Amanda Scott

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Copyright © 2007 by Lynne Scott-Drennan

Excerpt from
King of Storms
copyright © 2007 by Lynne Scott-Drennan All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

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First eBook Edition: February 2007

ISBN: 978-0-446-55130-4


Other Books by Amanda Scott


Author’s Note


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20


About the Author

Preview of
King of Storms

The Dish



“Excellently written, well researched, and entertaining … A fascinating story.”



—Romantic Times BOOKclub Magazine

“Scott has a flair for convincing characterization.”

—Publishers Weekly

“Exhilarating … fabulous … action-packed … Fans of fast-paced historical tales starring an intrepid heroine and a courageous champion will want to read Amanda Scott’s latest.”

—Midwest Book Review

“Exciting … so good.”


“Amanda Scott is a phenomenal writer … I am not sure if perfection can be improved upon, but that is exactly what she has done in her latest offering.”



“Ms. Scott’s diverse, marvelous, unforgettable characters in this intricate plot provide hours of pure pleasure.”


“Scott pits her strong characters against one another and fate. She delves into their motivations, bringing insight into them and the thrilling era in which they live, and proving herself a true mistress of the Scottish romance.”

—Romantic Times BOOKclub Magazine

“Amanda Scott writes great tales [set] during this turbulent time in Scotland history.”


“A fine fourteenth-century romance … fans will appreciate this tale of marriage starring the wrong bride.”


“This historical romance gives us a wonderful look at the country and its people. An enjoyable read.”


“A good book … a readable story with a well-done plot.”


“The author has found an interesting new variation on the arranged marriage theme … There’s plenty of politics and history woven into the narrative, giving it extra depth.”


“Ms. Scott’s storytelling is amazing and she has created a captivating tale of intrigue. She had me riveted to my chair throughout the book … This is a definite keeper.”


“Has all of the elements that I like in a book … It is a fast-paced and smooth read, and put a smile on my face more than once while I was reading.”



“Fast-moving, exciting, and soaring to heights of excellence, this one is a winner.”


“Delightful historical starring two fabulously intelligent lead characters … Grips the audience from the onset and never lets go.”

—Affair de Coeur

“Perfect for readers who enjoy romances with a rich sense of history.”


“A fabulous medieval Scottish romance.”

—Midwest Book Review

“A marvelously rendered portrait of medieval Scotland, terrific characters, and a dynamic story.”

—Romantic Times BOOKclub Magazine

“Great mix of romance, adventure, humor, courage, and passion—a very captivating read. One can almost hear the bagpipes playing … a MUST read.”


“A wonderful history of the Scottish isles that carries through with its promises to the very end.”


“Powerful … so exciting! Wonderful! Loved it.”


“Irresistible! … Passion, danger, and even a murder mystery are intertwined to create constant intrigue.”


“As usual, the author has created a very believable set of characters, a vivid setting, and a wonderful love story.”


ooks by






















To Nancy & Charles Williams for countless reasons and with great affection

Author’s Note

For those among you who make studies of British titles and like to understand them, please note that Sir Robert of Lestalric, although a baron and entitled to be addressed by lesser folk as “my lord” or “Lord Lestalric, ” would commonly (in the fourteenth century) have been addressed by his peers as either Sir Robert or Lestalric and referred to as such or as Sir Robert of Lestalric, or as Sir Robert Logan of Lestalric.

The key is that in the fourteenth century Sir Robert’s status as a knight was what set him apart from his fellow noblemen (i.e., landowners, primarily barons). Eventually, as protocols evolved over centuries, a baron Lestalric would commonly be known as Lord Lestalric or “my lord” and informally addressed by his peers as Lestalric.


Two Miles Northeast of Edinburgh, March 1371

hope ye’ve gained wisdom in your four years away, lad,” Sir Ian Logan, second Baron Lestalric, said sternly to his younger son.

Sir Ian stood before the huge fireplace in Lestalric Castle’s great hall, his silk-shod feet planted well apart, his thick arms folded across his chest. A rich crimson velvet doublet, silken hose, and gold jewelry proclaimed his wealth, just as the frown on his face revealed his doubt that his hope had been fulfilled.

Standing on the nearby dais, his heir, William, was a fair copy of his sire with the same proud posture and substantial, richly attired body. He, too, scowled at the third party in the chamber as he said, “We hope ye’ve found at least enough wisdom to tell us the damnable secret ye’ve kept to yourself since ye left here, Robbie.”

