All or Nothing (3 page)

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Authors: S Michaels

BOOK: All or Nothing
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‘I am very attracted to you Abi’ he

‘Ditto’ I gaze out of the window avoiding
his eyes.

We are silent until we pull up outside The
Stratosphere Hotel and the driver opens the door for me, ‘thank you’ I smile at
him and he nods. 

‘If you can wait in the vicinity please’
Grant nods to the driver who answers with a,

‘Of course sir’ 

I raise my eyebrows I thought he was a cab,
‘is he your driver?’ I query.

‘Yes, for the duration’ he places a hand on
my lower back as we enter into the hotel which leaves an imprint even after he
has removed it.


I feel as if I am sitting on top of the
world, what an amazing place.  We are seated in the revolving restaurant of the
hotel observing the views as we drink champagne and eat nibbles, Grant is
sitting beside me indicating points of interest that I may be intrigued by. 

‘Thank you’ I exclaim shyly.

‘For what?’ he gentles.

‘For deflowering me’ I grin sideways at him
‘it could have been a very lonely experience’

His eyes move over my face before settling
on my gaze ‘it has been a pleasure’ he purrs ‘the thought of deflowering you
Abi….’ his eyes darken as his eyes find my lips before his mouth follows. He
places his lips on mine gently as if to test my reaction before tilting in to
me further, I gasp at the jolts of pleasure that shoot through my insides to my
sex as he sucks on my bottom lip. I groan and he moves away reluctantly, ‘so, are
you vocal in the bedroom Abi?’ he whispers his eyes dark his face tense ‘I like
that very much’ before moving back in his seat lifting his glass to take a

My heart is hammering in my chest as I
mirror his action and gulp down a huge mouthful of my champagne.  I glance
around suddenly aware of my surroundings but find people are oblivious wrapped
in their own bubbles of happiness. I take a deep breath once again shaking my
head slightly.  I hear a chuckle and turn to find Grant regarding me amused,
‘you know many people in Vegas?’ he teases me and I join him with a grin.

‘So what do you do? You say you are here
for business?’ I enquire relaxing

‘Property’ he murmurs uninterestingly

I shrug ‘I am a PA’

He nods regarding me ‘in London?’

‘Yes, you?’

‘Based in London yes’ he is watching me

‘You married’ I query casually.

‘No, I wouldn’t be here if I was married’ he
informs me seriously.

‘How long are you here?’ I question hoping
that he is here longer than a day or two.

‘Not sure yet, it depends on how my meeting
goes tomorrow, what about you who’s wedding?’

‘My b…ex-boyfriends colleague. I don’t know
any of the guests they are all arseholes who he believes are above my intellect
for some unknown reason.  From where I am sitting I consider them to be
tedious, ill-mannered pricks’ I reply politely anger rising once again within
me of how I have been treated.

‘Didn’t any of them invite you into the
circle?’  He frowns slightly amused by my language.

‘No, they aren’t comparable to my friends,
I only attended because he refused to be embarrassed by my no show’

‘What do you care of his discomfort?’ he
queries ‘I am glad you did accompany him I hasten to add’

I sigh, what does it matter I will never
see this man again ‘because he paid for the trip and threatened to send me the
bill if I failed to appear, I do not have access to those kind of funds so….’ I
flush mortified by my admittance.

‘Good people you mix with’ he raises an
eyebrow ‘he doesn’t seem to want you around is he just punishing you do you

‘Yes, that is exactly what he is doing’ I
murmur ‘anyway, I do not wish to give him and his wonderful friends any more
airtime’ I smile sarcastically.

We finish our champagne and Grant and I
enter the elevator, I glance up and he is regarding me carefully.

