Alpha Unleashed (16 page)

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Authors: Aileen Erin

BOOK: Alpha Unleashed
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I wasn't sure how he managed to surprise me… But he had. He took my breath away. I couldn't even think. Instead of trying to find words that would never say enough, I opened my side of the bond as wide as I could, letting him see exactly how I felt about him.

One of us moved, and suddenly I was kissing him. My fingers in his soft curls. My legs wrapped around his waist. I couldn't get close enough. I growled as he tugged on my lip. Fire licked through my body and he pulled away, resting his forehead against mine. There were no more questions in my mind. As our breath mingled, I knew what I wanted.

“Not one second more.” He panted the words.

I grinned so big my cheeks hurt. “Not one second more.”

No matter what happened, we'd be together. We had some big obstacles in our way, but in that moment, I didn't care. All I wanted was to be with Dastien.

Chapter Fifteen

We decided to meet in the clearing where the pack meetings were held. That way, there'd be no overlap with my vision. Just because this was happening, didn't mean that anything else would.

Dastien talked to Lucas while I changed and caught my breath, but we decided it was going to be just us. I was too paranoid that someone would barge in again. The last Full Moon Ceremony hadn't gone as planned. Not even close.

Instead of the white dress—which I was sure I didn't own—I put on a pair of jeans and a blue Helio Sequence T-shirt. Dastien had been wearing a similar one the first time we saw each other. It seemed fitting for today. Although anything was better than the Weres' white ceremonial robes.

According to Lucas, all we had to do was make a promise—an oath laced with magic—and bind it with our blood. The bond would click into place. Just like that.

It seemed so easy—so different from the ceremony of last time—but I didn't need all that. I didn't want any of it. If there was one thing I hated, it was being center of attention. Especially these days.

Dastien wanted time to set up something at the pack site, but I was ready and antsy as I paced my room.

Are you ready yet?
I asked through the bond. Waiting around was driving me slowly insane.

Go ahead and come. I should be done by the time you get here.

What are you doing?
He'd been at it for over an hour.

You'll see. And no peeking through the bond!

I laughed quietly to myself as I headed out of the dorm. I wanted to be annoyed, but I totally wasn't. It was really nice that he was going through all this trouble. Although as much as I appreciated the thought, he didn't have to worry. No matter how it happened, it was going to be special.

Butterflies filled my stomach as I walked across campus and made my way into the forest. I passed a few Cazadores and some classmates along the way, but I didn't really see them. If they said hello, I didn't hear them. I was focused on where I was going. This was it.

I smelled the fire first. The cedar gave a spice to the air that I loved. I breathed it in deep as I wove through the trees. The sun would be setting soon, but for now, the sunlight cut through the leaves.

When I got to the pack circle, Dastien stood in front of the fire. A thick blue blanket was spread under his bare feet. A picnic basket sat to the side of the blanket, and more blankets and pillows were piled on top. He wore his usual worn-in jeans—thankfully not the khakis from the vision—and the exact same T-shirt as me.

I laughed. “We're the biggest dorks ever.”

He actually blushed a little as he grinned at me. I'd coordinate outfits all the time just to get that look on his face. “I guess we're already in sync.”

That was true. So what would it be like when we were bonded? How much closer could we really get?

He reached out to me, and I took his hand, kicking off my shoes before moving onto the blanket. He sat, and I did the same.

How did we start? There was no dearly beloved here. No priest. No minister.



We laughed as we talked over each other. I could feel his nerves through the bond, and that made me relax a little more. It was a big deal. This was a big deal. But as I stared into his eyes, my nerves turned into excitement.

“Before we do this, I wanted to say that I love you.” Dastien squeezed my hand. “I know we're young, and this probably seems crazy to you, but I feel like I've been waiting for this for forever. I was nervous before, but now I'm just excited.”

“Me too.”

“I don't want you to be afraid of this because of the vision. If I thought bonding would make that future happen, then we wouldn't be doing this. I promise. This will only help us.”

