Alpha Call (5 page)

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Authors: BA Tortuga

BOOK: Alpha Call
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Chapter Seven


Brett kept glancing at Wendy, waiting for her to lose her shit.
The smell in her place had been intense and awful, making him want to chew the
asshole up, so she had to be just ready to pop.

She was holding it together, though, even if it was by the
skin of her teeth.

He didn’t push, though. Not here in the truck.

Damn. She smelled like sadness and he wanted to be holding
her. Loving on her. Giving her a place to chill the fuck out.

He sped up, zooming toward home. Mongo barked a little,
scratching at the window. Oh someone liked to hang their head out.

“He won’t jump out. He’s a good boy.”

“Cool.” Brett distracted himself with putting the window
down, letting Mongo scent the wind.

They headed up into the mountains, the air getting colder,
sweeter. He could breathe so much better out here, the lingering scent of acrid
male anger fading. He glanced at Wendy, tickled to find her melting back
against the seat.

Her eyes were closed, her face relaxed. By the moon, she was

His heart started a slow, heavy thudding, his body

His lady.

Wendy moaned softly, hand sliding over his thigh. Every
muscle in his leg went stiff and he was afraid he’d hit the gas too damn hard.

“Almost there.”

Her eyes popped open and she pulled away. “Sorry. I dozed

“Oh. Sorry. I thought you said something.” Okay, that made him
feel stupid. She’d probably been having a nightmare or something.

“No. No. Well, maybe.” She rubbed the bridge of her nose.

“No worries, honey. You’re in a safe place.” As much as he
wanted to jump her, he wanted her to know she could just relax. That was even
more important.

“I really need a drink.”
And a long bubble bath and a
hard cry. Maybe a hug.

Her internal voice was like a drug. He almost answered her.


“I can get you a drink in three minutes.” And he had a huge
tub. She could soak. He could watch. It would be great. Maybe, if he was a good
dog, she’d shave her legs for him. The idea made him want to howl a little.
Maybe a lot.

They pulled up to the house and Mongo bounced and whined,
tail wagging furiously. The scents had to be overwhelming, for sure. Poor guy.
Brett patted his butt and gave him permission to explore with a single sound.

“No one will hurt him, right? He’s not aggressive.” Wendy
stepped out of the car, arms around her sides. “The fucker fouled his food

“No one will hurt either of you. Ever.” He couldn’t stand it
anymore. He had to take her in his arms.

She looked up at him, eyes glistening and wet. “Not out
here. Take me inside.”

His proud lady.

“Come on, honey. You need a bath.” He whistled up Mongo and
lifted her, carrying her into his cabin, away from curious eyes. She looked

Wendy didn’t say a word and he locked them in, taking her
upstairs into his master suite, into the bathroom with its giant whirlpool tub.
The jets took a few moments to get going, so he used that time to strip her
down, trying to ignore the tears streaming down her face.

He shucked his clothes and then eased them both into the
steaming water, keeping her close, but not squeezing her. He let her float a
little, let the water relax her muscles, let her breathing slow.

Sweet lady. He hummed, deep in his chest, letting the
vocalization ease them both.

She sank back against him, the bubbles all around them. He
held her against him, her butt in his lap, but there was no pressure in him.
Wendy needed comfort, not sex. Not yet.

He grabbed the soap and slowly washed her, keeping his touch
light, easy, letting her body tell him what she wanted from him. She tensed
when he touched her scars, but Brett didn’t let himself back away from the
raised marks. Those were part of her, so he was going to love them, respect her
strength, her courage. His fingers slipped to her ribs. No one would ever hurt
her again, not if he had anything to say about it. He was going to find this
asshole and rip his throat out and maybe offer his still-beating heart to

That was a happy-making thought, really. Giving his mate the
choice parts.

He grinned, kind of glad she couldn’t see him. Brett
wouldn’t want her to think he was taking this lightly.

“I like the bubbles.” She turned to her side, rested her
cheek against his chest.

