishly, only slightly embarrassed at being caught.
Malisa smiled back, her own gaze skirting the length of the table and his exposed flesh. She took a swift inhale, awash with excitement by the beauty of his hard lines. Reaching toward her, Gabriel brushed his fingers down the length of her profile. Malisa's smile widened as she closed her eyes a second time, savoring the sensations sweeping through her.
The hour sped by and before either of them knew it, their massage was finished.
“How are you feeling?” Bernadette asked her, leaning to whisper into Malisa's ear.
Malisa smiled. “Wonderful,” she said. “I feel wonderful.”
Gabriel sat upright on his table. “Ladies, thank you both very much. We both greatly appreciate your services.”
“You're very welcome, Mr. Whitman.” Felicia nodded. “Will you both be having massages next week, sir?”
Gabriel looked toward Malisa, his expression hopeful.
She shrugged ever so slightly. “I'll have to get back to you on that one,” Malisa said. “I have to fly to New York after the New Year so I may not be here.”
A flash of disappointment shone in Gabriel's eyes. “We'll get back to you, Felicia,” he said.
The woman nodded. “Yes, sir.”
He turned to Malisa. “Excuse me for a moment while I show these ladies out,” he said, rising from the table. He adjusted the large towel around his waist, being mindful to not expose himself unnecessarily. Malisa didn't miss the look the two other women exchanged between them. She was certain that neither would have minded seeing even a hint of what the beautiful black man might be working with.
As the trio disappeared from sight, she lifted herself off the table and slipped back into the robe that rested across an upholstered chair. When Gabriel returned, she was standing, anxiously waiting.
“I usually spend a few minutes in the sauna when I'm done,” he said, “and we can also take a plunge in the hot tub, if you like.”
“You have a sauna?” Malisa asked.
“This was my pleasure retreat when I built it,” he responded. “My bachelor haven before the ex-wife and the kid.”
“I'm sure,” Malisa replied, just imagining the kind of pleasures he might have enjoyed there.
“So,” Gabriel questioned, “what will it be, sauna or hot tub?”
Malisa met his intense stare, and it was on the tip of her tongue to say she wanted him to take her to bed and make love to her instead. She couldn't believe how aroused the man had her, his presence igniting a torch deep in her core. Her nipples had hardened beneath the terry robe, the soft fabric brushing sensuously against her skin. She would have gladly replaced the touch of fabric with Gabriel's hands.
Gabriel shifted his stance, trying to hide the rise of his rock-hard erection. He'd been hard ever since she'd come into the room in her white robe, his imagination gone wild at the thought of her being naked and so close to him. When he'd seen the hint of bare skin, the curve of her behind melding into the long length of her leg, and the honey-silk skin, he'd been no more good. He'd been ready to toss his staff out the door so that he could take the exquisite woman right then and there. And now she was standing before him looking even more delectable as she bit down on her bottom lip.
When she still hadn't spoken, seemingly unable to answer his question, Gabriel reached for her hand. With her fingers entwined in his, he guided her toward the back of the home and the wooden structure adjacent to the master bedroom.
The sauna could have easily held three or four people comfortably. Benches lined three walls and the music echoed from speakers built into the walls. Gabriel pushed the digital controls to turn up the heat. He gestured toward Malisa to make herself comfortable.
Within minutes, the temperature had risen considerably, the radiant heat beginning to penetrate each and every pore in their bodies.
Gabriel didn't miss her rising discomfort, never taking his eyes off her. “That robe is a little heavy,” he said as he passed an oversized towel to her. “This might be more comfortable.” He turned around in his seat. “I won't peek. I promise,” he said with a soft chuckle.
Malisa giggled. “Sure you won't,” she said.
“Really, but you need to hurry up,” Gabriel replied, pressing both of his hands over his eyes. “If you take too long, I might have to break that promise.”
By the time he'd finished the sentence, Malisa had already dropped her robe to the floor and was tucking the towel closed around her torso.
“Well, then, I guess you should turn back around,” she responded.
Gabriel smiled his approval as he turned back toward her. “You look very relaxed,” he said as she lifted her legs and stretched them out on the bench before her.
“I am,” Malisa answered. “Do you always come here for your massages?”
He nodded. “I love this place. I have great memories here, and usually it doesn't take any time at all for me to relax once I get here. When I need to think things through, I come here.”

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