“I hope so, but right now—” I let go of all my worries and focused on him. Only him. “I just want to be with you and forget everything else.”

He grinned. “Me too.” He reached behind him and pulled something out of the basket. “Lucas told me the words he used to bond with Claudia, but first…” He held a knife out to me. “I know you didn't like the idea of biting me. Instead, we can cut ourselves and mix our blood.”

This just kept getting weirder. Although I had to admit, making a little cut on my hand would be easier than biting him. The idea of hurting him—even for a good cause—turned my stomach a little. “So we'd be like blood brothers?”

Those stupid dimples dented his cheeks as he laughed. “Kind of. What would you rather?”

“I'd rather not do either.” For real. What was the deal with all of the biting and cutting? Couldn't we just make the promises already?

“Tessa.” There was a hint of warning in his voice.

“But—if I must—I think I'll take the knife.”

He held the handle out for me. “We have to move fast once we make the cuts. It's not a supernatural wound. It'll heal quickly.”

“Right.” I blew out a breath as I took the knife from him. “Does it matter where I make the cut?”

“Lucas didn't say it mattered, but they used their hands.”

“Works for me.” I held the knife above my left palm, and paused. “Oh man. This is a real pain in my ass.”

Dastien gave me a fake growl. “I'll show you a pain in your ass.”

I gave him a wicked look. “Promises, promises.”

He laughed. “You're killing me. Just do it.”

“I think I need a countdown.”

“Like when you get a shot?” His eyes glittered in the firelight. “Just make cut, Tessa.”

Okay. I can do this. Just slice this super sharp knife over your palm.

I squealed, a very uncool, high-pitched noise as I ran the blade over my palm. A drop of blood dripped onto the blanket. I dropped the knife, but Dastien caught it. “Shit. That fucking hurts.” I closed my hand holding it against my heart. “Hurry up. I'm not doing that again.”

Dastien slid the knife along his hand like it was nothing.

“Show off.”

“Give me your hand.”

I reached out, and we joined our hands together.

Dastien's power hit me and I felt like I was drowning.

I gasped. “Oh God.” It was overwhelming. For a while, I'd thought I was more powerful than him. More alpha because my
blood gave me an advantage. But I was wrong. So fucking wrong. Dastien was powerful. He had so much more in him that I'd thought. How did he keep it tampered down?

“What's mine is your and yours is mine. From earth to air to fire to water. Moon and sun. I will be yours to the end of time.” Dastien's words rolled through me, and our bond flew open—wider than it had ever been before. All I could see was white as a vision flashed before my eyes.

A man that looked like Dastien, only older, stood before me. His father? I'd seen a picture before. It had to be.

He sat in a field, playing blocks with a little boy, maybe two or three years old. Dastien. He giggled and I laughed, too.

He was so adorable. He must have his parents wrapped around his little finger.

A castle loomed behind them. Bright white stone and a dark black roof with spires reaching up into the sky. Little square windows dotted the outside, almost too many to count.

As they played, a woman ran to them; her long, blonde hair flowed down her back like golden silk. She said something in French, and the boys laughed. When she started running back to the castle, the little boy jumped up with a squeal to chase her.

Another wave of Dastien's alpha power rolled through me, pulling me out of the vision. “Knowing what I have to offer, will you accept me and this bond?”

“Yes.” I managed to say the word before then another flash of white sucked me into a vision.

Dastien was a teenager. His hair was shorter, and his shoulders weren't as full.

He sat in the breakfast nook in Mr. Dawson's cabin. The kettle whistled and Mr. Dawson got up to fill two mugs.

“You have more power than any wolf that I know, but you're young. You have to learn to control it or you'll never be able to leave St. Ailbe's. I won't be able to allow it.”

Dastien threw his mug across the room, but Mr. Dawson didn't flinch.

“I'm trying, but I… What am I going to do? Who can be with me? I'm dangerous.”

His pain was so deep that it caused a stabbing ache in my heart.

