Read Alpha Bloodlines Online

Authors: Kirsty Moseley

Alpha Bloodlines (24 page)

BOOK: Alpha Bloodlines
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"You're welcome son" he said shaking my hand firmly, I shook hands with Pete and watched as Brook and her mother hugged him and said their goodbyes.

Scott came over, "Want me to take Beth back to mine so you two can have some private time?" he offered smirking at me, oh shit I would love that! The thought of Brook and me in a house alone was just way too tempting.

"I'm not sure that either of them would go for that, maybe you should suggest it and see what they say" I said nodding towards them. He smiled and punched my shoulder, Scott knew how hard this was for me, I'd spoken to him a lot this week about how hard it was to be mated and be so far away from your mate.

I tried not to listen as he spoke to them, Brook glanced over at me almost looking shy as she smiled at me making my whole body tremble slightly. A few minutes later they all walked over to me,

"Jayden, you don't mind if Beth stay's at ours tonight do you? We thought she'd be more comfortable there, my parents would love to have her" Scott said smirking at me.

I could feel my wolf rejoicing inside, "No I don't mind, if that's what you want to do Beth" I said playing along that I had no idea.

She nodded "I'd love to catch up with Rachel and Paul" she said happily.

"Ok well would you like to come to Alpha Logan's barbeque with us tomorrow lunchtime?" I asked curiously.

She smiled "Sure, if that won't be a problem for him though" she said frowning.

"I'll check with him in the morning, but I don't think it will" I said honestly. We walked back to the car, Scott had left his car at mine so we all piled into my car heading for my house. I could barely contain my excitement at the thought of having Brook all to myself.

Chapter 19


I couldn't keep my eyes off of him as we drove, he was so damn sexy, he was Alpha now too and it seemed to turn me on all the more. The thought of him being so powerful and strong was actually making my mouth water. "You sure your parents won't mind me staying?" my Mom asked Scott for the hundredth time.

He smiled affectionately at her, "Of course not Beth, I told you it was my Mom's idea in the first place" he said shaking his head amused.

"I just don't want to impose" she said wringing her hands nervously.

"You're not imposing" Scott said sternly.

When we pulled up Jayden looked at me, "Wait there please" he said grinning as he got out and jogged round to my side opening the door for me and taking my hand helping me out of the car.

"Oh so that's what a lady feels like" I said jokingly.

He smiled and kissed my hand "Yep" he said tugging me towards the house. He went to the kitchen to make us a drink and I headed to the lounge flicking on his TV for a bit of background noise, I hated it when it was dead quiet.

My Mom headed upstairs to pack an overnight bag and I started to get nervous, Jayden and I were mated now, but what happens if he doesn't like my body? I know last time we slept together he said I was beautiful but maybe he was drunk or something. I squeezed my eyes shut and plopped onto the couch trying not to imagine him taking my clothes off and turning his nose up like Trey always did. I don't think I could see that look of revulsion on Jayden's face, it would be ten times worse because I wanted to please him. I was going to be the only one he would ever want, what happens if he didn't even want me?

He sat down next to me and took my hand, I just looked at his perfect angels face, looked into his beautiful green eyes. God I could just look at him forever and never get bored of it. Scott sat down in the armchair, "Can't you two hold off the lovey-dovey stares until we've left?" he whined making me laugh, Jayden rolled his eyes looking slightly frustrated.

My Mom came down a few minutes later with a little bag, "Ok I'm ready" she said smiling at me.

I got up and hugged her tight, "I'll see you tomorrow, don't stay up all night gossiping with Rachel"

I said jokingly as I kissed her cheek.

She laughed "Yes Mom" she said hugging me tighter. She brushed my hair behind my ear, "You look really happy Brook, it's weird what with everything going on, but I've never seen you look so happy and contented before" she said looking at me happily. I nodded, I'd never felt so happy and contented before, but at the same time I'd never been more afraid of anything in my life. "Be safe" she whispered winking at me.

I laughed "Yes Mom" I said rolling my eyes.

"Bye Jayden, I'll see you tomorrow" she said watching as Scott grabbed her bag, he kissed me on the forehead and gave Jayden the man hug thing before walking out of the door after my Mom.

I bit my lip and turned back to Jayden feeling sick with nerves, "You want to watch TV or something?" he asked. Oh god he's not feeling it like I am! Then again why the hell would he? He's like a freaking God and I'm just plain old Brook Mills.

