All Or Nothing (18 page)

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Authors: Blake Karrington

BOOK: All Or Nothing
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The elevators doors opened silently and the girls exited all at once. Since this was Champagne’s hook up, naturally she led the way, followed by Juicy, Shantell and Delicious. After knocking softly on the door, they waited for entrance. From the outside, they heard a short burst of laughter.

Suddenly, the door flew open. All the women looked up. Shantell thought, Damn, this nigger’s tall!

“Damn, y’all lookin’ good as a motherfucker,” the player remarked. “Don’t just stand there; come in.”

One by one, the ladies entered the Presidential Suite. Inside, they were greeted by more tall men. Shantell didn’t know if the other girls already recognized them or not, but she already knew who these dudes were: members of the Charlotte Bobcats.

It didn’t take long for the other strippers to catch on. From her vantage point, Shantell could see them suddenly starting to change. They began to act like a bunch of groupies, finger pointing and getting loud.

“Oh, I want that one right over there,” Juicy shouted.

Delicious replied, “You can have that one, but I got that big, black nigger sittin’ right there on the couch.

From that point on Shantell knew exactly how it was going down. It was every woman for herself. It seemed like money turned these strippers into mercenaries, and mercenaries into savages. Sad part about it was, there was more than enough money to go around.

When the girls walked in, it was like a soul train line. For a moment, all eyes were transfixed on them. In their minds, the guys did the same thing: they chose which one they wanted; they just didn’t openly express it. One by one the players walked over and introduced themselves. The two groups became one as everybody began to socialize.

Shantell took the time to soak up her surroundings. The Presidential Suite was humongous. It was larger than all of the girls’ apartments. There was a sunken living room with a nice tan leather sectional couch. Art work seemed to be hanging from every wall. Both of the 42-inch plasma televisions were tuned to ESPN’s Sports Center. There was a fully stocked bar in the corner. All the amenities of home could be found here.

“Champagne, lemmie holla at you for a minute,” one of the players said.

Shantell watched intently as the player and Champagne talked. She noticed that he inconspicuously slipped her a wad of money. The other girls might have missed it, but she sure didn’t. Shantell had been promised three hundred dollars just for coming and doing her thing. By the end of the night she aimed to collect it, too.

As she scanned the room Shantell silently began to identify each player. She noticed one player off to himself, in the distance. His eyes were glued to the television. He seemed very interested in the results of a golf tournament. The longer Shantell stared at him, the more familiar his face became.

Oh, shit! That’s the dude from the draft. Ronald Wright, she thought to herself.

Once again their paths had intersected; first it was the party at the Hyatt, and now here. She wondered if he would recognize her, not that she had done anything to make herself

memorable. She thought he probably wouldn’t. She wondered how many girls threw themselves at him daily.

“C’mon, y’all, let’s go get changed,” Champagne commanded.

Obediently the girls followed the order. They all entered an oversized bedroom and began changing from their street clothes to their work outfits. Digging in their bags, each girl pulled out sexy stripper outfits with stilettos to match. Shantell opted to just wear a thong and go topless; even though she brought a few outfits herself, in the end she decided to keep it simple.

When they re-entered the room, Shantell felt a nervous energy in the air. The show was about to begin and so was the feeding frenzy. These were top-notch athletes with huge sexual appetites. They were used to the best of the best and this was no different; the freakier the better.

“Where the birthday boy at?” Delicious shouted.

“Right here!” The group said in unison.

The atmosphere inside the suite began to resemble a college fraternity house. There were lots of imitation dog barks and loud cheering going on, mainly boys being boys.

While the girls were in the bedroom, the players had rearranged the furniture, creating more room. Quickly, everyone gathered in the living room; it was show time. Delicious grabbed the birthday boy’s hand and took him over to the couch and gave him an awesome lap dance. That was just for starters. When that was done, she undid his pants and gave him a blowjob right in front of everybody.

Ronald Wright blended safely into the background. He was just as shocked as he was stimulated. He was enjoying the proceedings. He had a wild side in him that he suppressed. He didn’t put his business in the street like this. He was more of a closet freak.

