Always You (34 page)

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Authors: Kirsty Moseley

BOOK: Always You
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I took my time making drinks and when I went back into the lounge they were just coming out of the bathroom still chatting animatedly. I watched them, they were all talking at the same time seeming to have no problem listening and talking at the same time. Wow I would love to be able to multitask like that! I couldn't help but smile when I saw how happy Riley was talking to them and showing them around proudly. She missed her mom, she missed Brian too but she refused to admit it. She plopped herself down at my side and I wrapped my arm around her.

"So you have a game tonight Clay, we're not going to make you late right?" Sarah asked looking at her watch.

I shook my head, "No, you guys are fine, I don't have to leave until six." I said eyeing the clock to see it was only just after half past four.

Sarah grinned and settled back with her coffee. "This place is adorable, and you two look so happy." she cooed.

Riley grinned at me making my heart beat a little faster. "We are happy mom." she confirmed squeezing my hand tightly. "It wasn't a mistake. I know you two probably think we're too young but I promise we're not." she said shaking her head fiercely.

"It's a little weird to think that my son's married and that I have a daughter in law, but you two were made for each other. Everyone could see it, it was only a matter of time." my mom said shaking her head looking amused.

Sarah laughed and nodded in confirmation. "Love doesn't have an age." she shrugged.

I smiled, damn that's a nice thing to say! I love that.

"So this place is so sweet, and you've settled in nicely I see." my mom said grinning at us sitting on the sofa together.

"Yeah, we're pretty much unpacked now. We're going to be painting tomorrow if you want to come and help." Riley suggested excitedly.

"I'd love to come and help, do you think I could bring your dad Clay? I know he'd want to help too." my mom asked looking at me hopefully.

I frowned, no freaking way, that was too soon. I opened my mouth to say no when Riley squeezed my hand. I looked at her, she was looking at me pleadingly. She didn't like the idea of me not seeing my father and thinks I should let it go for my mom's sake. She had asked how I could forgive Brian for hitting me when all my dad did was slap her once, but it was different. It didn't matter about me, but if someone hurt Riley that was a different thing all together.

Riley was killing me, she knew I didn't want to see him so why is she looking at me like that? I know she's just trying to help and doesn't want me to lose my family but it would be so hard being in the room with him.

"Please Clay, for your mom." she whispered, absentmindedly twirling my wedding ring around my finger as she held my hand.

I guess I could let it go for my mom, I sighed and nodded. "Fine bring him but if he says even one thing that I don't like he's out of here." I said sternly.

My mom grinned at me happily, I rolled my eyes and looked at Riley. "You know that's the right thing to do." she whispered squeezing my hand reassuringly.

"I know." I mumbled grudgingly.

After another few minutes Riley and our mom's all went to cook some dinner, I rested my head back on the sofa and listened to her laughing in there with them. She sounded so happy that it made my heart ache slightly, I loved to make that girl happy. I flicked on the TV watching sports until Riley plopped herself on my lap making me jump.

"Scared ya." she teased laughing.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around her, "Yep little wife you did." I rolled my eyes playfully.

She grinned, "You know I'm still not used to that at all."

"Being called my wife?" I asked brushing her hair behind her ear as I kissed her cheek.

"Yeah, it's going to take a little while."

"Well then it's a good thing I want to be married to you for a little while." I teased making her laugh.

"Just a little while? I've got news for you buster, you're stuck with me now." she slapped my shoulder lightly as I pulled her closer looking right into her seemingly bottomless blue eyes. 

"I'm pretty sure I can cope with that Riley bear." I pressed my lips to hers as someone cleared their throat jokingly. I sighed and pulled away looking up at our mom's watching us from the doorway, both of them giving us the
'that's so cute'

"Food's ready." Sarah said grinning happily.

"Awesome." I laughed and helped Riley off of my lap following her into the kitchen and sitting down at the island so we could eat off of the counter top, we didn't have a table or dining room.