"Um yeah sure" I said heading back to the lounge. I grabbed the wine that he had poured for me and downed half the glass before he even sat down next to me.

"Shall I put on a DVD?" he asked, I downed the last of my wine and put my glass on the table before turning to look at him. Ok I guess we needed to talk, I needed to find out exactly what he wanted from me, because I wanted everything from him.

"Jayden, do you really want to watch a DVD?" I asked curiously, not really sure of how to word,

'hey want to take me to bed?'. He shook his head his eyes locked on mine, my breath caught in my throat at the expression on his face. It was pure lust, pure want. "What do you want then?" I whispered not trusting my voice to speak normally.

"You" he growled his voice sounding so husky and sexy that I whimpered.

"Take me then" I said breathless with excitement. Before I even knew what happened he was out of his chair picking me up. I pressed my body to his wrapping my legs around his waist as he ran so fast to his room that all I could see around us was a blur. Unless it just felt like that because I couldn't see anything other than his eyes.

The passion had taken over my body as I crashed my lips to his roughly, I heard a little growl coming from his chest making me even hotter for him. My whole body was almost vibrating with need for him, he laid me down on his bed and climbed on top of me pressing his whole body to mine but somehow not putting any of his weight on me. I ran my hands down his back and gripped hold of his t-shirt pulling it off over his head before gripping his ass and pulling him closer. He was rock hard already, I raised my hips grinding against him as he kissed down my neck.

Oh God this was taking too long, I couldn't wait any longer I needed him now! "Please, Jayden please" I begged desperately, he pulled back, his hands going for the buttons on my jeans, he didn't undo them just ripped them open the buttons flying off. I bit my lip at how incredibly sexy that was.

He pulled my jeans and panties off in one smooth movement throwing them on the floor. I unbuttoned his jeans quickly, almost frantic with need now.

He gripped hold of my top and started pulling it up tracing his fingers across my stomach. I grabbed his hand panicked, God I needed him, I didn't want him to get turned off at the sight of me and not want to be with me. "Can't we leave that on?" I asked holding his hand stopping him from removing my top.

He looked at me shocked, "This is about what that fucker said to you isn't it? When he said you were fat and that no one would want you" he asked looking murderously angry.

I bit my lip, "It's just, I don't want you to look at me" I said quietly.

"Why?" he asked frowning angrily his jaw tight, I looked away from him.

"Because I'm horrible, my body, it's not nice and" I started but he put his hand over my mouth stopping me from talking and sat up pulling me up with him.

"Come here" he said tugging me gently off of the bed and pulling me over to a full length mirror that was hanging on the wall. I didn't look in it, I couldn't, he gripped my top and before I could stop him he pulled it off over my head so I was just standing in my bra. I gasped shocked and wrapped my arms around myself trying to hide away from him. He unclasped my bra pulling it off and dropping it at my feet, "Stop that" he said sternly taking hold of my wrists and forcing them to my sides.

"Jayden please" I begged feeling tears stinging my eyes, he turned me to face the mirror and I closed my eyes. I hadn't seen myself completely naked for about a year and a half and I couldn't look now.

"Open your eyes shortie" he said resting his head on my shoulder from behind me, still holding my fists to my sides.

"I don't want to see, please Jayden, I don't want you to see either, please" I begged. I felt so sick, I tried desperately to squirm out of his hold.

"Brook even with the bruises you are the most beautiful girl in the world, every guy I've spoken to thinks you're so hot it's unreal, your legs are perfectly toned and long" he said softly. He let go of my wrists and run his hands over my thighs making me get goose bumps from his touch but I still couldn't open my eyes. "They're so soft and delicate, and your hips are perfect curves leading to your tiny little waist that I can almost wrap my hands around, look" he said putting his hands around my waist, I opened my eyes slowly and looked in the mirror, his fingertips were a couple of inches from touching across my stomach.

"Your stomach is perfectly flat and toned, which leads me to these" he whispered trailing his fingers over my breasts making me moan quietly, he was driving me crazy with desire. "These are perfect, soft, perky, and they fit in my hands like they were made for me" he said his voice husky and filled with lust. He cupped my breasts and rubbed his thumbs over my nipples making them get hard as he kissed my shoulder softly making my whole body tingle.