‘What?’ I flush at his expression and he
tips my chin once again placing his lips on mine nibbling the bottom lip, I
gasp and he strokes his tongue inside my mouth I groan pulling him deeper into
me as I battle his tongue with mine.  His hands find my hips bringing the
length of my body flush against his. The elevator pings and the doors open but
I am oblivious until Grant slows the kiss down moving away from me.  I blink up
confused before noticing our arrival at reception, luckily there are no guests
waiting for the elevator.  His face is serious and he looks as shell-shocked as
I as we stare at each other, the door begins to close once again before he
moves quickly to open it smiling gently indicating for me to exit.

We move to the front of the building where
the driver is waiting and enter the car, Grant directs the driver to the New
York Hotel.  I am sitting close to Grant his arm casually thrown across the
back of the chair.  My insides are churning with excitement.  I have never before
experienced an instant attraction as I do with Grant, I have had good sex but
never felt the intensity of such sexual tension.


chapter Three

We arrive at the hotel and Grant smiles,
‘now a bit of a thrill’ he murmurs as we ascend the escalator to the top
floor.  When I glance at exactly what he is referring to I grin, ‘I love scary
rides’ he smiles seductively at me and I find myself blushing then chuckling.

As we sit on the rollercoaster I am animated
and nervous, I glance at Grant who is observing me with amusement, ‘do you like
scary rides?’ I flirt towards him.

‘I like all rides’ he murmurs his hand
finding my thigh and I gasp, he strokes up and down slowly and I find myself
mesmerized by his green eyes and his gently touch.  Forgetting where we were I
lean in and bite his bottom lip before sucking it running my tongue across it
slowly, he gasps and grasps my hair pulling me into his space thrusting his
tongue inside my mouth. The roller coaster jolts and we are suddenly flung
apart, I am a disorientated but grab the bars as we get tossed from pillar to
post off of the outside of the hotel.  I am screaming and giggling by the end
of the ride Grant merely grinning and holding a hand to his ear in mock
deafness at my loudness.

We settle in the back of the car for the
extremely short journey back to the hotel, I have gone quiet now the reality of
the situation settling in my brain.  I am exhausted by the jetlag along with
the champagne and roller coaster.

‘You tired?’ Grant enquires his eyes
absorbing my face.

‘Hmmm, jetlag’s arrived I lay my head back
against the back of the seat ‘I could do without all the crap now’ I sigh.

‘You sharing a room?’ he sounds strange so
I glance towards him to find his eyes hard.

‘Yes but there will be no contact I can
assure you’ I cannot remove my gaze from his ‘can he go around the block
again?’ I whisper.

‘Can you go around the block Jonathon
please’ he instructs the driver without breaking the eye contact.

‘Of course sir’

He gazes down at me and the air is filled
with lust, I turn to him and place my hand at the side of his head pulling him
down to me, his hand moves me closer to him stroking up and down my hip, my sex
is clenching and my nipples are pushing against my vest as I groan into his
mouth.  He sucks up my groan nipping my lip stroking my tongue with his.  I am
panting as he slows it down once more.

‘God Abi’ he tucks me into his neck ‘the
things I want to do to you’ he whispers into my ear and I gasp at the images
that enter my mind, my eyes are heavy and my face is flushed I have never
wanted someone as much in my whole life.  He stares down at me and my insides
flutter ‘what I want you to do to me’ I whisper aware of the driver.

He runs his hand over his face, ‘come back
with me’ he suggests.

‘I would love to but you don’t need to be
involved in all this Grant, it is fucked up’ I sigh ‘what time is your meeting

‘Probably all day, what are your plans?’ he

‘Well I have the hen night tomorrow night’
I roll my eyes ‘that should be fun although I will just show my face then
disappear, let’s face it no one will notice.  It is also the stag night so they
will be out all night no doubt’ I search his face ‘want to do something
tomorrow night?’ my eyes convey exactly what I desire and he smiles.

‘I would love to’ he kisses my lips gently
‘give me your mobile number’ he demands and I type it in his iPhone, he calls
it giving me his number in the process ‘any problems call me’ he insists.