Riley's POV

I sat on the bleachers with Rachel and Reece, Clay was standing in front of me protectively as he scanned the crowd for Blake. He had taken it one step further today, I wasn't sitting by the entrance of the locker rooms like last week. I was actually sitting behind the coaches bench so that he could keep an eye on me while Clay was playing.

"Ok I don't think he's here, if you see him or anything then you go straight to Coach Bradley ok? And if it's during a break then you come to the locker room to find me." he said bending to look at me sternly.

"Yes dad." I joked.

He grinned and shook his head, "It's not a joke Riley bear, I'm worried about you."

I wrapped my arms around his neck, "I know you are I'm just trying to lighten your mood. I promise to go straight to the coach or come to find you in the locker room if he comes near me or calls me again." I said crossing my heart.

He smiled but still looked tense. "Ok good. Love you Mrs. Preston." he kissed the tip of my nose and moved back scanning the crowd again quickly before he turned and ran off towards the middle of the field with the rest of the team who were warming up.

As he got a little way away I wolf whistled loudly, when he turned back to me I looked at Rachel pretending to be annoyed. "Rachel! That's my husband you're whistling at!" I said faking anger, making both her and Clay laugh.

"Wow your boy's overprotective." Rachel said shaking her head smiling.

"I know, I swear he's going to give himself a heart attack if he keeps this up." I frowned watching as he was jumping on the spot swinging his arms around getting ready to play.

Damn he looked so hot in that uniform. How on earth did I never realize how freaking hot Clay was before I went on that holiday? I always knew he was gorgeous but I never once looked at him lustfully, I could always see the attraction he held for other girls, but he was never that boy with me. He was always just my best friend and one person I knew I could rely on more than any other. Funny how that evolved over that month away, I was so grateful for that holiday but part of me couldn't help but wish I'd looked at him like that before. We wasted so much time being friends when the whole time I had the perfect boy right in front of me and I just couldn't see him.

The game went without a hitch, we won which I was happy about but I hated to watch him play. I'd never tell him but I would literally rather be anywhere than here watching him get smashed to the floor and jumped on, he even got trodden on a couple of times. How the hell he enjoyed playing this I have no idea.

After the game he jogged over to me, "Hey, did your man do good or what?" he asked smirking at me cockily.

I laughed and nodded, "Yeah your game didn't stink as much today." I teased.

He smiled and kissed me lightly, I noticed he was being careful not to touch me as he was covered in mud and sweat and I was dressed ready to go out. "So I'm gonna go shower, are you gonna come and wait in the coaches office for me?" he asked looking at me hopefully.

I turned my nose up, "How about I go with Rachel and Reece to the restaurant?" I suggested hopefully.

Instead of going straight to the party tonight a bunch of Clay's friends and mine were heading out for dinner, kind of a celebration for our wedding which would also now be mingled in with celebrating winning the game.

Clay looked at me a little pained, "Ok I guess, but stay with Reece."

"I will baby and stop stressing." I went up on tip toes and pressed my lips to his. When I pulled away I grinned, "Go shower baby, you smell bad." I teased, he actually smelt incredible, sweaty and dirty definitely suited Clay for some reason.

He laughed and slapped my ass before turning to Reece, "Watch her for me ok?" he asked pleadingly.

"Sure Clay, don't worry." Reece patted his shoulder reassuringly.

I watched his ass as he ran off towards the lockers then followed Rachel and Reece to his car in the parking lot. I sat in the back and smiled as Rachel fiddled with the stereo finding the Black eyed pea's and turning it up full blast making Reece roll his eyes as both of us girls sung the song, badly I might add.

When we pulled up at the restaurant Reece shook his head, "Well thank God we're not going somewhere further away, I don't think I could had stood anymore of your singing." he turned his nose up.

I laughed and got out linking my arm through Rachel's, "Oh you love my singing and don't pretend you don't." she teased linking her free arm through his and pulling him to the door laughing.

We got a table for eleven and sat at the back fooling around until the rest of the guys all turned up, it was actually everyone that went to Vegas and it was nice to see everyone all together again. It really was like some sort of wedding party or something. Andy came too as Clay wanted to try and bring him out of his shell a little and make him fit in with the team more, he always was thoughtful.