“So do I. They’re comforting, huh?” He liked watching her
with the bubbles on her skin. He drew a heart with his index finger, the tiny
suds leaving an impression for only a second before they melted from her heat.

“They are. They smell good.” Her hand moved through the
foam, fingers dragging through the water, tips so close to his skin.

His body tightened, his breath catching. God, he wanted her
to touch him.

Her lips brushed the hollow of his throat, her moan soft,

“Such a pretty lady. So soft.” He kissed the top of her
head, his hand sliding to her hip.

“You’re not soft.” She lifted her chin, offering him her

He took the kiss, letting his tongue push into her mouth.
No, he was hard as a rock for her.

Wendy turned in his arms, fingers moving to frame his face.
Her legs fell on either side of his and she pushed up against his chest. By the
moon herself, his lady felt heavenly against him, slick skin and delicious
curves. He just held her for the longest time, kissing her deep. It was like a

Her lips swelled, lush and delicious, and when she moaned
for him, the sound vibrated inside him.

Brett breathed in her scent, which mixed with the musk and
sandalwood of his bubble bath. It made him grunt, his body moving through the
water, hips rising and falling.

Her curls slipped along his shaft, the slick touch sweet and
causing his balls to draw up, and his abs burned, his entire body screaming to
press inside. Wendy rose up, lips moving over the tip of his cock. “This okay?
I need.”

Was it okay?

It was so okay that he might just explode. He was definitely
teetering on the edge.

His hands landed on her hips, encouraging her down, but not
pushing, letting her control it, letting her sink down over him and capture him
in the softest, hottest place on earth. Brett moaned, his body wanting to take,
wanting to make her his. Now.

She took him in, her lips clinging to his as she shuddered.
Fuck, yes. His.

Brett waited until she started shifting up and down, until
she was trying to find a rhythm. Then he began to move, rocking his hips so he
slid deep.

“Yeah, just like that.” Oh, thank God. She needed him too.

Her lips met his, Wendy groaning for him, soft and sweet,
and he couldn’t help his growl. He wanted to take her hard and deep, but he let
her set the pace, let her have whatever she wanted.

“Harder.” Those pretty eyes met his. “I need to feel you.”

“Anything you need, honey.” He meant it too. It might kill
him, but if he had to stop even, he would.

Her eyes—suddenly as green as bottle glass—snapped up at
him. “You. I need you.”

That was clear—as clear as the way her pussy squeezed him.
He groaned, his muscles clenching, his body trying to hold off.

He surged up, his ass slamming on the bottom of the tub on
every thrust. He was going to have fucking bruises. It was weirdly hot that she
was such a stud, that she could make him crazy without even trying. He was
going to make her come, then he was taking her to his bed and they could go at
it again before he fed her. She was so damn pretty, so slick and hot against
him. Home. She was more home than he’d ever had before.

Her hair fell around him, sweet-smelling and heavy, damp. He
pushed one hand up into the mass of silky stuff, cupping the back of her head.
He kissed her again and again. He felt every kiss around his cock, her body
responding to him, eager. The water sloshed around them, their bodies slapping

Her nipples dragged over his chest, her eyes rolled and then
his lady was calling out, coming for him.

Brett held her close, panting, his belly rippling with

“Come on. You now.” Demanding girl.

“Help me, honey.” He thrust hard, his body on fire.

“Yes.” She slammed down, grinding against him.

Christ. He just lost it, giving her what she was demanding,
his seed pulsing from him in hard spurts. Wendy’s hands tangled in his hair,
their lips crashing together as they rode out the pleasure.

Panting, he relaxed down in the water, letting it ease
muscles that had clenched up. Brett was half afraid to say anything, not
wanting to break the mood and send her crashing into tears.

She tilted her head, lips brushing his jaw, the touch soft
and electric.

Brett hoisted up, his arms around her. Grabbing a towel, he
dried her off on the way to the bedroom.

She stayed wrapped around him, her nipples hard, her breath
soft. He stroked her skin with one hand, supporting her with the other. The way
she trusted him made him feel ten feet tall.

He eased them both down on the bed, pulling the comforter
around them. He was rarin’ to go again, but she might need rest more than
mating. He did what was best for his pack. Period.