He turned me around slightly and one hand skimmed down to my ass, "And your ass, my God Brook, this is the most perfect peachy ass I have ever seen" he said squeezing it gently as he moaned quietly. He turned me back to face myself in the mirror. "Your body is perfection, your skin is flawless, everything about you is beautiful" he whispered in my ear as I looked over my body.

I could feel the tears building, I didn't look that bad, all this time I was convinced I was some sort of hideous ugly freak and it wasn't true. "He's a fucking asshole, he wanted you to himself so he made you think no one else would ever want you so that you would stay with him, he was manipulating you Brook, you are nothing less than a goddess, I swear to you on my life, you are so beautiful it's almost painful, and you need to start believing it" he said sternly.

He wiped the tear that fell down my face, he had his chin resting on my shoulder as I looked in the mirror, his eyes were shining with love and affection. His hands were skimming over my hips and the tops of my thighs, I tipped my head to the side and looked at the red bite mark on my neck. He moaned quietly as he looked at it, "That's my favourite part of you" he said blowing on it gently making me shiver.

I smiled "Yeah? Not my perfect peachy ass?" I asked teasingly using his words.

He pulled back slightly and looked down to my ass, "Mmm maybe you're right" he said grinning making me laugh and blush. "Seriously though, my mark on your neck is the single best thing I have ever done in my life, nothing in this world will ever compare to seeing that and knowing that you're mine" he said looking at me with total honesty clear across his face. God he was too adorable.

I turned and wrapped my arms around his neck, "Thank you" I said gratefully.

He smiled "For what?" he asked curiously.

"For mating me, and wanting me, for what you just said about my body, for protecting me and my Mom, and most importantly, for throwing me on the bed and fucking my brains out" I said smiling teasingly at the last part. He laughed and picked me up quickly moving us back to the bed, he kissed me softly, tenderly making my heart melt. He moved down trailing little kisses over my chest biting my nipples gently making me gasp, I arched my back pressing into him wanting more.

He moved further down kissing over my stomach, he moved to one side and I felt him trailing his fingers across my bruises tenderly. He moved my arm out of the way pinning it above my head as he ran his tongue over my sore skin and blew on it softly making me get goose bumps. Oh God he is seriously good at this! I bit my lip and moaned as he slipped his hand down between my legs massaging me gently as he continued to kiss over my sore ribs. I closed my eyes concentrating on the fire he was starting between my legs, as I moaned and gasped for breath.

He kissed his way back up to my mouth, I kissed him hungrily, savouring his taste. I ran my hands down his chest, just as I got to the waistband of his jeans he gripped my hands pulling them above my head pinning them there with one of his hands. He pulled back to look at me, I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him closer to me. I could feel how hard he was, and he was right there where I needed him to be, if I could just get his damn clothes off! My body was aching for him now, I needed relief, he was killing me.

He kissed down my neck and I gasped as he blew on his mark teasingly, is he doing this on purpose? I ground my hips on him, he was pressed against me so tight that I rubbed against the denim of his jeans. The friction was unbelievable, I moaned and struggled to get my hands free, I needed to get this clothes off, he just held them tighter not wanting to let go.

He kissed his mark gently just once making me buck my hips against him roughly as my body bumped up another gear. He grunted as I rubbed against his erection, why is he not letting me get his clothes off? Screw it, if he's not gonna help me then I'll make him! I started grinding against his erection squeezing him closer and closer to me with my legs, getting myself off against him as he kissed and licked his mark.

"Oh God Jayden" I breathed my body in a state of pure bliss. Me rubbing against him was getting to him I could tell, his breathing was speeding up and he seemed to be losing concentration on my mark, his grip on my wrists getting looser, it wouldn't be long now, he wanted me badly.

He crashed his lips back to mine and kissed me deeply letting go of my hands finally. The kissing got more and more intense he ran his hands down my body massaging my breasts gently, gripping my ass. I had never felt anything like this, this desire was worse than last time I was with him at the party. The need for him last time was bad, but this was almost unbearable, I felt like I would die if he didn't get inside me soon. I pulled his jeans down over his hips trying to get them off as quick as I could. He was kissing me almost desperately now, our breathing was ragged, once his jeans and boxers were finally off he nudged my legs open further and positioned himself at my entrance.

BOOK: Alpha Bloodlines
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