As I stroll across the foyer alone I am
smiling for the first time in an age, I pass the Piano Bar where the wedding
party were grouped earlier but it is deserted.  I continue up to my room and
that is also empty, Scott has obviously been there and showered before
returning out with his friends of this I am relieved.  I shower and climb into
bed despite it only being ten o clock and am sound asleep within minutes. 

I awake and glance at the clock, it is
seven in the morning that was quite some sleep!  I stretch turning to notice if
Scott made it home to find his side empty and unslept in.  I release a breath
in relief maybe he is going to sleep elsewhere which suits me fine. 

I lay contemplating my day yesterday and
smile a fling is just what the doctor ordered.  I am not going to feel guilty
as far as I am concerned we are not together anymore and haven’t slept together
for a couple of months now.  What a mess though, I should have left before we
moved in together. 

I call Bella, ‘hi Hun, how is it?’ she
answers her voice anxious.

‘The hotel is great, the weather is good’ I
inform her.

‘And the company?’ she tests.

‘Actually the company is very nice, I
haven’t seen the wedding party since I arrived’ I tease.

‘Aw you aren’t wandering alone are you Abi?
Come home, leave the bastard’ Bella is angry.

‘I am fine, any luck on the rooms to let?’
I press.

‘Yes, I am looking into two options at the
moment we will sort it… have you informed him you are leaving?’

‘Yes, he doesn’t care he literally shrugged
his shoulders’

‘You sound happy, everything ok?’ she
sounds confused.

I smile ‘actually more than fine I am
partaking in a little holiday fling’ I cannot keep it to myself.

She screams, ‘what??? Who?’

I laugh, ‘I will tell you details later I
need to get up in case Scott comes back to the room he slept elsewhere last
night which I am thankful for’

‘No! Tell me now!’ she wines but I laugh.

‘Nothing much to tell now except to say
that I am being escorted around Vegas by a gorgeous green eyed man’

‘Oh my god’ she gushes ‘I am so happy for
you, be careful though he may be a serial killer’ she adds and I smile at our
identical thoughts.

‘He isn’t I asked, speak later’

‘Ok take care’ she calls her voice unable
to contain her joy.

I shower and dry my hair plaiting it down
my back before dressing in tiny denim shorts and an off the shoulder t-shirt
with my wedges, I may do some shopping after breakfast or maybe a spot of
sunbathing by the pool whilst the weather is warm.  I apply some make up and
ensure I look presentable just in case of a certain green eyed gentleman and wander
down to the restaurant for breakfast.  As I enter I glance around to view the
occupants of the room to find not just Grant and a couple of businessman in
suits obviously having a breakfast meeting but a couple of the girlfriends from
the wedding party who after glancing at each other call me over. 

I sashay over, aware of a pair of green
eyes observing me, towards the girls who invite me to join them, I sit but they
have finished their food so hopefully they will exit shortly.  I order some tea
before standing to retrieve some breakfast, as I pass Grant’s table my eyes
find his and they lock in to his as I smile. He looks handsome in his suit and
my heart flips the guy next to him glances towards me and smiles muttering
something to his companions, I notice Grant frown before murmuring something
back. I fetch an omelet and some juice before returning to the girls who seem
to be gathering their things, ‘So where did you disappear to yesterday?’ Sandra
enquires ‘we all went out for dinner after the bar although some of the boys
drifted off to a club of some sort’ she smiles.

‘Oh I did some sightseeing’ I informed her.

‘Oh well’ she glances at her friend
nervously ‘we are off to do some shopping if you would like to join us’

I smile at her ‘Thank you but I am fine,
enjoy your day’ and they leave with a relieved smile.

‘See you later for the hen-night, I believe
we are going to the Paris Hotel then on to a club’ Helen informs me, ‘we are
meeting in the Piano bar at 7.30pm’

‘Ok thank you’ I murmur as they wave their

I tuck into my omelet whilst checking my
texts and mails on my phone.  I am drinking a mouthful of tea when my phone
buzzes, I glance down and notice a text,

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