“Not pack, but I could so go for a two-fer.” She bit his
earlobe, hard enough to burn.

Brett stifled a chuckle, knowing if she’d heard his
thoughts, she was well on the way to completing the mating process. He turned
his head and bit her right back, teeth on her shoulder.

She stiffened, rocking as if she couldn’t decide whether to
be pissed off or turned-on. He didn’t let her get grumpy about it. He just kept
at her, licking and nipping.

Wendy started playing back, fingers on his chest, tugging
his hairs and his nipples as she growled.

It turned into a tussle of the best kind, both of them
biting and pinching, his soft slap to her ass making her grunt.

“Watch it, fuzzy.” She tugged his balls.

“Why?” He growled it out.

“Because I said so.” Those bright blue eyes flashed green,
challenging him.

He pushed a little, flattening on top of her, letting her
feel his weight. “I don’t take orders.”

“I don’t either. I’m not fucking pack.” Her body rippled
underneath him, the scent of her arousal was similar to a drug.

“You’re my pack, honey. You sure are.”

“I don’t need an alpha male around.” She pushed up, mouth
taking his.

No, she didn’t need one at all. She needed someone she could
push, someone who could always be her safe place to land. Brett would happily
do that for her and he would take this kind of need and hunger every day.

And she would be his queen, his lady, the woman who would
make him whole.

He rolled against her, hard again so fast it left him

“You feel so good.” She spread, slick pussy lips sliding
against his shaft.

“So do you, baby.” She really wasn’t a honey anymore.

“We’re going to go again?”

“Hell, yes. You ready to ride?”

Wendy arched up underneath him and his dick slipped right
in, making his eyes cross. She was a perfect fit. You read about shit like
that, and God knew, Brett had been through his share of partners, but this was
like nothing else, ever. So keeping her.

He balanced himself on one elbow, his fingers wanting to
feel her nipples, her belly, more. Wendy’s skin was drying off, giving him a
whole different kind of friction. He’d have to remember that, from the bath to
the bed, how it was fun to explore different atmospheres.

Her belly tightened and he felt it all around his cock. The
squeeze made him growl and she rumbled back, deep and challenging. So hot. Such
a strong lady.

Not that she was going to keep him from taking what he

In fact, she was moving on him, riding him into the mud. Her
whole body looked flushed, her skin warm to the touch. Her body held him
perfectly and he thrust in, driving harder, faster.

Brett had thought he was going to last longer this time but
now he wasn’t so sure.

“Touch me.” Her teeth were on his shoulder, moving toward
his throat.

It took a long moment to unclench his hands from her hips,
but he did it. He touched her everywhere he could reach.

Fuck, her skin was soft—supple, silky—he wanted to lick
every inch. He started with her chin, because it was right there, tilted up for

She made this amazing sound, her nails digging in. “Yes.”

He grinned, that feral joy welling up in him again. He
nipped, not hard, and moved down to the base of her throat.

“Oh. I. Not my throat.”

“No?” He would change her mind. He nuzzled again, letting
his tongue drag along the sweet skin and he felt her pleasure ripple around his
cock. She loved that. Hell, she was a natural. A natural and his and he was
going to make her happy and safe if it killed him.

Brett grinned, thinking how it would be a great way to go.

He moved down, lips on her collarbone, and he let his teeth
scrape along her skin. She arched under him, her hand pushing between them to
touch herself.

Oh God. That was like porn. Like really good porn, which
there wasn’t any of, except in his fantasies.

He raised up enough to watch, the sight of her fingers
moving, that flat belly and her amazing, heavy breasts bouncing the most
perfect thing ever. His body responded to her on a level that went deeper than
the physical.

“Please. More.” Oh. Oh hell yes.

He gave her more, touching her, his hand slipping down to
cover hers. He guided her fingers, giving her more friction.

“Yes. Just like that.” Her cries filled the air and his bed
was going to smell of her, of them. He could wallow in that later, but for now
he concentrated on pleasure for both of them.

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