Meanwhile, Juicy and Champagne began putting on their own show. Using a large black strap-on dildo, the two strippers began servicing each other. The sight of two women

having sex aroused every man in the room. There wasn’t a soft penis in the suite.

The birthday celebration became the ultimate freak-off. Everybody seemed to be oblivious to each other’s doings; they were too busy doing the damn thing. Condoms and articles of clothing littered the room.

Shantell thought to herself, this bitch going all out!

By this time, everybody had chosen their partners. The most aggressive strippers picked the players who were bejeweled with expensive diamond-encrusted wristwatches and expensive platinum chains. As fate would have it, this paired Shantell with Ronald.

“Hey, Big Man, what’s up wit’ you? You participatin’ or just watchin’?” Shantell asked him. “What you tryin’ to do?”

Ronald was caught off guard by Shantell’s straightforwardness. It caused him to blush. He had never in his life been propositioned like this. His mother did a good job of sheltering her son away from the scandalous groupies, so far.

Right away, Shantell could see that he was the shy type. Though he may have been big physically, he still was a kid. He was a man-child. She could see he was more than a little bashful. The average guy would have been all over her by now, so Shantell knew that if she didn’t make the first move, then nothing was happening. She’d be there all day waiting on him. Ronald represented a dollar sign to her. The act of sex was just a way to feed her daughter.

Seizing the moment, Shantell grabbed his hand and led him away from this orgy. Suddenly they found themselves in the bedroom. Behind closed doors, it was a different story. Ronald suddenly underwent a drastic transformation, sort of like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He was all over Shantell, pulling her close to him. His big hands engulfed her butt cheeks. He palmed her butt and breasts as if they were basketballs.

No words needed to be exchanged between the two. There was no time for talk only action. Breaking loose from his grip, Shantell went south on Ronald. She knew her fellatio was

the bomb, so she got on her knees and began to handle her business. When Shantell opened his zipper and removed Ronald’s penis, she was expecting him to be well hung. Boy was she in for a surprise. Ronald was not holding at all. To say he had an average-sized penis might have been an overstatement.

Judging by the size of his hands and his big feet, one would have thought that Ronald would be a monster downstairs. Ronald dispelled that old rumor by which women usually used to measure the size of a man’s manhood. Now Shantell knew for sure that this didn’t apply to everybody.

Wow! Shantell thought to herself. That’s it, huh?

Shantell felt bad for him. Still, she performed like her usual self. She took him into her mouth and easily deep-throated him.

From time to time, she glanced upward as she bobbed her head. She could see Ronald was enjoying her services. His eyes were shut tight and his hand rested atop Shantell’s head, assisting her with the rhythm.

Without saying a word, Ronald pushed her away. Shantell knew he was about to climax so she locked her mouth on him like a pit bull and wouldn’t let go. Literally he had to pry her mouth off him. Ronald didn’t want to end the fun just yet. To him, Shantell was so sexy, that he wanted to see how it felt to be inside her.

“Damn, girl! What you tryin’ to do to me?” he asked.

“I want you! Fuck me!” Shantell said seductively. “I wanna feel you inside me.”

At that point Ronald came to his senses; he knew he couldn’t have unprotected sexual intercourse with her. He wasn’t really worried about catching a disease; he was more worried about getting someone pregnant. Having a baby out of wedlock was bad for his wholesome image. Besides that, he knew his mother would kill him.

Luckily, he had a condom in his back pocket. One of the guys had passed them out just before the strippers had arrived. At the time, he wondered when he would put it to use; now he

knew. Ronald quickly produced the contraceptive and with his teeth, he tore into the protective wrapping. Now he was in business.

Deciding against having sex with his clothes on, Ronald disrobed. He was an amazing physical specimen. Ronald’s body was in tip-top shape. He had muscles on top of muscles and low body fat. Shantell was thoroughly impressed.

As they headed to the bed, silently Shantell hoped that size didn’t matter. She hoped that Ronald could work his thing. She ran across a lot of dudes that were holding but couldn’t please her. But if worse came to worst, she planned on faking it. It would be her little secret, and he would never know.

Shantell crawled onto the bed and got into the doggy position, giving Ronald a good view of her round butt. Ronald couldn’t help himself; he bent over and began licking her anus. The move took Shantell by surprise; still she enjoyed it.