“No.” Mr. Dawson leaned across the table. “You're not dangerous.”

“But Rupert said—”

“He's wrong, and he's jealous. There will be someone for you. A good match. But it won't be Imogene. She's trying to manipulate you.” He crossed his arms, giving Dastien a fierce stare down. “She's a waste of your time. There will be someone for you. She'll be your perfect match. You just have to wait here.”

“Wait here? But I'm graduating in two years and I have to decide if I'm bonding with Imogene—”

“No. You're not allowed. As your guardian, I don't approve the match.”

With that, Dastien's pain vanished. A slow smile broke out across his face. “You don't?”

“No. I'll get you a cabin. You stay on here and—”

Another wave of alpha power hit me, pulling me back to the present. “With these words the bond is complete. I share all my power with my mate.” Dastien's words held power. My soul ignited, and as the bond cemented, I saw so many things. Dastien's life passed before me. I knew him. Things he'd gone through. How he thought. Felt. All his hopes and dreams.

It was interesting and invasive and crazy. There was so much there that I hadn't been seeing before—that I didn't know about Dastien—and as the visions slowed, I realized how right Dastien was.

We were infinitely more powerful together than we were apart.

Beyond our bond, I felt the pack. The web of ties that linked us all together was much clearer than before. I could draw power from the bonds so much easier with the two of us tied together. Before, it'd been a reach. Now, the pack was just there.

For the first time in a long time, I felt like we could actually do this. We could win.

I blinked as my vision cleared. “Holy shit. That was intense.”

He pulled me into his lap. “What did you see?”

I ran my hand through his hair and the soft curls parted, turning into fluffy mess. “I saw a lot of things. You and your parents at a castle?”

Through the bond, I could feel his heart warming as he thought of it. “Not a castle. That's my house in France.”

House? Nope. “That's not a house. That's a fucking castle.”

He gave me one of his Gallic shrugs, but I knew he was laughing on the inside. He loved that castle. “Same thing in this case.”

That was nuts. People in Los Angeles had ridiculous estates, but that monstrosity of a ‘house' was bigger than anything I'd seen before. It was something out of a fairy tale. “Then you and Mr. Dawson were talking about you sticking around campus. Not bonding with Imogene. Yikes. I'd say you dodged a bullet with that one.”

Another shrug, but this one was filled with regret. “She wanted it to be, but it wasn't right. She'd make me so angry—push my buttons—and back then, I wasn't in control of myself. It was scary, for everyone else and for me, too. I didn't like who I was when I was with her.”

I poked his ribs. “Of course she wasn't right.” He laughed as I wanted, and the regret he was feeling melted away. “But I'm glad you're more in control. I mean, throwing that mug? Was that really necessary?”

“I told you it was hard for me before I met you. Before I had you to balance me out. I always had to keep such tight control on myself, and then you came and everything got mixed up again for a bit. And then it got better. So much better.”

“Yeah.” It was half word, half sigh. I didn't want anything to ruin this, but the vision of the church filled my thoughts.

“We're not going to let it happen, okay?”

I guessed he was in my head as much as I was in his. “Okay,” I said, even though I knew he couldn't promise that. Neither of us could.

He squeezed my hand. “We're a team.”

He'd said that before, but for the first time, it really was true. I was stronger with him. With this bond, I could feel his strength—all the alpha energy he was hiding from everyone pulsed against me—and that made me stronger. I had a partner in all this craziness, and I'd fight to keep him.

I pressed my lips against his, and surrendered.

As his tongue brushed against mine, I could feel his attraction to me, and that made me feel the same for him. The feeling snowballed until I was going crazy—needing to feel him. I ripped at his shirt, and the material parted.

He leaned back for a second. “I need you.”


He nodded, and his nose rubbed against mine with the movement. “Now.”

I didn't care that we were outside. That night had fallen. I needed him. Something told me that we were safe out here. That he wouldn't have brought me here if he wasn't sure of our safety or privacy.

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