Almost Too Far (Almost Bad Boys #3)

BOOK: Almost Too Far (Almost Bad Boys #3)
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An Almost Bad Boys Novella









Three Graces Publishing

Copyright © 2014 A. O. Peart

All Rights Reserved.


Visit the author at



This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, locations, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Almost Too Far

Copyright © 2014 by A. O. Peart


All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be used, reproduced, scanned, distributed, stored, or transmitted in whole or in part, in any form, by any means, including graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying or recording without the express written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

For further information or permission please contact the author at
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Author and publisher do not have control and do not assume responsibility for third party websites featuring this book and their content.


Artwork by Regina Wamba

Copyright © 2014 by A. O. Peart


First Edition, 2014 published in the United States of America

Three Graces Publishing.

ISBN-13: 978-0-9883695-6-6





To my children Alex and Amanda

(although you will not be allowed to read this for a while)

You taught me the true meaning of unconditional love.

I love you forever.





Table of Contents

Praise For Almost Too Far




















About the Author

Author’s Note

Author A.O. Peart Recommends: Fighting For Love


Praise For Almost Too Far


“If you're looking for a quick read that's jam packed with an array of comical chicks on a mission, hot boyfriends who know how to push your buttons, partying that turns suspenseful, & some "sweet old ladies" that will have you reconsidering everything then buckle up & enjoy the ride!”

~ Jeni’s Bookshelf Blog


“I can not get enough of this author and Natalie's story!

There have been so many times I really felt like one of the girls in these books and that doesn't change in Almost Too Far. The dialogue is amazing, banter is hilarious and the chemistry between Colin and Natalie is HOT!”

~ Book Flirts By Jessi Blog


“Not only do we have an abundance of comedy in this little winner… but the sex is SMOKIN’ and how I love sex scenes with comedic banter thrown in—those two emotions mesh so well together when reading a story.”

~ The Star Angels Reviews Blog


“I found this book utterly hilarious!!!  I so want Colin's great-grandmother to be mine!!!  She's awesome as are her friends!!!”

~ Jess’s Book Blog


“This wacky crew is at it again with their crazy and funny adventures! I don't think anything could top the giant penis sculpture from
Almost Broken Up
, but there are a few parts in
Almost Too Far
that are right up there.”

~ A Lust For Reading Blog


“The love you feel in this book is wonderful. Between Colin and Nat and with all the women… just wonderful!”

~ Battery Operated Book Blog


“I have read this author's YA books wow totally different writing and man can she write. (…) I love how the author mixed sexual scenes with comedy. It gives multi-dimensions to the book where it can hit on subjects that attract many different types of readers.”

~ Lisa Markson, book reviewer


“Almost Too Far is another great installment into the Almost Bad Boys Series. It will have you roaring with laughter and squirming in need. (…)

Each page will elicit laughter of some sort, which is only rivaled by its sexual intensity. If you loved the previous books you will fall completely in love with Almost Too Far.”

~ The Book Harlots Blog


“What amazes me about A.O. Peart's writing style in this series is her ability to squeeze such a wildly crazy fun story in such a small number of pages and have everything just feels so right. These books never disappoint, you won't believe how much can happen in under 200 pages.”

~ Helena Ison, book reviewer















“Sex is not the answer. Sex is the questions. “Yes” is the answer.”

Swami X.


There is definitely something hot about a guy doing his laundry. Especially when he does it like an expert. I’m sitting on the floor in Colin’s kitchen, painting my toenails blood-red while Colin loads the dryer.

He comes out of the laundry room, shirtless, only wearing black sweat pants that ride low on his hips. My heart does the familiar flip. He gets me each time I see him undressed. Let’s just say his rigorous workout schedule pays off and then some.

“You’re gawking.” Colin laughs, opens the fridge, and starts rummaging inside.

I gape at his wide, muscular shoulders, his well-defined back that tapers down to the small waist and the tight, perfectly-shaped butt, now hidden under those loose-fitting sweat pants.

“You would be too if I walked around the house half-naked,” I fire back.

“Why won’t you?”

I shrug and wait for him to turn around. When he does, I unhurriedly lift my t-shirt and take it off. I toss it on the floor by his feet, smirking.

“The bra too.” He takes a sip from his Coke can, watching me intently.

I reach back to unclasp my bra, noticing his eyes open slightly wider. “You’re gawking,” I imitate his statement.

“I always do when you undress.” A slow, lazy smile lifts the corners of his lips. He casually leans with his back against the granite counter.

My bra slides off and lands on top of my t-shirt. I return to painting my toenails. “So this is going to be a casual party, right? I didn’t bring anything dressy, just a skirt and a simple top.” We are going to Helga’s, Colin’s great-grandma’s eighty-fifth birthday party, but I couldn’t get much out of him about what to wear. Go figure.

“Don’t sweat it. You’ll look fantastic, no matter what you wear. But I like what you have on now.” Which isn’t much.

I snort and finish painting the last toenail and then replace the top on the nail polish bottle. I lean back, admiring my handiwork. “I like what you have on now too, but that won’t do at your great-grandma’s party.”

“I wasn’t suggesting going there like this.” He grins cheekily.

you suggesting then?” I pretend not to have a clue. I’m such a tease.

He takes another long sip of his Coke and then says, “Changing into our party clothes.” Ah, so we are going to play the tease game.

“Already? We have time. Don’t you want to be fashionably late? Fifteen minutes maybe?” I say innocently.

“I’m sure Helga’s friends have been at the house since early morning. There isn’t a certain time to arrive at their parties.” He shrugs. “Both Helga and Libby are totally cool with people hanging out at their place.”

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