“Whether ye’ve the wisdom or no, ye’ll tell us, and straightaway,” the baron snapped. “I command ye.”

The baron’s younger son, Sir Robert, halfway into his eighteenth year, was six feet tall and extremely fit, for he had just returned home after earning his spurs on the field of battle. His temper stirred at being confronted so, but equal dismay aided him in suppressing it. He had arrived at Lestalric two hours before, hoping to succeed at last in marrying the love of his life and knowing he needed his father’s aid to do so. But he could not obey Sir Ian’s command.

All three men were dark-haired, hazel-eyed, and bore a strong family likeness, although Rob’s height was greater, his shoulders broader, and his hips slimmer than those of the other two. Only a few feet of the rush-strewn floor divided the three, but four years and dozens of similar confrontations before stood between them as well.

Rob, in travel-stained breeks and muddy boots, never having learned to communicate well with the other two, felt as if they were miles apart. Absently, he rubbed the plain gold ring on his left little finger as he tried to think what to say.

“Well?” Sir Ian demanded. “I ha’ asked ye a plain question. Any
man o’ this family would answer it straightaway.”

Again his temper stirred, but Rob said with forced calm, “You know I am loyal, my lord, so you must like-wise know by my silence that I cannot answer you.”

“I told you so, Father,” Will said. “He was nobbut thirteen when he went away, and the taunts he hurled at me then meant nowt. Why would our grandfather ha’ revealed aught to him that he did not tell you or me? Grand-father said himself that he’d told Rob nowt of any import.”

“Be silent, Will,” Sir Ian ordered without looking away from Rob. “Did ye no hear me say earlier, lad, that the Steward will soon be crowned King o’ Scots?”

“I heard you,” Rob said. “I don’t know what that has to do with me, although I expect we’ll all be attending his coronation at Scone Abbey.”

“And ye ha’ nowt to say that could add to the splendor o’ that occasion?”

“No, sir. What could I possibly know about the King’s crowning?”

“Will ye tell me your grandfather passed no useful information to ye?”

“He passed a great deal of useful information to me,” Rob acknowledged. “However, he talked mostly of the old days here at Lestalric and of hiding in caves and playing tricks on English invaders, raiding their supplies and such. Sakes, he must have told you all those same tales, and Will, too.”

Rob looked at his older brother, who was still glowering, and said, “I do apologize for my taunts that day, Will. But you’d made me angry, and well do you know it. In any event, Grandfather told you those same tales, did he not?”

“Aye, but ye ken fine we’re no talking o’ pranks to annoy the damned English. They ha’ kept out o’ Scotland now for nigh forty years, since those days he spoke of, except for a brief foray twenty years back when our lot nearly captured their third King Edward. What o’ family secrets, though? What d’ye ken o’ them?”

Rob shook his head. “I’d expect family secrets, if we had any, to have gone to our father as heir to the title, and thence to you. Surely, no one would confide such to me. Recall, too, that our grandfather died two months after he sent me to Dunclathy.”

“So he said nowt to you o’ his father and uncle wha’ were friends wi’ the Bruce,” the baron said. “Nor o’ things the two o’ them might ha’ done for the man?”

Rob frowned. “I know that my great-grandfather, Sir Robert Logan, whose name I bear, and his brother Sir Walter, whose name our grandfather bore, were with the Bruce at Bannockburn. I know, too, that they both went with the good Sir James Douglas and Sir William Sinclair after the Bruce died, to carry his heart to the Holy Land as he had asked them to do.”

“Aye, sure, for that be why our crest bears a heart proper on it like that o’ the Douglas,” Sir Ian said. “But what else d’ye ken o’ them?”

“I know that on the way, our two kinsmen were killed in Spain with Sir James and Sinclair, and that Sir William Keith and other survivors brought their bodies and the Bruce’s heart home again. What I do not know is how any of that can have aught to do with what you have asked of me.”

Sir Ian’s eyes narrowed, and he stared intently into Rob’s eyes, but Rob had been withstanding even sterner looks for four years. He met it easily.

“So ye ken nowt,” Sir Ian said with a heavy sigh. “ ’Tis a pity, because I’d hoped to advance ye. I’m told ye’ve been looking to wed the lady Ellen Douglas. Sakes, I’m told ye dared to talk wi’ her about it a year ago, when ye spent a day wi’ the Douglas at Tantallon but didna visit your own father nobbut a few miles away.”

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