Tom slid into the seat next to mine quickly and smirked at Clay who frowned and went to sit on the other side of the table. "Oh poor baby's put out he doesn't get to sit next to his wife." Tom joked throwing a breadstick at Clay.

"Whatever, you're just jealous because I get to take her home." Clay waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Tom laughed, "Well at least someone's getting some tonight." he muttered looking at Rachel slyly from the corner of his eye.

I elbowed her in the ribs smiling, Tom liked her Clay had told me, but he'd made me promise not to interfere. I was desperate to tell her and play matchmaker because she liked him too but I don't think she was ready for a full time boyfriend. Tom was so adorable and I really liked him, I would love it if they got together properly.

We were all laughing and behaving like children while we waited for our food to come, the boys all teasing each other about mistakes they'd made in the game tonight, even Andy was joining in which was nice. The team all accepted him, they were a good bunch of guys really.

"Tom's looking hot tonight." I whispered to Rachel. It was killing me not to interfere but I'd promised Clay. This wasn't really interfering though right? Just giving her a little nudge in the right direction.

She looked at him, he was sitting there laughing hysterically at something one of the boys had said. At the exact moment she looked at him he choked on his drink where he was laughing and almost spat it everywhere, coke dribbling down his chin. Wow smooth Tom I'm here trying to help you out and you can't just keep yourself in check for a minute or two! I laughed as Andy slapped him on the back laughing.

"So attractive." she laughed shaking her head grinning.

"You know you fancy him right now even with the drool." I teased.

She rolled her eyes, "You know I went out with him last night? It was actually really fun, I had a really great time and we didn't have sex so that wasn't what made it good. Usually I base a date on how the night ended but that's the first time I've really enjoyed a date even though we didn't get past first base." she blushed a little and looked at him again.

I grinned, "He's a really nice guy. Maybe you should give him a chance. Did he ask you out again?" I asked mentally crossing my fingers.

"Yeah he asked me to go out with him tomorrow night." She bit her lip looking at him thoughtfully.

"And what did you say?" I asked hope bubbling up inside me.

"I told him I'd think about it. I don't want to get tied down to one guy. I did that before and when he cheated on me it hurt so much I swore to never let another guy have that power over me again. That's why I just use guys to get what I want." she said frowning slightly.

"But what if he didn't hurt you? You can't go through life scared to take a chance." I said honestly. I glanced at Clay, ok I was bordering on interfering now and was in slight danger of breaking my promise.

"Yeah maybe you're right." she nodded biting her lip looking at Tom again, he looked at her at the same time and smiled his cute dimpled smile. She would be really crazy not to give him a chance, I kind of wanted to shake her and grab them both and lock them in a room together and not let them out until they'd talked. She should just tell him what she just told me and then he could reassure her that he really liked her.

I sighed and pushed myself up from the seat as they started flirting with each other from each of my sides so I was caught in the middle. I smiled at Clay as I went to walk past him to the bathroom. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down onto his lap wrapping his arms around me.

"Hey Riley bear, where are you sneaking off to?" he teased running his hands down my back making me shiver slightly.

I looked into his green eyes and smiled, "I was just going to the bathroom, want to come with me just in case I need help buttoning up my jeans?" I asked flirtily.

He grinned and nodded, "Hell yeah I do, just in case you need help of course." he joked nodding slowly. He leant in close to my ear, "You go first and I'll be there in a couple of minutes." he breathed nibbling on my earlobe making me giggle.

I smiled and kissed him before pushing myself up from his lap, I practically skipped out the back towards the bathrooms. I waited round the corner out of sight for him to follow me when the coast was clear. I could barely breathe I was so excited, the thought of making love to Clay in a public place was actually a real turn on, the risk of getting caught making it seem even better somehow.

I heard him approaching and I giggled, damn I hoped we didn't get caught! He walked round the corner and my heart stopped.

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