When Ronald inserted his penis into her vagina, it was just as she suspected; he didn’t do anything for her. He thrust his hips hard and fast, and his pelvis smacked Shantell’s butt cheeks. Just watching her behind jiggle excited Ronald to the point he couldn’t contain himself any more. Suddenly, he withdrew his penis from Shantell’s vagina as he climaxed. He knew condoms weren’t foolproof, so it was better to be safe than sorry.

“Yo, Ron, you alright in there?” someone yelled through the door.

Ronald lay motionless and drained, at the end of the bed. He was just savoring the moment. He replied, “Yeah, I’m cool! I’m coming out in a minute.”

“Take yo’ time!” The voice said.

When Ronald glanced down at his Rolex wristwatch, he realized it was getting late. He better start getting on his way before his mother started calling. If Ronald wasn’t home by a certain time, she tended to fear for his safety.

Simultaneously, Shantell and Ronald began to get dressed. As he pulled on his pants, Ronald reached into his pocket and gave her a handful of large bills.

“Thanks,” she said.

“No, thank you. The pleasure was all mines. Listen, do you mind if we exchange numbers? I would like to keep in contact with you. See you again, sometimes. I think you’re beautiful.”

Without hesitation, Shantell rattled off her number to him. She viewed him as a meal ticket. This was more than a come up; messing with Ronald would be like hitting the Power ball for a chick from the hood.

To her, it didn’t matter if he didn’t have that "good dick.” From past experience she knew that ‘good dick’ didn’t pay the rent, so she was more than willing to overlook his sexual shortcomings. She thought she could train a dick to meet her sexual needs, even one as little as Ronald’s.

Chapter 13

Everybody Loves A Star

If this is a dream, then please, God, don’t wake me! Shantell thought to herself.

Ever since she met Ronald Wright, she seemed to be enjoying a magical carpet ride. Often she wondered when it would end. She wondered when would her prince turn into a frog. Shantell knew her luck didn’t run like that. She felt like good things just didn’t happen to her. It was as if she were cursed.

It wasn’t like anything was wrong either. Her sexual relationship with Ronald had turned into a courtship of sorts in only a few short months. Somehow Shantell had managed to parlay their no-strings-attached, initial sexual encounter into something more meaningful. So everything was fine; she just found it strange that everything in her life was going so right, all of a sudden.

Suddenly there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Before that, those lights were the headlights of an oncoming train, named Misery that collided often with Shantell on the path of life. The future appeared to be bright for a change. But somehow, Shantell had a hard time believing it.

This was one of the most carefree times of her life. The only thing Shantell really worried about was getting rid of Mike. She was growing wary of his continued involvement in the drug game. She knew that one mistake by him, and either the police raiding her house or the stick-up boys kicking in her door, could bring her whole world crashing down.

Once she met Ronald, Shantell knew it was basically over for her and Mike. She planned on cutting him off all the way around the board. She was going to get her key back from him and hand him back his drugs. She really thought it would be that easy, but that remained to be seen.

Shantell saw no future with Mike; he was stop gap, temporary. After all, he was a drug dealer. She knew one of three fates usually befell a drug dealer: either they got locked up, arrested or got killed. Only a few were fortunate enough to get out of the game unscathed.

Right now, Mike was just an afterthought. She would deal with him later. Currently her mind was focused on her date with Ronald tonight.

The TGI Friday’s restaurant, located on West Harris Boulevard, was packed to capacity. It was always like this every Friday. In Charlotte, it was the place to see and be seen. The restaurant was more than an eatery; it was more like a gathering spot, a fashion show and a social club, all rolled up into one.

When Ronald’s black BMW 650i coupe pulled into the parking lot of TGIF, it seemed like heads suddenly turned and all conversations ceased. The expensive European sedan attracted lots of attention for both driver and passenger. The car was immaculately detailed, the body was waxed, and the tires shined, courtesy of a healthy coat of Armor All. Ronald opted to keep the car plain. Even without the fancy rims, tinted windows and other after-market accessories, the car still looked good. Ronald wasn’t a flashy type of guy; he knew the value of money and to him, it made no sense to do anything to a car when the value of it depreciates as soon as you roll it off the lot.

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